
Chapter 712: Ming Jing asked about the heart lamp

"Wait a minute - if this is Fu Henghua's demonic nature, then what is the night sky in the sky?"

Just as Dong Moyang finished asking the question, he suddenly woke up, walked out of the library quickly, and looked up at the sky.

The dark night clashed with the bright moon, but never once could it gain the upper hand.

"Dongfang Yunqi? She also has demonic nature?"

"Everyone in the world has demonic nature, how can the Lord of Dongfang City be an exception?" Shan Lingqing followed him out, followed by other monks.

"What's more, the 'moon' itself has the concept of 'reflecting'. People in the world praise the bright moon, and many have euphemistic names such as ice mirror, jade wheel, cold soul, silver plate, and toad mirror. The moon is originally a reflection of all living beings. After Dongfang Yunqi entered the demonic realm, her demonic nature quickly exploded - the night sky in the sky is her demonic nature!"

Dongfang Yunqi’s demonic nature?
Fu Tongjun, Sun Xuan and others were stunned for a while.

Cang Lanzi smiled bitterly: "Dongfang Yunqi, who usually looks gentle and graceful, actually has such a demonic nature? This...it seems that her demonic nature is stronger than Fu Henghua's?"

The dark night sky was filled with undercurrents.The crazy and evil nature is shocking.

"That's not necessarily true. Fu Henghua's library should have been manifested on purpose by himself, pretending to be Taoist to deceive Youxuan - no, Youxuan's mastery of the demonic realm can't tell the truth from the fake. Should it be his bad taste? After all, he He said that he wants us all to see his demonic nature. Now the demonic nature is naked in front of us, but we short-sighted people can't see through it. This only shows his methods even more!"

Use my demonic nature to protect the immortal cultivators, and use my demonic nature to enlighten you to enlightenment.

What arrogance, what conceit.

Simply using demonic nature to suppress all cultivators and guide and suppress all cultivating minds can no longer reflect the grandeur of its demonic nature.

Only by using demons to save immortals and save a group of immortal monks can the horror of one's own demonic nature be more clearly demonstrated.

Hengshou and Xiaoyu looked at each other: Don't tell me, this is really what the young master is capable of, killing people and killing people!

Why did the two Tribulation Immortals from Donglai come here?

Aren't you just worried that Fu Henghua will become a demon?
Why is Fu Yaozhen cautious and cautious every day, staring at the future and observing?
Aren't you just worried that Fu Henghua will become a demon?
After being watched like a thief all day long, could Fu Henghua feel at ease?

Using his demonic nature to conquer the immortals is Fu Henghua's resistance and declaration.

A group of people who were rescued by my demonic nature are also dictating to me?

As people around him, Hengshou and Xiaoyu could naturally understand Fu Henghua's thoughts.

"Compared to back then, the Master's 'Magic Mountain' seems to be higher."

After Cang Lanzi understood the cause and effect, he remained silent for a long time.

Fu Henghua's demonic nature alone can frighten a group of demon spirits and enlighten them to enlightenment.

Can such a demonic nature really be suppressed by just a few of them?
After everyone listened to Shan Lingqing's explanation, Zhang Qing suddenly asked: "So, are the words of my fellow disciples deceived by Fu Henghua's demonic nature?"

"My little friend must have heard that revelation, right?"

Zhang Qing nodded silently.

He heard it, but after seeing the fate of several of his fellow disciples, he consciously did not reveal it.

Zhang Qing planned to wait silently for Fu Xuanxing and others to be away before trying again in front of the mirror.

Looking at it now, I was lucky enough to hold it back.

"No, it's not Fu Henghua's demonic nature that confuses us, but his demonic nature that guides us."

Shan Lingqing said in a deep voice: "Only by contemplating the devil's nature can one understand one's true self and escape from the dark and mysterious realm. Everyone, follow me -"

He turned around and entered the hall again. The others looked at each other and quickly followed.

Standing in front of the Fu Henghua stone statue, Shan Lingqing stretched out his hand to pick off the black veil.

Cang Lanzi wanted to stop him, but he still held back.

He believed that as a Tribulation Immortal, Shan Lingqing would be able to escape smoothly even if he saw his own demon spirit.

After taking off the black gauze, Shan Lingqing quietly looked at herself in the mirror.

Another slightly gloomy self.

He also looked straight at himself.

Shan Lingqing murmured: "Looking in the mirror is indeed to arouse our own demonic nature. And in the library, after we arouse our demonic nature, we will not be pulled into the illusion of heavenly demons, and no demons will come to intrude - because - Fu Henghua's demonic nature is suppressed here."

Under that terrifying pressure, no demonic spirit dared to approach easily.

Only here can the "opportunity" given by Fu Henghua be fulfilled.

"In the mirror, there is my demon. Outside the mirror, who am I?"

The torture of "who am I" again?

Cang Lanzi wanted to speak, but Shan Lingqing disappeared from the library with a spiritual aura all over his body.


He hurried forward and saw "Shan Lingqing" struggling and wailing in the mirror.But this is just Shan Lingqing's demonic nature, and he himself has not entered the devil's illusion.

"Observe demons and cut thoughts, only my Tao nature!"

Cang Lanzi also realized it at this moment.

"Fu Henghua said that he wanted to reflect his own demonic nature for the world to see. But he still had one sentence he didn't say clearly. The devil is one foot high, and the Tao is one foot high. While reflecting the demonic nature, everything except the demonic nature is the Tao. sex."

If we say that demonic nature is a demonic obstacle that disrupts one's own enlightenment.Then the nature of Tao is the foundation of one's own enlightenment.

Where is the moral nature?
At ease in your heart.

Borrow the library and the magic mirror to see the demonic nature and demonic spirit, and seal them in the mirror.Then the remaining self is the Tao body.What you hold on to yourself is the Tao nature.

What Fu Henghua left to everyone is not only an escape from disaster, but also an opportunity to achieve enlightenment!

Seeing herself in the mirror, Cang Lanzi smiled slightly.

In a daze, he saw the "demon spirit itself" in the mirror gradually fade away.Instead, there was a child kneeling in front of the cave asking for advice on magic.

That was me when I first entered Taoism.

Later, he saw himself in the mirror when he practiced the "Transformation Technique" for the first time, saw himself when he practiced sword fighting for the first time, saw himself when he was building a foundation...

Qi refining, foundation building, true fire, mysterious embryo, elixir formation, infant transformation, Tianshou, true spirit...

In the mirror, Cang Lanzi saw the path of cultivation he had traveled.

And at the end, a light appears in the mirror.

Light is the nature of Tao!
It is the root of Tao that Henghua releases and reflects for himself.

Fu Henghua's methods are really high.

I have to admit that this young man, who is less than one-tenth of his age, has a better grasp of Tao than I, the Tribulation Immortal who has been practicing for thousands of years.

Reaching out to fish it out, Cang Lanzi actually picked out the "heart lamp" from the mirror, and then took a step forward.

"Everyone, I'll go first."

After that, the whole person disappeared from the library.

The remaining people stared with big eyes.

"Shall I try first?"

"Wait a minute, let's study it some more."

"I'll come first."

Sun Falcon took the lead in walking to the mirror.

He saw a ferocious black magic eagle.

The red eagle eyes stared at him.

The permeating murderous intent made Sun Xuan stunned.

But then, he felt that the spiritual platform was clear, as if all distracting thoughts had been swept away.

"This mirror reflects the devilish nature and actually cuts off all my distracting thoughts!"

Although he did not directly understand the original Tao nature like Cang Lanzi.But Sun Falcon also cut off his "demon body" and suddenly disappeared from the library.

"Where are they going? Back to the human world? But aren't we here to conquer the demons?"

Everyone was puzzled and did not dare to step forward easily.

boom -

There were explosions and roars in the air, and everyone looked up at the night sky.

The moonlight was bright and colorful, and Dongfang Yunqi's figure became clearer and clearer.

"The moon is the king of the night. The long night is not as eternal as the lunar moon."

The flowing darkness was gradually swallowed up by the moonlight, until all the demonic nature in the sky converged into Dongfang Yunqi's body.

She descended from the air and scanned the layout of Langhuan Library and the stone statue holding a precious mirror.

Dongfang Yunqi was a little disdainful: "You all want to choose the path of slaying demons? It should be noted that demons are born from the heart and are originally one thought. To slay the thought externally and have two minds fighting is not as good as one mind being together."

Fu Liuhui looked at Dongfang Yunqi and seemed to have some realization: "Sister, do you think we should absorb the demonic nature into ourselves and make it a part of ourselves?"

"The moon waxes and wanes. The so-called demon of the moon is just another lunar eclipse. The moon travels across the heavens and rotates through the four seasons. How can it shine forever?"

This reflects the great difference between Fu Henghua and Dongfang Yunqi.

Fu Henghua believes that Tao turns into devil.

Dao Demon is the positive and negative sides that depend on each other.

This concept is also related to its early influence from Taixuan Taoism.

Cutting the demonic nature out of the body and forming the demonic incarnation can help to realize the great truth.

In his early years, he beheaded Wukong Spirit God, which was the way to go.

As long as you withdraw it when you break through, you can slash it out again after uniting and returning to your heart.

But Dongfang Yunqi has been studying the Taoism of Yusheng Pavilion and Xianzao Palace since she was a child.She and Taixuan Taoism are incompatible with each other.The demons she recognized were heretics and should not exist.

Cut out a demon?
Bored or not?
The heretics should be subdued, the demonic nature should be one with the Taoist nature, and the Taoist demons should be one. This is my heart.

The two little saints ruled the world in Nanzhou and jointly ran Xuanyuan City.But at this moment, the differences between them were finally revealed to the world.

As if provoked by Dongfang Yunqi, the library shook frequently and sounds continued to echo.

"The reverse of Tao is the devil, the positive and negative are like mirrors, they depend on each other."

Dongfang Yunqi immediately responded: "The heart of the Tao is a pearl, one of which is indispensable. How can the incomplete circle be the Tao?"

She stretched out her hand and pointed, and the bright moon in the sky hung down, forming a path to the sky.

Dongfang Yunqi said to everyone: "You can follow me to understand the Tao, use the radiance of Taiyin to subdue external demons, and sharpen your Taoist heart."

Okay, here comes the spoiler.

Everyone finally understood that Fu Henghua deliberately left his demonic nature here to give everyone a clear way out of the demonic calamity.

After Dongfang Yunqi entered Xuanyuan City, she was attacked by Young Master Youxuan and was forced to reflect her own demonic nature.But she was a blessing in disguise, surrendering the demonic heaven to herself and understanding another way to escape from the disaster.

Now that the two of them are arguing, they are trying to pull people to follow their own path.

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