
Chapter 716: The boundless sea of ​​​​dao spreads across the divine continent

"I'm sorry, the position of the Demon Emperor is mine. As for you - your arrangements outside the Demon Realm can be hidden from others, can you still hide them from me?"

The black tide surged, and the eight-sided Emperor Demon flag was planted in the water.

The true method of heavenly demon·Jiuyin seizes the truth.

The true method of heaven and demon, the turbid wisdom refines the heart.

The true magic of heavenly demons, he transforms into mysterious light.


Countless magic lights burst out in the black water, and thousands of heavenly demons' true magic unfolded at the same time.Every black wave that hits the magic mountain is a powerful spell from Young Master Youxuan.


Mr. Xuanyuan stood on the top of the mountain with his hands behind his back.

Those waves and spells approached the magic mountain and were completely suppressed by the magic contained in the mountain.

"Your Demonic Sea is nothing more than that. Now that you know my arrangements outside, you still dare to use this method. It's ridiculous-"


"Well...better than me, stronger than Chi Ling - but probably not as good as Pu He."

The magic mountain dominates the world, and the shadow of fear and panic spreads in everyone's heart.

The imperial concubine sat high up, feeling the overbearing demonic nature sweeping through the entire world of desire.

Without me, all living beings would be like ants!
The kind of indifference that overlooks all living things makes people think of the "way of heaven" from above.

"Haha - give up on yourself and don't drag me along." Next to the throne where the stars gathered, another throne appeared.

The Scarlet Ling Demon Emperor adjusted his mentality and assumed the posture of a bystander.

"Isn't it true? The devilish nature of you and me is, in the final analysis, personal emotions. And this one is born with arrogance due to his own talent. Isn't it very similar to Pu He's 'divine nature'?"

Puhe is not a human race, but a god born from the Puhe River flowing in the Mid-Continent.

He is He Bo, the master of the water veins in the mid-continent, a being who naturally stands on the natural side of heaven and earth.

However, Pushui Hebo was eroded by the demonic nature of Nanzhou and was demonized by the Nine Earth Demon Gods, turning into the same kind as the Nine Earth Demon Gods.It was also him who had dedicated himself to sacrificing souls for all these kalpas in order to enhance his status in front of the great figures of the Nine Lands.

If the Scarlet Ling Demon Emperor’s retreat lies in the Ten Thousand Demons Continent, the Xingluo Demon Emperor has the backing of his disciples from the Immortal Way.Then the Puhe Demon Emperor's retreat is the Nine Lands.He only has the Nine Demon Gods to rely on.

Therefore, he is the true and final enemy of immortality.

"Pu He... after all, he is just a river, but this one - I really can't imagine how he, an immortal, can have such powerful demonic nature - even a true disciple of Ten Thousand Demons Continent like You Xuan can't compare."

When the Scarlet Ling Demon Emperor was living happily in Ten Thousand Demons Continent, he also met many Heavenly Demon cultivators.But no one has the devilish nature as tyrannical as Fu Henghua.


"That's right, that's right."

Shu Tianci suddenly realized it and said to Zhao Ziming: "He used his demonic nature to smash down the Heavenly Sword back then!"

Under the law of heaven, all living beings are ants.

"He relies on this arrogance and conceit to elevate himself to the same status as the sky - a saint who is equal to the sky."

Zhao Ziming, Duan Xun and others next to him were speechless.

"With his demonic nature, why are you so excited? Using your pride and arrogance to override the Heavenly Sword is the most annoying behavior of our teacher."


Fu Yaozhen looked at Fu Henghua's magic mountain and remained silent for a long time.

Compared with the demonic nature that once broke out on Fire Gate Island, it seems to be stronger.

Suddenly, she felt someone holding her hand.

Looking at Qiu Danyu, she turned pale and asked in a low voice: "Are you sure he is fine?"

The sweat on his palms showed the fear in Qiu Danyu's heart.

Although she came with Dongfang Yunqi and others, she actually didn't care too much about the Taboos of the Tribulation Immortals.

Fu Henghua is possessed?
How deep is one's moral nature, how can one easily fall into the devil's trap?

But now Fu Henghua used the magic mirror to reveal his own demonic nature, which frightened her directly.

That elder from the Xuanwei Sect is far inferior!

Looking at the Donglai Demon Path, who is as demonic as Fu Henghua?
Just relying on his demonic nature, Fu Henghua can become the "Xuanming Demon Emperor".

"Don't worry, it's no problem. In the future I've observed, he won't become obsessed just because of this little trouble at the moment."

Fu Yaozhen smiled: "My efforts over the years have not been in vain."

How could Fu Henghua be possessed by a demon without betrayal and separation?

In Nanzhou, Fu Yaozhen had already solved several turning points where Fu Henghua rebelled against his relatives.

First of all, the Scarlet Ling Demon Emperor had almost no contact with Fu Henghua.Her reincarnation was not rescued by Fu Henghua and did not follow her to Xuanyuan City.

Secondly, he was not trapped by the Great Demon Lord Burning Heaven.As early as many years ago, Fu Yaozhen tried every means to hold back the Great Demon Lord Fentian, which resulted in him only being released in recent years.Before the Everlasting Screaming Fish dies, the demonic nature of Fu Henghua will not overwhelm the Taoist heart.

Finally, there was an insignificant little Taoist boy named Sun Dongyang.

In the original destiny, this little Taoist boy would be abducted by the Great Demon Lord Yuan Shan.Later, he was rescued by Fu Henghua at a certain point in time, and was then allowed to glimpse part of the manuscripts of the Great Demon Lord Yuanshan, and understood the "Beijingguan Hundred Consciousness Method".This is a heretical technique of picking the heads of monks and using the wisdom of all living beings to build an "Innate Spirit Awareness Tower".

"In my prediction, this step is particularly important. If Henghua tried to collect people's heads in this way and use other people's wisdom to deduce the 'Ten Thousand Golden Pills', he would go astray. But fortunately, he did not do it. Instead, it is like this So, let Young Master Youxuan do it. If my brother doesn’t get involved in this cause and effect, he won’t be contaminated by demonic nature and will be tabooed by senior Canglanzi.”

As long as there was no plot to attack Cang Lanzi, he would not be besieged by the Donglai Tribulation Immortals.

"So, Wuyou?"

"Worry-free. In the future that I foresee, with the help of Young Master Youxuan, Henghua will overcome the last difficulty of the Bogu Ten Thousand Dao Golden Pill, and the path is complete."

She looked happily at Fu Henghua on the magic mountain.

When Fu Henghua completed the Ancient Golden Pill and became a rare top holy embryo monk in the past, the Donglai Tribulation Immortals would no longer persecute him.Both sides will coexist peacefully.

At that time, Henghua would no longer be at the mercy of the devil.

Will it go so smoothly?

Looking at the Demonic Mountain, Qiu Danyu was very suspicious.

"Just watch, Henghua's next methods will surprise you even more."

A spiritual light appeared in Fu Yaozhen's eyes, looking through the vast clouds and mists, observing the ensuing battle.


Bang Dong——Bang Dong——

The beating sound of the heart ranged from weak to loud. Everyone heard this strange heartbeat, and their own hearts were pulled by it and fell into the strange melody.

"Everyone, be careful, this is the devil's trick. Youxuan is about to become a human!"

"Everyone, attack with all your strength——"

The eight sons of Chiyuan, Bu Xuan, Defeng, Song Yuan, Shan Lingqing, etc. all appeared on the stage. The eight calamity immortals of the second calamity took full action. Immortal mountains and immortal light burst out in their palms. Their tyrannical momentum collided with each other, shaking the entire six desires. boundary.

The demon disciples of Youxuan Demon Palace were killed by the eight Tribulation Immortals after just one encounter.

"Chiyuan's heritage." Cang Lanzi sighed softly, pulled out the water jade sword, and started fighting with the eight Tribulation Immortals.

"Hmph - it's just eight true spiritual realms." Meng Chen muttered and turned into a thunderbolt and rushed into the battlefield.


Hundreds of thunderbolts turned into sky nets and quickly enveloped Jiuyin Xuanjun and Helianjin.

"Reverse Tai Chi!" The two Demon Lords panicked and quickly used the yin and yang combined skills taught by You Xuan, barely escaping from Meng Chen's hands.

The reversed Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram slowly rotated, quickly absorbing the power of Skynet's thunder.Immediately afterwards, a black thunderbolt swept towards Meng Chen.


With a flick of his finger, Meng Chen eliminated the power that was enough to severely damage Tianshou Tribulation Immortal.

"Interesting, the way you two join forces is quite interesting. The combination of yin and yang? It's very similar to Taixuan Taoism."

"What Taixuan Dao method? This is the true inheritance of the demon from Ten Thousand Demons Continent." After Helianjin roared, he immediately manifested the true form of the Nine-Armed Demon God.His whole body was wrapped in flames, and countless black smoke surged directly towards Meng Chen.

Jiuyin Xuanjun cursed secretly, but Helian Jin, as a guardian partner, must not let anything happen. He had to step forward to help and bravely fight against a strong man in the true spirit realm...

The two Demon Emperors looked down from the air and frowned.

Although the two of them had found a way out, they were quite dissatisfied when they saw the decline of the demonic path.

"The Eight Sons of Chiyuan and the two Donglai Tribulation Immortals are the most troublesome."

In the past, there were seven demon kings supporting the field, and the demonic way relied on the advantage of large numbers of people to defeat Chiyuan.But now, the number of ordinary demon kings has dropped sharply, and the seven demon kings are dying to escape. The ordinary demon kings are just delivering food when they bump into these ten masters.

"If Youxuan only has this trick, I'm afraid he won't be able to wait until he becomes immortal."

"Don't worry, he has integrated the demonic nature of Nanzhou with his body. He is another 'big demon' no less than Puhe. Do you think he only has this ability? Just watch!"

The Youxuan demon disciples were slaughtered by the Tribulation Immortals in just three seconds.But the next moment, a purple mist surged into the Six Desire Realm, and they were resurrected again.

"Hahaha - it's useless -" Helianjin pressed the fallen head back on, "This is your demon world. Here, we are immortal."

"Sir, please give me your strength." Hong Xu bowed to Heilian respectfully.A lotus leaf fell and slowly flew into his hand.

Halfway through, Master Jiuyu planned to stop him.But he was shocked by the demonic energy attached to the lotus leaves.

"Senior brother, it's not good. This child's magic power is too strong. If it really succeeds - uncle, why don't you take action?"

Immortal Huo stood on top of Chiyue with a very strange look on his face.

"I can't do it. I foresee that if I do it, you will all die."

He can't speak.

But he felt that if he ended up, he would be the only one alive in Chiyuan.

The true immortal's spiritual sense observes the future, and he is convinced that his perception is not misled by the other party's magic.

But the other party really has the means to massacre Chiyuan's whole family.

Why?Where did he get the means?

Hong Xu held the lotus leaves and felt the blood boiling all over his body.

A crow appeared behind him, with a blood lotus on its head.

At this moment, his magic power broke through the limit and directly obtained the power of the Demon King.

"This is impossible!"

Fang Dongyuan, who was fighting with him, turned around and left without saying a word.

It wasn't that he was afraid of the demon king's power, but that the aura of the blood lotus on Hong Xu's head was too familiar.

The power of the mysterious.

The ancestor of the blood demon.

"The power of the Youxuan Demon Emperor?"

One after another sounds sounded on the battlefield.

"I feel it. This is the essence of the Demon Emperor's power." The rich blood energy wrapped around Hong Xu's body. He waved his hand, and the powerful and violent air wave blew away the real person Wang He who was not far away.

Possessed by the Demon Emperor?

Without thinking, Bu Xuan and Song Yuan worked together to block Hong Xu's next attack.

Huo Xianren's eyes were cold and he stared straight at Hei Lian.

He understood that Yuxuan's real method was to refine his demonic nature.

He can revive the ancient demonic nature that fell silent in Nanzhou one by one!

This is the real catastrophe of the devil! "

Dark wind, black water, flames...

When all kinds of demonic whirlpools appeared around the Black Lotus, Huo Xian felt so cold that he almost cast a spell to sweep away all the disciples and immediately escaped from Nanyan Fuzhou.

Demon Emperor Jianyuan, Demon Emperor Juyu, Demon Emperor Longyin...

In the 4th year of Nanzhou, a demon emperor was born. All their demonic nature was stripped away by Young Master Youxuan and manifested at this moment.


We must resurrect these ancient demon emperors and come back to the world!

Is this guy crazy?
Just borrowing the power of Youxuan Demon Emperor can be said to be the inheritance of the throne.

Now that you have awakened the demonic nature of all Demon Emperors, what are you planning to do?
Aren't you afraid that these demon emperors will kill you first?

"Stop him and we will never let these demon emperors come back!"

Huo Xianren was the first to take action.

The dharma image of Yueshen transformed from Zhangshan in the previous generation followed closely behind.

The two Demon Emperors Xing Luo and Chi Ling also panicked.

They saw that in the demonic vortex of the demon emperors, there were two other partners of the Puhe Demon Emperor before they came to power.

Even Puhe Demon Emperor couldn't sit still. During the final adjustment of the Nine-faced Machine God, he handed the sword to Yuanshan Demon Lord.

"Go, help them, and send back all these people who shouldn't come back!"

Yuan Shan was stunned: "Including His Majesty Jianyuan?"

The voice in the machine god paused for a moment, and then said sternly: "No one can come back! They are controlled by Youxuan, no one can stay!"

If Young Master Youxuan pulls out a group of ancient demon emperors to fight with him, he may not be able to win even if he is an organic god puppet.


Devil Emperor?

Immediately afterwards, Pu He threw out another "immortal-killing magic bead".

"Not a single one of those true immortals will be left behind!"

Pu He has confidence in the true immortals of Nanzhou.

The demonic nature of the Donglai True Immortals is rare and weak, and they may not be able to manifest "demon shadows".But the demonic nature of the true immortals in Nanzhou, one by one, can seriously compete for the Demon Emperor!
Dongfang Yunqi used the Wu Hook to repel the two masters. Seeing Young Master Youxuan's strange moves, she couldn't hold back any longer.

She quickly went to Xiaoyu and said, "What's going on?"

Xiaoyu and Xiaoyu looked confused and shook their heads at the same time.

This is definitely not in the script.

According to the direction of the script, Fu Henghua himself should come in person, have an exhibition match in front of the world, and beat Young Master Youxuan to death.

Could it be that... it's out of control?

The three of them thought of this possibility at the same time and quickly looked at "Mr. Xuanyuan" on the magic mountain.

"Which spirit of your young master is that on the top of the mountain?"


"Maybe it's wood?"


The Great Demon Lord of Yuanshan was ordered by the Demon Emperor of Puhe to leave the Demon Cave and go straight to the Six Desire Realm.

But before he entered the black tide covering the earth, he was stopped.

"Wait a minute, those two things are left behind, you can retreat quickly."


Just as Yuan Shan was about to reveal his true form to fight, he suddenly saw an extremely gorgeous and mysterious ocean of light in front of him.

There was a person standing on the ocean, smiling at him.

dong dong -- dong dong --

His heart was pulled by it, and his demon realm was torn apart by Dao Yun. The Great Demon Lord of Yuanshan opened his mouth wide, looking at Fu Henghua's sudden appearance and the ocean at his feet.

Floating on the black tide, covering the entire Divine Continent.

And the nature of this sea...

"The principle of the Heavenly Demonic Mirror is to reflect the demonic nature. Apart from the demonic nature, everything is the Taoist nature." The young man smiled slightly and waved to the Great Demon Lord Yuan Shan, "Since my demonic nature can be turned into a mountain, where is my Taoist nature?" ?”

Demonic nature is as powerful as a mountain, and it shakes the world.

The nature of Tao is like the sea, and it has no distance.

Quickly throwing out the Demon Emperor's sword and beads, the Great Demon Lord Yuanshan turned around and left: "Farewell!"


Sensing that the demon emperors might return, the immortal monks frantically slaughtered the demon cultivators.

But this time, the disciples of the Demon Palace who were constantly resurrected suddenly stopped resurrecting.

"Huh? Why didn't they come out of the resurrection point?"

"Why can't Liuyu Tian be resurrected?"

Seeing the decrease in the number of heavenly beings, the morale of the immortal side was boosted and they started working harder.But the demonic side was extremely frightened, and their original support disappeared.Even though the Demon Emperors may win, my life is my own!

The demons dispersed and fled in the direction of Black Lotus.

After Zhong Lihan killed a demon, he suddenly looked up at the sky.

"Strange, the sky seems to be brighter than before."

The brilliance dispelled the haze of the Six Desire Realm little by little until it completely obscured the entire sky of the Demonic Realm.

The flood tide of Daohai echoes in the sky.

Every wave, every tide, is the evolution of Tao.

"Since Your Excellency Shaojun knows my arrangement, I don't have to hide it. After going all out, I finally made the preparations on my side before Your Excellency Shaojun emerges. Everyone, I have covered it with Dao The three continents envelop the black tide of demonic nature, trapping all the demon cultivators in the Six Desires, Heaven and Demon Realm. In this current battle, please go all out to determine the fate of the immortals and demons for the next 500 years."

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