
Chapter 719: After the oriole there is a hunter

Suddenly there was an eagle's call in the sky, and the pitch-black eagle aimed at the pocket below, fished it out, and fled as fast as possible with thirteen magic swords.

Sure enough!

Everyone present showed a look of understanding.

It was unusual for Fu Henghua not to react when he destroyed the magic sword.

"Everyone is in your place."

Everyone quickly dispersed and set up a nine-layer encirclement.

Zhong Lihan and Long Daoren are responsible for the innermost encirclement.

Taoist Long's heavenly clothes are embroidered with a dark golden divine dragon.This is his incarnation of the Tribulation Immortal. He relies on the immortal weapon every day, refining and cultivating each other's minds.With a soft roar, his Tribulation Immortal magic power exploded, and the divine dragon rushed into the sea of ​​clouds. The layers of clouds surged like waves, blocking the Eagle's path.

Immediately afterwards, sword light shone in the sky.The Wanchuan Guiliu Sword pierced the eagle's claws, and violent winds and rain appeared in the sea of ​​clouds, immediately disintegrating the paper sculpture into thousands of pieces.

At this time, everyone saw a five-color aura at the core of the eagle.

The chirping started again, and thousands of fragments transformed into thousands of flying eagles.While resisting the attack, he covered the escape of his companions under the "black cloud".

The second layer of encirclement consists of Zhang Xiyue, Li Ruxin and others.Seeing the "bird cloud" gathering eagles rushing over, they fought with all their strength.

But the eagle eagles dexterously changed one by one and easily passed through the encirclement of the women.

Cang Lanzi, Meng Chen, and Yu Danqing stood on the outermost floor.

Looking at the flexible eagles, Cang Lanzi said solemnly: "There are so many distractions, Fu Henghua is doing it himself."

"It doesn't matter. Children are immature, just give them a beating." Meng Chen smiled and said to Dan Qing, "You have returned to your true self, but do you want to go meet him for a while?"

Kill the demon body and observe the Tao nature.

Yu Danqing gained a lot in the sixth attack on the city.He observes his own Tao nature, returns to his original appearance, has retrieved the Tao fruits of his previous life, and restored the realm of Tribulation Immortal.

All that is left now is to overcome the tribulation.

"Let's take action together. In terms of immortal energy, he is stronger than me."

Yu Danqing could clearly see that the driving source energy of the eagle was a divine energy of creation.In terms of quality, it is slightly better than the Wanxiang Immortal Qi that I refined.He wasn't sure he could stop Fu Henghua alone.

Meng Chen said speechlessly: "Who asked you to use a Taoist technique to intercept him? Go all out! Do you think we can defeat him with a Taoist technique driven by the same amount of immortal energy? No, we are currently in the true spiritual realm, maybe we can really Can?"

"Okay, why are you talking so much nonsense?" Cang Lanzi said impatiently, "Hurry up and take action. This evil thing will be destroyed early to avoid trouble."

The three Tribulation Immortals stood in three directions, forming a triangle.Silently accumulating energy to activate the immortal energy, forming a sealing barrier to seal Yunkong.

But at this moment, a black light shot from outside.Before the three-man siege was completed, he directly invaded the fifth-layer siege and rescued the Eagle Eagle from the sword rain of Fu Xuanxing, Yu Xiaolei and others.


Seeing that the barrier set up by the three of them was contaminated by demonic energy, Yu Danqing became wary.

"It's Yuanshan."

Cang Lanzi was the first to react.Thousands of water beasts emerged from the waves of water, facing the evil energy in the air.

boom -

The thunder from the sky turned into a sword, and Meng Chen backhand struck the "Five Thunder Sword Intentions" into the void, forcing the Great Demon Lord Yuan Shan from his hiding place.

"Old devil! How dare you come to Xuanyuan City to cause trouble if you don't hide and survive?"

Worried that Yu Danqing could not stop his demonic power, Meng Chen took the initiative to stand in front of him.

Yu Danqing took the opportunity to turn back inward to capture the "devil energy" thrown in by the Great Demon Lord Yuanshan.

The demonic energy broke into the sword net, shattered the heavy rain of swords, and completely enveloped the Eagle Eagle and the Demonic Sword.

Yu Danqing followed closely and trapped the "demon energy", but it turned out to be a strange machine beast.

It is shaped like a yellow sac, red like red fire, with six legs and four wings, and its entire body is faceless.

"Divine Beast Emperor Jiang?"

A Dharma puppet in the form of Emperor Jiang?
Yu Danqing secretly thought something was wrong, so he hurriedly offered sacrifices to Emperor Xiang and Fa Xiang.At this time, the Demon God Dijiang turned into a ball of fire and came straight to Danqing.

There was a big hole in the palm of Emperor Xiang's hand, and the entire body of Emperor Xiang's puppet was in pieces, and the divine consciousness inside wrapped around the broken body and fled to the west.

But before they left the boundary of Xuanyuan City, they saw Fairy Yuluan riding a swan bird to intercept him and throw out the jade bottle in his hand.

Suddenly, a cold wave suddenly rose, and the remains of the Dijiang River were sealed in the sky by ice and snow.

"Haha - you couldn't have imagined that our methods against Fu Henghua were stepped on by you." Meng Chen and Cang Lanzi worked together to block the Great Demon Lord of Yuanshan and sneered.

Fu Tongjun knew Fu Henghua very well and guessed that the nine-layer encirclement net might not work.She specially discussed it with the three Tribulation Immortals, and contacted Dongfang Yunqi to make arrangements.Dongfang Yunqi personally took a drop of fairy blood, knocked down three snowflakes from the fairy vase, and made a special "ice seal".

Although he didn't catch Fu Henghua's trap, he still gained a lot by catching the puppet of the Great Demon Lord Yuan Shan.


In the library, Fu Henghua felt something. He looked at Dongfang Yunqi, who was immersed in studying shooting marbles, and couldn't help but ask: "Are you so relieved? Are there any other back-ups?"

"It's a good game, do you insist on involving these things?"

The girl raised her head and glanced out the window.

Half of the sky was covered by ice and snow, and the round dharma image was sealed in the sky, motionless.

"You and I both know that this set of evil things still has some great uses. As long as it doesn't belong to Donglai in the end, I can pretend not to see it."

boom -

The ice sky cracked, and a more powerful demonic energy appeared in Dijiang Faxiang, which forcibly rescued Faxiang and the Great Demon Lord not far away.

"Haha - everyone, you have so much work - but how can a semi-holy being who has not been sanctified compare to His Majesty?"

Darkness covered Xuanyuan City, and a hand held up Yuanshan and took it back to the Demon Cave.

"Now, is it what you want?"

The girl threw the beads into the crater.Bang - this jade bead successfully destroyed one of Fu Henghua's spells.

"The Nine-faced Machine God has become a master, and now he is given a valuable treasure. Are you sure you can deal with him?"

"He has the Nine-faced Machine God, and Immortal Huo also has the Dharma Appearance of the Yue God. They are just between the two."

Henghua didn't take it seriously and continued to study bead opera.


The lava flows in the Demon Cave and the smell is pungent.

The Great Demon King of Yuanshan landed and respectfully thanked the figure in the magma.

"Thank you, no need."

Thirteen demon blades were wrapped in black smoke, and they came to look at them.

"They're all acquaintances!"

Puhe Demon Emperor sighed.These thirteen magic swords are used to control the demonic nature of the thirteen demon emperors and true immortals, which is quite extraordinary.

The demonic shadow activated the demonic swords, and thirteen twisted demonic shadows floated around in confusion.

The Great Demon Lord Yuan Shan looked at these demonic figures with greed that was difficult to hide in his eyes.

His seizure of the demon sword was not authorized by the Demon Emperor.But he knew that the Demon Emperor was tampering with his own Emperor Jiang puppet.When he couldn't grab the magic sword, he really planned to use the power of Puhe Demon Emperor to grab it.

I just didn't expect that before he activated it, Demon Emperor Puhe had already impatiently activated his back hand and brought him and the demon sword back together.

The Demon Emperor chuckled in a low voice: "By seizing the Demon Sword, do you plan to use the wisdom of the 13 of them to deduce your next demonic path?"


"Forget it, I'll give you a chance."

Yuan Shan was shocked, but without any joy, he asked cautiously: "What does Your Majesty plan to do?"

This demon emperor is selfish, will he be kind enough to help him?

Orbs, bows and arrows and other magical weapons and magic treasures flew out from the bottom of the magma.

Sky-shattering orb, sky-shattering demon bow, Ruyi double sword...

These are the treasures left by the Ancient Demon Emperor and True Immortal of Nanzhou!
At this moment, Yuan Shan realized how rich the Puhe Demon Emperor's family was.

One or two of the emperor's treasures and immortal weapons are enough for other true immortal and demon emperors, but here in Puhe, they actually took out ten of them at once!

"It's a pity that we still can't make up the numbers."

After the demonic shadow whispered, the demonic power instantly enveloped the Great Demon Lord Yuanshan.

"His Majesty--"

The demon king was a little panicked, he felt the malice contained in the demonic power.

"Don't worry, I will help you unify the Thirteen Demonic Swords. You can use these demonic shadows to perfect your own demonic ways."

"Your Majesty, don't bother. After you unify Nanzhou, it's enough for me to borrow it for one day."

"Then how can I live up to your hard work? I can't complete it without your help."

The demonic power turned into a dark liquid, gradually filling the surrounding area of ​​Yuanshan.

"Your Majesty, I am out of danger... Please spare my life for the sake of me helping you complete the Machine God!"

"Yes, you have escaped disaster. But now, I want to refine the Heavenly Demon Treasure again, and I need a sacrifice. Looking at the world, there is no more suitable sacrifice than you -"

A pair of steel arms protruded from the magma.

While the black water enveloped the Great Demon Lord, all thirteen magic swords and ten imperial treasures were pinched into it.

Holding the black water ball tightly with both hands, he used all his strength to smelt the demon soldier, the demonic shadow, and the great demon into one body.

"In order for the Nine-faced Machine God to exert its strongest combat power, Yuan Shan, please contribute all your strength. You are a meritorious servant of this Machine God. I believe you are also willing to make him an unrivaled and supreme demon god, right? "

Laughter echoed in the magma, and the Great Demon Lord's begging for mercy and screams were all drowned out by the joyful laughter.


Three thousand miles away, there is an underground demon cave near Zuo Continent.

The dry spring suddenly spurted out purple liquid, and a stream of spiritual consciousness slowly lingered in the spring.

"Damn it, I knew this old devil was unreliable!"

The Yuanshan branch spirit cursed.

After escaping from the disaster, he was recruited by the Puhe Demon Emperor to do hard labor, and he prevented him from crossing the river and demolishing the bridge.

But he never expected that the other party would be so vicious.He used many imperial treasures and immortal weapons to recast the demon sword, and he also sacrificed his own demon lord origin to speed up the recovery of the power of the "Thirteen Demonic Shadows".

"After using my origin to sacrifice, the thirteen demon shadow puppets should be able to restore some of the essence of the demon emperor and true immortal. At that time -"

"With the help of these demon shadows, they can be worth the help of two or three masters of the same level. Pu He should be fully confident against Huo Xianren." A young and hearty voice sounded not far away.

Yuan Shan was startled, and his consciousness quickly scanned all directions.

Soon, he saw a person on the throne in the center of the devil's cave who shouldn't be there.

Mr. Youxuan.

"How-how could you be here?"

Did the other party accidentally come to his secret lair when he was escaping to recuperate?
No, not right.

How can it be said that Youxuan is doing things by coincidence?
"You did it on purpose! You dropped those thirteen demon swords on purpose! Wait...are you including my sacrifice?"

"That's right. I deliberately threw the set of evil swords to Xuanyuan City, and I also guessed that the two city lords of Xuanyuan City would push the set of evil swords out. Please note that the demonic nature attached to the evil sword is the same as that of Nanzhou 4 years ago. Cause and effect are inseparable? All living beings are afraid of effects, and saints are afraid of causes. How could they not know the dangers of cause and effect? ​​Naturally, they need the prosthetic Puhe Demon Emperor to complete the birth of a most evil monster."

The young man stepped down from the seat and came to the spring step by step.

"At the same time, I also need to leave something behind to control this most evil sword."

"The thing that is restrained is my soul, the soul of the soul?"

The Great Demon Lord Yuanshan understood.

Youxuan had long guessed that Demon Emperor Puhe would sacrifice himself, and after his flesh and blood merged with the demon sword, his demon soul also had some strange reactions to the demon sword.

Pu He believed that killing himself would prevent him from seizing control.But he didn't know that he had left a "dispatch spirit" outside long ago.Yuxuan's purpose is to use his own spirit to make another artifact, thereby bypassing the Puhe Demon Emperor and seizing the magic sword.

"You should thank me. Pu He will not leave any flaws in the magic sword. He carefully searched every inch of the magic soil and destroyed the lairs where you once lurked one by one. All five of your demon souls have been destroyed by him. Only here. Yes, I deliberately concealed it. I used the demon soul of a demon king to disguise it and covered it up."

"But your purpose is also to refine me into a magic weapon."

"You are just the guardian sword servant of the 'Wanhua Demon Spirit Sword'. In terms of status, you are still above the 'Thirteen Sword Slaves Demon Shadow'."

The young man smiled and dipped his palm into the spring water.

No matter how terrifying the poison carried by the spring water is, and how hard the soul of the Demon Lord struggles, it cannot escape his control.

An hour later, a black-purple magic bead appeared in the young man's hand.

"In the near future, after I leave, I will ensure the continuation of the Nanzhou Heavenly Demon Dao. As a demon servant, I will give you the mission of guarding the Demon Dao. Until one day, when Xuanyuan City is destroyed, I will give you the freedom to die. .”

Wave his hand again, and thirteen grooves appear around the spring, corresponding to the thirteen magic swords.

"Don't worry, you can see the death of Pu He. After his death, the Thirteen Demonic Swords will be truly forged. You will guard the magic spring here and lead the souls to sacrifice the Demonic Sword here. When all the slaves of the Thirteen Demonic Swords are gone, Return to your position, and you may even find a chance for enlightenment.

"Do a good job, I'm optimistic about you."

The bottom line drawn by Dongfang Yunqi was that Fu Henghua was not allowed to bring the Demonic Sword back to Donglai.

Well, the same goes for my research in Nanzhou.

Thirteen sword slaves, where will they go in the end?
Fu Henghua is looking forward to this very much.

I have been busy writing the sequel to Nanzhou 1000 years later in the past two days, which is probably a complete short story.Chapter 1 will be posted in the next two days.

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