
Chapter 724: Creation of the True Immortal Voldemort: 1 words, free chapter

Chapter 724: The Creation of the True Immortal Voldemort, [-] words, free chapter
The lotus fragrance fills the city, and hazy light and shadow rise behind the lotus flowers.

At that moment, everyone suddenly realized: the white light that had just swept away the demon species in the city was actually a sleeve robe.

Heavenly clothes, fairy robes.

It was a pure white coat that covered the sky and the sun. Its sleeves stretched thousands of miles into the sky, floating slowly behind the lotus.

"Dharma puppet?"

Everyone's expressions became subtle.

They knew Fu Henghua's "Sheng Jun" operation. Make the faith and divine power of all living beings into a piece of clothing.

Wearing clothes and wearing a crown is the "born king", taking off the robe and taking off the crown is Henghua.

"Is this... is he using all the power of faith he has accumulated to explode in this moment?"

"No, I feel that there is more than just the 'Shengjun Divine Robe' in that power."

There seems to be a jewel in the center of the lotus, which is constantly sensing the universe, incorporating Nanyan's law under the shroud of heaven.

Nanyan Bogu's golden elixir of all kinds.

With this Dan Fei as the core, Fu Henghua is coercing the faith of countless sentient beings, and is trying a crazy move that neither the Tribulation Immortal nor the True Immortal would dare to do easily.

Be true to the Tao.

"Wait a minute - is he actually in Hedao?"

Huo Xianren's face was full of shock. The only Taoist he knew was Taixuan Taoist Saint.

"How old is he? He has just entered the holy way. He has to be in harmony with the way and be the spokesperson of Nanyan Fuzhou by integrating heaven and man?"

The energy of creation is flowing, and thousands of auspicious clouds are dancing around Xuanyuan City.

The cultivators clearly recognized the excitement of Nanzhou Law.

Under the guidance of the Great Dao of Creation, when the crisis of world destruction broke out, Nanzhou Tiandao completely stood on Fu Henghua's side and allowed him to be mobilized.

At this moment, Fu Henghua has reached the level that all true immortals dream of, and the entire China is my domain!
With the help of Shenzhou, Fu Henghua's Dao Dharma was perfected step by step.

The familiar Sanqing Tianguan and Daluotian...

Under the divine robe of Shengjun, 32 arms slowly stretched out, each holding up a fairyland.

"It's a pity that we couldn't find 32 immortal weapons, otherwise..."

The original image of Fu Henghua stands on the rosette of Yaotai, with his hands forming seals and performing the Dharma. The Dharma Prime behind him raised his four arms and waved lightly towards the Chiyue Fairy Mountain not far away.

Another white light swept across, and countless demon species immediately dissipated. The monks in Chiyue took off their demonic appearances and returned to their monk bodies.

You are about to go home, why are you still keeping the Six Desire Demon Seeds in Nanzhou?

Take it back, of course take it all back, clean up the scene and eliminate all evidence of crime.

The cold and ethereal fairy sound echoed between heaven and earth.

“This body is the incarnation of heaven, this body is the true sage of Tao.

"You Xuan, it is the law of heaven that evil cannot prevail against righteousness. You used evil tricks to harm all sentient beings. Now I will retaliate for you on behalf of Nanzhou Heavenly Dao."

The eight arms worked together to make a false call, the sky of Shenzhou roared, and a handful of purple lightning was firmly held in his hand.

The majestic and majestic power of heaven was contained in a bolt of lightning. When the eight arms were thrown together, they instantly came to the "Nine-faced Machine God" and stabbed the chest fiercely.

Fang Dongyuan and others remained silent, this method seemed familiar.

"Compared to dealing with the toad in Huangban Village that day, Sixth Brother's magical power is stronger."

With just this thunderbolt, the "Nine-faced Machine God" that Huo Xianren could not defeat was severely damaged immediately. Rays of white light emitted from the body, and large chunks of the iron skin on the surface of the body fell off.

Is it so strong?

The monks on Chiyue were all shocked.

"If you borrow the power of Nanzhou's Heavenly Dao, will it be so powerful?"

Many people silently looked towards the direction of Taiqing Peak, where a young child was lying by the window, looking at the "Daluo Shenxiang" soaring in the distance, his eyes full of admiration.

Perhaps, we can walk more to Taiqing Peak in the future? I heard that the city lord left a copy of the "Da Chi Tai Qing Shu" orthodoxy at Taiqing Peak after giving his sermon.

Seemingly intentionally or unintentionally, the "giant god" appeared for 33 days, and thousands of phantoms appeared in the world to praise him. There are some phantoms among them, which happen to be the faces of the Chiyuan Patriarchs.


One blow severely damaged the "Nine-faced Machine God", and except for a few insiders such as Yu Danqing and Dongfang Yunqi, Huo Xianren was all restrained.

They watched the white light become more and more intense, and then with a roar, the "Nine-faced Machine God" exploded.

click - click -

The machine god after the explosion is divided into 12 yuan.

The lower body, arms, neck and shoulders, torso, and nine scattered heads.

Huo Xianren murmured to himself: "It's so strong? But I feel that this attack is only at the level of a new true immortal. Is it impossible to penetrate the Nine-faced Machine God?"

No matter how the "Demon Soul Armor" penetrates, even if the "Heavenly Thunderbolt" explodes in the body, it can't be so measured and explode twelve components, right?
"Senior, you deal with the body, shoulders and arms. Dongfang, let me deal with the feet. The rest——"

Before he could finish speaking, one of the "Demon God's Heads" turned into an independent puppet machine god and slashed at Xuanyuan City with two swords.

Youxuan's angry voice resounded throughout the world: "Fu Henghua, go to hell——"

Dongfang Yunqi rolled her eyes, okay, okay, just deceive others, don't deceive yourself too.

Isn't she clear yet?

The so-called disintegration of the "Nine-faced Machine God" is the function of Fu Henghua's manipulation of the "Puppet Base", which decomposes the "Nine-faced Machine God" into twelve smaller gods. The power of each little machine god cannot be underestimated. This is Fu Henghua's final test for all immortal monks.

Lotus petals were flying, and the five-colored mist gathered in the sky above Xuanyuan City. He forced the "Happy Face Machine God" back with a backhand palm.

"It seems that your Excellency did not have time to seize sovereignty."

"Hmph - it's enough to drive the nine-faced heads - the nine aspects of the demon!"

click - click -

The eight heads flying in mid-air turned into "gods of machines" and flew over at the same time, surrounding Fu Henghua's projection.

After thirty-three catastrophes, the nine demon heads connected with each other to form an array of demons. Black energy continuously poured out, trying to eat away at and pollute the light and shadow inside.

The light and shadow wear the crown of Sanqing, and the divine robe of the Lord of Life ripples in the wind.

Just standing there makes all living beings feel boundless joy and boundless vitality.

The eroding demonic energy was disintegrated by the peaceful energy before it could get close.

"Forget it, let's play with you."

The fingers of light and shadow moved, and the twelve aurora towers on the west city wall automatically charged up. Twelve rays of white light flew towards him, condensing into twelve lightsabers.


Light swords intertwined, and various mysterious sword skills unfolded. Before the two machine gods "Sad Face" and "Angry Face" could attack, twelve lightsabers penetrated thousands of holes back and forth.

"I am one with heaven, and all the swordsmanship I use are heavenly swords."

The six flying swords danced like a dragon. As soon as Xiaomian launched his defense, he was entangled by the heavenly sword and forcibly knocked back to the "Demon Head" state...


In Beihai, several Tribulation Immortals stared blankly at Fu Henghua's swordsmanship.

After dozens of rounds, Master Youxuan was retreating steadily, and five masked machine gods had turned back.

"Fellow Taoist, judging from your swordsmanship, how do you compare to him?"

Mu Shansheng looked confused.

He could see that Fu Henghua's swordsmanship was exquisite and lived up to the reputation of his ancestors. But he believed that his swordsmanship was still superior to Fu Henghua's.


Why was he able to completely crush Young Master Youxuan, predict every step of Young Master Youxuan's attacks, and lay traps in advance with twelve lightsabers?

Even if I have been immersed in the art of swordsmanship for thousands of years, I cannot achieve this kind of calculation ability.

Mu Shansheng simply didn't understand how Fu Henghua could understand Young Master Youxuan so well and know how to predict his enemies.

Could it be that this is the secret of the combination of Heavenly Escape Sword Art, Wind Spirit Heavenly Sword, and Actuarial Sword Art?

Mu Shansheng closed his eyes and meditated, trying to simulate the battle with Young Master Youxuan in his mind.

The devil's magic is more cunning, especially the help of nine puppet gods, which makes the devil's magic unpredictable and invisible. Mu Shansheng asked himself, he couldn't be as relaxed as Fu Henghua.

“Have today’s young people reached this point?”

Not only Fu Henghua is strong, but Young Master Youxuan is also strong.

And - Dongfang Yunqi, who took action to restrain the machine god's lower body.


The moonlight was flowing, and the girl sat on the boat, quietly looking at the lower body of the machine god.

The Moon Queen's incarnation merges into the universe, and eighteen slender arms stretch out from the netherworld.

The earth surged with layers of mud waves, and the eighteen arms firmly grasped the feet of the Nine-faced Machine God.

The Great Mother Goddess of Infinity, the puppet of Dongfang Yunqi.

The entire nine-layered building is her body.

Now under her control, the lower body of the Nine-faced Machine God, which was already weak in mobility, completely lost its ability to resist, and was gradually pulled into the quagmire, falling towards the endless hell.

As for the shoulders, arms and body parts, they were surrendered by Huo Xianren himself.

Without the help of the Nine Faces, the eighteen arms wielding all kinds of magic weapons were ferocious, but they were far less than the power of Huo Xianren.

Soon, these two parts of the machine god were beaten to pieces by Huo Xianren. The eighteen arms are suppressed by the formation of 360 fairy mountains, and the shoulder armor and body are suppressed within the circle of 720 fairy mountains.

Immortal Huo waved the flag, and the fairy flames ignited in the demon body, refining the machine god bit by bit.

dong dong -- dong dong --

After a large piece of the iron shell was broken, the machine god's heart was exposed. Weird purple light kept flashing, and black energy bands quickly inserted into the upper shoulder and neck, forcibly joining the two places together.

Then, a head condensed by black water slowly came together.

"Huo Gui, I'm back again."

The flames continued to burn, and Demon Emperor Puhe noticed the ferocity of the flames, decisively broke away from the seal, and quickly moved closer to his lower body.

The swamp has reached past the knees, and the lower body of the machine has no power to resist.

Suddenly a red light flashed, the body, shoulders and neck parts returned, and the power of the machine god regrouped.

"Dongfang City Lord, lock your legs with all your strength. Leave the rest to me."

Seeing that 360 fairy mountains were crumbling, Immortal Huo took the first step to unlock the seal and returned the eighteen magic arms to the God of Machines. He also used the magic of the sky and the earth, and once again used the method of the God of the Mountain to fight against the "God of Machines".

At this moment, without the Meishen blessed by the Nine Heads, the combat strength is less than [-]%. In addition, the Puhe Demon Emperor's power was greatly damaged and he could no longer suppress Huo Xianren. Instead, he was at a disadvantage in the battle with Yue Shen.

But this weak disadvantage was not enough for Huo Xianren to win immediately.

He connected the fuselage too quickly.

Dongfang Yunqi stood on the shoulders of the "Infinite Mother Goddess" and thought to herself: Also, although the head condensed in the black water is the "Puhe Demon Emperor", is the person at this moment really him?

She knew very well that Young Master Youxuan was Fu Henghua.

Huo Xianren mistakenly thought that Fu Henghua was in harmony with the way of heaven because of his shallow immortal body. But Dongfang Yunqi knew that the holy body had been completed and the golden elixir had been obtained, plus the power of the Demon Emperor held by Young Master Youxuan.

Fu Henghua clearly combines truth with Tao with true immortal level power.

After he merged with the Tao, his combat power was no less than that of the Three Demon Emperors.

"From this point of view, the first thing he should do when he joins the Tao is not to expel the demon seeds, but -"

He first cooperated with Young Master Youxuan to train the Puhe Demon Emperor into a sword slave.

The girl quickly looked at the Demon Giant Sword.

Sure enough, strange magic patterns appeared on the giant sword, and Pu He's true name was engraved on it.

The Puhe Demon Emperor has become a sword slave.

"Be obedient and cooperate with me, otherwise I'll look good on you."

While pretending to be arrogant, Pu He listened to Young Master Youxuan's scolding, feeling helpless and furious in his heart. He could only pray silently that Fu Henghua could kill this devil kid as soon as possible.


Twelve lightsabers shuttled back and forth, the light and shadow were leisurely, and the nine demon heads were quickly fixed in the sky.

Even Young Master Youxuan's sky-swallowing gourd was snatched by him.

"Let's stop playing swordsmanship here, change--"

First, the gourd flew into the sky and turned into a huge furnace, and then the nine demon heads turned into nine giant balls of light. They were connected to each other in the shape of a cross and slowly rotated in the air.

Tiangang's great supernatural power mediates creation.

"I will use this devil's gourd as a furnace to smelt the devil's head into a five-colored sacred stone. I would like you all to go into the devil's realm and eradicate the devil's thoughts for me."

Within these nine demon heads, there is both the Puhe brand and the mysterious demonic meaning.

Although Fu Henghua can purify, he is obviously not willing to spend extra effort.

Time is limited with Dao Hezhen, and he must save his energy.

Bu Xuan, Meng Chen and others were the first to wake up and rushed into the Nine Demon Realm.

The Tribulation Immortals in Beihai received the message from Cang Lanzi and also smiled and said: "It's our turn to appear."

Sun Cheng used a roll of sleeves to transport everyone to the "gourd world" using the technique of movement.

"Everyone, should we go together or separately?"

"Let's separate."

Mu Shansheng did not hesitate and jumped directly into the magic ball with the word "laugh" written on it.

After Sun Cheng, Duan Sijing and others discussed it, they headed to the "Sad Side".

Chiyuan plus Donglai's reinforcements had more than [-] Tribulation Immortals. Each magic ball has four or five tribulation immortals, as well as monks such as Wang Yu and Zhong Lihan participating in the battle.

For a time, fairy lights intertwined in the sky, so gorgeous.

The light and shadow slowly dissipated, returning to the "giant god" behind Xuanyuan City.

Fu Henghua wiped the sweat from his forehead and carefully placed the "Celestial Crystal" condensed from the "Elixir of All Ancients" on his forehead. Then he concentrated on the secrets and used the Sky-Swallowing Demonic Gourd as a container to refine the five-color stone liquid.

Every time he pinches, corresponding seals will quickly appear on the 32 arms behind him.

A wisp of the vitality of the nine magic balls will be extracted and turned into a ball of five-color spiritual liquid inside the gourd.

It hurts so much, so tiring.

Using one's own body to control the gods of heretics is also a challenge for Fu Henghua.

Even if he operated and calculated the laws of heaven through the "external golden elixir" between his eyebrows, he still felt that his consciousness and mental strength were rapidly depleting.

On the contrary, his body can withstand the backlash caused by "He Dao".

This is the beauty of the Holy Eucharist.

Suddenly, Fu Henghua caught a glimpse of a stream of light flying toward the "Nine Demons Lianzhu" out of the corner of his eye.

He smiled slightly: "Interesting, she is here after all."

Sword Demon Lord Yue Jinghan.

She didn't like how Young Master Youxuan treated the common people, and she looked down upon the behavior of Demon Emperor Puhe. After the previous one left, he went to the East China Sea to avoid disaster. Now that the final battle is coming, she chooses to return after several hesitations.

The Demonic Way can win, but Nanzhou cannot be destroyed.

The existence of the Nine-faced Demon God is clearly to devour the world and achieve its own goals.

Therefore, Yue Jinghan chose to help Xuanyuan City.

Because she was not familiar with the cultivators, the "demon realm" she escaped into was the one where Yu Xiaolei and other sword cultivators were. With Yu Xiaolei and Yin Yulong here, the sword cultivators also recognized her identity.


On the water, Yue Jinghan confronted the sword cultivator in white.

Her expression was extremely solemn.

Although she has returned to her innate swordsmanship, she is confident that her swordsmanship is already No. 1 in Nanzhou today. But facing the sword master across from her, she still felt threatened.

This is a man whose swordsmanship is not inferior to his own!
Yu Xiaolei, Duan Xun, Zhao Ziming, Yin Yulong and others stood on one side waiting anxiously.

Suddenly, the water surface exploded with a roar.

Two sword lights moved at the same time.

Yu Xiaolei said anxiously: "The top priority at this moment is to deal with the monsters in Fang Mo territory. Don't-"

Two sword lights struck the bottom of the water at the same time.

In an instant, the lake was completely destroyed by the sword energy of the two men, exposing the evil monsters in the mud at the bottom of the lake.

It was a mud demon, a type of earth demon.

Not a true immortal, but better than a true immortal. It was formed from 4 years of dirty mud in Nanzhou.

"You found it too."

"Each each other."

It was rare to meet a sword cultivator at the same level as himself. Yue Jinghan nodded slightly and quickly swung his sword downwards...

Not to be outdone, Mu Shansheng also waved his sword below.

The sky is filled with green light, and countless vibrant green leaves are dancing around the mud, disintegrating the mud bit by bit.

Yue Jinghan looked at him with some doubts, Creation Dao Sword?

Quite Fu Henghua's style.

But Tianyang Sword Master said with a smile: "Swordsmanship is not just a weapon. It is also a medium for transforming the world and mastering all laws."

"A sword is a sword, a single thing."

Yue Jinghan drew his sword again, this time pointing directly at the core of the mud monster.

Cooperating with Mu Shansheng, the two of them worked together to kill the monster.

"Your sword skills are exquisite. I will hold a sword discussion conference in Donglai soon. Will you come?"

"I'm a demon cultivator."

"Your Excellency, the sword energy in your body is extremely pure and possesses innate mysteries. Could it be that you are an ordinary demon cultivator?"

Mu Shansheng glanced at Yu Xiaolei behind him.

He was thin-skinned and quite embarrassed.

Although Mu Shansheng didn't understand what happened, he could see that the swordsmanship of the man and the woman were quite similar.

As the head of Jianxianzhou, although he is not a serious teacher, he still consciously wants to help.


Fu Yaozhen, Fang Dongyuan, Hong Changyi, Fu Xuanxing and others were in another demonic realm.

This is the realm of flames filled with flames.

Cang Lanzi, Shan Lingqing, Meng Chen, Wen Rong and Taoist Long also joined forces to suppress Yan Mo and buy time for Fu Xuanxing.

Finally, the moment the scabbard was inserted into Balrog's chest, the entire demonic realm collapsed, and Balrog's core consciousness was automatically destroyed.


Outside, Fu Henghua felt something.

A ray of his consciousness was destroyed, and at the same time, countless demonic and evil thoughts temporarily disappeared in this destruction.

All sentient beings help me refine my demonic nature because they regard me as the ultimate demon and let them "brave men" help me purify it little by little.


When the first head was destroyed, it immediately disintegrated into a large mass of innate vitality, and then transformed into a five-color exquisite divine stone.

Immediately afterwards, the second magic ball was destroyed, and the second colorful divine stone appeared.

Then, the third one, the fourth one...

With Fu Henghua's secret cooperation, the smelting of the Nine-Faced Demon Head progressed very quickly.

This is just a play. To others, the grand scene is just a script that Fu Henghua has already written.

From the moment he seized control of the Nine-Faced Machine God, everything became clear.


When the nine colorful sacred stones were completely formed, the "god" behind Xuanyuan City stretched out 32 hands, slowly and solemnly lifted the colorful stones and sent them to the "Mouth of the Demon God".

Holding Tianyu Mountain with one hand, he carefully moved the fairy mountain back to its original place.


Sensing an inexplicable energy in Tianyu Mountain, Fu Henghua secretly got lucky and a ray of fairy light penetrated the Scarlet Ling Demon Emperor. Severely injure the possessed Aizen demon.

"Ah——" The devil was forced to appear, and in the flash of light and stone, Fu Henghua understood the many causes and effects.

"Oh it's you!"

He immediately took action and put this demon into the gourd.

Due to the demon lords outside the world, Fu Henghua did not dare to do anything. Although he was angry with him for causing harm to his brother, he could only seal him forever.

Then the nine sacred stones were thrown into the bottomless abyss.

As for Young Master Youxuan's gourd, after suppressing his demonic soul, Fu Henghua took it away without hesitation.

boom - boom -

Rolling vitality is churning underground, and the colorful sacred stones, as the cornerstone of the five elements, are constantly turning into rocks to fill the underground cracks.

Starting from the fifth layer of the earth's crust, first the area around Tiandu is filled up, and then it is stacked upward little by little to fill up the entire wall of the abyss.

This process was very long, and while the "divine aspect" was at work, Fu Henghua clearly felt that the "heavenly favor" in him was getting stronger and stronger.

The entire Divine Continent of Heaven was cheering for joy.

The old wounds that have been suffering for 4 years are finally expected to recover this day.

Three hours later, the nine colorful sacred stones were exhausted, and the abyss was repaired to the fourth level.

"We still need more colorful stones. Senior, let me help you too."

Huo Xianren fought with the "Machine God Body" for [-] rounds. Although his whole body was injured, he still tore off ten arms and threw them far across the sea. With Fu Henghua joining the war and driving the Puhe Demon Emperor to release the water, the war ended immediately.

32 arms carried the broken "Nine-faced Machine God" to the "Mouth of the Demon God".

Before he could refine the colorful stone, he stuffed the broken body of the "Nine-faced Machine God" into the ground. Then forcefully use the "Bagua Furnace Technique", and the divine fire will continue to surge in the abyss of the earth.

Conveniently, the demon giant sword and many magic treasures were recovered.

"Is this using the abyss of the earth as a furnace and using it exactly where it is?"

The cultivators gathered around to watch, amazed.

When it comes to the art of creation, Fu Henghua is indeed an expert in this art.

Yu Danqing looked at the flames rising into the sky and shouted quickly: "Henghua, don't forget to remove the base circuit. Otherwise, someone will do it later and reorganize the machine god here."

"Do not worry."

The sound was so loud that he thrust his arms into the sea of ​​fire one by one, forcibly took out nine core base plates from the "remnants of the fuselage" and threw them to the "Great Mother Goddess of Infinity".

"This thing is left to you to suppress."

The reason why the Infernal Mother Goddess also has nine heads and eighteen arms is because it is produced by the same model as the "Nine-faced Machine God".

This set of core base plates forged by Demon Emperor Puhe himself happens to be used by the "Great Mother Goddess of Infinity". This is also the self-protection method Fu Henghua gave Dongfang Yunqi.

After another three hours, the shell of the machine god merged and turned into five-color liquid to bridge the earth's crust, starting from the fourth layer, the third layer, and the second layer.

In the end, only a large pit three hundred feet deep was left.

"Five Elements Mountain."

At this time, there is no need for a machine god. Fu Henghua does it himself, and the vitality of heaven and earth swarms here. With the power of Hedao, a Five Elements Mountain was forcibly enlightened and buried here.

At this point, the Demon God's Mouth, which had lasted for 4 years, was refilled.

At that moment, golden flowers rolled, colorful clouds filled the sky, and immeasurable merits emerged from the heaven and earth.

Henghua's Hedao Giant God form quickly closed in and disappeared into a streak of colorful rays of light.

"Huh? Where has he gone?"

"The Ancient Golden Pill" slowly fell from the sky and landed in Dongfang Yunqi's hands.

Perceiving the message left by Fu Henghua, Dongfang Yunqi said to everyone: "He understood the mystery of the true immortal in the state of harmony. Before the power dissipates, he wants to go back and do a big thing to resolve a catastrophe for me, Donglai." "

"So, he went back to Donglai? Alone?"

Dongfang Yunqi nodded slowly.

"Now that he has the speed of a true immortal, it will not be difficult to return to Donglai."

It is not difficult.

The Heavenly Lovers of Nanzhou are still there. At the moment when Hedao was about to disappear, Fu Henghua took a step forward and appeared directly outside the hurricane belt.

Forcibly traveling through the hurricane belt, and then using the position of Taoist Bodhi, Fu Henghua immediately entered the Yizhou.

As the years passed, the fire in Yizhou became more and more intense.

This is the dragon flame that escaped from the Dragon King of the South China Sea, and it is also his hope for resurrection.

Looking at the blazing sea of ​​fire, Fu Henghua said with a smile: "Today I am doing good fortune, not only to save Nanyan, but also to save Donglai. The Dragon King of Nanhai, I am offended!"

With a sweep of his sleeves, the true immortal power that had not yet dissipated extinguished large swathes of fire and transformed into five-color lotuses.

After nine consecutive floating sweeps, the fire in the Yanlong area was almost extinct.

Before the next wave of fire started again, he quickly escaped into Five Elements Mountain.

This Five Elements Mountain is connected to the Five Elements Mountain on the Yanlong River and is the root part of the mountain. It is also Fu Henghua, or the other house built by the Fu family here.

Once upon a time, Fu Henghua hid a spiritual spirit here to connect the island and the water.

Now, Fu Henghua's body falls here.

With a wave of his hand, a colorful and exquisite Taoist palace appeared in the mountain.

After entering the palace and closing the door, he fell asleep.

The power of the true immortal is gone, but colorful lotus flowers are flying from the Taoist Palace. Every time he took a breath, a dragon king's true flame from Yizhou was captured by the Five Elements Mountain. After being pulled and purified by the lotus, it turned into a ball of good fortune energy and fell into Yizhou again, turning into mountains, rivers and lakes. Flowers and trees.

There are also many monks practicing and exploring in Yizhou. They noticed the changes in the intensity of the fire and the movement of Five Elements Mountain, and quickly reported the news to Tianxuan Taoist Platform.

But Taoist Bodhi was faster and immediately passed the news to Tian Jingzi: "I will return to Donglai, go to Yizhou to practice Taoism, and extinguish the Dragon King's fire."


Fu Henghua went back alone, and when he entered the hurricane zone from the North Sea, he suddenly dropped the two spirits Huang Po and Wukong.

Huang Po Ling Shen transformed into his true form and returned to Xuanyuan City with a gourd in hand. Wukong Spirit God stayed outside the city for the final scene.

At this time, the immortals of Donglai have entered the city to meet everyone.

They gathered in Langhuan Library to discuss the "Heritage of Tiandu Peak".

"The parallel world is very important. If we bring Donglai back, will it cause the devil to come back and cause another big chaos?"

"But if we can obtain this technology, Donglai's cultivation civilization can go further in the future."

"Brother Dao is right. Today's civilization combines the first five civilizations. It should inherit the ancients and bring forth the new. I think it should be brought back."

Fu Henghua's face suddenly darkened as he watched these people flip through his notes.

"What are you doing?"

"Security check." Mu Shansheng replied and continued to look through the things in the study.

In his hand he held several yellow pieces of paper with the word "forbidden" written on them.


A black water basin was sealed.

"There is a bit of demonic energy in it. It was modified by a magic weapon, right? You can't take it back."

Duan Sijing stood in front of a figure painting: "This painting is your style of writing. But it has the demonic appearance of a demon king painted on it? This is - ah! I understand, this is the same as 'Luo Xian' A scroll with the same function as the "True Treasure", can it absorb the magic power of the Demon Lord and lock him in the painting? No, it's better not to take the portrait of the Demon Lord back with you."

Bang—another seal.

"Fu Henghua, did you pick up this magic weapon from the battlefield?" Master Xuan Ling asked, holding a bunch of crescent-shaped iron talismans. As he spoke, he put a seal on it, "It's not easy to take this thing back."

Fu Henghua's face turned from black to blue as he watched these people "ransacking the house".

A group of people gathered around the entrance of the library to watch the show. Meng Chen approached Fu Henghua, tapped his shoulder, and joked:

"Quick, be more conscious. Where are the heretical notes and heretical instruments you have studied over the years? Don't try to deceive me, I know there are many. Hurry, hand them all over and destroy them, otherwise you will have a good look at them when you return to Donglai."

Sun Cheng said with a smile: "Your grandfather is guarding the door of the hurricane belt. He wants to check in person, and there will be no Nanzhou monsters entering Donglai. If anything illegal is found during the inspection, I will beat you in public. It's for your own good. , hand it over as soon as possible, it will save everyone trouble. Hey, you have demonic aura——"

He took out the magic weapon and inspected it carefully, and then forced Fu Henghua to hand over the gourd, giant sword and many Puhe magic treasures.

"Okay, these are all fairy-level monsters. Come on, come on, they are all sealed, and you are not allowed to take any of them back! It would be bad if some of the demonic nature escapes and pollutes the realm of my fairy family. "

Thanks to the blessings of some people in the Demonic Path, the cultivators in Donglai gained a deeper understanding of Fu Henghua. Naturally, we need to take precautions and eliminate many bad future possibilities.

Seeing the behavior of these people, Fu Henghua was furious and made a few notes in his heart.

On the face, he pretended to be aggrieved: "I don't have many evil things here. I am an immortal, a saint, and a descendant of a moral family, how can I study those evil things?"

Fortunately, everything I should do has been arranged in advance. Lock those things into the treasure chest and put the chest inside the sky-swallowing gourd - I'm so wise!

As for the few notes on demonic research on the table, although they were found and destroyed by Master Xuan Ling, to Fu Henghua, this was just a trivial matter. Thinking about it again, these things are there again.

Soon, the Tribulation Immortals discovered the underground secret room.

They took out the contents and dried them in the sun, and they all shook their heads.

"You're too presumptuous, kid. Even though they are demon cultivators, they can't be so tormented. Just kill them with one sword."

In the secret room, there are still many uncivilized demon cultivators locked up. They work every day to produce "spiritual jade" for Fu Henghua.

Seeing Mu Shansheng draw his sword, Fu Henghua quickly grabbed the Sky-Swallowing Demon Gourd on the table and took them away.

"God has the virtue of good life. He can't kill them. He can't kill them. Senior, just lock them up."

Then, he picked up the "Parallel World Technology Restoration" note on the table and changed the topic: "If the ancient city of the wilderness is built, we can build a shadow world underwater. The city stands on the sea, and the reflection hides the world. Use this projection to create a shadow world. The secret of world calculation, one step ahead of the ancient city, can predict the disaster that will happen next and solve it in time. And if you encounter a big problem that is difficult to solve, you can also use the underwater world to back it up and rebuild it with the method of creation. In this way, I plan to It will be proposed in the next Tianyang discussion."

He once again created a big cake for all the Tribulation Immortals.

Everyone looked at each other and remained silent.

The weight of Fu Henghua's words now is different from before he came to Nanyan.

He and Dao became true and became Nan Yan's spokesperson for one day.

Can such a method be replicated in Donglai?

Compared with other laws of the Great Way, the Great Way of Creation is more suitable for harmony and is more favored by heaven and earth.

His status and status are no less than those of others.

"Your method sounds easy in words, but in practice, who has that kind of power?"

"Also, it will be even more fun if the devil is watching."

"Hmph, it sounds like we haven't provoked the 'enemies of civilization'."

Fu Henghua disagreed: "Both the Dragon King and the Demon God, they are all enemies of civilization. When we begin to advance to the eternal civilization, they will come to plunder our wisdom and achievements. If we don't take this inheritance, won't the Dragon Kings come too? Are you going? Even if we don't take this inheritance, the demon gods in the future may not look down on our 'Great Resurrection'."

When they heard about the great resurrection technique, several Tribulation Immortals changed their expressions.

Mu Shansheng subconsciously looked at Yu Danqing.

"Why are you looking at me? I didn't leak it? This kid is so smart, what can't he guess?" Yu Danqing disagreed, "Just keep this legacy. Anyway, when we restore this technology, we don't know how much it will be." Years have passed. By then..."

Fu Henghua should soon be enlightened.

With a true immortal at the Patriarch level guarding him, the demon gods would not dare to offend him at will.

At this time, Hong Changyi and others came to report.

"Henghua, there is an old man outside the door, claiming to be the mentor of Young Master Youxuan. He wants to see you."

"Master of the Dark Mystery?"

Fu Henghua was quite puzzled: "It is rumored that this little devil is a disciple of Ten Thousand Demons Continent. Could it be that he is a visitor from Ten Thousand Demons Continent?"

"Look at his appearance, he looks like an ancient monk from Nanzhou."

Mu Shansheng: "Is it possible that there are still demon emperors left in Nanzhou?"

Everyone's expression suddenly changed, and they all gathered around Fu Henghua outside the city.

They saw an old man in purple robes and white beard standing in front of the door holding a jade bamboo staff, showing off his Taoist spirit.

Fu Henghua sighed softly and said to everyone in a low voice: "Seniors, please be careful. This person has refined a demon into an immortal and integrated the ways of immortality and demon into one. His Taoism is the best I have ever seen in my life."

Well, Wukong Spiritual God is bound to the Sky-Swallowing Gourd, which has serious Demon Emperor-level combat power. How much can you tell?
Now that Chiyue Immortal Mountain has returned to Youda, Immortal Huo is conducting a final seal inspection underground, so how can he find the time to come here?
Revenge, revenge!
Thinking of these people messing around in his library and using all kinds of tools that banned him, Fu Henghua refused to stay there for even a day, vowing to whip these disrespectful guys.

Therefore, the old man spoke harshly, deliberately provoking everyone and forcing them to release Young Master Youxuan.

Then the two sides fought fiercely. The old man held a bamboo stick and knocked everyone in Donglai to the ground.

Only Fu Henghua and Dongfang Yunqi stood there.

Enough is enough.

Dongfang Yunqi knew Fu Henghua's pettiness and understood that he did it on purpose. She was annoyed that these seniors were touching her things casually, so she didn't stop him.

But - everything has its limits.

Fu Henghua nodded slightly, then took a step forward, raised his hands and said hello: "Senior, is You Xuan's master?"

The old man nodded with a smile, looked at Fu Henghua and said, "Aren't you afraid of me?"

"Senior, if you have murderous intentions, you don't need to report them. If you have the intention to harm us, you only need to cooperate with Youxuan. How can we easily win?"

The old man nodded again and sighed softly: "Cause and effect are entangled here in the Divine Continent. Although I have the power to reach the sky, I dare not act rashly. Now that the day is over there and the immortal way is flourishing, I can't do anything about it. Killing you is just a matter of cause and effect. As for that, My disciple, master and disciple, must not be captured by you. You must return him quickly, and you must keep those imperial treasures with me."

Henghua, stall for time, I’ll contact Huo——

Before Meng Chen, who was lying on the ground, could finish transmitting the message, Fu Henghua stepped over his body and handed many imperial treasures to the old man.

Everyone's eyes widened and their livers and gallbladders burst into tears: This kid is too afraid of trouble! If the demons escape, Nanzhou will be in danger!

Dongfang Yunqi stared at the imperial treasures, wondering what she was thinking.

Is this a report back or a report? Or report it?

Fu Henghua also seemed to know the meaning of the eyes behind him.

So the old man collected many imperial treasures and threw them away, scattering many magical treasures into the land of Nanzhou.

"Senior, don't you keep these magic weapons?"

"What use are the things outside my body to me? It's just that the Demonic Dao lineage cannot be exterminated. These imperial treasures are left in Nanzhou for those who are destined to inherit one or two lineages."

This is for Dongfang Yunqi to hear.

If I don’t take them back, these things are all in Nanzhou!
Finally, the old man released a young man and handed the sky-swallowing gourd to Fu Henghua.

"The victory of the Immortal Dao is a destiny. If I rescue the demons, I'm afraid you won't be able to explain to the Chiyuan Taoist sect - well, there is still one person."

The old man used his bamboo stick to forcefully explore thousands of miles away, forcing the Scarlet Ling Demon Emperor, who had just returned to the Central Continent, to come to Xuanyuan City.

"Old man, what are you doing!"

"I pulled my disciple out. One person is missing from the gourd. It's hard to count the days. I also asked the girl to go into the gourd for a walk and wait a thousand and five hundred years before getting out of trouble."

Dongfang Yunqi was suddenly shocked.

Which one is this?
The Scarlet Ling Demon Emperor immediately laughed angrily.

"Old man, do you want to help Xiandao catch me?"

She could tell that this man seemed to be a demon emperor from the lineage of heavenly demons.

But - even if I can't beat him, can't he still run away?

Just as the Scarlet Ling Demon Emperor was about to take action, the old man took a step faster and released the projections of several demon cultivators in the sky-swallowing gourd.

"If you leave, they will immediately turn into ashes."

Those demon cultivators are all from the Scarlet Ling Demon Palace.

The Demon Emperor's face darkened: "Old man, are you threatening me?"

The old man shook his head and said: "Wrong, I want to save you."

At that time, Fu Henghua suddenly stepped forward and whispered to the Scarlet Ling Demon Emperor.

After thinking over and over again, the Demon Emperor nodded slightly and took the initiative to turn into a rainbow light and fly into the Demon Gourd.

Dongfang Yunqi felt strange, but she saw the old man asked in surprise: "Why did my little friend persuade her to imprison herself?"

"She has a 500-year agreement with me. Now entering the gourd and imprisoning yourself is the fulfillment of the bet. What's more, the senior also said that this is for preservation. If you don't enter the gourd, how will you gain a foothold in Nanzhou in the future? Three Demons The Imperial Alliance is gone, and Immortal Huo is not easy to mess with."

The old man nodded, handed the gourd to Fu Henghua, and led the young man away.

"How did you convince the Scarlet Ling Demon Emperor?"

People on the ground got up one after another and asked curiously.

"It's nothing. There is a bet between the two of us. She will imprison herself for a thousand and five hundred years, and I will give her an imperial treasure."

It's that simple?
Everyone looked suspicious.

Although Dongfang Yunqi knew about the "Burning Sky Square Pot", she didn't think that the Scarlet Ling Demon Emperor would go in so happily.

After thinking about it for a while, she seemed to realize something. He glanced at the gourd and secretly spat lustfully.

Chi Ling is practicing outside and has to guard against being chased by Immortal Huo. She has to face a dilapidated situation in which the demonic path has declined. When you enter the gourd, you will find the world of six desires and demons evolving in a boundless, safe, and leisurely way. There are many demonic cultivators for him to practice and enjoy, so why not do it?

Fu Henghua promised to imprison a group of demon disciples inside and let the demon emperor enjoy them. When the Scarlet Ling Demon Emperor entered, he was not a prisoner, but the cell leader.

After much consideration, the Demon Emperor decided to stay temporarily and concentrate on his cultivation.

No one knew the basis of this, except Dongfang Yunqi who knew it.

Soon, Fu Henghua used his skills, and a majestic mountain rose up, pressing the gourd under the mountain.

"The Great Demonic Tribulation is the number of days in Nanzhou. One thousand and five hundred years later, the Scarlet Ling Devil Emperor will be able to escape from the catastrophe and start another Demonic Tribulation chaos."

Fu Henghua's eyes flashed with wisdom, and he glanced at Dongfang Yunqi with deep meaning.


Mountains thousands of miles away.

The old man and a young man quietly watched the towering Wuzhi Mountain.

The young man had a look of grief and anger, and knelt beside him and said, "Senior, why don't you save your majesty?"

Wukong transformed into an old man, and the person he saved was not Young Master Youxuan, but Hong Xu.

Fu Henghua didn't mind showing mercy to this loyal demon brother.

The old man said softly: "My disciple should have been suppressed for 500 years, but you are different. You should not enter the seal. You can go back to the mountain to cultivate and pass on his Taoism." Ha——

You people think that by taking my notes, you can hinder me?

With just a chess piece, I can pass on the demonic tradition.

Hong Xu said angrily: "If you want to pass on the Taoist tradition, your Majesty should naturally come here. You are his master, why don't you save him?"

The old man shook his head and said: "You are good at living and cultivating, and you will see for yourself in 500 years."

After saying that, the old man turned into the breeze and dispersed.

Hong Xu stood up and silently looked at the magnificent fairy city in the distance, clenching his fists and hiding hatred in his heart.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. When you develop your magical powers one day, I will definitely go and save you."

He looked at a giant demon sword not far away and walked over.

Wukong Spirit God deliberately scattered many imperial treasures. Then he deliberately placed the sword in front of Hong Xu with only one purpose.

Let Hong Xu help pass down the method of the Thirteen Days Demonic Sword Servant, so that the destiny he weaves can truly unfold in Nanzhou.

According to Fu Henghua's plan, in 500 years the Thirteen Sword Servants will rebel and have a small fight with the Immortals. In another 500 years, the sword servants will gather again and be solved by their descendants from Xuanyuan City.

This is the number of days that Fu Henghua glimpsed when he was on the road.

Under his arrangement, a seed of enlightenment is expected to appear in Nanzhou.


As the Five Elements Mountain suppressed the demon gourd, everyone returned to Xuanyuan City to celebrate.

Wukong Spirit God sneaked back, and Huang Po Spirit God was standing at the foot of the mountain.

He held the Sihai alms bowl and said with a smile, "Going back?"

"Go back, you should go back." Wukong Spirit God took the initiative to dissipate the magic power he had cultivated in Nanzhou. That trace of demonic energy penetrated the Five Elements Mountain and flowed into the gourd.

The mana, which has grown due to the great demonic tribulation, is like the ebb and flow of the tide, and will naturally subside after the tribulation. What's more, forcing this part of the mana to remain will hinder the unification of the three spirits in my future.

With Fu Henghua's current mentality and determination, he would not be reluctant to give up.

A pure spiritual spirit escaped into the Four Seas Bowl and was transported to the Bodhi Taoist along the "Qiankun Jar".

"Congratulations on your return, fellow Taoist." The Taoist shook the branch and swept it gently.

Wukong Spirit God was the first to return to the "Five Elements Mountain Dao Palace".

Seeing Fu Henghua sleeping soundly on the bed, his heart and spirit couldn't help but be happy and jumped around the bed.

"Opportunity, opportunity! I have a deep sleep, and when I wake up, I can become a saint." Immediately, he turned into a stream of light and flew into Fu Henghua's body.

(End of this volume)

(End of this chapter)

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