
Chapter 726: Send your head off

Cuiyun Island, Yuanpeng Mountain.

Meng Chen looked through the books on the shelf in the cave.

"Okay--that's great."

Touching the cover of the book, he praised it repeatedly.

"Blessed are the young people of the future."

Although Jie Xian did not do it himself, he was honored to see many immortal classics collected by Nanzhou appear in the "Yuan Peng Library".

"Fu Henghua's work is really reassuring -" After a pause, he added, "Only for collecting books."

The biggest gain for Donglai and his party this time is not the settlement of Donglai's ownership with the Chiyuan Taoist sect, nor the "parallel world technology" that is currently unavailable, but the Nannan information that Fu Henghua has collected and compiled over decades. European classics.

These things were not brought back by Fu Henghua, but handed over to Tribulation Immortal Meng Chen before leaving. The Tribulation Immortals repeatedly studied and eliminated some of the more taboo things, leaving only pure immortal books.

After returning, Meng Chen sacrificed the jade certificate, and the dense collection of books automatically filled the bookshelf.

Today, the "Yuanpeng Library" has more storage than any other sect known to Meng Chen.

Even the former Taixuan Dao Sect may not have as rich a collection of books as here.

And all of this is Fu Henghua's contribution.

After walking out of the book cave, listening to the sound of silk and bamboo enjoying themselves in the distance, Meng Chen shook his head and returned to the cave.

"Just let these young people cause trouble."

Fu Henghua sent Hengshou to inquire about borrowing the land, but Meng Chen followed suit. Let Dongfang Yunqi make arrangements here, and invite famous guests from Xuanying List to come here to view the "Yuanpeng Library".

But Meng Chen didn't know that after he left behind closed doors, all the classics were filled with inspiration. Dark and strange magic texts flowed from the gaps in the pages of the book, condensing eight magic books on the ground.

These eight magic books are the essence and secrets refined by Fu Henghua after observing the magic ways of Nanzhou. The reason why he brought them back was because these eight grimoires were connected by him using the method of Xuan Ming Magic Strategy to form a "Xuan Ming Magic Strategy" unique to Nanzhou.

If someone gets this magic trick and succeeds, they can become the destiny supreme of the Nanzhou Demonic Path just like Demon Emperor Jiang in the past.

This book has reached the level of a heavenly book and is spiritually reborn. Even Fu Henghua cannot destroy it easily. They could only resort to deceit and rely on Meng Chen's help to pass the clear path in front of Jie Xian and let him take it back to the "Yuan Peng Library" with his own hands.

Although it is possible to break up the gang, it is necessary to prevent the revival of the demonic path in Nanzhou and hinder the Queen of the Moon from ruling the world. Fu Henghua had no choice but to make this move.


A gust of breeze blew by, and the demonic writings slowly floated up, condensing into a gray cloud and flying towards the depths of the Spiritual Tribulation Cave. On the wall of a secret cave, it turned into an eight-sided totem.


There are two immortal mansions in Yuanpeng Mountain. The robbery immortal Meng Chen built the "Xuanyin Cave" in Lingjie Cave, and Fu Henghua built the "Yuanzhi Xuanfu" on Yuanpeng Mountain.

At present, the Xuan Mansion is full of guests, drinking and drinking among each other, so happy.

In addition to friends who went to Nanyan, Taoist friends who stayed in Donglai were also invited to Lingjie Cave to watch the grand event of "Yuanpeng Library".

What a great achievement is it that the immortal classics from the two southeastern continents are gathered together in one library?

And this is a good job to make a name for yourself.

That is to say, Dongfang Yunqi, as Fu Henghua's deputy, acted prudently. If it were anyone else, he would not be willing to give this opportunity. Even if a spiritual god comes out of his body, he must hold this opportunity in his hands.

At the banquet, flower fairies wearing flower crowns and colorful clothes walked among the guests singing and dancing, pouring wine and water, and the laughter never stopped.

On the table, there is a dazzling array of delicacies, fresh fruits and nectar. The aroma is overflowing and arouses appetite.

Dongfang Yunqi sat in the host's seat, with an empty seat next to her. Hengshou and Xiaoyu stood on both sides of the seat, enjoying fresh fruits and fine wine on behalf of Henghua.

"There is an advantage to him not coming. At least everyone can drink as much as they want without having to avoid it." Dongfang Yunqi slowly turned around the Golden Jue and joked to Xiaoyu and Hengshou.

The two looked a little embarrassed and nodded silently.

At banquets on weekdays, if everyone doesn’t drink, can’t they?
Aren't you taking care of your little ancestor whose spiritual energy becomes active whenever he smells the smell of alcohol?

"Now that I have hosted this banquet according to his wishes, what else can he say?"

"The young master has a letter for you."

Xiaoyu presented it from his arms.

Dongfang Yunqi took it and took a look, and was immediately displeased: "This guy is used to being a hands-off shopkeeper. Do you really think that Nan Yan and Dong Lai are in a general pattern? Let him dictate and do whatever he wants?"

Fu Henghua invited Dongfang Yunqi to come to Lingjie Cave to hold a book party and a banquet every ten years.

Maintaining a small elite group of the younger generation is also good for herself, and Dongfang Yunqi will not refuse. Anyway, the wine and fresh fruits are all produced by Fu Henghua. For this reason, he also gave several orchards under his name to Dongfang Yunqi, including the land deed documents.

But there is a request at the end of the letter...

Dongfang Yunqi put down the letter and asked curiously: "He just asked you to do things so simply and straightforwardly?"

Hengshou and Hengshou knew the content of the letter, but also had a wry smile on their faces.

At the end of Fu Henghua's letter, he asked Dongfang Yunqi to help Hengshou and Xiaoyu, and led them to the Tianmo Palace to meet the master of the palace, Zhu Yu.

"The young master is angry at the constant rumors about Donglai, so he asked the two of us to go and catch the culprit and deal with it as soon as possible."


Dongfang Yunqi shook her head.

The devil's ways are all bad and wrong in every way. But what they are spreading this time is not a rumor.

However, if Fu Henghua wants to find the devil to settle matters, she will naturally not side with the devil.

"What are you going to do after you two go to the Demon Palace?"

Hengshou said honestly: "The young master has a letter to Zhu Yu, instructing him to personally clean up the house and kill Yuan Yue. Then let us two bring the head back to the Taoist palace."


Dongfang Yunqi was speechless.

"I know that Yuan Yue violated Fu Henghua's taboo by practicing that technique. Can the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace kill his own disciple?"

Did he really bring over the Nanzhou set?

"Donglai is different from Nanyan. There are no ups and downs of killings and calamities. We can't rely on calamities to increase our magic power. Right now, he doesn't have 'Yu Xuan' by his side."

Not only Fu Henghua, Dongfang Yunqi, but also Zhong Lihan and others found that the current progress of cultivation in Donglai was much slower than that of Nan Yan. Even because the calamity dissipates, many people's Taoism and magic power will be somewhat weakened.

Fortunately, they have had two city leaders preach and perform the Dharma for decades, so they have a solid foundation. There won't be any trouble of regressing.

If Fu Henghua didn't have the help of the "Six Desire Demon", why would he dare to threaten the Xuanming Demon Palace?
If one move can affect the whole body, that's more than ten masters.

After another period of deep thought, Dongfang Yunqi suddenly asked: "How much magic power did your young master study in Nanzhou? How much benefit did you get after the identity of Youxuan was erased?"

"The young master said that he forced Zhu Yu to kill him with a letter. It is not difficult to do so."

"Let me see that letter."

When Xiao Yu and the two came, Fu Henghua asked him to hand the envelope directly to Dongfang Yunqi.

The seal bears Fu Henghua's exclusive lacquer seal, which is a golden dragon pattern peeking out among the blue clouds.

Without opening it, but just staring at the pattern and feeling the spiritual power contained in the envelope, Dongfang Yunqi had a solemn look on her face.

"This guy has really conquered the Donglai Demonic Way."

Donglai Demonic Way and Nanyan Demonic Way are incomparable.

Even if the demonic seniors have repeatedly laid out plans, they have left a foreshadowing of great success in the future. But in the eyes of people like Fu Henghua who are proficient in magic arts, especially "Xuanming Magic Strategy", all the demons in Donglai are pigs and sheep.

How he wanted to kill it was all up to him.

Dongfang Yunqi returned the envelope and asked Yu Luan to tell him: "You go with Brother Hengshou. There should be contact information from the Demon Palace on your mother's side. Come back after watching Zhu Yu execute Yuan Yue with your own eyes."


Yuluan was also secretly frightened.

This time Nan Yan was "gilded", the vision and courage of the Fu family's young master and his own girl were very different.

One casually ordered the master to kill his apprentice, but the other thought that this move was flawless and should be taken for granted. In the eyes of the girl, can the master be no enemy?

Hengshou and Yuluan acted quickly. Ask Shangguan Palace for the contact information, directly communicate with the Heavenly Demon Palace, and then go to a demon altar stronghold in the Yuanming waters.

Zhu Yu would not come to meet two unknown people casually. Even if Fu Henghua was behind it, he only sent one altar master from the Heavenly Demon Path to receive him.

Seeing this, Hengshou slapped a palm with his backhand.

In a moment of confrontation, the Five Fingers Mountain condensed with golden essence suppressed the master of the Golden Alchemy Altar.

He waved the envelope in his hand and shouted in a cold voice: "Palace Master, please come out quickly to listen to the instructions."

That demeanor, that courage, completely treated the Lord of the Demon Palace as a scolding slave.

But under the pressure of the magic power contained in the envelope, the entire magic altar stronghold began to collapse. The magic power of countless demon monks flowed towards the envelope. Zhu Yu had no choice but to reveal his avatar: "Stop!"

The divine energy surged, and the domain quickly enveloped the door.

After he asked, Hengshou threw the envelope to Zhu Yu: "This is a letter from my young master."

The envelope floated over, and the devil's holy thoughts were unpredictable.

Zhu Yu's expression changed uncertainly, and he used three kinds of heavenly sage secrets to hold the letter in his hand.

As soon as he opened the lacquer seal, he was immediately overwhelmed by the weight of the letter. The majestic demonic nature and mana dispersed, and Zhu Yu quickly used his Heavenly Saint True Body, raising the letter with six arms at the same time, and then barely held it.

This boy's divine method is so powerful!

Zhu Yu once met Fu Henghua on Huomen Island, and he had extremely overestimated Fu Henghua's potential as a heavenly saint. But this time, just receiving a letter from the other party made him panic.

This feeling was vaguely seen in Emperor Xuan.

His Heavenly Saint method is comparable to that of the Tribulation Immortal!
Damn Liu Yuli, what kind of monster did you provoke to my Tiansheng Temple!

Quickly scanning Fu Henghua's letter, Zhu Yu's face became even more ugly.

No greetings, no beating around the bush, just a word.

"Go and kill Yuan Yue and give me his head."

Does this bastard really regard my Tiansheng Temple as his slave?

But he knew that Fu Henghua's threat was real.

The magic power contained in this letter is to tell him nakedly.

As long as Fu Henghua is willing, Xuanming Demon Palace can lose a lineage of temple monks in a flash.

Hengshou shouted again: "Palace Master, please make a decision quickly."

"You wait."

Zhu Yu's incarnation dispersed.

After a while, a puff of black smoke came out. Then someone's head rolled down to Hengshou's feet.

"Take the head and get out."

really killed?
Yuluan was secretly surprised.

Seeing Hengshou picking up the head, she reminded: "Is it a cover-up? Or does the other party have a secret technique to save his life?"

Hengshou said calmly: "If a person's head is in his hand, his life is in his grasp. If the young master makes a curse at random, he can easily take his life. If the palace master dares to lie about this matter, he cannot bear the wrath of the young master's thunder. "

After speaking, the two turned and left.

The black smoke is ready to move, and the murderous intention is constantly rising and falling.

But in the end, he still didn't dare to take action against Hengshou.

Zhu Yu had an instinctive intuition that Fu Henghua, the servant who delivered the message, was not simple either. If he wanted to make a scene with him, he might still lose.

"I heard that the Xuanying Ranking suddenly changed when these people came back. The rankings of those who originally stayed in Donglai all dropped. How many benefits did these people get from being in Nanyan Fuzhou?"

The changes in the Xuanying List are also something that the cultivation world is talking about right now.

When Fu Henghua went to retreat in Yizhou to sleep, his name directly appeared at the top of the Xuanying list. And when Dongfang Yunqi and others returned, the rankings changed drastically.

Dongfang Yunqi no longer concealed herself, and went directly to the induction gold list, surpassing Zhong Lihan, Li Ruxin and others, and became the current fourth place.

Fu Henghua dropped two places and ranked third.

Yu Danqing and Long Taoren ranked first and second respectively.

This move spread and the whole world was in an uproar.

Hundreds of years ago, the Xuanying List was also called the "Foundation Building List", and most of them were foundation building monks. Nowadays, most of them are golden elixir cultivators, and their gold content is almost catching up with the "Tianling List". Right now, two "tribulation immortals" jumped out to occupy the top spot, completely shocking the world.

Dong Moyang ranked fifth, Zhong Lihan ranked sixth, Li Ruxin seventh, Fang Dongyuan eighth, and Fu Xuanxing and Yu Xiaolei tied for ninth.

These are the top ten young masters today.

Following closely behind were Fu Tongjun and Fu Xiangfeng.

As for Danquanzi, who was originally the leader of the younger generation and as famous as Li Ruxin and Dong Moyang, he is currently ranked thirteenth. Among the top thirty, Dan Quanzi was the only one who did not go to Nanzhou.

And this does not include some people who hide their qi. The monks who have been to Nanyan all know that there is a serious successor to the ancients who practices the heavenly book. She was someone who even Fu Henghua and Dongfang Yunqi had to treat politely. And that elder brother Fu Henghua is not a simple person either.

If the Zhuguren lineage was no longer hidden, Danquanzi might not even be able to keep the No. 15 spot.

Further on, there are Fu Yaozhen, Tian Daoren, Zhang Qing, Zhang Xuan, Yuwen Chunqiu, Hong Changyi...

The monks who went to Nanzhou almost filled the top fifty.

There are many masters here who have achieved the master level.

At this moment, the "Xuanying List" has surpassed the "Tianling List" and is the true foundation and the real future of the immortal way.

Zhu Yu's thoughts turned, and the idea of ​​breakthrough became more and more intense.

"These are troubled times, and the Immortal Dao is getting stronger and stronger. If we can't break through as soon as possible, we will only be bullied by the Immortal Dao people in the future."

Now a messenger servant can boss him around. If Fu Henghua comes out of seclusion, will he still have a good life?
Thinking of this, he went straight to the Demon Palace.

Halfway down the road, his shadow suddenly loosened, and a weak voice slowly came out.

"Thank you for your help, mentor."

"That's all I can help you with."

Hearing Yuan Yue's voice, Zhu Yu also felt a little emotional.

Yuan Yue has practiced hard over the years and has master-level strength. But when the master and apprentice faced a letter from Fu Henghua, they had to let Yuan Yue commit suicide and sacrifice his head.

Strength, this is the essence of the world of cultivation.

"First stabilize your true soul. Later we will go to see the Yin Mother and ask her to reshape your body."


Yuan Yue obeyed the order respectfully, but in his heart he became increasingly angry with Fu Henghua.

He understood better than Zhu Yu that the reason why Fu Henghua wanted to kill him was not at all because of those "rumors" he spread. But it was because the skills he practiced blocked his way.

good very good.

Aren’t you jealous of my Avenue of Nirvana?
When I succeed in cultivation, I will definitely prevent you from becoming enlightened and destroy your holy fruit!


Hengshou held the human head in his dream and returned to life.

I saw Fu Henghua sitting under the bodhi tree, participating in the Heluo Bagua.

The young man waved his hand.

"If a person has a head and an ear, throw it away in the warehouse. When he has accomplished his deeds toward Yuan Yue and is about to die, use the head to help him achieve enlightenment."

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