
Chapter 740 Wind Dragon

Dadi had no response to Fu Yaozhen's proposal.

But Fu Xuanxing couldn't stand it any longer: "You...what did you say!"

"The way to break the situation. This is the secret realm derived from the corpse of the Wind Dragon King. And the Wind Dragon King was the only Dragon King among the Nine Dragon Kings that did not come to Donglai."

On the way, he was ambushed and killed by the real immortals. He is also the only Dragon King who did not participate in the continent-shattering crime.

In Fu Yaozhen's view, such a dragon king has the value of joining forces.

"Now you and I are in his body. Although I don't know what kind of deal he made with the goddess, I know that if we want to leave, we can't do without his help."


"No but, if you don't do this, can you fight against that sword?"

"That...that's just a sword. If we join forces..."

Fu Yaozhen looked at Fu Xuanxing without saying a word.

Under her gaze, Fu Xuanxing lowered his head silently.

Fu Xuanxing is innocent and upright, but not stupid.

The target of that sword is not people, but the "love" produced by the human body.

Unforgettable love, ignorant and innocent first love, lonely and sour lovesickness...

As long as the human body secretes corresponding emotional substances, it will be locked by this sword, which is nothing more than the strength of the restraint effect.

"I have been studying the piano all year round, and my Taoist heart is stable, but I still have some fluctuations in my emotions. What about you?"

The embarrassment flashed away, but Fu Xuanxing still lowered his head and remained silent.

The real target of the Goddess tinkering with this sword is Fu Xuanxing.

Affection, desire and love are always inseparable. The characteristics of dragon blood will naturally trigger strong desires.

Therefore, as long as Fu Xuanxing has not cultivated to the level of "Sword Heart Cutting Mind", he will be restrained by the "Sword of Sword of Sword". This was also the method she had prepared early in the second stage.

"Besides, even if we can deal with that sword, we still can't escape from this secret realm."

Looking at the mountains in the distance, Fu Yaozhen looked worried.

This is the secret realm of dragon corpses, but is it really as peaceful as before?

Dragon blood, the most vital blood. Even if the Dragon King dies, the blood activity can still remain for thousands or tens of thousands of years. Are there other creatures in the Dragon King's secret realm?

Fu Xuanxing was silent for a while, then slowly spoke: "The refining of that sword will take some time. During this time, we first try to find out the details of this secret realm. Perhaps, there are other ways out here."

Fu Yaozhen did not refuse, and the two of them walked forward in silence for a while and rested by a lake.

Fu Xuanxing went out to check for traces of wild beasts, while Fu Yaozhen looked at the water, and a soft breeze blew gently.

"Dragon King, are you still unwilling to show your face now?"

Green whirlpools of wind rolled up on the water.

"What do you want to say? Trade with you? Not interested."

"So, are you not interested in the death of King Yunlong?"


The vortex suddenly spurted out a strong wind.

Fu Yaozhen's expression did not change and he stared at the whirlwind.

"It's easy to guess. This is your dragon corpse, and you tacitly allowed those demon cultivators to collect the dragon soul, and let the goddess arrange it here early on. Because you have the handle in her hands.

"In her current state, things outside Donglai are beyond her reach. It means your 'handle' is in Donglai.

"I was talking to her just now, and I kept delaying it. I was just thinking and waiting for you to show up. But you haven't shown up yet. Don't you know that after the sword is perfected, not only will I die, but your dragon corpse will too? Can't keep it. Will you even become the breeding ground for her resurrection?

"You know this, and you even acquiesce that the goddess will use your body. Based on the genders of the several dragon kings, I have a bold guess."

The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas are all male dragons, and the Wind Dragon King, Yan Sheng Dragon King and Huang Dragon King are also male dragons. Only King Yunlong is a female dragon.

As for the Dragon King who escaped from Donglai, it is impossible for the goddess to manipulate him. Although the gender is unknown, it is negligible.

"The body of King Yunlong is locked in the Cloud World Formation. I happen to know that the layout of that formation relies on and borrows many spell systems from the Goddess of Heaven."


Suddenly, a green light returned from the outside world.

The Wind Dragon King sighed.

"Your name is Fu Yaozhen? Your grandfather's reputation has not been ruined."

The girl's eyes narrowed, as if she didn't understand what the Wind Dragon King meant. But then, she stood up in surprise: "It looks like the battle outside is over?"

The whirlwind swirled, and the scene from the outside world not long ago slowly unfolded.


In the sky of Donglai, the true soul of the wind dragon resisted the catastrophe caused by many monks.

Finally, under the bombardment of thunder, the wind screen shattered.

At this moment, Zhu Yu took the lead in completing the sacrifice of the demon's true body. Next came Qiu Wenshu's true body of the earth demon and the demonic fetus of the Yin Mother of All Beasts.

The Tribulation Immortals saw the opportunity, and Tian Jingzi reached out and flicked it. The wind and thunder that were originally scattered and disordered seemed to be controlled by some powerful force of heaven and earth, and they all blasted towards Qiu Wenshu.


Not long after the Earth Demon's true body was formed, and before he got familiar with the Tribulation Demon's true body, it was destroyed by wind and thunder again.

At the same time, Fudanwei took a step forward, and all the winds from the four seas surged in at this moment. The phantoms of the four immortal swords were fixed in the four directions, blocking all the demons and the true soul of the wind dragon.

"Senior, let me do it."

Fudanwei used his "Fulong Sword Intention" with all his strength, and the immortal power in his body burst out directly.

Feather Fairyland!

Seeing the pure white immortal power surging, Tian Jingzi, Mu Shansheng and others put aside all distracting thoughts and stared at Fu Danwei as he drew his sword.

That sword tore the sky apart and turned back time.

Zhu Yu, who had already completed the robbery of the real body of the demon, was horrified to find that the real body and magic power he had worked so hard to gain dissipated step by step. He turned back to one day ago, two days ago...

Not just him, but other demons as well.

One sword is a burst.

The "Four Winds Killing Immortal Formation" displayed in the Immortal Way in the past was revealed in the sky. Large waves of storms shuttled between the demons, and under the shroud of the terrifying sword intent, the magic power of the demons continued to decline.

But this is just the aftermath.

The real target of Fulong Sword Intent is the "Wind Dragon True Soul".

"Zhu Xian? Fulong's Formation." Dragon Soul sighed, feeling helpless at Fu Danwei's strength.

He knew that with the help of that immortal power, Fu Danwei's sword had the potential to defeat him. If he had a physical body, he would not be afraid of this Yuxian sword.

Unfortunately, now I am just a soul, relying only on an "artificial dragon ball" that came from nowhere. and……

The dragon soul sensed the battle breaking out under the water, and when it was about to take the initiative to destroy the dragon soul, it suddenly saw a white cloud pillar bursting out from the water.

The three of them, Fairy Yumiao and others, chased out in a panic, trying to forcibly block the white cloud pillar.

Faced with this scene, Fenglong Zhenhun did not hesitate and took the initiative to detonate the "Dragon Ball". Three rays of extremely pure Tianlong soul power were injected into the bodies of Zhu Yu, Yin Mu, and Zhang Yue who were close to him, and then threw the three tribulation demons down to stop the three of Fairy Yumiao in order to help King Yunlong escape.


Fu Yaozhen looked at the scene where the Wind Dragon King was looking back and showed his thoughts.

Sure enough, the Wind Dragon King and the Cloud Dragon King have a close relationship.

The goddess threatened him, also using the "Yunlong King's safety" as an excuse. Even because of the affection of the Wind Dragon King, he will become the target of the "Sword of Sword of Love". That's right, if it's just for me and Xuan Xing, I certainly don't have much confidence in the Heavenly Lady's sword at the moment. But with the help of the Wind Dragon King, he is at least 50% sure of killing us.

But she waited, waiting for the opportunity to strike the final sword, hoping to maximize the power of that sword. Not only will we be killed, but the Wind Dragon King will also be killed.

Using the escaped spiritual consciousness as the foundation, the body of the wind dragon was used as a sacrifice to reshape the body of a true immortal.

"Your grandfather is very powerful. That sword is very strong. I can feel the sword intent of the Tianke Dragon Clan."

The Wind Dragon King is an honest dragon. When the dying dragon faces another "death companion" who is about to die, he doesn't mind giving Fu Yaozhen peace of mind and letting them die with him without regrets.

Observe his words and know his nature.

Fu Yaozhen suddenly felt that he was more confident.

She smiled and said: "When the Dragon King's true soul was destroyed, do you think Dragon King Yun had already escaped?"


The Wind Dragon King still told the situation outside honestly.

"I don't know where your brother learned about Tan'er's basic skills - the old thief Red Dragon told him, right? Two cloud scrolls came out one after another, and Tan'er was sealed again."

The Wind Dragon King felt a little sorry for this.

He did not hesitate to use his dragon power to forcibly shape three tribulation demons, intending to help his wife get out of trouble. A roll of cloud flew out of Ke Yizhou, and the stars all over the sky formed formations to seal the clouds. Then there was another roll of clouds, which used the power of the spring and autumn years to push the Yunlong King's consciousness back to the bottom of the water.

Faced with this scene, the Wind Dragon King could only pray that the goddess would obey her oath. After he recovered his true immortal magic power, he took the initiative to let King Yunlong escape.

Brother, two rolls of clouds.

Fu Yaozhen immediately understood the situation outside and felt calm.

My grandfather has become a Tribulation Immortal, King Yunlong has returned to the great formation of the Cloud Realm, and there is no need to worry about the outside world.

The only thing to do now is to try to send Fu Xuanxing away.

After Fu Yaozhen thought about it, he said softly: "Dragon King, does he know how we were captured?"

"What about these ladies' plan?" the Dragon King said sullenly, "This crazy woman is used to playing tricks like these, otherwise I wouldn't have done it back then..."

Unjustly dead!

I did not participate in the destruction of the Divine Continent at all, and I did not even see what the Donglai Divine Continent looked like!

He and his wife were out on a honeymoon cruise, and they accidentally bumped into some other Dragon Kings, and they pulled them over to help. For what benefit they were fighting, and why they were fighting, he didn’t even know!

Don’t you just want to come and see the dojo of Taixuan Saint? You guys are so cruel! "There was a couple. After the wife was reincarnated, her husband refused to abandon her and returned to the immortal world. But later she discovered..."

Fu Yaozhen told the story about Geng Yuxiao and Yan Li, and how the two of them were sent into the secret realm of Fenglong by Yan Li.

"Why are you telling me this?"

The Wind Dragon King was a little puzzled.

"Even if you tell me this, I can't help you. That sword can also restrain me."

"I just lament that His Majesty's love for his wife is similar to that of Geng Yuxiao. I guess the Dragon King and the Goddess made a deal? Will he die in exchange for his wife's escape and rebirth? And then let her resurrect you?"

The wind dragon was silent.

That's right, let his wife get out of trouble first, and then she can help him resurrect himself.

"You don't need to sow discord. I believe that her feelings for me are the same as mine for her."

"Geng Yuxiao also believed in his wife so much that he did not hesitate to sacrifice his skills to help his reincarnated wife survive. Over the years, he did not make much progress, but he was rejected by his wife, and his heart was broken with a palm."

Fu Yaozhen looked at the whirlpool on the water surface.

“I think it’s better to take the initiative into your own hands than to place your hopes on others, isn’t it?

"Furthermore, Yunlong King has a great cause of overthrowing the continent, and has some unclear connections with Donglai. How easy is her resurrection? On the contrary, Dragon King, you are not from Donglai, and you have never destroyed the Shenzhou. You are not related to me. Waiting has no cause and effect.”


The water surface was rippled with waves, and the wind dragon was in a very unstable mood.


"Thank you for your help."

In Yizhou, Blood Demon Zhu Yan nodded to the Red Dragon King.

It was the Red Dragon King's description of Yunlong King's cultivation techniques that enabled him to think quickly and examine the opponent's flaws. Together with Song Chunqiu, one person and one cloud scroll were smashed back to the cloud world formation by the Cloud Dragon King.

"Haha... It's easy to say, easy to say. My dear brother and I hit it off right away, so naturally we have to offer some help. If my dear brother is willing to repay the favor, just help me enlighten a few more descendants and leave some opportunities for me."

Blood Demon Zhu Yan's eyes flashed and he said with a smile: "Dragon King Yun has a grudge against my elder brother? If so, my younger brother should do his best to kill this dragon."

The Red Dragon King's face paused, and after thinking, he nodded silently: "She and I have a grudge against the sea."

"South China Sea?"


The Red Dragon King was originally a dragon from the outer sea, but later entered the Donglai South Sea and became the lord of the sea. The Yunlong King was once a dragon from the South China Sea. After being driven out, he returned to his homeland again. But she never expected that the fight between herself and her husband would lead to the death of Erlong Donglai.

"Those girls are very petty. They drag their husbands back and call them 'honeymoon visits'. Who doesn't know that their purpose is to embarrass me. By the way, they want to compete for the opportunity to become enlightened?"

The Red Dragon King knew that he might not have that opportunity, so he simply broke the can and broke the Tao directly.

"Back then, the Dragon King of the Four Seas watched Taixuan Dao Saint's demonstration and knew that Taixuan Sect united the immortal sects to secretly carry out a major event. If the Dragon King and I win this opportunity, we will hopefully go one step further and become the King of the Sea.

"The only ones who know this secret are us Dragon Kings of the Four Seas and King Yun Long who escaped from the South China Sea. We invited three dragon kings to help us, and we happened to see him and his wife returning to Donglai. Therefore, the old thief Canglong specially invited his two dragons. Go up and try to tie me down with their husband and wife."

The Cloud Dragon King and the Red Dragon King have a feud over the sea.

After that opportunity appeared, was her first goal to compete for the opportunity to achieve enlightenment, or to drag her husband along to defeat the Red Dragon King?

At least, Blue Dragon King and White Dragon King hope they choose the latter.

After hearing this, Wukong Spirit God nodded clearly and said no more about the matter.

On the contrary, the Red Dragon King was quite puzzled.

"Aren't you curious about Xiandao's plan?"

"With my current status and strength. As long as I can successfully transform into a holy body, someone will tell me the plan. They will even ask me to preside over it. Before that, why should I be distracted by other things? At present, solve it The disaster of the Dragon King is what matters.”

Seeing his kind-heartedness, the Red Dragon King secretly sighed and couldn't help but feel a little happy.

If I make this investment, it may not be impossible to resurrect directly.

At their level, life and death, sealing and imprisonment are not so difficult to accept.

Their time was not completely destroyed.

Death is just a dry period. As long as the future is revived again, the long river of time can flow again.

The seal is just as still as water, and all future changes will disappear. After getting out of trouble, the future path will be revealed again.

For the True Immortal and the Dragon King, how to preserve the firewood for his comeback is the key.

The Red Dragon King's current choice is to befriend Fu Henghua. Use the Little Sage to help you refill the dry river bed with flowing water.

As for Fu Yaozhen, he was trying his best to persuade the Wind Dragon King to reincarnate in his belly.

"Are you sure that King Yunlong has not deceived you in anything?

“Putting your hopes on others is far less effective than taking control of yourself.

“Besides, in my opinion, you are more likely to be resurrected than she is.

"If the Dragon King joins forces with me, we can directly injure Tiannu so hard that she will no longer be able to control the Cloud Realm Formation."

After a while, the Wind Dragon King said slowly: "Did you mean to be my mother after you were born?"

"I need to use your power to fight against the goddess. To do this, I need you to enter my body. Giving birth to you is just a reward for you. I believe that with your qualifications - yes, I can do extra Make a promise. I will do my best to strengthen your innate physique, so that you can stand at the forefront of the crowd after birth and achieve enlightenment as soon as possible."

Fu Yaozhen's finger gently touched the water surface.

The scenery of Panlong Island and the cultural atmosphere of the Fu family are transformed in the water.

Looking at the transformed scene, the Wind Dragon King had to admit that the Fu family was indeed a hidden dragon treasure land, suitable for his reincarnation and reconstruction.


"Are you really willing to let me live through your body?"

For the human race, especially such descendants of the Feng family, shouldn't this be the most shameful thing?

"Of course. If you don't believe it, I can swear by my ancestors. I think, in terms of credibility, my family is better than the goddess of heaven."

After thinking for a while again, the Wind Dragon King said softly.

"You know? You remind me of what my mother once mentioned... the appearance of the pioneers of the Xuandan clan when they first emerged.

Once upon a time, those ancestors were constantly calculating their budgets like this. In the cracks between the major powerful clans, they are gathering their chips little by little. In the end, he became the leader of humanity.

Give birth to dragon eggs, no, dragon people.

In the eyes of many pure human races, this is tantamount to being a freak and a heresy.

But Fu Yaozhen actually put aside his pride and took the initiative to help Wind Dragon King find a chance for resurrection.

Although she understands that she is doing this to get out of trouble.

But dare to make such sacrifices...

This woman's ruthlessness is no worse than that of a goddess!

"If you are given time to grow, I believe your achievements will not be inferior to Jinxia."

"There is no future."

Fu Yaozhen looked at the green mountains in the distance,

"Now this place is under her control."

Precisely because she was Jin Xia, she understood the scene of her destined death.

The mountain peak with the Sword of Love hanging high above is exactly where he will die.

"I gave birth to you with only one condition: take Fu Xuanxing out of here."


The water rippled, and the swirling wind was full of emotions, looking very stunned.

"you sure?"

Fu Yaozhen did not answer, but thought to himself and said: "After rebirth, you will also experience a period of confusion in the womb. At that time, you cannot protect yourself. With Fu Xuanxing here, his character of knowing how to repay kindness will protect you. Successfully restore your previous life - and because you were born to me, according to the Fu family's usual rules, I should protect you - speaking of which, you are a wind dragon, and my family's Taoism may also be of some help to you."


Helping a Dragon King practice? Is your family’s martial arts also suitable?

Hey, no, Fufeng Immortal Palace was established by "that person". If he brought it from Tianxu Divine Continent and processed it later, it might be really helpful to me.

Moreover, the wind sword array demonstrated by Fudanwei seemed to be helpful to me.

The Wind Dragon King was a little moved.

"But I won't help you deal with the Dragon Clan."

"In the future, you just have to turn into a dragon and return to your throne. But as long as you have this love and love, you don't do evil to the Donglai people."

Okay, naked Xuandan ancestor style.

The ancestors of those days used this strategy to make many friends and only a few enemies. Only then can we fight against the gods and demons in the final battle.

boom -

Suddenly, thousands of fires burst out from under the mountain.

Fu Yaozhen and Xuan Feng were shocked at the same time.

"Wait a minute, that guy went to have a duel?"


Without thinking, Fu Yaozhen picked up the long qin and hurried back.

The whirlwind on the water pondered for a moment, then turned into a strong wind with its little remaining power, and followed Fu Yaozhen.

If she is to be chosen as the mother body, then we must try to preserve her in the next period of time.

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