
Chapter 742 Giving birth to a son

"The Sword of Fireflies is really ridiculous!"

Facing the stabbing sword energy, the goddess calmly raised her hand.


Before the spell could be activated, the sword energy grazed his cheek and cut through the sea of ​​clouds thousands of miles behind him.

The goddess' expression paused, and then she felt a killing intent that was cold and piercing, enough to make people suffocate.

Yin and yang are reversed, and the two yin and yang are mixed into one.

Fu Xuanxing's sword today is different from a hundred days ago.

Under that sword, it seemed that the whole world was filled with murderous intent towards the goddess.

Heavenly Sword, Dao Sword, Sword of Yin and Yang.

Taixuan Liangyi Heaven Escape Sword Technique?

"Instant light." The goddess immediately chanted a spell and moved away without thinking.

The sword light passed by itself, and all the mountaintops a hundred miles away were cut off.

This guy has been practicing hard for hundreds of days, and his swordsmanship has improved so quickly.

"You are different from a hundred days ago." Seeing the young man's high spirits and soaring fighting spirit, the goddess looked cold.

"But you are much weaker than you were a hundred days ago."

The young man held his sword and faced off: "Your control over the secret realm of the Wind Dragon has been weakened."

The goddess looked through the young man to the cave behind her.

Large swaths of green scenery are condensing, like a sacred and majestic dragon surrounding it.

On the day Fu Yaozhen gave birth to his son, the entire secret world was shaken. The origin of the dragon veins rushed towards Fu Yaozhen crazily, preparing for the reincarnation of the Dragon King.

Naturally, the secret realm has less favor for the goddess.

The goddess raised her hand and cast a spell: "The Nine Dragons are banned and the Five Elements are ordered."

The spell chain quickly extended, sealing the five elements of energy in this space and sealing all dragon-related powers.

It was not only to prevent Fu Xuanxing from using another set of "Nine Dragon Sword Gang", but also to delay the progress of Fu Yaozhen's birth.

The young man took his time and inserted the scabbard into the Xuan Lu Commander's main body, then slowly made a gesture to draw the sword.

Lihuo roared, a hundred-foot giant sword exploded from the furnace, and the spell that sealed the Dragon Valley was quickly burned out by the flames that filled the sky.

"With the sword, nothing can last. You can seal everything with spells, and I can naturally cut everything with the sword and burn everything with fire."

These hundred days were a rare high-pressure exercise for Fu Xuanxing.

In the past, under the careful guidance of the elders at Panlong Island and Yuting Mountain, Fu Xuanxing practiced sword practice seriously, but he was far less diligent than this imminent life and death moment.

I spend a hundred days sharpening my sword, and I don't dare to neglect it at all. A little laziness can be the difference between life and death.

The scabbard vibrated slightly, activating all the circuits of the Dharma Puppet in the furnace.

Fu Xuanxing's Dharma Puppet is a high-level puppet that rivals the Tribulation Immortal. Not only is the material high-quality, but it also contains the mysterious truth of "Heaven and Earth are furnaces, Yin and Yang are charcoal".

This furnace circulates yin and yang and is filled with creation. It is a burning world of heaven and earth.

At this moment, Fu Xuanxing can surpass the younger generation in swordsmanship alone.

Even Fu Henghua was not confident in his swordsmanship with a guy who had been sharpening his sword for hundreds of days and gradually entered the Taoist realm.

One move after another, every sword energy trajectory tends to be perfect, almost giving the appearance of a sword master.

Coupled with the puppet with the full power of Tribulation Immortal, Fu Xuanxing can already compete with Taoist Long.

The goddess's eyes are fierce, and her jade hands are forming seals in the void. The auras of the Four Symbols and Five Elements flashed in the air, and various strange and strange mantras were transformed into thousands of mantras, spirits, and demons, whizzing away in the violent storm.

The sword energy and the curse spirit clashed. Sword energy is constantly born from the innate yin and yang avenue, and cursed spirits and demons are constantly bred from the golden cloud sea.

Life and death continued to unfold, and a hundred times later, the two of them were surrounded by ruins.

Looking at the remaining cave behind him, Fu Xuanxing decisively chose to attack.

"The man and the sword become one." The master of Xuan Furnace slowly opened his arms, and there seemed to be a loud bell roaring in the furnace, one sound louder than the other.

The Dragon Valley space was shaking frequently, and even the Wind Dragon Secret Realm felt a terrifying sword intent that could destroy the world.


Large areas of the cursed spirit demon god's sword intent strangled in the furnace.

Is Nanli's immortal power fully activated?

The goddess frowned slightly and took a few steps back.


Behind him, the flames burned brightly and quickly formed a Tai Chi array around Dragon Valley.

A replica of the formation of Erlongjian in the past, produced by Hongwen Pavilion Master.

Within the formation, Fu Xuanxing quickly inserted his sword into the ground, and pillars of fire erupted in the Dragon Valley, completely trapping the two of them.

At the same time, in the flames, the innate yin and yang energy circulated and created, and the broken rocks were restored bit by bit in the Dragon Valley.

"Boy, are you going to give her time?"

The goddess waved her hand, and a sea of ​​flowers bloomed in the Lihuo Taichi array. With her as the center, she was constantly tampering with and devouring Lihuo.

But Li Huo relied on the power of the immortal weapon and was not to be outdone. It quickly spread in the sea of ​​flowers, tearing and burning the power of the goddess.


In the cave, Fu Yaozhen's face was full of pain, and he kept flicking the dragon's tail.

A hundred days later, she was affected by the wind dragon's true energy and turned into a bloated humanoid dragon monster.

The dragon's tail was beaten and rubbed among the rocks, and its blood and scales frequently fell off. The dragon's claws tore at the cracks in the rocks, clawed at the nails, and blood flowed freely. The dragon's head also kept hitting the rocks, trying to break the dragon's horns.

Pain shot through her body, almost causing her to lose consciousness.

But Fu Yaozhen worked hard to keep the spiritual platform clean and carried out the last step before giving birth with supreme perseverance.

"Bear it, you must endure it."

After you must shed your dragon form and restore your human body, the children you give birth to will be human beings, not dragons.

Therefore, Fu Yaozhen endured the urging of the fetus in his abdomen and the infusion of secret source energy.

She worked hard to use Xuan Gong to remove the dragon scales on her body bit by bit.

Countless times of beating and hitting the wall...

The dragon horns on the top of the head were broken and obliterated, and the dragon head regained its beautiful appearance.

After flicking its tail and peeling off its scales countless times, its delicate legs and jade feet once again stretched out from under the riddled dragon skin.

After countless struggles and cuts, the sharp dragon claws once again became as slender as jade.

Taking deep breaths again and again, Fu Yaozhen tried to cheer up and sense the battle outside.

Fu Xuanxing's aura alternated between strong and weak. Sometimes domineering, sometimes ethereal...

Under the fatal threat of the goddess of heaven, swordsmanship, Yin Yang Taoism, Nanli Fire Technique, Five Elements Mountain Technique, Bagua Furnace Technique...Fu Xuanxing has learned all in his life at this moment, just to buy time for Fu Yaozhen.

"The time is almost up."

Touching his bulging belly, Fu Yaozhen could feel the strong vitality in his belly.

Although it was just a transaction, the hundred-day pregnancy also gave her a strange emotion.

The joy of new life, and the inexplicable panic.

When the last dragon scale fell off and his body completely recovered, Fu Yaozhen was almost out of power.

The low dragon roar echoed around him, and Fu Yaozhen felt that the true soul of the wind dragon seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and began the last step.


The secret realm was in turmoil, and streams of pure dragon energy mixed with the last thoughts of the dragon soul melted into Fu Yaozhen's belly.

"I'll go too!"

The fetus in the body undergoes mysterious changes at this moment.

But Fu Yaozhen knew that the fetus in his body was a human, not a dragon. Human bones, human brain, human blood, human body, only the soul is the true soul of the Heavenly Dragon.

In the Fetus Niwan Palace, there is a true spirit dragon ball that entrusts the dragon soul.

Making a decisive decision, Fu Yaozhen showed a fierce expression and quickly took out a dagger and slashed his belly.

Fu Yaozhen was naturally unwilling to come out of the birth canal, and it was not in line with the way of the Goddess.

Under the ribs, flanks, back...

Using the mysterious method to dissect the body will not allow the spiritual fetus to be contaminated by acquired filth, nor will it cause the body to be broken and the vitality to be lost.

He inserted one hand into his abdomen and forcibly pulled out the baby boy who was connected to the umbilical cord.

With blood splattering all over his face, Fu Yaozhen continued production with a stupefied face.

As a young girl, she has never tried to give birth alone. But when things came to a head, there was no other choice.

Holding back the pain, Fu Yaozhen carried out production operations bit by bit.

Finally, do not forget to wrap the baby well before doing exercises to heal the injury.


Outside the cave, Tiannu and Fu Xuanxing fought for thousands of rounds.

The light of the spell and the light of the sword intertwined fiercely, and the more she hit the goddess, the more surprised she became.

The fiercer his offensive, the more tenacious Fu Xuanxing became. He had been hit dozens or hundreds of times by his own spells, but he could stand up again every time.

The injuries on his body were burned by the divine fire from Nanli's scabbard, and his physical strength became even stronger.

At this moment, his physical strength is almost catching up with the Tribulation Immortal in the True Spirit Realm!

That's right, with the fire exercise again and again. Fu Xuanxing's already extremely powerful body had already broken through the longevity limit first.

In the future, even if Fu Xuanxing's soul is gone, his body will still be full of vitality and will last for thousands of years.

Moreover, the goddess felt that Fu Xuanxing's body was running a mysterious mental method.

It is not the Taixuan system, nor is it passed down by Nanli Sword Immortal, nor is it any body-building technique that I have ever seen.

It's just that in every confrontation and every injury, his body was able to produce an extra mysterious Tao charm under that mental method, allowing Fu Xuanxing, who was on the verge of death, to stand up again and again. And the Huanglong true blood continuously generated in his body will be quickly transformed by that mental method and become the nutrients for body reshaping.

Finally, the goddess couldn't help but asked: "What kind of teaching are you doing?"

"The mental method of the Heavenly Book of Ten Thousand Curses is not weak."

Fu Xuanxing once again used the "Eight-Ninth Saint Healing Chapter" to heal his injuries, holding the sword in both hands and swinging it horizontally.

Time and space were torn apart by the dark blade of light, the entire secret realm shook frequently, and a gorgeous aurora even appeared above Donglai.

"This son is one with the sword sheath, and he can perfectly utilize Nan Li's immortal power. If he can further understand the heart of the sword master, might he be comparable to Nan Li before he became an immortal?"

Suddenly, Dragon Valley returned to silence.

There are two qi forces, one strong and one weak, surging in the cave.

The light blue wind slowly rippled, imposing restrictions around Dragon Valley and radiating into the distance.

The look of the goddess changed and she immediately turned into smoke and left.

At this moment, the control of the secret realm has completely disappeared.

Looking at Jinxia retreating, Fu Xuanxing slowly spit out a mouthful of dirty blood.

Although his physical body is helped by the scabbard, it can recover indefinitely. But his spirit could no longer bear it. If he continues to entangle, he may become the first being whose soul is destroyed and whose body becomes enlightened.

"Are you okay?"

With heavy steps, he walked to the door of the cave.

The Broken Dragon Stone had already been broken by the battle outside and the struggle inside.

But the cave was twisty and Fu Xuanxing still couldn't see Fu Yaozhen's figure.

"come in."

Hearing the weak voice, Fu Xuanxing hesitated for a moment and walked into the cave.

The cave was filled with dirty blood, and the turbid dragon aura was everywhere.

Fu Yaozhen reluctantly wore a plain and wide robe, holding a baby who had not yet opened his eyes and leaning against the stone wall at the end of the cave.

Looking at the pale and delicate face, Fu Xuanxing breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, she is fine.

Fu Yaozhen's voice was hoarse: "I will trigger changes in the secret realm and seize its power for at most three days. These three days will be the time for us to fight back.

"You take him to clean him first. During this time, I will try to breastfeed him. After the mana is restored, I will fight to the death with the goddess. At that time, you take him away."

"I built a flying boat that can temporarily seal time and conduct automatic navigation. I set the location to Panlong Island and let him go by himself. As for me..."

Fu Yaozhen shook his head: "I know what you want to say. But you should understand that my death has long been destined. Longshou Peak is the place where I will die.

"In this case, I will drag her down hard before I die so that she can no longer interfere with her destiny wantonly and avenge these three hundred years.

"But you are different. You don't have to stay here with me."

"If I don't stay, you won't be allowed to die. If we break that mountain, can't we move the scene of death to the future? Anyway, the scene of your death is just that environment. At worst, I will include that mountain in the Qiankun Ring, Take it back to Panlong Island!"

He asked Qiu Danyu privately, and Qiu Danyu painted a painting for him.

The red wedding dress is as bright as fire, and the dying woman.

She fell into her arms, surrounded by green mountains and lush forests.

Fu Yaozhen laughed and shook his head.

Is the Death of Destiny so easy to modify?

Moreover, I also hate scheming with the goddess. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to bring closure to the two of them.

After Qiang sent Fu Xuanxing to wash the baby, Fu Yaozhen silently closed his eyes and called Changqin to his side.

Forming a seal with both hands, a ray of light floated out from the center of the eyebrows and sealed into the strings.

"Although it is just a transaction, it is inevitable that I will be concerned about the birth of my son."

maternal love.

Although it was not much, with the birth of this new baby, strange emotions gradually emerged in her heart.

But this emotion was a burden in the ensuing war. Therefore, Fu Yaozhen used secret techniques to seal his emotions to ensure that he could fight against the goddess with all his strength.


Soon, Fu Xuanxing grabbed the baby and hurried back. "Look, he keeps crying. Is he looking for you?"

Seeing the crying baby and Fu Xuanxing's gesture of grabbing the baby, Fu Yaozhen was speechless and hurriedly asked him to hand it over.

"That's all, I will still take care of you during this period. When you return, leave it to Henghua to take care of you."

After all, she is the eldest sister and takes care of her younger siblings at home. She is different from Fu Xuanxing, a young boy.

Soon, the baby stopped crying and fell asleep in her arms.

Looking at his beautiful child, Fu Yaozhen murmured: "If he takes care of it, this child is expected to practice the Heavenly Book."

"Does that mean we need to choose a name first?"

Fu Yaozhen thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "Let grandpa consider it, or Henghua can take it."

It is no coincidence.

When Fu Yaozhen gave birth to the reincarnation of the Dragon King with difficulty, Gongye Mingchan also held a child and discussed with Fu Xuanhe.

"You and I are busy working on sister Yao Zhen's affairs, and it is inconvenient to take care of the child. Why not stay on Panlong Island and fulfill our filial piety to our elders on your behalf? When the sixth brother comes out of seclusion in the future, we can teach the child to make progress and practice the Taoism of Heavenly Calligraphy. "

After Fu Xuanhe thought about it, he informed his grandfather and left his son on the island. He also left a letter with Fu Henghua to teach him on his behalf.

After that, he and his wife rushed to another continent to find a way to save people.

I plan to finish this plot today.

Because it is too long, I have only written half of it now.

So I will upload an update first, and everyone should go to bed quickly.

There are two more chapters during the day, three chapters on Qin Duan and Yi Ren.

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