
Chapter 744 Beauty

As if he had glimpsed the incompetent rage of the goddess in the seal, Fu Yaozhen smiled happily.

All vitality was extinguished, and the whole person suddenly fell to the ground like a broken kite.

The fairy music that echoes when Juntian disappears is like a sad farewell.

Wisps of golden light fell down the moment Juntian disappeared and merged into Fu Yaozhen's body. So that the body that is about to dissipate can maintain the cup of tea.

Fu Xuanxing flew into the air and hugged her gently.

"You..." The young man's expression was horrified.

Not only were all the meridians broken, Fu Yaozhen could not even stabilize his body at this moment. If it weren't for the protection of Juntian's power, I'm afraid it would turn into dust on the spot.

"My life span is exhausted, my soul is extinguished, and my Taoist foundation is destroyed. I - am about to die."

Fu Yaozhen glanced at the sky gratefully.

"It's all thanks to the power of Heaven that I can retain my body and say my last words."

"Let's go back immediately. The secret passage is now open. Let's go find Brother Six!"

"That's too late."

Fu Yaozhen said as he took out broken talismans, withered fruits, and scattered Gu insects and puppets.

Talisman for resurrecting the dead, returning yang fairy fruit, substitute puppet, golden cicada for escape...

On that day, Fu Yaozhen gave up the resurrection talisman for his brother. Later, when he returned to Donglai, Fu Xuanhe sent another incomplete "Resurrection Talisman" with calligraphy and painting by himself. In addition, Fu Henghua, Long Daoren, Liu Yangshi, etc. all prepared rebirth talismans for Fu Yaozhen.

However, facing the Sword of Destruction of Sentiment, the many secret treasures they prepared, plus the substitutes prepared by Fu Maiyuan, Fu Tongjun and others, even if they were all effective, they could not save Fu Yaozhen's life.

Not only was it injured, but it was also the result of her sacrificing her lifespan and losing her spiritual wisdom.

Fu Yaozhen struggled to get off the ground, Fu Xuanxing quickly held her in his arms to stop her, but was unable to resist Fu Yaozhen, so he still carefully helped her to the ground.

"Help me change my clothes."

Fu Yaozhen smiled softly: "Since I am destined to die here, it is time for the heavens to go smoothly and let me have some regrets."

Fu Xuanxing pursed his lips and did not act.

He knew what Fu Yaozhen meant.

Put on your wedding dress and put an end to your childhood memories.

But didn’t that wedding dress correspond to the foreseen future?

Seeing that he didn't speak, Fu Yaozhen took out the red dress from the ring, with some uncut silk threads still on it.

Unfolding her wedding dress with both hands, she admired her work.

“This was specially prepared for me when I was a child, after seeing other girls wearing beautiful wedding dresses and getting married.

"Unfortunately... not long after, I saw my 'death'. The unfinished wedding dress was kept at the bottom of the box. Until recently, when I was cleaning the cave, I took it out and improved it. "

When the cave was being repaired, she was still in the form of a dragon, so it was difficult for her to perform precise operations. Therefore, there are a lot of threads hidden in the inner pleats of the wedding dress.

But it is finally a complete set of wedding clothes, including a blouse, phoenix robe, Xia pi, and Luo skirt.

Seeing her struggling to change clothes, Fu Xuanxing had to step forward to help.

After changing his clothes, Fu Yaozhen's remaining strength was almost used up. Fu Xuanxing had no choice but to carry her to the top of a nearby hill.

After taking a closer look, the two of them were startled.

The realm that Fu Xuanxing came to unintentionally happened to be the scene that Fu Yaozhen had glimpsed.

In the scene observed by Fu Yaozhen and Qiu Danyu, they only saw Fu Yaozhen wearing a wedding dress and in Fu Xuanxing's arms. But now at this moment, Fu Yaozhen finally understood.

"Is it the sunrise over the sea of ​​clouds?"

The distance is cloudy and misty.

As the secret realm appears, the sun shines in from the outside world, and purple smoke rises, magnificent and gorgeous.

"It's okay, it's also good to watch the sunrise."

The sun was getting brighter, and she silently stared at the outline of the sun, as if she wanted to remember this scene forever.

"It's a pity that it's not the sunrise on Panlong Island after all."

"Yeah, it's not the sunrise on Panlong Island." Fu Xuanxing clenched his fists.

He wanted to open his mouth to let Fu Yaozhen retain some of his obsession, so that it could sprout again.

But he could clearly feel the hand holding Fu Yaozhen: Fu Yaozhen's body was empty, and there was no chance of survival. At this moment, her internal organs have all disappeared, and she is just relying on Juntian's divine power to maintain a body. She is just a leaf of duckweed floating on the water.

"The sunrise on Panlong Island is the most beautiful I have ever seen in my life."


"The red glow cuts through the clouds, the orange light ignites the sea of ​​smoke, and the sky suddenly lights up."

Fu Yaozhen murmured and vaguely saw his former self.

He and his brother climbed up to the Wangri Cliff on Panlong Island and looked at Danyang rising from the East China Sea. From holding herself to holding her hand, the two of them sat on the cliff together and drank tea. In the end, I was sitting alone on the top of the mountain watching the sunrise.

"Since my eldest brother went to Nanzhou, I can no longer be the same as I was when I was a child."

Whispering, she unconsciously activated the "Xuan Guan" again.

Maybe it was the reflection of light before death, maybe it was a gift from Juntian Dao. Fu Yaozhen felt that the "Xuan Guan power" was stronger, and it seemed that he had broken through to a higher level - the third eye.

At this moment, she truly has the eyes of heaven. Like a goddess, you can observe the billions of directions of Dongnai's destiny.

Seeing the Fu family's increasingly prosperous fortune and watching the glory of the Holy Path continue for thousands of years, she smiled happily.


When she glimpsed a period of time a hundred years later, her expression changed slightly.

"Xuanxing, help me make a flower crown."


Fu Xuanxing looked at the woman in red. The dark cloud shawl hangs down from the waist, and something is indeed missing.

He carefully helped Fu Yaozhen sit up and got up to collect flowers.

At this moment, Fu Yaozhen chanted a mantra in a low voice. Juntian's divine power that originally maintained his body was being consumed at an accelerated rate.


When Fu Xuanxing came back with a corolla woven with flowers, she was pale and lying quietly on the ground.

He quickly stepped forward to help Yaozhen, and she smiled miserably.

"Originally, I planned to watch a sunrise on the last journey of my life, but I ended up with a little regret... Unexpectedly, I still couldn't let go of my worries. Ahem... But fortunately, everything that needs to be done has been completed. Regarding your entrustments and arrangements, I've done enough with that letter."

The cold hand patted the warm palm gently, and she slowly closed her eyes.

Fu Xuanxing put the flower crown on silently, as if thinking of something, and took out a hosta to tie his hair.

When the hosta was inserted into the bun, Fu Xuanxing didn't wait for a closer look.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew.

Fu Yaozhen's body collapsed completely, and the golden light quickly dissipated in the sunlight.


Boom - rumble -

The secret realm of the wind dragon was forced to appear, swaying in the hurricane belt.

In the end, this secret realm that was transformed into a dragon corpse and shattered after a great battle finally sank into the sea in the storm.

Just like the Donglai Shenzhou in the past.

The vision in the secret realm has already alarmed the monks in the East China Sea, and masters Dan Xuanzi and Fu Maiyuan happened to be among the onlookers.

They watched the secret realm sink slowly.

When it was about to be completely submerged, seven streams of light broke out from the water and flew in all directions.

Immediately afterwards, Xuanbai Sword Light quickly caught up with a stream of light, and then hurriedly flew to the floating island stand outside the hurricane zone.

"Wait, is that Xuan Xing's sword energy?"

Fu Maiyuan was overjoyed and rushed over.

"Xuanxing? Are you back?"

The young man in red was dripping wet, looking at the soul bead in his hand quietly with a sad expression.

Fu Mai saw that he was silent when he saw him, and an ominous premonition surged in his heart.

Could it be that Fourth Sister...

"Wait, who is this child?"

Dan Xuanzi was stunned when he saw the baby in Fu Xuanxing's arms.

Fu Mai looked far away and saw the longevity lock passed down from his fourth sister's family on the baby boy's neck, and his expression changed drastically.

Could this child be...

"Where's Brother Six? I want to see him!"

Holding the soul bead tightly, Fu Xuanxing strengthened his determination.

With a soul in hand, there is still hope.


Fujia, Panlong Island.

When the secret realm was broken open and the seven streams of light flew away and were annihilated, Fu Danwei had quickly activated the soul-calling flag according to Fu Henghua's plan.

The Tianyin boy personally sat in the formation, and the billowing wind suddenly rose up, blessing the power of the streamer with the force of covering the sky and the sun.

When Fu Xuanxing protected one soul bead, he tried his best to stabilize the other six soul beads to ensure that they would not dissipate immediately.

Fu Henghua had nothing to do to save people.

However, he could arrange the soul summoning array in advance to collect Fu Yaozhen's broken soul in order to bring him back to life.

For this reason, Fudanwei has been sitting on Panlong Island and waiting for many years.

He worked with Mu Putian, Liu Yangshi, Bai Hezi and others to block the sunlight to increase the efficiency of ghost magic.

Thick clouds were rolling in, and the six streams of light gradually stabilized under the blessing of thousands of ghosts chanting mantras.

But just when Tianyin Boy was about to gather the soul beads. Thunder suddenly exploded, shattering everyone's defiant move.

The six streams of light accelerated away again.

"Sure!" Only a stream of light was caught by Fudanwei who took action in time.

Another stream of light was knocked down by the cloud shaft thrown in time and disappeared into the waters of Donglai.

The remaining four streams of light broke through the air and disappeared without a trace.

Looking at the soul bead in his hand, Fu Danwei quickly flew to the temple on Fengtong Island and threw the soul bead into the female statue in the lobby.

Temples were built to spread meritorious deeds, incense was used to offer sacrifices, and gods were enshrined in golden bodies.

This is the expedient solution that Fu Henghua and his sister are looking for.



Dongfang Yunqi gently held Henghua's hand, and the two of them looked down at the temple in the human world.

"Only one soul bead? Counting the one soul and one soul held by Xuan Xing, it's not enough."

"The soul is scattered, and there should be no soul left. You acted against the will of heaven, and the Fu family has collected ghost treasures for many years, which made the seven souls stable and left a chance to turn around."

Dongfang Yunqi comforted her with kind words, but Fu Henghua frowned, still unwilling to give up.

At that time, he saw Fu Xuanxing rushing towards the Five Elements Mountain Dao Palace with the baby in his arms, shouting for help, and he sighed again.

Dongfang Yunqi's face was full of sadness: "Everyone in the world knows that you and I are extraordinary and holy, and can do anything. But we know very well that in the face of the vast heavenly way, you and I are just at the bottom of the path. We are ignorant and incompetent."

The more you know and know, the more you understand your own powerlessness and incompetence.

Facing the closed secret realm of Fenglong, Henghua was helpless. I can only prepare for my sister's resurrection in advance.

This way of thinking is from the perspective of a true immortal or a dragon king.

As long as there is no soul returning to the stars, it is still this life.

So what about death, what about seals?

As long as the soul is gathered and the body is reshaped, one can be reborn. Fu Henghua sighed softly: "My sister's soul is damaged, but it is maintained by the spirit of faith. I don't know how long it will take to find the seven souls."

Judging from the direction of the four souls flying away, they may have completely left Donglai.

Conjuring spirits is by no means an easy job.

Dongfang Yunqi patted the back of his hand: "I have taken care of you all these years and used the power of the twelfth yin to protect the human world. I should be able to take care of the Fu family sister's spiritual god. As for the other four souls, his fortune may turn around."

Henghua shook his head and said: "Don't worry too much about this matter. My grandfather is in charge of Yanlong, so he can protect my sister's incense. As for you, it's time to practice hard. For the sake of my family, you have not concentrated on entering concentration for many years - not entering the holy world. , If you are not enlightened, how can you join me in settling accounts with that bitch in the sky?"

Dongfang Yunqi pursed her lips and said nothing.

"By the way, do you still have Zhouguang Divine Water on hand?"

Something happened in Nanzhou, and Dongfang Yunqi's incarnation as the Queen of the Moon stayed in Nanzhou to deal with the aftermath. Most of the many treasures in the Puhe Demon Palace fell into his hands.

"There is still one bottle left."

Henghua: "Give it to me first. I want to use it for practice."

With a move of his jade hand, the white jade bottle automatically entered the dreamland.

Zhouguang Shenshui is a treasure condensed by time. Even illusory dreams cannot stop the power of time.

Taking the jade bottle, Henghua immediately drew the divine water and incorporated it into the spirit god.

"Sister, let's leave the matter as it is for now. I'll come back to argue with them after I get out of seclusion!"


From the ends of the earth, screams and roars came from the dark and lightless virtual realm.

There are several spiritual lights looming in the distance, watching the fate of the goddess.

"If you interfere with destiny, you will be counterattacked by destiny. It is pitiful and sad."

The purple sun sighed with emotion and turned to hide its brilliance, waiting for the seal to be broken.

Suddenly, the light of the sun and moon broke through the darkness and appeared opposite the purple sun.

"That's her fault. She frequently interferes with the secrets of the world and disrupts our plans."

The sun and the moon are like a pair of bright eyes, revealing the mood of schadenfreude.

The goddess's attack on the Fu family had already made him dissatisfied. If it weren't for the oath he made back then and it was inconvenient for him to take action, he would have settled the score with the goddess long ago.

Immediately afterwards, pure white light also descended here.

"Brother Dao, what should we do next?"

In the past, the Dragon Kings cast a spell to seal the true immortals, and the goddess, the master of the Sun and Moon Mansion, and the two pavilions of true immortals were trapped in one place.

The four of them worked together to discuss and deduce, and formulated the "Nanli Resurrection Plan."

To make a plan to support the return of Nanli Sword Immortal, the four of them need to work together to gather the remnants of the Sword Immortal and try to return the scabbard to Donglai. But the goddess insisted on including her sister's resurrection in the plan. In exchange for the help of the three people, the goddess took the initiative to deal with the many troubles that led to this matter.

Of course, in order to personally arrange for my sister's return. The goddess is also happy with this. The other three true immortals were also happy to have someone do the work, so they simply let the goddess take care of the whole process.

Planning phase one. The parents of Nanli Sword Immortal and Water Dragon Girl must have great luck and great opportunities in this life, so they were deliberately arranged by the four true immortals.

The Fu family and the Sun and Moon Palace have been on good terms for thousands of years, so naturally the master of the Sun and Moon Palace wants to leave this good thing to the Fu family. This is also the reason why the master of Hongwen Pavilion has a scabbard.

The father of Water Dragon Girl was originally Liu Xuan's younger brother, and he should have been a disciple of Zihuang Pavilion.

The Goddess did not leave any legacy, so she simply chose He Yunqing, an outstanding female cultivator, to be her sister's mother in this life.

As for Fu Xuanxing’s mother. Just by looking at its jade dragon body, one can see the unclear relationship with the Jade Saint Pavilion.

If the first stage of the plan is carried out steadily, not only the two old friends and immortals can return and break the seal. These four parents who gave birth to true immortals also have a high probability of becoming immortals.

Unfortunately, the plan collapsed midway. Due to interference from certain entities, the original plan of "Hello, I'm good, everyone" was moved to the second stage. The goddess hates revenge on Fu Xuanxing. In an vain attempt to bring out a female cultivator who likes Fu Xuanxing, and let Fu Xuanxing watch her die.

It is not only revenge on Nanli Sword Immortal, but also stimulates Taoist heart with grief, forcing Nanli Sword Immortal's true self to resuscitate. The purpose is to leave a flaw in his heart so that he can seize the "Nine Dragon King Sword" in the future.

The sword made from the Nine Dragon King's true essence naturally contains a hint of opportunity for enlightenment.

This is the treasure that true immortals desire.

When the Nine Dragon Sword is completed and the seal is broken to free the real immortals, they can come down and snatch the "Nine Dragon Sword".

The three true immortals were aware of the Heavenly Lady's plan, but it had nothing to do with them. Except for the Sun Moon Palace Master, who had some complaints, the two pavilion true immortals sat quietly on the high platform, waiting for the resurrection of Nanli Sword Immortal.

The True Immortal of Yusheng Pavilion asked: "Right now, do we have to wait for Nanli's reincarnation to help us open the seal?"

"Why, if you don't wait for him, do you want to send another message in advance and ask the little saint to help us?"

The Master of the Sun and Moon Palace said happily: "I think it's okay. If you send the message early, you two can also instruct your disciples to protect him from being disturbed by certain beings."

Fu Henghua survives the tribulation, can the two dragon kings sit still under the water?

Inviting monks from the two pavilions to protect the Dharma can not only win favors, but also protect the descendants of immortality.

Purple Sun calmly said: "He has good relations with Zihuang Pavilion, and my disciples and disciples will go to protect him. Why do I need to come forward? If it is really me who comes forward to seek favors, it will be pretentious, not beautiful, not beautiful."

The Lord of the Sun and Moon Palace remained silent.

Why among the four of them, only the goddess frequently interferes in the human world.

To put it bluntly, it is just an exchange of interests.

The goddess works hard in exchange for three people helping her resurrect her sister.

The goddess succeeded and the three of them got out of trouble.

The goddess's plan failed, and the three true immortals were innocent and had nothing to do with the lower world. They only had to wait to escape from trouble.

Now the goddess is severely injured by Juntian Dao and can no longer interfere in the human world.

They must begin to consider whether to personally interfere in the human world.

The Lord of the Sun and Moon Palace boasted a close relationship with Fufeng's family, so he naturally hoped to take the opportunity to help Fu Henghua so that the Fu family could take advantage of the great changes as soon as possible.

But Zihuangge is too stable and has no intention of intervening.

Doing nothing but doing everything, this guy's character is really troublesome!

Master Sun and Moon Palace felt unhappy, Sun and Moon looked at Yuguang.

"What do fellow Taoists think?"

"My family is managed by the descendants, and we don't need to interfere."

With Dongfang Yunqi's relationship, the true immortal will not worry about the Yusheng Pavilion's orthodoxy.


"The two saints came together!" The voice in the jade light was filled with resentment.

Purple Sun also sighed: "What a good mother."

"Yes, these female cultivators are more powerful than the other, and more cruel than the other." The Lord of the Sun and Moon Palace knew very well what these two true immortal companions were feeling.

Someone has been planning for thousands of years, and has gone through many rounds just to resurrect his sister.

Some people use their own lives to set up a foundation for the Fu family, spending their last effort.

There are also people who, just by relying on a popular version of the spell book produced by Yu Sheng Pavilion, have completely cut off the fate of their son to become a disciple of the otherworldly immortal sect. Conveniently throwing a defective product to Yusheng Pavilion, cutting off Yusheng Pavilion's future destiny of "two saints coming together".


It was because when He Yunqing was looking for clues to the Taiyin Mansion, the disciples of the Yusheng Pavilion were too rude to the female foundation-building cultivator, causing her to secretly hold a grudge.

The cultivators in the human world can't understand it, but the three of them can see it clearly in the virtual realm.

They watched helplessly as He Yunqing took action and cut off the future of the two of them joining the Immortal Sect. When he realized that he might interfere with his son's future, he decided to die together with his husband.

Just to give my son a space to be free, not to be manipulated by others, and to do whatever he wants.

In terms of cruelty, this female cultivator, who was clearly the weakest in cultivation, shocked the Lord of the Sun and Moon Palace the most.

The True Immortal of Jade Saint Pavilion sighed: "Just because a gatekeeper spoke rudely to her, she has held a grudge for hundreds of years. She set up a trap to kick a waste to my house... As long as she sends another one, that's fine!"

But the other one was sent to Xizhou by He Yunqing and there was no news at all.

The reason is because the Fu family's stage is only big enough for a wise person to display his skills. And he was sent to Xizhou by He Yunqing using a map of Taiyin Mansion to find the Heavenly Book to inherit.

Of course, this was only seen by the three true immortals.


Fu Huainan returned to the library happily holding the three ancient books he had bought.

By chance, he saw two men sitting in the house.

He was stunned for a moment, then he greeted Feng Yu and Qiu Jun: "Hey! You two are back? How is the situation at home?"

Qiu Jun shook his head, with a pained look on his face.

Feng Yu said with a smile: "Fortunately, everything is going well at home. Now there is a Tribulation Immortal in your family, and your uncle is also planning to become a Taoist and become a saint - I have to say that we are both heirs of the Book of Heaven, it is embarrassing for us!"

Fu Huainan jumped on the bamboo couch and got together with the two of them: "My uncle's temper is as bad as his mother's. That one is..."

Thinking of that method, he couldn't help but shudder.

She was obviously just married in, but her deduction ability is as good as those of the Fu family.

Even though Heluo's method has now entered the state of transformation and his wisdom has reached the level of wisdom, he dare not say that his divination ability is better than that of Grandma He.

"I have never met that person before. But you really don't plan to go back?"

"Not until then. I haven't fully interpreted the divination that grandma left behind."

Divination points to Xizhou, which is related to the fate of the Fu family. If he can't calculate it, how can he rest assured?

After pouring himself tea, he asked again about the result of the third sword fight.

"Sure enough, my family won?"

"It's not a win, but it's not a win. Your uncle created a great unity. The estrangement among the sword cultivators has been reduced a bit. Now that the ninth-grade sword immortal method is spreading, various kendo schools are also spreading. All we can say is, I am included in you, and you are included in me, right?"

After pondering for a while, Fu Huainan made a divination: "In the future, the sword cultivator lineage may be able to publish a heavenly book."

Feng Yu's face paused, and he sighed: "The Book of Heaven is becoming less and less valuable now."

Fu Huainan found the opportunity of the Book of Heaven in Xizhou, Qiu Jun received the inheritance of the Book of Heaven in the Nine Lands, and he also obtained a Book of Heaven when he ran away from home. And this time when I went back to Donglai, I was even more blinded.

The creator of the Heavenly Book of Creation, the successor of the Taiyin Mansion, two successors of the Baji Book, one successor of the Taixuan Book, one successor of the Tianxing Book, two successors of the Hunyuan Book who have not received the true inheritance, and two pavilions secretly planning to train successors of the Heavenly Book.

Fu Huainan didn't take it seriously: "The Taoist book is just a law. Whether you can reach the end depends on yourself. Qiu Jun - why haven't you spoken?"

Qiu Jun came to his senses and let out a long sigh: "Hey——"

"what happened to him?"

"What are those things about his clan? Didn't you guess it before we left?"

Fu Huainan understood and said to Qiu Jun: "I told you long ago that good words can't persuade those who commit suicide. Your tribesmen commit suicide on their own, so why do you have to worry about it? You have to go back and receive the glare."

"We are of the same clan after all."

Qiu Jun was born in Yizhou Dilong.

He is also a rare person in the Earth Dragon clan who possesses Taoism. When the Donglai Cultivation World defeated the Earth Dragon Clan in the past, he saw that something was wrong early on and led some of his tribe members to escape. Later, he got the opportunity of the Heavenly Book, escaped from the Earth Dragon Clan, and went to Xizhou to practice cultivation. By chance, they met Feng Yu who was wandering and lost here. The two then met Fu Huainan, and the three of them practiced together.

Later, the three of them noticed the change in the number of days.

Feng Yu and Qiu Jun rushed back to Donglai.

Shocked to hear that the Earth Dragon Clan was in contact with the Red Dragon King again and was driven by the Dragon King to return to Yizhou, Qiu Jun and the others rushed to stop them.

At that time, when Fu Henghua was talking and negotiating with the Red Dragon King, Qiu Jun and Feng Yu were watching three thousand miles away.

"I originally thought that your uncle would beat the Red Dragon King to death and cut off the relationship between our clan and the Red Dragon. But who knows, instead of killing him, he integrated the Earth Dragon clan and created many evil things."

Fu Henghua is a man of his word. Although he judged that the Red Dragon must die, he left the blood descendants to the Red Dragon King as agreed.

Now the Earth Dragon clan is being used by Fu Henghua as sentinels to detect the movements of the Nine Lands to protect Donglai. However, this intention was not known to outsiders. What Qiu Jun saw was that Henghua was conducting experiments on the Earth Dragon clan.

Many people who are not suitable for tinkering in the Donglai cultivation world are quietly trying underground.


How evil is it?

Can it be better than the nine hundred magic secrets passed down to me by my grandma?

Suddenly, Fu Huainan had an idea and sensed something. He quickly stood up and walked to the door.

A stream of light came from the east and fell towards a hill in the distance.

"That is--"

Feeling the excitement in his heart, he called to his two companions and immediately rushed over to check.

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