
Chapter 75 Magpies pass on the golden card, ten thousand ghosts carry Luo Palace

Chapter 75 Magpies pass on the golden card, ten thousand ghosts carry Luo Palace
"This is a conspiracy of the Wei family."

Fu He said firmly: "This is aimed at you, Heng Hua.

"The Wei family knew that we were in the water area of ​​the burial turtle reef. They deliberately threw our family's magpie here. They told us clearly that they were going to attack Baitieyu. The wedding is the funeral.

"The Wei family hopes to force you to rush back and intercept and kill you on the way."

Fu Xiangfeng asked suspiciously: "Little Liu'er is just a foundation cultivator, what can he do? To him, it's unavoidable to mobilize the crowd. Could it be that his identity as a magician has been exposed?"

"It shouldn't be about revealing my identity, but because I entered Tianzhi Hall's sight. It seems that the play on the Five Elements Mountain worked well?"

Heng Hua picked up Jin Jian again: "I think highly of me, I was on the list of Tianzhitang at the age of 60."

The monks of the Wei family in Tianzhi Hall are not the most powerful group of people in the Wei family, but the group of people with the deepest plans and the highest wisdom.Some people are even just monks in the Qi refining period.

Qualifications for entering Tianzhi Hall: To kill a foundation-building cultivator in a conspiracy without being exposed or exposed.

In addition, Tianzhitang is also responsible for training spies and eyeliners, lurking in other families.When other families grow stronger, they secretly block them and set their inner courtyard on fire.

Heng Hua once jokingly said that the Xiuzhen family fighting for territory is like a fight between punks.

In essence, the comprehension family is linked by blood.There are islands and mortals under their own management, not so much a family, but more like countries or forces.

The confrontation between the families is all-consuming, and it's not just the monks on both sides fighting like punks.

Before the monks face each other head-on, the economy, population, environment and other aspects have already begun to wrestle.

Take the encirclement of the Wei family by the four families as an example.

Several large mortal islands controlled by the four families have cut off trade with the islands under the name of the Wei family from the mortal level.They even started persuading them in an attempt to fan the flames in the hinterland of the Wei family and start a public opinion war.

All kinds of healing elixirs in Yanlong East Region are monopolized by the four masters.At the same time, all the alchemists were greeted by the four families, and no alchemist was allowed to make alchemy for the Wei family until the matter came to an end.

In addition, the road to the central and southern regions was blocked by the Yin family and the Cheng family.The Bao family sealed off the borders of the East China Sea to prevent the monks of the Wei family from searching for medicinal materials from the East China Sea.The Lin family in the northern region was forced to be neutral, so Fu Beidou went to negotiate with the Xiao family in person, and invited the Yang family to help, cutting off the possibility of the Wei family finding a way out from the northern region.

It can be said that the Wei family is besieged on all sides.

And on Fengmen Island, the shops under the four names will also unite to run against the Wei family until all the shops of the Wei family go bankrupt.

This is only a small part of it. The Fu family has already sent people to contact the former suffering masters, planning to slowly settle with the Wei family.

But the Wei family is not vegetarian either.The Wei family has always been known for "no lower limit", and Tianzhitang acts unscrupulously, far less bottom line than other families.

When the four masters united against each other, Tianzhitang used secrets to provoke the four masters, and even involved the other scattered cultivators who had not ended the battle.

The invitation sent to Fu Henghua now is just one of Tianzhitang's serial plans.

Fu Xiangfeng: "Xiao Liuer, ignore it for now, we will focus on helping Zixuan survivors restore their country."

"That can't be done," Fu Heyi said, "The Cheng family used this method to target a monk from the Bao family. It doesn't matter whether you accept this invitation or ignore it. The moment Heng Hua picked up the invitation, he was in the game." .

"When the monk of the Bao family was young, he was an outstanding person valued by the family. Cheng used a similar method to attack Yutu Island and informed him in advance. Although he passed the news back to the family, he did not go there himself.

"As a result, one of his uncles died, and Yutu Island was taken away by the Cheng family.

"Later, he worked hard and joined forces with the Wei family to suppress the Cheng family and regain one-third of Yutu Island for the Bao family."

Heng Hua raised his eyebrows, he already understood who he was talking about.

Fu Heyi: "300 years later, when this cultivator was about to start forming alchemy, the Cheng family sent a piece of information. It listed and compared in detail the combat power and the probability of victory and defeat of the two sides in the battle on Yutu Island. The Bao family was short of one person. , even if they only go to the Foundation Establishment cultivators, they can turn things around. At least, Jade Rabbit Island will not be completely taken away by the Cheng family.

Fu Xiangfeng: "And then? Did it trigger Bao Zhenghe's demons?"

Bao Zhenghe, he has also heard of it.Currently the Bao family is guarding the fake Dan monk of Yutu Island.

"Don't underestimate a mere letter. For the golden elixir doom, this letter is the last straw that crushes a person.

"If I had rushed to save people back then, would my uncle not have died? Would it have been possible that Jade Rabbit Island would not have been taken away? Even if it's just a momentary inability to understand, it will also form a demon barrier when forming an alchemy.

"Because of this letter, Bao Zhenghe failed to survive the calamity of the inner demon. As a last resort, he concluded a fake pill to survive."

Fu He said solemnly: "Now the Wei family is repeating their old tricks. If you go to Baitieyu, there must be an ambush on the road. If you don't go, you will bury hidden dangers in the future."

Fu Henghua: "Uncle Nineteen, do you think a mere invitation can disturb my mind?"

"Bai Tieyu is in danger, we must pass the news back. And the closest high-level cultivator over there is Brother Ying Gu."

Fu Yinggu, Fu Xiangfeng's father, Fu Henghua's second uncle.

Fu Henghua could not care about the safety of several distant nephews.But the safety of the second uncle cannot be ignored.

Fu Xiangfeng frowned and said: "Then as long as the Wei family doesn't succeed, we can defend Baitieyu. We will try our best to go there, but we are afraid that we won't be able to defend Baitieyu."

"The problem is that we don't know how many people the Wei family will send to Baitieyu. Even the invitation itself may be a bluff. They deliberately drew our attention to Baitieyu to attack the Fu family's forces on other islands. "

Fu Heyi: "If we go and the Wei family doesn't show up, it will be equivalent to an invitation card, allowing us to travel all the way for nothing. If they continue to do this, will the four major families be led by the nose by the Wei family? There is no need to talk about any encirclement and suppression plan."

"Besides, even if Heng Hua tries to get out of the game, it won't do any harm to the Wei family. Because the cost they paid is just an invitation to Bury Turtle Reef."

"This is a temptation. Whether it succeeds or fails, it doesn't matter. Observe Fu Henghua's attitude, record his behavior patterns, and figure out his character. This is what the Wei family wants."

The monk's view of time is not that every second counts.

Today's enmity, bear with it for a hundred years, and wait until the day you become enlightened before obstructing it.

"Don't ask for the immediate gains and losses. What the Wei family wants is to observe Heng Hua a little bit, find out his character weaknesses and flaws, and spend another 100 years designing a conspiracy against him."

Hearing Fu Heyi's warning, Fu Xiangfeng's heart was heavy.

As the saying goes, "There is only one thousand days to be a thief, how can one thousand days be a thief?"

As the days go by, there are always times when people are negligent.

"A hundred years? Let's talk about the fact that the Wei family still has a hundred years to live."

Fu Henghua sneered.

He has lived in the family for many years, and this time when he leaves the island, he will completely step down the Wei family, and give them 100 years to target him?

Three months before Chongyang, I will destroy the Wei family.


Fu Xuanxing sat at the rear end of Luogui Island.

Seeing Xixia unwinding, he silently thought about how Fu Henghua left in a hurry not long ago.

"It's really incomprehensible that the Cultivation Clan acts like a school."

Although Fu Xuanxing was also involved with the Xiuzhen family, but growing up in a sect outside the world, the atmosphere there was quite different from that of the Xiuzhen family.

Disputes broke out among sects outside the world, and they directly called their disciples to kill each other's sect, and the two sides fought to determine the outcome.

The winner decides the outcome.

They don't know how to mess with mortal warfare or commercial warfare.Not to mention staring at the enemy weaving conspiracy and even planting spies for hundreds of years.

"This kind of habit of doing things, how can there be any immortal bearing?"

But the young man vaguely understood.

Why does Shimen require every disciple to travel to several waters that are vulgar and heavy in the world of mortals before forming alchemy?

Blindly cultivating in the mountains, how can you understand people's hearts?

Only by wallowing in the secular world can one develop an indomitable Taoist heart.

"Brother Fu Dao, can you do me a favor?"

The breeze blows, and the fragrance of epiphyllum floats.

Fu Xuanxing cheered up: "Miss Fu? Why are you here?"

"They thought I was too young, so they didn't call me to discuss things. I had to prepare myself."


"Could you help me repair the jade dragonfly, I need to use it tonight."

"You want to leave? How can this work?"

"It's not me, it's the sixth brother who wants to use it. Since the Wei family has already made a move, he will definitely choose a strange move to break the situation and take the initiative back into his own hands. At that time, the jade dragon will come in handy.

"Brother Dao is good at refining weapons, please bless the formation in Yutingjiao to make it faster."


Heng Hua shook the invitation, and suddenly smiled and said: "In Baitieyu, there is iron ore except for iron mines, and even waterfowl are not willing to nest. If you go to hold a wedding there, Fu Zhaoye is not afraid of being shabby?
"Anyway, call me 'uncle', and my elder will help him a little. There are purple bamboos, sea of ​​clouds, flower borders, and spiritual rocks on Zixuan Island. The scenery is extremely beautiful. Let them go there to get married and have a banquet. The money— —Wei Zhiwen pays the bill."

Go to Zixuan Island?

Fu Heyi and Fu Xiangfeng were stunned.

Afterwards, Fu Heyi suddenly realized: "Yes, they are going to attack Baitieyu. Let them go, at worst, give them Baitieyu. Let's call Fu Zhaoye to come over, and then invite all the guests to Zixuan Island. There are so many people here, let's see how many people the Wei family will send to guard Zixuan Island."

Zhou Xiao, Xue Kai, and Jin Xian'e planned to let Wei Zhiwen, a fake alchemy monk, serve as a tempering for Henghua and his party.

But if there are more people from the Wei family, they will naturally not sit idly by.

To kill people from the hands of the two Golden Core cultivators, the Wei family must send more fake cores or Wei Zhilin himself.

Fu He laughed and said: "If Wei Zhilin dares to come, my brother will come to look for him. In this way, unless Master Wei gives up the baby transformation and comes here in person. Otherwise, we have decided on Zixuan Island."

There are not only monks on Zixuan Island, but also ordinary people.After the Zixuan Kingdom was destroyed, Wei Zhiwen moved a large number of mortals from the islands.Taking Zixuan Island can deal a reputational blow to the Wei family.

"So, we need someone from the Hui tribe to inform us and discuss the process. Third brother, can you please come?"

"Alright, it's easier for me to go alone."

Inform Fu Danwei, and with Fu Danwei coming forward, the plan will naturally be finalized.


It was night, Heng Hua and his party stood at the ferry.

Seeing the girl on the jade wing, Heng Hua sighed.

"What are you meddling with, girl? Third brother is going home, and you have to go back with him? Are you not afraid that grandpa will beat you?"

"Grandpa wants to fight, but he also fights the sixth brother first, and I can be in the back."

The girl calmly said: "Third Brother will go back, there will be many ambushes along the way. Third Brother and I can take care of each other."

"Forget it, you just broke through the second floor of the foundation yesterday, and your mana is too weak. With me, it's not enough to hold you back."

Fu Liuhui looked at Fu Xiangfeng with a smile.

Fu Henghua frowned suddenly, and carefully looked at Yu Tingjiao.

Noticing something was wrong, he turned his head and asked Fu Xuanxing: "Did you modify the formation in Yutingjiao?"

The teenager scratched his head and laughed dryly.

"I've learned this formation all afternoon. It can speed up the speed of the jade dragon by [-]%. Third brother, how about it? Let's go together. Now this boat is under my control. If I don't like it, you can't leave in a short time. "

Seeing that Fu Liuhui was well prepared, the two elder brothers couldn't say anything.

After they left, Fu Henghua began to move Luogui Island.

The feather fan waved, and the strong wind rolled up the tortoise shell that Hengshou had dried for two days.

"All down."

The turtle shells floated on the water one by one, and the Yin symbols inside were activated one after another, turning into turtles with Yin Qi.

"Liu Xu, help me."

Seeing these "turtles", Liu Xu immediately understood what Heng Hua was thinking.

The two of them jointly performed the soul-calling technique to awaken the innocent souls in Luocheng, Jiulongchi.

Heng Huaji first bowed: "Everyone, return Zixuan and restore the country, and I ask you to help."

The innocent souls circled Henghua three times and threw themselves into the "Yin Qi Tortoise" one after another.

Zhou Xiao laughed heartily: "This is using innocent souls as Taoist soldiers. This kid, really intends to bring hundreds of thousands of innocent souls to destroy the Wei family?"

Tens of thousands of turtles surround Luogui Island, slowly supporting the island and heading eastward.

"Hangshou, you can't do it in the past two days. You only made [-] Yinjia tortoise shells in total? I originally planned to make hundreds of thousands of them to bring out all the wronged souls."

Hengshou rolled his eyes: "Tomorrow, the young master can do it with me."

"No, tomorrow I will teach Pei Su the 'Book of Seven Arrows with Nailed Heads'. I will arrange the guardian formation on Luogui Island, and analyze the Wei family formation on Zixuan Island."

Fu Henghua was very busy, so he decided to hold a wedding on Zixuan Island on the fifth day of the day after tomorrow.Therefore, everything must be arranged well in advance.

"You can find Xiao Yu. By the way, Xuan Xing is okay? You can help too."

Seeing that the plan of the wronged tortoise was going smoothly, Heng Hua simply increased the scale of production.

"Brother Longye, don't be idle. They are all from your family. If you don't help, who will help?"

The survivors of Zixuan stood on the shore, looking at the tortoise entangled in Yin Qi below, and could faintly see familiar figures.

These are their relatives and friends.

Seeing this scene, they became more concerned about picking up turtle shells tomorrow morning.

Heng Hua jumped to Guishou Rock: "Go east at full speed, our first stop is Dilie Island."

 Discussed with the editor, and it is tentatively scheduled to be put on the shelves at noon the day after tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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