
Chapter 751 Level 3

In Nanzhou, Huo Xianren led a group of disciples to stand on the top of the mountain and look out.

There was a storm in the northeast, and even with immortal weapons observing, the Tribulation Immortals could not see clearly what was going on inside.

Bu Xuan has successfully ascended to immortality, but even his heavenly eye can only vaguely sense that there are three supreme golden elixirs resonating in Donglai.

Huo Xianren thought for a while, then smiled and said, "How much do you understand?"

"Fu Henghua and Dongfang girl are going through the tribulation together? It's a pity that my spiritual consciousness can't sense home, so I can't tell who the third person is."

Huo Xianren shook his head: "Your eyesight still needs to be cultivated. The perception of the true immortal level...you are far behind. Henghua became Taoist alone, and the three golden elixirs were unified. This is the reason why he became a 'mummy'."


"Fu Henghua is indeed dead."

Tian Jingzi calculated for a long time before telling everyone at the Taoist platform: "Henghua's natal Tao number is six, and it takes six years to complete the supreme golden elixir. He uses Zhouguang Divine Water to accelerate time, and uses his own Tao as the heaven and earth. , to conceive and nourish three supreme golden elixirs.”


The Tribulation Immortals immediately woke up.

Three hundred and sixty years, one thousand and eighty years has exceeded the limit of life span.

Therefore, Fu Henghua's third supreme golden elixir was indeed dead.

He is indeed performing a "resurrection of the dead."

"But how did he hold on to the conclusion of the third golden elixir after his life span was exhausted - ah - that's why the initial golden elixir was restrained. It wasn't that he was returning to his original nature, but that the supreme golden elixir really couldn't be exposed to the outside world. Release the breath. If you release it outside, there will only be death breath."

"Dead energy? Have you forgotten? There is no death energy in his creation path."

After discussion, the Tribulation Immortals quickly understood the characteristics of the three golden elixirs.

"Although these three golden elixirs are all derived from the Great Way of Creation, they are not the 'Golden Elixir of the Ancient World'. They are three concepts that he refined from creation. The integration of the three is his ultimate goal."

At this moment, the golden elixirs above the mummy resonated with each other, and the seventh avenue vision appeared.

A kind of vision that practitioners are familiar with and take for granted - Tianyin Xianyue.

"The sky is full of music, and the sound is great."

Duan Sijing stood on the mountain ferry, listening to the ethereal fairy music reverberating in the air.

Ethereal and melodious, the crisp fairy sound is refreshing and unknowingly enhances the monk's musical perception.

A goddess with a virtual appearance was born in the fairy music, holding various musical instruments and playing around the mummy.

In the sky, projections of fairy worlds related to Fu Henghua Avenue, such as Juntian Immortal Realm and Dachi Immortal Realm, appeared. An ancient Shinto king stands in the world of immortals and gods, overlooking the mummy.

The heartbeat is at the same frequency as the movement of the three supreme golden elixirs. The soft voice echoed in everyone's ears.

"Life, the foundation of creation, the origin of all living things."

The golden elixir shines with golden light, taking the lead in resonating with heaven and earth, extracting the great inspiration from between heaven and earth.

Dao Lingji, also known as "ginseng fruit" in "Zaihua Hui Yuan Gong". Once upon a time, Fu Henghua considered stealing "ginseng fruit", but when it came time to prepare for enlightenment, Fu Henghua found a new way.

Donglai Heaven and Earth felt that the majestic origin formed a vortex, and took the initiative to inject the great wisdom into the supreme golden elixir.

Seeing this scene, all the monks who had formed the Golden Pill and the Demonic Pill were dumbfounded.

"This...the Heavenly Dao has become a spirit?"

"No, it's impossible."

"The Heavenly Dao becomes the spirit, that is the Feathered God King. He has appeared in front of us a long time ago. It is the affinity of the Great Way of Creation. Donglai's Heavenly Dao is the principle of affinity and creation."

All the great monks felt sour in their hearts.

They obtained the great inspiration. Which one did not compete with the world and go through many tribulations to obtain the great inspiration?

Even in order to prevent the backlash of Heavenly Dao, during the Nascent Soul period, the Great Dao inspiration had to be returned. It wasn't until the Immortal Tribulation Queen that she dared to continue her attack.

And now, Donglai Tiandao actually took the initiative to gift a great inspiration?

Let Fu Henghua use it?


"Destroy the dragon flames of Yizhou and restore the Three Hundred Treasure Islands." Master Tongtian looked at several large whirlpools outside Fudozhou.

The hidden spiritual islands shining with precious light are emerging from the water one by one, and are being pulled by the Fuzhou Island to actively merge and become one.

"This is the law of heaven and man. Is it a good fortune to restore the Donglai River and Mountains?"

The seven Tribulation Immortals from the Purple Emperor Pavilion gathered together.

"Can you do great meritorious deeds to be so favored by heaven?"

The second supreme golden elixir above the mummy's head also flew into the sky.

"Destiny, the trajectory of life. The life journey of all living beings is destiny."

Unpredictable heavenly secrets are intertwined in the vast sky.

The fictional ancient city in the Fifth Vision truly appears—Xuancheng Daoyan.

Fu Henghua relied on his own efforts to take the lead in Donglai Immortal Way and materialize the blueprint of the "Great Wilderness Ancient City" in the way of heaven.

What a majestic city it was.

All the Donglai monks saw the endless storm walls on all four sides.

The two instruments are the axis, and the five elements draw the square.

This ancient city contains supreme order, is the future evolution of Dongnae Heavenly Way, and is the future assembly model of Dongnae Rules.

But in the eyes of Huo Xianren and other outsiders.

When the projection of the "Great Wilderness Ancient City" appeared, they completely lost their perception of the world of Donglai.

The ancient city of Dahuang has the characteristics of protecting the creatures of Donglai. All prying eyes and attacks were blocked by the city wall first.

The second supreme golden elixir soared into the sky, and the Heavenly Dao once again rolled up a whirlpool, and large amounts of great spiritual power poured into the golden elixir.

Tasty, jealous, disbelief.

Even people like Fu Xuanxing and Fu Tongjun are inevitably out of balance.

Is this "Donglai Tiandao" named Fu?

He is Henghua's father, or his son.

Who can find it so easy for others to get great inspiration?

Five Elements Xuanji Island.

Hong Xuanji was so confused that she couldn't hold it back and vomited a mouthful of blood. "Old man, what are you..." Hong Changyi and others hurried forward.

"Why are you always angry? Can you compare with Henghua? His Great Way of Creation can unite the world and attract the favor of the laws. Our Five Elements Great Way is indeed incomparable."

Hong Xuanji covered her mouth and almost vomited another mouthful of blood.

Very sad and angry indeed!

The reason why he was seriously injured was that when he broke through the Tianshou realm, Tiandao was angry that he had stolen too many great ideas. The endless thunder blasted his foundation to pieces.

That's nothing right now.

Of the two golden elixirs from Fu Henghua, which one didn't extract more great spiritual power than me?

If you don't thunder, don't hit him.

Are you still going to inject great inspiration into him?

Is discrimination so blatant?


Tianxuan Taoist platform.

"Is it the merit of extinguishing the flames of Yizhou? It doesn't seem like it...Does Henghua have other great merits of Shuntian?"

The Tribulation Immortals discussed together, but Taoist Erlong, Master Hengyuan and other Taixuan Tribulation Immortals kept it secret and had already reacted.

Bodhi Taoist.

Taoist Bodhi has been in Linhai for many years, and his good deeds have already been sufficient.

He relied on his own good deeds to obtain the inspiration of the second avenue between heaven and earth.

"With the guidance of fate, life will eventually go home. However, the sleep of winter is just for the next spring to return to the earth. Cycles and rotations are also the principles of the reciprocity of nature."

The third yellow-orange elixir flew into the air.

The golden elixir condensed after Henghua's death.

It symbolizes the process from life to death and rebirth.

It's reincarnation, it's a cycle.

It is the central earth that carries the rotation of spring wood, summer fire, autumn gold, and winter water. It is also the residence of Huang Po Spirit God.

"Three gods unite, and the five elements become one." Ancestor Linghu muttered, "His three golden elixirs contain the energy of the five elements. The first two golden elixirs should be gold, fire and water and wood, right?"

Metal and fire are in conflict with each other, while water and wood are in harmony with each other.

A principle of the evolution of the mutual restraint of the five elements, and a mystery of the rotation of the five elements. The third supreme golden elixir represents the golden mean, which is the concept of balance among the five elements.

The three Five Elements Avenues combined together are the purest Five Elements Yuan Power.

A "Five Elements Book" can even be published on this.

Many Tribulation Immortals noticed this and kindly sent a message to Hong Xuanji.

Hong Xuanji put aside her feelings of sadness, anger and complaint, and found that Fu Henghua's "Five Elements Combination Alchemy Technique" was very similar to her own.

He closed his eyes and concentrated, deducing and improving his mental methods.

The third golden elixir rose, but no third vortex appeared in the sky, seemingly waiting for Henghua's next move.

At that time, Xiaoyu and Hengshou flew out from the Five Elements Palace at the same time, one holding a golden bell and the other holding a jade bag. Fly in both directions east and west and keep hitting.

Soon, a calamity aura emerged from the Tianyang waters first.

When Fu Henghua was going through the tribulation, someone tried to forge a golden elixir.

No, this is Fu Henghua's influence and Fu Henghua's enlightenment.

As his vision spread, many monks recovered from their injuries, and under the enlightenment of Tianyin, they knew the opportunity to form elixirs. After Fu Henghua personally performed the magical method of combining elixirs, many people began to try to form elixirs.

Bai Yan, who had listened to Fu Henghua's teachings and had not yet formed an elixir, now began to try to break through.

Yanlong, the Fu family itself has two qi that rise to the sky. There are another five roads in the Eastern Region, and there are a total of twelve roads in the entire Yanlong Water Area.

In addition, there is Yuanming, there is red algae, there is Yanshui... and even the golden elixir aura is rising in the four seas.

The third supreme golden elixir rolled, and thirty-three strands of immortal energy slowly rose.

At this moment, Huo Xianren once again sensed something inside Donglai.

"Ah - the Big Scarlet Yuan Pearl! I understand. Among the three supreme golden elixirs, one of them comes from the Big Scarlet Yuan Pearl he once made."

Collect the immortal energy of thirty-three calamity immortals and refine it into a "special inner elixir" whose energy is comparable to the supreme Tao elixir.

"That's right, even if the Zhouguang Divine Water accelerates time and allows his body to last a thousand and eighty years. But how can he find the energy of the three supreme golden elixirs in seclusion?"

One is provided by the Big Red Yuan Pearl, and the other is formed by Fu Henghua's own magic power. As for the origin of the third golden elixir, Immortal Huo still doesn't understand.

But everyone in the Taixuan lineage understood.

Bodhi Taoist!

He placed his trust in the second rising supreme golden elixir, which was the Avenue of Destiny. The energy of this golden elixir was not provided by Fu Henghua, but was cultivated by Taoist Bodhisattva in Linhai.

This is the first supreme golden elixir that is truly cultivated by Fu Henghua's magic power.

The residence of Wukong, the spiritual god, represents the golden elixir that symbolizes the origin of life.

The thirty-three elixir-forming auras rising from the human world were attracted by the Great Scarlet Yuan Pearl and flew towards this golden elixir. Fu Henghua's many years of teaching and merit accumulated in Donglai were turned into a long golden light to attract the way of heaven.

The third vortex slowly fell.

"The third ginseng fruit has also come down."

Feeling that Huang Po Spirit God was also beginning to draw inspiration from the Great Dao, Henghua's remaining consciousness lingered among the mummies, and he slowly raised his hand to point at the big red pearl in the air.


Thirty-three strands of immortal energy collapsed and immediately turned into streaks of rays of light surrounding the mummy.

In the blink of an eye, a nine-story altar appeared in the sky of Donglai.

Each of the four pillars of the altar has eight stacks, and the mummy and three golden elixirs are enshrined on the top one.

"Create all lives, use destiny as the guide to reach the end, go through cycles and return to creation, and begin the origin of the next round of life... The three great ways, the three greatnesses, this is the fruit of my creation."

I originally planned to schedule it at zero o'clock, but everyone was in a hurry to see it, so it didn't hurt to send it out first. There's still a little finishing left, I'll see if I can add some more later.

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