
Chapter 78 The heavy sword breaks the Dao domain, Yuan Dan transforms flint

Chapter 78 The heavy sword breaks the Dao domain, Yuan Dan transforms flint

The winter solstice is born with one yang, and there are twelve solar terms in the calendar, with 36 hous, until the summer solstice.

The summer solstice is a yin birth, and then the twelve solar terms will go through, and the winter solstice will return.

Fuhe stands in front of the "Moon Dew Spring and Autumn Formation", surrounded by twelve flags and streamers, and uses the two hexagrams of Qian Kun to evolve yin, yang, winter and summer.

"Fu, Lin, Tai, Da Zhuang, Wei, Qian, Qian, Dun, No, Guan, Peel, Kun."

Headed by the winter solstice, the twelve banners are arranged in the order of December and inserted around the "Moon Dew Spring and Autumn Array".

The energy of yin and yang reverberates outside the formation, gradually absorbing the power of the "spring and autumn formation", forming a reverse cycle.

Guishouyan, Zhou Xiao and Jin Xian'e looked this way.He laughed and said: "Moon dew, spring and autumn, the moon phases of the twelve degrees of the year are simulated by the lunar moon, and the twelve months are arranged. Among them, the spring and autumn are the main strings, and the two hexagrams Kanli and Li go against the sun and the moon.

"But Fuheyi's formation flag is the twelve hexagrams derived from the two hexagrams of Qiankun. Similarly, in December, winter and summer are dominant. With the sunrise, Fuheyi borrows the energy of the sun and is in harmony with the yin. .Not bad."

Jin Xian'e looked at the east, and the sun was gradually rising.

The barrier formed by the Moon Dew Spring and Autumn Formation is fading away little by little.


In the spring and autumn array of moon dew.

The three fake alchemy monks of the Wei family, Wei Chongxian, Wei Zhihe, and Wei Tingyu all changed face at the same time.

"No, it's the Fu family."

"Get ready to deal with it," Wei Chongxian sighed, "The three of us will delay the time together. Let the others continue to prepare for the new formation."

Wei Zhihe: "Playing formations in front of the Fu family? Just retreat, take the herbs we counted, and return to Sihui Island."

"Without the medicinal materials here, we can only last for two years at most."

"It's enough. After these three months, wait for uncle to turn into a baby. Yutu Island, we will get it back sooner or later."

boom -

The yin and yang qi completely tore apart the formation, turning the twelve time sequences of the lunar reversal, the power of spring and autumn into winds of yang harmony and spreading across the island.

Fu Heyi quickly retracted the formation flag.

"Everyone, it's over to you!"

He draws back.

The formation dissipated, and the silvery osmanthus branches brushed down in the air.

"Let's go? You'd better suffer death obediently!" When Wei Zhihe made a move, it was his natal talisman Laurel Precious Elephant Staff.

At the same time, the Taiyin Golden Core Dao Domain opened.


As soon as Fu He's face changed, he leaned over with an extremely cold force, as if his body was in a world of ice and snow.


Colorful poisonous miasma floated from behind Fuhe, counteracting the erosion of cold air.

"Golden core Taoism?"

Wei Zhihe's eyes sank, and he looked at Xue Kai who was floating over.

"Living Hades, you shouldn't interfere in the fight between our five families."

"The old man is short of a batch of herbal medicines for research recently."

Xue Kai had a smile on his face.

When the formation was broken, he saw a lot of medicine fields inside the Wei family camp.

Three-eyed fire huang, seven-star crabapple, ghost-eyed mushroom, fern-tailed grass, young grass...

The spiritual energy floats in the medicine field like smoke clouds, reflecting rainbows.

boom -

The Hundred Poisons Dao Realm shook the Yuehua Dao Realm hard, and the strange poison penetrated in, forming densely packed poisonous scorpions and poisonous ants in the Yuehua Dao Realm.

"Boy from the Fu family, hurry up. If you stay any longer, the old man will poison you to death first."

As soon as Fu He swallowed the anti-poison pill that Xue Kai gave earlier, he quickly ran away from the side.

On the other side, Bao Zhenghe from the Bao family stopped Wei Tingyu.

It is also the field of fake pills that opens.All the flowers, plants, mountains and rocks within a hundred feet were destroyed by the Dao Domain of the two.

The storm and the fire clashed, sometimes the wind extinguished the fire, and sometimes the fire ignited the wind.

"Brother, are you crazy that the Bao family teamed up with those poisonous snakes from the Cheng family? Have you forgotten? If it weren't for the Cheng family's disaster, you would have already become a golden alchemy by now. Zhenghe Sanjie, only you did not become an alchemy, this shame , can you bear it?"

Xiao Zhenghe, Bao Zhenghe, and Zhu Zhenghe were all well-known figures in Yanlong Waters hundreds of years ago.Because the three have the same name, they are often compared together.

Now that Xiao Zhenghe has become a native of Yuming Mountain, Zhu Zhenghe is one of the five golden elixirs of the Zhu Family of Huomen Island.But Bao Zhenghe was the only one who was just a fake pill.

Bao Zhenghe looked indifferent.

Of course, he was not willing to join hands with the Bao family and the Cheng family.

But he knows better that the relationship between the Bao family and the Wei family is not good.If Master Wei turns into a baby, with his character of vengeance, the Bao family will be even more troublesome.

Wei Tingyu used the Xuanhuo Dao domain to fight, while persuading: "The Bao family is my in-laws, even if there are some minor conflicts, what can't be said? You and I—"

"I heard that the Wei family wants to unite with Yulan Trading Company? Which waterway are you going to take? By sea? Have you forgotten that our family is responsible for the business from the east."

Sure enough, because of this incident.

Wei Tingyu smiled wryly. She had also put forward her own suggestions on the family's business policy.But the vast majority of people in the clan chose to join forces with Yulan Trading Company, and she had no choice.

Simply stop persuading him, and fight Bao Zhenghe with all his strength.

As for the third fake alchemy monk, he was entangled with the monks of the Cheng family.

Six Jindan Dao domains are unfolded on Yutu Island, wind, fire, gold and thunder are combined with the sun and poisonous fog, and the six heavens and earths collide on the island.Numerous medicinal fields and spiritual herbs were torn to pieces by the storm and fire.Those talisman pagodas were wiped out in the confrontation between Jingang and Thunder.

It is difficult for monks in the foundation building period to intervene, even to protect themselves.

In just a cup of tea, the central part of Yutu Island has been razed to the ground.

Looking at the Golden Core Dao Domain, Jin Xian'e looked solemnly: "The fake core monks here are not bad."

The fake pill has the word "Dan" on it after all.

They also have the Dao intent of the Golden Core, but this Dao intent is not realized by themselves, but comes with the fake pill.

Zhou Xiao: "The fake alchemy is [-]% and the cultivation base is permanent. The combat power of a fake alchemy monk depends on the material of the fake alchemy. The higher the grade of the material, the higher the quality of the fake alchemy, the stronger the combat power."

If five kinds of celestial materials are used to make fake pills, even though the Yin God is locked in the Yuan pills, there is no hope of avenue in this life.However, the Yuandan forged by the five immortal materials may be able to compete with the Jindan monks on the Tianling list.

"Since Wei Zhiwen is Wei Shihui's favorite nephew, the fake pill he made will only be stronger than these three people," Jin Xian'e showed a worried look, "Is it too unsafe for those children to deal with him?"

"I have calculated that if they can really work together, there is a possibility of killing Wei Zhiwen. Don't worry, we are just giving them experience. You and Fellow Daoist Xue Luezhen, it doesn't matter if they can't fight."

Fu Henghua looked at the confrontation on Yutu Island, and sighed: "These people really don't hold back. If Yutu Island sinks, and the big waves hit my Luogui Island, it won't be beautiful."

So, he came to look for Zhou Xiao and Jin Xian'e.

"Xianggu, can you please help me?"

Jin Xian'e looked at the people on the island and said with a smile, "This time, you will give me five beauties."

Heng Hua has been busy with various things in the past few days, and he has not forgotten about Jin Xian'e.

Prepare pictures of beauties in different styles for her every day.

When Jin Xian'e changes into a beauty picture, her clothes and hair accessories will change according to the spirit picture.

Nowadays, she not only regards "beauty pictures" as a stopgap measure to restore her appearance, but also as a joy of dressing up.

Every morning, what she looks forward to most is what kind of "new clothes" Fu Henghua will prepare today.

Hearing this, Fu Henghua took out three scrolls neatly.

"These three paintings are my meticulous work, and their expressions are lifelike. If Xiangu uses these three paintings, she can maintain her half-moon appearance. Moreover, the feathers and corollas are exquisite."

Open the three paintings, on which are three black and white beauties with lively expressions.

"You didn't color it?"

Speaking of which, what would I look like if I used this uncolored beauty picture?
Heng Hua: "These three pictures of beauties, I have played a high level. But to make the spiritual picture truly complete, you need a slightly higher level of Lingyuan Yancai."

"What kind of color, I will go to Fengmen Island to buy it later. Or is it on Yutu Island?"

"The Fairy is wise."

Heng Hua held Jinxian'e in his arms, and when he was about to explain, Zhou Xiao interjected: "Spiritual beauty can be extracted not only from ores, but also from animals and plants. Yutu Island is an island of herbal medicines and spiritual materials, and the medicinal materials on it can naturally be extracted." For paint."

Jin Xian'e heard it, and then watched the six Dao domains on the island stir up the vitality of the world, and the huge amount of vitality tide gradually pressed down on the entire Yutu Island.

If there is a stalemate for a while, the entire Yutu Island may collapse.

"What are you waiting for."

She picked up the epee and rushed towards Wei Tingyu, the epee slashed at the Xuanhuo Daoyu fiercely.

The seventh kind of golden elixir appears.

But Jin Xian'e did not show the Dao domain, but condensed the Dao in the heavy sword.

This is a sword that gathers all the power.

Heavy as mountains and rivers.

Cleave the Xuanhuo Dao Domain in one fell swoop.


Blood was bleeding from the corner of Wei Tingyu's mouth, the qi in her body was churning, and a crack appeared in the Xuanli Yuanhuo Golden Pill in her dantian.

Bao Zhenghe seized the opportunity, and the strong wind stirred the six airs of heaven and earth, turning into six wind circles to wrap around Wei Tingyu's limbs, head, and wasp waist.

"Liuhe Zhuanming Sword."

With both hands together, the wind circle turned into six sword lights and moved rapidly.

A burst of spiritual light erupted from Wei Tingyu's body, and all kinds of protective magic weapons were activated to resist the sword wheels on her waist, head and hands.


The feet were turned into minced meat by the sword light.

Then the epee slashed down in the air, Wei Tingyu was killed on the spot, and a Yuan Dan flew out.

Seeing the shattered "Golden Pill", Heng Hua's eyes lit up.

Qian Wansi.

But in the end, the golden core was too fast, and it fell into the water before the thousand strings were entangled.


Two fire snakes shot out from behind Heng Hua, directly blasting the surface of the water.Then a figure rushed over quickly and snatched Yuan Dan back.

But just as Fu Xuanxing succeeded, he suddenly became unstable and almost fell into the water again.

Qian Wansi wrapped around his waist and pulled him back to Luogui Island.

"You did a good job, boy."

Fu Henghua walked over with a smile on his face, patted the boy on the shoulder, and took Yuan Dan back.

Suddenly, his hand trembled, he quickly took the Xuanhuo Fan in his hand, and waved hard at Yuan Dan.

"seal up!"

Lihuo was lit around Yuan Dan, and screams came from inside.

Sure enough, the nun is still alive.

Zhou Xiao followed slowly: "Fake pills are different from us. Their yin gods are locked in the 'artificial Yuan Dan'. Unless the Yuan Dan is destroyed, it will be difficult to get out of the body to save their lives. Take it easy when taking the Yuan Dan."

Fake Dan hey.

This thing, Zhou Xiao has lived for 800 years, and has never seen a few actual remaining specimens.

"Is the senior also curious about this thing?"

"Naturally. Fake alchemy monks are not easy to find, and they will not casually show their original elixir to others."

Zhou Xiao sized up the "Xuanli Yuanhuo Pill", and suddenly asked, "I remember that your grandfather's prescription required three thousand-year-old spiritual materials?"


Heng Hua's heart moved: "Is this made of Eternal Flint?"

"This stone is fused with the sun fire and the earth's lung fire. It should be the sun fire that fell into the ground. While fused with the earth fire, it was blocked by the earth's air and bred for thousands of years. It is indeed what you want."

Heng Hua quickly observed this Yuan Dan.

"Understood, turn the image of the three talents, use the samadhi fire to cooperate with the earth fire and sky fire, and instead refine the essence of the earth, leaving the pure fire core, and get a trace of the flame of heaven and earth."

This Yuan Pill was made by grinding the Eternal Flint.

"It's a pity, her traces are too heavy, and your grandfather is not easy to use. Maybe... use clean water for three years, can you still make it?"

Zhou Xiao took it over and cast a spell to seal Wei Tingyu's Yinshen.

"This Yuan Dan, you put it away first. If you can't use it again, Huomen Island, let's go for a while."

Fu Xuanxing didn't hide anything from him about the Liuyu Demon Orb.

Zhou Xiao planned to go to Huomen Island with his nephew after re-forming the alchemy.At that time, by the way, help Fu Danwei to get the thousand-year flint.

 Third update later.

(End of this chapter)

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