
Chapter 85 Definite plan to get rid of Wei thief, 7 Gu Jue Xian Shu

Chapter 85 Determination to Eliminate Wei Thief, Seven Gu Absolute Immortal Book ([-])
On Zixuan Island, Wei Chongxian, Wei Zhihe, and Wei Zhiwen gathered together.

After the three recovered their energy and healed their wounds, Wei Chongxian said worriedly: "Now that I have lost Yutu Island, what should I do? Are these four families really going to destroy my Wei family?"

Wei Zhihe said coldly: "As long as my Jindan cultivator is here, what if the four families unite? Who can stop the Jindan cultivator putting down his body to carry out the assassination?"

"The question is, can Uncle and Uncle get out of Sihui Island? Fu Beidou alone can entangle Uncle. As long as another Golden Core cultivator rushes to the formation, Uncle can be firmly restrained so that he cannot intervene in the current situation. With an uncle, Hua Ying Jie must be the target of siege by every family."

Why is it that the Wei family's arrogance is overwhelming, but all Jindan monks hold back?

Are you waiting for this moment?
At this time, a child of the Wei family sent the latest news from the Eastern Region.

Of the eleven fake alchemy monks of the Wei family, two of them have died now.

One is Wei Tingyu from Yutu Island, and the other is Wei Chongxian's younger brother.

In addition, the foundations of the formations of the three Huifeng Islands in contact with the domains of the Wei family, Bao family, and Fu family have all been broken, and their combat power has been exhausted.

Wei Zhihe said anxiously: "Zhiwen, send someone to contact Sihui Island, it's time to use the family heritage."


Wei Zhiwen was suddenly shocked and came back to his senses: "What did you just say?"

Seeing Wei Zhiwen's tired look, Wei Zhihe couldn't say much.After all, he rushed to Jade Rabbit Island, fought with a group of people, and rescued the two of them, with a serious loss of spirit and spirit.

"What I mean is that we should unite and suggest that the family should use the few reserved fake pills. Make more fake pill monks, even if they fight hard, they will eat those people from the four families."

The natal Yuandan of the fake alchemy monks is different from that of the genuine golden alchemy monks.

For a Jindan monk, his natal Yuandan is formed by mixing the aura of heaven and earth with the Dao of Jindan, which is between reality and reality.After death, Taoism disappears, and aura returns to heaven and earth.

The Yuan Dan of the fake pill monk is artificially produced and is a real product.Analogy to a high-quality panacea.When a person dies, the Yuan Dan can be dug out to wash away the spiritual spirit and can be used by another person.

There are many fake elixir monks in the Xiuzhen family, because the family continues to pass on the "artificial yuan elixir".And at critical moments, monks at the complete level of Xuantai can directly use the "fake pill" to break through and increase the combat power of the family.

Wei Zhiwen: "Have we reached this point? Now that the Xuantai monks in our family are expected to form alchemy, if they use fake alchemy methods, won't they cut off their way? In the future, they will resent us, right?"

"However, with this catastrophe in front of us, where is the future?"

Wei Zhiwen thought about it silently, indeed, if he couldn't survive now, how could he have a future?It's just that people choose...

Suddenly tiredness surged, and he began to doze off.

Seeing his posture, Wei Chongxian said with concern: "Since uncle is tired, after we pass the news to the clan, you should rest earlier. Rest well, and we will discuss the specific candidates tomorrow."


The jade pendant hanging around Wei Zhiwen's waist broke.

Seeing this situation, Wei Zhihe's face suddenly changed.

This is the "An Ling Jade Pendant" that his uncle made for him to prevent evil curses.

Looking at Wei Zhiwen again, he was still confused.

Wei Zhihe quickly pushed hard and cast the "Scary Curse":
"wake up!"

Wei Zhiwen was in a trance, but regained consciousness a little bit.

Looking around, he rubbed his temples, when he saw the jade pendant on his waist was broken.

He reacted: "Someone used pressure on me?"

Wei Zhihe fetched the divining stone and calculated Wei Zhiwen's condition.

But the relevant secrets were blocked, and he only saw a golden innate gossip.

"Fu Tiancang is making trouble? You two help me."

The three of them calculated together and broke through the cover of Fu Tiancang.

Wei Zhiwen followed the curse, and saw Pei Su who was doing the trick on the high platform below the mountain.

And when he caught a glimpse of the straw man and the two lamps, Wei Zhiwen was terrified and lost his voice:

"Nailhead Seven Arrows Book?"

The tiredness disappeared immediately, and he said in fear: "Is the Fu family crazy? To deal with me, and prepare such a spell?"

Wei Chongxian: "They set up a stage and cast a curse on Yutu Island? In terms of distance, isn't it a bit far?"

Although the curse is a long-range method, killing people is invisible.But thousands of miles apart, thousands of miles apart, the effect of the curse is very different.

"No, the island is approaching us."

Wei Zhihe sensed the secret, and said in a concentrated voice: "There are still survivors of the Zixuan Kingdom on the island. Their goal is Zixuan Island."

"Zixuan Island?" Wei Zhihe grinned.

"The Fu family secretly brought back the remnants of the Zixuan Kingdom? That's okay, my Ten Thousand Blood Demon Banner is just a little short. Killing these remnants will just perfect the magic weapon."

The fake alchemy monk couldn't continue to practice, so he could only concentrate on improving his combat power.

In addition to the orthodox Tiangang supernatural powers of the immortal way, Wei Zhihe also set his sights on magic weapons.

On that day, Wei Zhiwen killed 10 people in the Zixuan Kingdom, and took the blood and bones of hundreds of thousands of dead people to refine them into magic banners.There are 24 forbidden methods of blood demon killing gods.Although it is a treasure weapon, its power is no less than that of a spiritual weapon.

If the promotion is really successful, 33 blood god sons will come out under the wave of the magic banner, and the golden core monks will not dare to confront each other.

"Since they came out of Yutu Island, the Bao family and the Cheng family should be gone. Only Fu Tiancang and the two Golden Core monks, the three of us can handle it."

"Don't be reckless," Wei Zhihe said, "Say hello to the clan first, and send more people over."

He said in relief: "Now you just start to doze off, which means that the spell has just started and you can last for a few days. When the preparations are ready and the island floats over, we will wait for work and kill them together."

"Why is it so troublesome? I can hold back those two Golden Core cultivators by myself. Wei Chongxian restrains Fu Tiancang, and you go snatch the Nailhead Seven Arrows Book."

Wei Zhiwen was targeted by a spell, so how could he delay it?

"Late will change. If they take advantage of the clan's failure to come to support, they will directly kill the island. I am bound by the curse, how can the two of you deal with them?"

Wei Zhiwen: "I have a secret technique, which can restore myself to three hours of sobriety after performing it. Wait for me to do it to subdue the spirit god, and I will follow you to kill it tonight."

When the three were discussing, the psychic Gu passed the news to Mr. Fu Tong.

"I'm going to act tonight. It seems that the guy is really waiting."


The boy tossed about in the room, first he turned out a pear wood suitcase with wind patterns and carved phoenixes, and then stuffed a silk quilt inside.

Mr. Fu Tong secretly thought: Tonight, if these three people take away the elite of the Wei family, Zixuan Island will be empty, so it is a good time to make a move.


There was a constant movement over there, and Mr. Fu Tong couldn't help it: "You kid, why are you afraid of this?"

At this moment, the boy pushed the suitcase to the corner and got into it.

"Sister, keep your voice down. We are in the hinterland of the Wei family, so don't attract their attention."

"I think your fiddling is louder than my voice."

"Really?" The boy wrapped himself in the quilt, like a soft ball.

He said in a soft voice: "Then I will keep my voice down. Turn around and use the turtle breath method, and you help me lock the box."

Mr. Fu Tong rolled his eyes, and pointed to the "Concealment Gu" that he placed in the middle of the house.

"I am a Spirit Gu. It has the Dao intention of the Golden Core, which shields this room. If the Golden Core monks do not check each room, they will not be able to find you and me."

The inheritance of Gu cultivation is scattered and unsystematic.But according to the consensus in the practice world, Gu can be roughly divided into two categories.

Possesses the will of the Dao, the spiritual Gu that breeds Yuan Dan.And it's not good enough, it can only target Gu in the two great realms of foundation building and qi refining.

"But the golden elixir of the 'Concealment Gu' is just to hide and hide Qi. If we really run into a master, we won't be able to escape at all."

Under the thick bedding, Peng Ming poked out his small head.

"Sister, you dare to stay here, calm and composed. Do you still have other spiritual Gu on your body?"

"I have three spirit Gu."

The boy frowned and listened carefully.

"In addition to the invisibility Gu, there is also a Sleepy Gu."

"Sleeping Gu? I heard from Brother Henghua that three thousand sleepy bugs were used to raise the Gu, and then the Gu King was cultivated, and then fed with Hundred Beast Yuan Pills. It is said that this is a type of Gu that is expected to transform into an Immortal Gu."


Fu Tongjun sneered: "How much does he know about Gu Dao?"

"He has studied it specially for you. He also modified a Gu method for you, called..."

Fu Tongjun smiled lightly: "How does he know the mystery of the Gu technique I practice? I don't like those mysterious skills. What I have passed down is an Immortal Gu technique from the Shenzhou era, called "Transforming Gu" Feather Immortal Jue."

"The Book of Seven Gu Absolute Immortals, yes, Brother Henghua said so."

The two spoke almost at the same time.

Hearing Fu Pengming's words, Mr. Fu Tong was stunned.

"Seven Gu?"

"According to my elder brother, this is a kind of Gu method to become an immortal in the Shenzhou period. Using Immortal Transformation Gu as the natal Gu, Transforming Immortal can not only transform the enemy into vitality, but also means transforming into an immortal."

Indeed, this is the original intention of the "Gu Yu Xian Jue" that I cultivated.

She needs to find five kinds of spiritual Gu to enter the Tao and enter the Golden Core Realm.Then use the Five Poison Gu Pill as the basis, and perform nine transformations to reach the level of Immortal Gu.

Immortal Gu, that is a mysterious thing that has never appeared before, and only existed in the history of Shenzhou.

Mr. Fu Tong frowned and said, ""The Book of Seven Gu Jue Immortals", please tell me in detail."

"I can't remember, I just remember a general idea. Seven kinds of Immortal Gu, transforming Immortal Gu into basic practice, increasing mana. Love Immortal Gu is the practice of cultivating the spirit and casting the soul. Parasitic Gu in the body of living beings, refining greed, anger, ignorance, love, hatred The seven thoughts of evil enter Gu, which can control the seven emotions and six desires in the world, joys and sorrows. It is said that this is the great version of Love Gu. It can even make immortals fall into love disaster."

Mr. Fu Tong: "..."

"There is also a Sleeping Immortal Gu, which is said to be an advanced version of Sleeping Gu, which can make immortals fall into a long sleep."

Lord Fu Tong looked solemn.

Love Gu, Sleepy Gu, including the Five Poison Gu cultivation method that was the predecessor of Immortal Transformation Gu, were all passed down to her by her mother.

She found the secret realm mentioned by her mother in Yuanming waters, and obtained the earth-level fairy formula "Prince of Transforming Gu and Feather".In addition, there are fragments of Love Gu transforming into Love Immortal Gu and Sleepy Gu transforming into Sleeping Immortal Gu.

How did that guy know?
"What else, what about the last four?"

"It seems... there seems to be an Immortal Suppressing Gu? It is said to suppress the soul of the primordial spirit? No, it seems to be the Immortal or the Immortal? I can't remember, sister, why don't you turn around and ask Brother Heng Hua?"

"Can your memory not remember this?"

Fu Pengming smirked and hid in the bookcase without saying a word.

Mr. Fu Tong shook his head, she understood what Fu Pengming wanted to do.

But... the feeling of being close to home is timid.

Back to Panlong Island, she was really scared.

As for meeting that guy, you can meet him on Zixuan Island.

 This is a normal update, and the monthly ticket stamp will be returned later.

  As for subscriptions, the average order is currently [-].The first order is [-], so I will go back and make another update.Today, try to pay off the debt as much as possible, and tomorrow you will be able to relax and change.

(End of this chapter)

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