Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1013, unknown creature

Incorporated into the world of justice, the heroic companies of the God Throne Legion sequence have also ushered in their own epic enhancements. First of all, the resource restrictions that limit the growth of their divine bodies are gone.

In a very short period of time, Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang fully manifested their divine characteristics under the sufficient supply of resources.

Among them, Ge Xiaolun's undefeated physique and Liu Chuang's characteristics of the God of War made other members of the Xiongbing Company feel extremely envious.

In addition to them, Xin Zhao, the gun of the German star, in order to make up for his lack of lethality, the world of justice used the technology of making the fan sword to customize a fan gun for him.

Other people's armaments and dark alloy armors have been strengthened. For example, Qilin's God-killing sniper rifle has been modified by the Airosi weapons department.

In addition to being able to shoot god-killing armor-piercing bullets, it also supports the launch of some special ammunition of the elite army of the justice world.

And during the time when Xiongbing Company was adapting to its new equipment and power, Styx's side also felt bored with Pluto's defense line.

In addition to the ordinary affiliated civilization army, some special existences of the Styx have also begun to intervene in the battle, such as some of Karl's experimental void engines.

Among them are burly animal warriors, unknown insect-like creatures, and irrational monsters.

Under the attack of these god-like monsters, the Styx galaxy fleet finally began to move forward again, and the recovery speed of the Purifier Legion gradually failed to keep up with the consumption speed.

And Binghua also felt that it was time to meet Styx's army, so he asked Sameelo to control the Purifier Legion to open a gap, allowing part of Styx's fleet to rush in to warm up the justice world's army.

"We finally crossed Pluto, and I thought we were going to be stuck there for the rest of our lives."

A gluttonous soldier piloting a space fighter was chatting with his colleagues in the communication.

"It's not because my god sent his warriors, those robots who don't know where they come from are too tricky.

Even the warriors who have received the blessing of death can't defeat them. Several adults I know have fallen into the hands of those robots. "

The gluttonous fighter pilot on the other end of the communication sighed.

"Who says it's not, but I don't know if you've seen those things, they're the ones that penetrate the defenses of robots, they're really infiltrating.

I was glanced at by him once, and I couldn't move at the time, feeling like I was being stared at by some horrible monster. "

"Is it that scary?"

Faced with the indifferent attitude of his colleagues, the gluttonous warrior immediately became anxious.

"It's absolutely terrifying. I've never seen such a deadly creature. Those powerful mechanical warriors are like prey to be slaughtered in front of him, and they are torn into pieces by his sharp blade feet."

At this moment, Taotie on the other side of the communication suddenly shouted in horror:
"There is an ambush! Spread out!"

In the next second, a roar came from the other end of the communication, followed by indistinct murmurs.

The gluttonous pilot lowered his head to check the scanning system of the fighter plane, and found that there was nothing abnormal around him, and his heart suddenly became cold. …

So I looked up through the window of the fighter plane and looked around for traces of the enemy. All I could see were the friendly fighter planes that were constantly exploding.

"A group of targets, it's really stress-free to fight."

The pilot of the Aerospace Fighter of the Aerols Aerospace Corps spat.

"Don't be careless, if you are shot down, you will become the laughing stock of the whole army."

The captain of the aerospace fighter formation said solemnly in the communication, and drove the aerospace fighter to turn flexibly.

"Okay, the first wave of strikes has been completed, and the rest will be handed over to other brother troops."

As soon as the words fell, the team had just completed the fixed-point strike mission, and the Airols aerospace fighter formation that wiped out nearly a hundred gluttonous fighters turned back to the nearest Uranus base.

The Uranus base, which is a giant orbital defense base built near Uranus for the convenience of supplying the front line, is busy here at the moment.

The main force of the aerospace fighter formation from Airos and the newly formed space army in China is stationed here.

In order to allow Shenzhou to adapt to the complex and changeable air and space combat environment as soon as possible, Eloise's Aerospace Corps specially dispatched a battle group to teach them how to fight in the space environment.

In addition to the Shenzhou Space Force, the first and second teams of the Xiongbing Company also came near the Uranus defense line, as a high-end force to guard against sneak attacks by some high-end combat forces of Styx.

Of course, the Xiongbing Company is only a defensive force on the surface, and there are hundreds of high-ranking angels nearby acting as a secret defense force to prevent Styx from dispatching a small group of troops to bypass the Uranus defense line and go further back.

But Binghua has left the Chiwu star system at this moment. After these months of war, Binghua has discovered that Karl does not have any special cards.

If so, why don't you use it while you're in the Chiwu star system, and wait for yourself to call in and use it?

And during this period of time, Binghua discovered a very strange thing. It seems that Karl is not too much about the war in the Chiwu star system, because Binghua didn't even see Snow, who is Karl's agent.

The command system of the entire Styx Fleet is also relatively chaotic. Except for the beginning, the various affiliated civilizations of the Styx are fighting on their own.

It was only after careful observation that Binghua discovered the trickiness. It seemed that Karl wanted to draw his attention here.

So Binghua immediately made a decision, intending to sneak into the Styx galaxy to find out the bottom. As for the defense of the Chiwu galaxy, there will be no problems in a short time with the troops of the justice world.

So Binghua quietly left the Chiwu star system with a few double-winged god-level angels, and came to the vicinity of the Styx galaxy through the star gate channel.

In order to prevent being detected by the big clock, Binghua also specially asked Ran and other angels to suppress their own dark energy fluctuations to a minimum, and at the same time put a layer of shielding algorithm on them.

Although this cannot be concealed from the precise scan of the big clock, it is enough to deceive the conventional wide-area scan. As long as Karl does not get the news, sneaking into the vicinity of the Dead Song Academy should not be a problem.

But what Binghua expected was that she was attacked shortly after she entered the range of the Styx galaxy.

The ferocious roar, the insect-like body, the purple void energy surging between the carapace on the body surface and the blade-like forelimbs, this is simply a perfect hunter.

But at this moment, the hunter is being nailed to the asteroid with sharp blades, but judging by the way it struggles and twists, its vitality is very tenacious.

"Queen, I have never seen this kind of creature, but judging from the energy fluctuations emanating from his body, it should be Karl's void creation."

After Ran's investigation, he ran to Binghua to report.

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