Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1015, The Ax That Rides Through Thorns

The gods of the River Styx, except the wolf god Huss and the crocodile god Thornton, are basically a group of crooked melons. Commander, it was broken up with the characteristics of the internal structure.

The ferocious Thornton was lured away by Liu Chuang's provocation, and the wolf god Hus was trapped in an area by the god-killing battle of the Xiongbing Company.

The rest of the gods of the Styx, who had no brains, were led around by a small number of eternal guards using the base's extensive passages.

Ge Xiaolun, the power of the galaxy, was quickly hunting down those gods of the Styx who were alone. Before the final ruling, no matter what the gods of the Styx had, it would be useless, and the only ending would be death.

On the outskirts of the orbital defense base, some high-ranking angels have already approached, on the one hand guarding against Styx's reinforcements, and on the other hand preventing the Styx gods who entered the orbital base from escaping.

A circle of fiery energy spread out, Thornton screamed strangely and flew backwards again, broke through an alloy wall, and landed in the area where the wolf god Hus was.

Seeing his younger brother in such a state of distress, Hus, who had some slight wounds on his body, asked:
"What's the matter with you?"

"Hey boy! It hurts me to death!"

Thornton cried out in pain a few times on the ground, and when he heard Huss' cry, he quickly got up from the ground and pointed to the hole he had knocked out.

"There's a stubble over there, let's fuck him together!"

Hearing this, Hu Si turned his gaze to the past, and not far away, Rui Mengmeng, Yaowen, Zhao Xin and others also guarded Qiangwei and Qilin behind them and were tensely on guard.

At this moment, Liu Chuang, who was exuding dark energy flames like fire, walked out of the hole that was knocked out by Thornton. on Thornton.

"Didn't you say you wanted to cut my head off? Why did you run away suddenly while beating me?"

Liu Chuang pointed at Thornton and said contemptuously, this made Thornton so angry that he almost jumped.

"Energy burning!"

Before Thornton could respond to Liu Chuang's words, Hus took the lead to break the stalemate, and the purple energy flames exploded in an instant, covering the entire floor of the room.

Liu Chuang suddenly felt the pain of being burned by the flames, but soon the purple flames burning on his body were wiped out by the dark energy erupting from his body.

Liu Chuang could ignore Hu Si's energy burning, but the others present couldn't. Yaowen was better, but Xin Zhao, who was dodging the attack, was miserable.

Under the burning of the purple energy flames, apart from feeling the pain of being burned by the flames, the dark energy in his body is also rapidly consumed like running water.

Soon Xin Zhao withdrew from the state of high-speed movement, as if he had been fighting for several days, he was so weak that he almost couldn't stand up.

Seeing this, Qiangwei quickly moved Xin Zhao to the vicinity of Qilin, which was a distance away from the battlefield, so it was considered safe for the time being.

"Brother, burn it hard for me. It's best to burn him to death directly, so that it tastes better!"

Thornton shouted excitedly while flapping the purple flame attached to his body.

Huss got a headache from hearing this, kicked Thornton in dissatisfaction, and reprimanded,
"There should always be a limit to your stupidity. The other party is not so easy to dismiss, and among the gods who came with us, several energy reactions have disappeared.  …

It seems that besides the Nuoxing God of War, there should be other existences who can compete with us in this base. "

Thornton didn't care about the analysis of his elder brother Huss, he just wanted to chop Liu Chuang, the guy who was chasing him, to pieces.

Seeing that Liu Chuang was being suppressed, Thorton lowered his body and let out a low voice, "The hunting has begun!"

After the words fell, regardless of Hu Si's dissuasion, he went straight to Liu Chuang like a jet of drill.

But in the next moment, Thornton flew back from the purple flame at a faster speed, accompanied by Liu Chuang's disdainful words.

"It's just your grandson who wants to sneak up on me, see if I don't chop your head up!"

The burning purple energy flame was divided into two by the battle ax in Liu Chuang's hand. Naturally, Hu Si couldn't just watch Liu Chuang's battle ax fall on his brother, and strode forward to swing the ax in his hand.

A circle of shock wave was stirred up from the position where Liu Chuang and Hu Si's weapons collided, sending the purple flames burning on the ground flying around.

Liu Chuang let out an angry roar and pressed down vigorously, and the huge force directly pushed the tall Hu Si back a step, and the solid alloy ground under their feet was trampled out with several deep footprints.

Seeing that he couldn't overwhelm the dog-headed monster in front of him in terms of strength, Liu Chuang turned his attack and kicked Hu Si's calf with his foot.

Huston was kicked and knelt down on one knee. Liu Chuang took the opportunity to turn around and spun the double-edged battle ax in the air, and slashed at Huss's head.

"Death to me!"

A circle of terrifying dark energy surged out towards the surroundings, and the imitation black-cut double-edged battle ax in Liu Chuang's hand was directly embedded in Hus's head, almost splitting his dog's head in half.
If it was really a black cut, I'm afraid that Huss and his body would be split into two right now.

Before Liu Chuang made up his knife, Thornton rushed up to knock him away, and dragged Hu Si, who was already unconscious, back quickly.

"Are you okay! Although I despise you for being ugly, don't die!

You're dead, and I'm the only one left who can't beat him! "

"Take advantage of his illness to kill him! Yaowen do it!"

Xin Zhao weakly yelled at Yaowen, and Yaowen immediately raised the halberd in his hand, and stabbed Hu Si in Thornton's arms.

Thornton felt the danger and raised his head to see a pitch-black war halberd attacking him. With the big ax in his hand standing up, he pushed Yaowen's attack aside.

"I was talking to my brother, what are you doing, you bastard."

"Come on, get out of here!"

Hus also slowed down at this time, and said weakly with his mouth open, although the part of his skull that was split off made his face look hideous at the moment, it didn't make him completely lose his fighting ability.

As the third-generation peak animal-body God of War, his target is the regular third-generation god. Although Liu Chuang split his head and suffered serious injuries, he still can't die in a short time.

But Hu Si already felt that he might not be able to leave today, because Liu Chuang had already approached again.

Facing his elder brother's words, Thornton is not a fool. Seeing that the surroundings are full of enemies, even with his brain, he knows that their brothers are already in a tight siege.

Huss raised his hand to show off his 'energy burning' again. This time, unlike the previous purple energy flame, it actually began to burn the alloy ground, emitting a fiery high temperature.

Yaowen was immediately blocked, Qilin turned her gun and shot a god-killing armor-piercing bullet towards Thorton's eyes.

Thornton cried out in pain from the beating, quickly covered his injured left eye, and began to look around for his attacker.

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