Chapter 1020, Sealed

Before the Death Song Academy was covered by Binghua's force field, He Zhui and Ailan passed through the gap in the academy and flew out.

Therefore, when Death Song Academy fell to the surface of the planet, it did not affect our side, but a giant void creature failed to escape from it. It was thrown hard enough, lying on the dying pit, with smoky void energy constantly escaping from its body .

But at this moment, everyone is not paying attention to the so-called void creatures. Their focus is on the ice flower above the sky and Karl standing on the surface.

At this moment, Binghua made no secret of the strength of its dark energy. The majestic dark energy covered the entire planet below like radiation, and Karl's void energy field was equal to it.

Fortunately, the lowest ones present were all three generations of gods, otherwise ordinary super fighters would be affected in their actions in the face of such powerful dark energy radiation.

Seeing that Karl didn't intend to make a move first, Binghua didn't intend to wait any longer, and raised his hand to connect the space behind him to his arsenal.

Dozens of destructive swords filled with mimic stars popped out of the sword points, and then turned into streaks of fiery orange streamers that shot towards Karl's position.

Karl felt the terrifying energy contained inside the Destroyer Sword, and quickly turned the pages of the metal-covered book in his hand, and a complex driving formula constructed with Kamigawa characters appeared, and was guided into the disc-shaped void engine.

The next moment, the space between Karl and Binghua seemed to be stretched infinitely. Obviously, the destruction sword did not stop flying, but it just couldn't cross the distance of only a few thousand meters.

Seeing this, Binghua detonated the Destroying Sword very simply, only to hear the dazzling light from the sky, and several big fireballs like stars appeared in the universe where the planet was within easy reach.

"It's another trick of time and space. It seems that you have learned a little bit from her during the period of cooperating with Liang Bing."

Karl did not deny Binghua's words.

"Liang Bing's attachment to space is far greater than my attachment to emptiness.

When discussing some things, it is inevitable to conduct some discussions on time and space.

And it just so happened that some things she couldn't do, I could easily do with the big clock. "

Carl said calmly, and at the same time, the book with the metal cover in his hand began to turn the pages forward, and the new formula was imported.

In an instant, the void energy was shaped into an arrow shape of more than ten meters in front of Karl, and quickly rushed towards the ice in the sky.

But in the middle of the flight, Binghua waved his hand and slapped him aside with a force field.

Seeing this, Karl sighed silently in his heart. He had studied many existences. Even if he was as strong as the holy Kaisa and was suppressed by Silver Wing, he would expose a certain weakness of himself because he could not maintain his strength.

But Binghua is different. The force field control with both offense and defense makes it impossible to start. Even if it is as strong as void energy, it needs to touch the target to exert its effect.

But the characteristics of the energy field allow Binghua to use the least energy consumption to affect the attack made of void energy.

Now Binghua still has the angel's sub-biological engine to break the concept modification of the void engine. Carl found that even if he has a big clock to assist him, he can only use time and space to cause some troubles to Binghua.

Binghua was thinking about how to restrict Karl's movements, and then use the stasis ray to freeze the space he was in.

Although doing so can't kill Karl, Binghua doesn't believe that Karl can still rely on his phantom to act in the frozen time and space.

Both sides are making their own calculations, but it is clear that as time goes by, Carl's means are about to be exhausted.

A spatial rift that didn't know where it led appeared beside Binghua, but was immediately disrupted by the time-space disrupting sword that Binghua carried out and disappeared.

This is not the first time, Binghua has been prepared for a long time, and Karl also found out after a few times of probing that it is impossible to use the space rift to exile Binghua.

After being attacked, Binghua also counterattacked as usual. As the force field spread to cover the ground, Binghua's thoughts moved.

The ground with a radius of more than ten kilometers was forcibly lifted, and it was closed with Karl as the center, turning into a magnificent mountain with a height of more than ten kilometers to block it.

At the same time, Binghua began to import the algorithm of the stasis force field into the neutron blade-cutting weapon engine in his hand, and was ready to find an opportunity to give Karl a shot.

Although the giant peak on the ground is magnificent, it still can't seal Karl. A palm-sized space-time singularity crazily devours all the surrounding matter, and the giant peak collapses in an instant.

Binghua immediately knew what this thing was, it was what Hua Ye used to destroy his avatar, so he absolutely couldn't let it take shape.

Binghua's body suddenly turned into countless light particles, and the next moment they converged on Karl's side, and the neutron warblade in his hand swept across the singularity of time and space.

The super-strong gravitational waves carried by the neutron warblade instantly destroyed the imitation black hole that had not yet formed.

"caught you!"

Karl has been waiting for Binghua to be close enough to him, so close that it is inconvenient to use force field manipulation, so that he has come to his own domain, and the void energy can take effect.

In an instant, void energy began to gather in front of Karl, but after Binghua slashed the space-time singularity with a sword, the left hand equipped with the Titan's handshake armor quietly protruded out.

The next moment the void energy core that had just been condensed was caught by the grip of the titan, and then a dazzling glow lit up, and the next moment a burst of orange and purple energy shocks mixed and spread out.

Binghua was blown upside down, turned back into holy atoms in mid-air, and assembled on the ground.

Karl on the other side also felt uncomfortable, not to mention the failure of the plan to get closer to Binghua, and half of his body was blown away, so he had to recover.

And at the moment when Karl recovered his phantom body, Binghua finally showed a faint smile on his cold face.

In the next moment, the force field that quietly spread around suddenly solidified, whether it was the floating dust or everything else was imprisoned by the force field.

In particular, Karl, who was the target, was taken care of intensively. The half-healed wound was solidified by the force field, and it took a long time to recover.

"It's useless. Even if the phantom body's injuries can't be recovered, it can't cause harm to me, because I have long since lost the concept of injury, and you have no way to destroy me."

Carl's voice sounded on the public channel, but it didn't stop Binghua from moving.

"Really, what about this one?"

Binghua raised the neutron warblade, and while answering Karl's words, it issued a translucent energy jet.

The energy jet rushed into the force field and exploded violently around Karl. Just as Karl was about to shift space, he found that everything around him became slow.

Not only the matter, but even his thoughts are slowing down. Finally, Karl looked up at Binghua and opened his mouth to say something.

But before Karl could say it, Karl, together with a small space around him, completely fell into a state of stasis.

Seeing this, Binghua carried out two wall-like metal devices from the arsenal, and then the two devices quickly flew to both sides of Karl, extended out the interface and buckled each other, and started the internal engine to start moving inward according to the preset procedure. Infuse stasis energy.

In this way, the appearance of Karl turning his head slightly to look at Binghua was completely sealed inside the stasis device.

In this way, the main purpose of Binghua's infiltration into the Styx galaxy this time is also completed.

(End of this chapter)

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