Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1071, Moved to battle

Chapter 1071, Moved to battle

After Hexi sent the first batch of [-] Merlot Pioneers to the Poker Nebula, the coalition forces that had been silent for several months finally moved.

This time, it is no longer to resist the attack of the Mottled Blue Empire, but to counterattack the edge star field under the leadership of the King of Angels, and expel the Triangle there from the known universe.

And as the vanguard of this attack, it is the experimental weapon of the Merlot Heavenly Court, the first generation of Merlot Pioneers. They are responsible for wading through the thunder ahead, while the angels and the coalition forces are finishing it.

As soon as they entered the fringe star field, the Melo pioneers showed strong combat effectiveness. The metal body that is not afraid of the mental attack of the triangle, coupled with the anti-magnetic field wave coating and the charged armor on the body surface, turned them into an extremely deadly massacre. machine.

Although the triangular creatures assembled a large group, they were quickly defeated by the suppression of the firepower of the Skyblade battle group and the coalition forces, and the charge of the Melo vanguard regardless of casualties.

How easy it is for the Triangle to enter the known universe and lay down the edge star field, so how quickly it retreats now.

In terms of war, the most direct concept of brutal biological essence battles, the Shenhe organisms with technological power are better than the triangular organisms that evolve their bodies and develop their brains.

Mottled Blue originally thought that after more than 1 years of evolution, he had been able to resist and even eliminate the Shenhe civilization in the known universe.

But what the triangular body does not know is that when they are rushing forward on the road of evolution, the Shenhe civilization in the known universe is also going further and further on the road of super god.

The establishment of the Super Seminary has allowed the rapid development of the technology of many civilizations, and it has also given birth to many super projects such as the celestial computer and the anti-void god-making project.

Afterwards, the great civilizations of angels, Styx, and demons have been fighting constantly, and technology has never stopped developing.

In the beginning, the Triangle relied on its own special ability to win consecutive victories, but when the angel used the intelligent self-discipline weapon for the first time and achieved miraculous effects, other civilizations began to follow suit.

Compared with resources that can be exploited repeatedly, human casualties eventually stop civilizations. In addition, angel civilizations are willing to provide self-discipline core technology support, so civilizations have begun to urge their rear to develop intelligent combat weapons that can fight against triangular creatures.

For a time, the style of warfare in the known universe has undergone a huge change, and the development of intelligent combat weapons has become popular.

However, people of insight know that if there is no celestial-level supercomputing as a system protection barrier, smart weapons are like knives that may fall into the hands of the enemy at any time in front of high-level super soldiers with genetic engines.

But even with the backing of supercomputing, it is impossible to protect the intelligent combat weapons of one's own civilization from the supercomputing invasion of hostile civilizations. After all, the size of smart weapons is there, and the protection system is easily overwhelmed by the huge computing power.

But currently busy with dealing with the Mottled Blue Empire triangle creatures, no one cares too much about this for the time being.

But just when the coalition forces were preparing to directly attack the sphere of influence of the Mottled Blue Empire through the marginal star field with great enthusiasm, an accident occurred.

"Ice Queen, according to the news just sent from Melo Heavenly Court, a star explosion occurred in the Styx galaxy, and the location is exactly the giant void crack that Lieyang is responsible for suppressing."

Jingnan came to Binghua's side worriedly and said that she had also heard about void creatures and knew that it was very difficult to deal with.

Binghua was in a bad mood immediately after hearing the news. What she was worried about still appeared. The bomb of the void creature finally exploded before she could solve the mottled blue problem.

The coalition forces that originally wanted to fight all the way to the Mottled Blue Empire and make the opponent succumb to their own army of intelligent machines suddenly came to nothing.

In the emergency internal meeting of the coalition forces, all representatives of civilization were frowning, and their depression was hard to dissipate, because a good situation was completely destroyed by Lie Yang's hip pulling.

"Everyone can make their own suggestions on how to proceed next."

Binghua sat on the main seat and spoke first when no one spoke.

"Your Excellency, the King of Angels, now we can only move to the Styx galaxy to solve the problem of void creatures.

Although Lie Yang didn't inform us in some way, but he didn't withdraw from the Void Gap deliberately, so there must have been some changes that we don't know about. "

The Karan civilization is more familiar with Binghua, the king of angels, so he took the lead in speaking, and was very worried about the changes in the Styx galaxy.

Unlike Mottled Blue, although they have invaded the known universe, they can only enter from the marginal star field, but the Styx galaxy is different.

Although the Styx galaxy is also a bit remote, it is still within the circle of the core civilization of the known universe, and some of the inwards are the galaxies where the various god-making civilizations are located.

If the Styx falls, most of the civilizations present will suffer when the void creatures spread. This is what the representatives of the civilizations present do not want to see.

As the main god of Kalan spoke, other civilizations present also began to express their views, and no one raised any objections to the move to the Styx galaxy.

The main reason is that the attitude of Binghua, the king of angels, is too easy to speculate. Moving to Styx has become a settlement, and no one wants to jump out and sing the opposite at this time.

After the results of the coalition meeting came out, the resolutions at the meeting began to be implemented one by one. First of all, the coalition forces were divided into two. After all, the triangle has not been defeated, so we must take some precautions against them.

The Skyblade battle group and a part of the coalition forces jumped to the nearest angel star gate, and then quickly rushed to the Styx galaxy through the star gate system established by Melo Heaven.

Due to the urgency of the situation, the coalition forces moved extremely quickly, and arrived at the outskirts of the Styx galaxy half a month after the Styx accident happened.

In just half a month, the star map of the Styx galaxy has undergone tremendous changes. The first is the planetary system near the gap in the void.

The light of the stars that originally exuded an orange glow turned out to be slightly ominous purple, and abnormal vegetation grew on the surface of the planets in several star systems, rapidly compressing the living space of the animals and plants on the original planets.

Binghua stepped on the earth that had become somewhat abnormal, and looked up at the sky that was glowing with a slight purple light.

In her line of sight, the world is filled with active void energy. According to her research on void creatures, this kind of energy concentration can already allow ordinary void creatures to survive.

It would not be surprising if this kind of planet appeared in the ice bloom near the gap of the void, but this is the middle and outer area of ​​the Styx galaxy, and there is still a distance from the gap of the void.

This kind of change is not unusual, there must be some existence that caused all of this, otherwise, it would not be possible to make the void energy spread so widely based on the erosion speed of the void creatures, and it would not be possible to do so in thousands of years.

"Queen, our warriors caught some void-corroded life nearby."

Jingnan slowly fell from the sky near Binghua and quickly approached Hui to report.

Binghua closed her eyes of insight and said to Jingnan, "Let's go back."

(End of this chapter)

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