Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1073, Gap of the Void

The gap in the void, this is where the gap in the void first appeared. It used to be a small gap in the void, but now it has expanded to be bigger than a single star.

It is like a giant eye staring at the entire starry sky, emitting an ominous purple glow, radiating void energy to the surrounding starry sky like the stars in the universe of the main creature.

Through the eye of insight and the detection system of the sky blade, it can be concluded that the gap in the void is spewing out immeasurable void energy all the time.

But the main biological universe is like a sea, constantly diluting the void energy, and the concentration of the void energy is always unable to increase. At present, only the void energy intensity near the void gap is relatively high.

When the Skyblade battle group was moored at the outskirts of the planetary system where the gap in the void is located to observe and measure various data here, anomalies appeared in the surrounding space.

The angel in charge of operating Tianren immediately caught this abnormal spatial fluctuation, disassembled and analyzed the data immediately, and reported it to Captain Tianren.

But before the captain of Tianren informed all Tianren, the instigator who caused the abnormal fluctuation of space had already appeared.

Such an obvious spatial anomaly can be noticed by any angel who has a little knowledge of time and space technology, and Binghua is no exception. Her gaze shifted from the gap in the void to the void on the side of the Tianren battle group.

I saw an abnormal bulge in the space there, and then as if the calm water surface was broken through, a hideous head rushed out of it in the next second.

The upper back of the slender body covered with purple veins is covered with a purple fluorescent carapace, and the triangular head has three pairs of orange prismatic eyes.

All void creatures have one or two of the above characteristics, but the only abnormality is that the monster that shuttled out of the void is extremely large.

Like a thick giant python, the giant void beast circled around one of the Skyblade battle groups as soon as it appeared.

The sharp blade feet on its body landed on the time-space deflection shield of the sky blade, making waves continuously.

This is like a signal, the surrounding void once again has spatial fluctuations, and a few smaller void behemoths also break through the space and come out.

This hit the Tianren battle group by surprise, because the Tianren battle group has never been confronted by the enemy before, so the gathering is relatively dense.

At this moment, a large number of enemies appeared in the Skyblade battle group, and the Skyblade had no choice but to distance themselves from each other, leaving a range of shots to deal with the void behemoths approaching or crouching on the time-space deflection shield.

For a while, the coalition forces were in chaos. Compared with the Tianren battle group, they could rely on the space-time deflection shield and their own huge size to block the attack of the void behemoth. Those coalition fleets that followed the Tian Ren battle group here suffered.

Although there are only a dozen or so Void Behemoths that exceed the standard size, the size of ordinary Void Behemoths ranging from hundreds to kilometers is still a deadly threat to ordinary warships.

Binghua had already left the Heavenly Blade where she was, the Titan's Grip, and the Neutron Warblade Cutting Type had already been held in her hands.

A gravitational wave strong enough to crush stars was applied to the Void Behemoth, crushing it to pieces on the spot, turning it into purple energy particles and disappearing. …

"Queen, there are too many void behemoths, we can still hold on, but the loss of the coalition forces is too great, if we continue, the entire army may be wiped out!"

Jingnan's anxious voice rang in Binghua's ear, and Binghua glanced backwards, just in time to see several coalition warships being dispelled by the void energy breath.

Indeed, ordinary light energy barriers and energy shields are really not very impressive in front of the breath compressed by void energy, and they won't last long.

Without the protection of the shields, the warships of the coalition forces are like soldiers who have lost their armor and will be easily killed.

Seeing this, Binghua clenched the handle of the neutron war blade even tighter, and did not immediately give an order to retreat, because the most powerful Void God in the battle data provided by Lie Yang had not yet appeared.

This shows that the other party should not have converged or recovered yet. Since this is the case, now should be the time when the gap in the void is most vulnerable. beast.

But a blind charge is not advisable, so she gave Jingnan an order to coordinate the coalition forces and the Skyblade battle group, and withdraw from this planetary system in an orderly manner, but not to retreat too far.

Binghua is going to use the characteristic that void creatures can only survive in the space where the energy concentration of the void reaches the standard, and test how far the void behemoth can move.

But Binghua himself and Ran and other angels are the leaders after the battle. After all, the Void Behemoth is too large, and it may not be able to match for ordinary angel fighters, but for angels above the god level Just a target.

Losing the surrounding sky blades and losing fire support also made Binghua no longer have to worry about accidentally injuring himself.

Binghua's figure suddenly accelerated, passed through the bites and claws of several giant void beasts that rushed towards him, and came to the area behind the giant void beast, standing in the air.

'Position coordinates, link to arsenal, maximum projection on'

As Binghua gave orders to the system of the arsenal, the space around Binghua generated miniature wormhole portals.

The next moment, a pair of destructive swords with miniature stars inlaid on the grids protruded their blades from the wormhole, and then shot towards the surrounding void giants like a crossbow.

Brilliant star-like clusters of light rose up in the starry sky and joined together, and the giant void beasts roaming the sea of ​​stars twisted their bodies and were blown to pieces by the fiery energy annihilation.

Ran, Yan, Hezhui, Ailan and other angels who were separated by an area could not help but lightly cover their eyes with their hands to avoid the bright light.

"The queen is really generous, this may be all the destruction sword reserves!"

After the flames were extinguished, looking at the starry sky that had cleared a large area, Ran sighed, and then his eyes fell on the giant void monster wandering around waiting for an opportunity to bite.

"The queen is working so hard, how can I be so unbearable as her trial archangel!"

Ran shouted involuntarily, thunder and lightning crisscrossed in the surrounding void, and thick lightning bolts continued to fall under Ran's operation.

The punishment from nature made the Void Behemoth feel unbearable pain, its body was either split or exploded, and they all moved away from the thunder and lightning field created by Ran.

Compared with the big scene of burning, Yan, who is also a proficient in thunder warfare, is undoubtedly much inferior. The blade in her hand is wrapped in dazzling thunder and lightning, and the entangled thunder sword energy falls on the giant void beast. open.

Although it can cause damage to void behemoths, a few hits won't be fatal to them that are hundreds of kilometers in size.

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