Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1088, God of War and God of War

Chapter 1088, God of War and God of War
After hearing what Texas said, Jingnan also disconnected the communication, and instead contacted the vice-captain of the Xiongbing Company.

"Whether Liu Chuang, the Nuoxing god of war, is online, please reply if you receive it."

"I'm here, what can I tell the angel girl!"

The black cutter in Liu Chuang's hand on the other end of the communication had just chopped up the head of a beast body super soldier, and he quickly replied after hearing this.

Although Jingnan really wanted to correct Liu Chuang's name for him, but now is not the time to worry about it.

"Liu Chuang, a tricky god has appeared on Skyblade No. 86, and you need to defeat him.

Can you spare time now to perform this task. "

Although it was an inquiry, the meaning was not to be rejected, and Liu Chuang said it very simply.

"Guaranteed to carry out the task, open a door for me, you can't let me run over."

Liu Chuang made a rare joke, but he didn't get a response from the other end of the communication, which made him a little regretful.

But soon Liu Chuang put these thoughts behind him, because a space wormhole opened up in front of him.

Without the slightest hesitation, Liu Chuang rushed in, and the surrounding scenery changed instantly, from the Destruction-class battleship deck to the vast platform inside the Sky Blade.

The burning wreckage of the aircraft, the beast warriors and angel corpses that fell on the platform formed a tragic scene.

But just for a moment, a figure attracted Liu Chuang's attention. It was an existence very similar to him, with the same thick black armor and a battle axe.

"Grandpa thought he asked me to do something, but it turned out to be to cut you.

This brother has a good name, and I, Liu Chuang, will not hack nameless ghosts with my axe. "

Liu Chuang talked nonsense nonsense, but the movement of holding the black cut in his hands told everyone that he was very cautious now.

Texas frowned slightly when he saw Liu Chuang, because the energy fluctuations emitted by the warrior who suddenly appeared from the wormhole in front of him were very similar to him.

"Who are you, Nuoxing God of War should have fallen."

Soon Texas thought of the source of this energy fluctuation, Nuoxing God of War.

"You said Nuoxing God of War, that's what they called me, but I didn't even know where Nuoxing was, what kind of Nuoxing God of War.

So you should call me Liu Chuang, this is my name, not some Nuoxing god of war. "

"So that's it, you are the carrier of the Nuoxing God of War super gene, and I also have some technical achievements of the Nuoxing God of War project in my body, no wonder I feel familiar.

It seems that the next battle between us will be a collision of anti-void god-making projects.

This is really ironic, the god-making project established to fight against the void is now fighting for the void. "

Although Texas was laughing, there was an inexplicable sadness.

But Liu Chuang didn't think too much about it. His goal in coming here was to kill the other party.

As the two sides fell silent, the next moment the battle began. The black cutting and the god-killing battle axes slashed at each other, making deafening roars.

The fiery dark energy and purple void energy dissipated towards the surroundings, cutting the platform into long scars.

"It's really strong!"

Liu Chuang's face turned red, he had already used all his strength, and it was rare that he did not overwhelm the opponent in terms of strength.

Dexas also used all his strength, but he didn't speak, and found that he could not overwhelm the opponent in terms of his strengths, so Dexas immediately changed his tactics.

Seeing that Texas retreated, Liu Chuang lifted up the black cut and chopped it down again. This time, before the power was stronger, Liu Chuang had already liberated his dark energy conversion efficiency a little.

Texas did not choose to face Liu Chuang's attack head-on, but turned to one side to avoid it, and at the same time, swept the tomahawk in his hand and threw a circle of dark purple arc light.

Seeing this, Liu Chuang's expression changed slightly, and he quickly lifted the handle of the black cutting ax to block it in front of him, and in the next moment he slid backwards several meters away.

At this time, Texas had already charged over with his battle axe, and slashed vigorously at Liu Chuang.

Liu Chuang had already lost the opportunity. As the saying goes, one step is lost, one step is lost. Facing Texas's slashing attack, he could only stagger back and resist.

Just looking at the fighting movements of the two, it seems that they are simply slashing with cold weapons, but the speed is too fast, but the broken and deep metal platform under the two's feet and the long and narrow cleavage left by their sides prove their strength. Each blow has enough power to split the armor of a battleship.

You must know that the platform of the Sky Blade is not an ordinary alloy, but a special Tay alloy that is the most widely used among angels, and its strength is strong enough to resist the fire bombing of ordinary warships.

But even such a strong metal platform began to be overwhelmed by the aftermath of the battle between the two.

At the same time, on several other Heavenly Blades, several well-known existences among the angels were found by the gods from Kamigawa.

Angel Yan was dragged by a Goddess of Kamigawa holding a giant gun. The precise beam sniping and powerful firepower made it difficult for Angel Yan to get close.

The same is true for Alan, who is a Kamigawa battle god who fights unarmed. His powerful melee makes it difficult for Alan who is close to his body to get rid of the opponent.

Some angels such as Angel Leng and He Zhui were surrounded by a large number of beast body super fighters, and they had to stay there to help the angel fighters break through.

Only Angel Ran freed her hand after clearing out the animal body civilization troops near her, and she immediately received Jingnan's order to go to No. 86 Sky Blade to assist Liu Chuang in killing Shenhe God of War Texas.

Hearing this name, Ran was also a little surprised, because she also knew this Kamigawa God of War, after all, the other party had fought side by side with the Queen.

But now is not the time to remember the past, let's go to support Liu Chuang first.

When Ran arrived at Sky Blade No. 86, Liu Chuang had already fallen into an absolute disadvantage in the battle with Texas.

There were several hideous wounds on his body, and blood in the form of particles was oozing out. Texas just added a few cut marks on his armor.

For the battle between gods and gods, Liu Chuang is too young after all, not as experienced as Texas. If it weren't for the characteristics of the God of War God of Nuoxing, Liu Chuang might have been beheaded by Texas. under the axe.

This is also the reason why Jingnan didn't call a god-level angel to come over, but let Liu Chuang come here instead. As a divine body with the same characteristics and similar power as Texas, even if he can't beat the opponent, it's okay to restrain him.

Now that Liu Chuang's mission has been completed, Ran, one of the once sacred wings, has arrived at the scene. With the two top three generations of gods joining forces, Texas' chance of victory is extremely slim.

As an experienced battle god of Kamigawa, Texas naturally saw that the situation was extremely unfavorable to him, but he did not retreat.

Rather than saying that he doesn't want to retreat, it's better to say that Texas's actions have the meaning of seeking death, which was keenly noticed by Ran who had just started fighting with Texas.

(End of this chapter)

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