Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1090, I am better at killing gods than fighting monsters

Chapter 1090, I am better at killing gods than fighting monsters

Just as Texas and Ran were wrestling, Liu Chuang had already leaned over, the black tomahawk in his hand raised high, and the dazzling dark energy glow spread all over the axe, as if the space it passed through was divided into two halves.

After all, Dexus chose to rise up and kicked Ran out. He turned around and wanted to use the God-killing battle ax in his hand to meet it. The purple void energy had just appeared, and it was split in two from the middle.

The huge energy followed the direction of Liu Chuang's strike, and also cut a bottomless gap in the sky blade platform under his feet.It extends all the way to the edge of the Tianren platform.

An arm of Dexus fell to the ground together with half of the god-killing battle ax in his hand. How could the energy gathered in a hurry block Liu Chuang's charged blow? Therefore, his defeat was caused by his decision to face two fighters of the same level. God's time is preordained,
While Texan was clutching his shoulder-broken wound and staggering back, a sword blade that surged with glaring thunder pierced through his chest.

In the next moment, the thunder energy on the blade surged, and a dazzling arc of energy burst out from Texas.

With the back of Texas drawing back the weapon, Texas' body fell backwards on the platform.

Because of the terrifying energy released inside the divine body, and the god-killing energy virus carried by the Thunder Sword itself, even if Texas has three generations of divine bodies, it cannot withstand such devastation.

"It's really amazing, but this way I have fulfilled the mission of God of War God of Kamigawa...

——born to protect Kamikawa...and died to revive Kamikawa..."

With the last words that Texas uttered, his body that fell on the ground began to disintegrate into fine energy particles due to the collapse of the super gene.

"Are you all right, angel girl?"

Liu Chuang rushed to Ran's side in a hurry, sizing up Ran's body. Just now he could see that Ran had been slapped several times by Texas.

"I'm not hurt, and I need to correct you, I'm not an angel girl.

And I am over 2 years old, you should call me the Archangel of Judgment. "

Ran corrected with a slightly serious tone, Liu Chuang turned around and scratched his hair in embarrassment when he heard the words, and muttered softly.

"You don't look too old, why are you over 2 years old..."


With the fall of Texas, Ran, who had freed his hands, posed a powerful threat to the beast civilization, directly causing the formation of the beast civilization fleet attacking from one direction to collapse.

At the same time, taking advantage of the time entangled with the three Kamikawa battle gods, Binghua also completed the repair of his damaged sacred atoms, and his state recovered by half.

In this regard, Mo Xue and others who wanted to besiege and kill the King of Angels at the beginning, but now only want to hold back the other party, did not know that the King of Angels had almost recovered.

"I have been entangled with you for so long, and the space has not come out, it seems that he should be temporarily unable to get away.

In this case, I should go to your principal to have a good chat. "

Hearing Binghua's words, Mo Xue and the power of Kamigawa immediately became nervous, because the space principal is now reshaping his body with the help of Kai'Sa and Lan Bing.

Seeing their attitudes, Binghua confirmed his guess even more. The headmaster of the space was indeed doing some shameful things, otherwise he wouldn't have driven the animal body civilization to hinder their angels from sealing the eyes of the void.

Thinking of this, Binghua's originally slightly lazy eyes changed, and the aura exuding from his body became colder, which immediately aroused the vigilance of the three gods of Kamikawa.

"The first is the Kamigawa sniper. After shooting so many shots, all your sniper points have already been included in my calculations."

Before Binghua finished speaking, he turned back, and in the opened wormhole, dozens of swords with red glowing flames shot out and entered another micro wormhole.

Seeing this, Mo Xue quickly reminded Mo Ran to transfer in the communication, but it was too late, all this happened too suddenly.

As soon as Mo Ran moved to a sniper point he had used before, a wormhole was formed in the void in front of him.

In the next moment, dozens of streams of light shot out from it, Mo Ran's eyes widened, and his super computing power immediately began to calculate the trajectory of these attacks.

But to Mo Ran's despair, the calculation of the attack spread of these raging flame swords was too detailed, covering all the directions that she might dodge.

Although she tried her best to dodge, there were still three flaming swords, which pierced through her right chest, left abdomen, and thigh respectively, and drove it several meters away and nailed it to the asteroid.

After Mo Xue contacted Mo Ran a few times and found that he couldn't get in touch, even through the mask, the power of Kamigawa could feel his anger and hatred.

"Mo Xue, we have to calm down, the other party is the king of angels, if you are not careful, you and I will fall into her hands!"

Facing the persuasion of the power of Kamigawa, Mo Xue's chest rose and fell a few times, and then suppressed the strong desire in her heart to do it immediately.

Binghua looked at this scene without any emotion, but just said something.

"Your tactics and techniques are all products of more than 1 years ago. Although some techniques for driving void energy have been added, they are still considered backward.

Now that there are weapons that can be accurately operated tens of light-years away, the so-called god-killing snipers have long since ceased to exist. "

There is really no way for the two to refute Binghua's words. They have been asleep for more than half of the past 1 years, and they have no chance to see today's top technology after waking up. Misjudgment in battle is a normal thing.

"Okay, the extra words are over, it's up to you next, lead to death."

While Binghua was speaking, dazzling thunder and lightning flashed all over his body. With a flash of lightning, Binghua's figure disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was at the side of the power of Kamikawa.

Seeing the power of Kamigawa, his expression changed drastically, and he didn't even have time to use Anti-Void. The next second, he felt a chill in his abdomen, and a rather gorgeous epee pierced through his body and came out from behind.

Mo Xue had just reacted, and the void blade in her hand slashed towards Binghua.

But at the next moment, Binghua pulled out the Wang Jian that pierced the power of Shenhe, turned around and slashed, and Mo Xue was repelled by the first strike.

Just when Mo Xue wanted to escape into the void again, space wormholes had spread all over the area.

The rattling sound of the chains rubbing against each other sounded, and the Shushen lock kept protruding from the wormhole, forcing Mo Xue to keep dodging backwards.

But there were too many wormholes, and Mo Xue couldn't dodge all of them after all, and was pierced through his thigh by the tip of the chain of gods. As his movements were delayed for a moment, more chains penetrated his body, tearing it apart. Hanging in mid-air.

Looking at this scene, Kamigawa's strength retreated while clutching his abdominal wound, feeling a little hopeless. He didn't expect the King of Angels to be so dangerous. Even though there was still a back-and-forth battle before, he would suddenly fall into a death scene of despair.

Seeing the expression on the face of the power of Kamigawa, Binghua sighed and stepped closer to the other party, and said at the same time.

"It may be that the battle with the Void God gave you a little illusion, thinking that I am the kind of scientific research angel who is good at driving technology but not good at fighting, and you happen to have anti-void and anti-dark energy technology.

But ah, I'm better at killing humanoid gods like you than fighting with super-giant enemies for energy reserves and energy output. "

(End of this chapter)

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