Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 1099, The Void Gap Attack and Defense

Facing the new Kamigawa fleet constantly pouring out of the gap in the void, the angel's reaction was also very simple, that is, to open fire with all its strength, because the behavior of the other party is undoubtedly the enemy.

The magnificence formed by countless volleys of spears of light illuminated the universe, and the light arrows that pierced the darkness one by one bombarded the battleships in the New Kamikawa Fleet.

In the next moment, an energy field similar to that of the purification fleet unfolded, enveloping the Kamigawa fleet gushing out of the gap in the void.

All the light arrows bombarding them were annihilated under the influence of the void energy field, but Xin Kamikawa didn't pay any price, and the energy field that dissipated to the extent visible to the naked eye is proof.

But obviously New Kamigawa also has a way to deal with this. They launched a special bomb while counterattacking. After the explosion, a diffuse void energy field will be formed to intercept the intensive firepower lasing towards them.

At the same time, the dense small triangular-shaped aircraft also broke away from their mothership, rushing towards the Angel Base and the orbital defense platform closest to them like a wasp.

In the next moment, clusters of dazzling purple light exploded on the time-space shield and the deflection shield, and the highly erosive void energy began to consume the energy of the shield continuously.

Seeing this, the orbital defense platform immediately changed the form of the shield, and set it to intercept mode instead of fully propping it up. This can reduce the damage pressure of the space-time shield, but the cost is that the orbital defense platform will be damaged.

Compared with the flexible response of the orbital defense platform, the border guard angel base can only use its own space-time deflection shield to resist.

The time-space deflection shield, which was invincible in the past, finally exposed its weak side in front of the unknown civilization of New Kamigawa.

In the face of the uninterrupted waves of attacks from the new Kamigawa raiders, the overall strength of the time-space deflection shield began to decrease under the continuous erosion of void energy.

So far in the world of justice, the confrontation between the angelic civilization and the new Kamigawa has been limited to the fire bombing at the fortification and fleet level, and the high-end combat power has not been put into the battlefield.

"The sky blade star destroyer strike mode is launched, and the target unknown civilization fleet in the gap of the void is ready to attack."

A completely indifferent voice sounded in the ears of several Skyblade captains.

Several Heavenly Blade ships located in the front of the defense line stopped their shelling for a moment, and began to gather energy in front of the hull, forming a slowly rotating red vortex.

Ten or so seconds later, several fiery rays of light crossed the distance between the defense line and the void gap and bombarded the void energy field.

In the beginning, the void energy field could still resist these star-destroying blows, but with the continuous irradiation, the previously extremely strong void energy field began to be pierced and worn away.

In the end, it completely penetrated the void energy field, landed on a new Kamikawa mothership, and cut it off in the middle after a while.

In addition to the raiders sent out by New Kamigawa, the main battleship suffered damage for the first time, which caused the original unscrupulous formation of New Kamikawa to shrink, and the void energy field also stopped spreading and strengthened.

After realizing that the powerful energy attack would have a good effect on the void energy field, Kesha, who ruled here, showed a faint smile on her face.

The coalition forces watched the battle between the defense line built by the angels and the void civilization fleet, and they were enjoying it. Suddenly, they received an order to carry the dark matter bombs stored in the arsenal to the front line and carry out saturation bombing on the void civilization.

As a continuous blazing white sun emerged in the space near the gap in the void, Shin Kamikawa's vanguard fleet suffered heavy damage, and the powerful void energy field did not protect them well.

After the energy released by the dark matter bomb disappeared, the angel defense line immediately pursued and attacked the New Kamigawa Civilization Fleet that had lost the protection of the void energy field.

In the end, after leaving dozens of mothership wrecks and countless fragments of raiders, the remaining New Kamigawa Civilization Fleet fled back to the Void Gap.

In this regard, the first confrontation between New Kamigawa and the Angel civilization ended with the defeat of New Kamikawa's vanguard fleet.

After this battle, Kesha also discovered that the New Kamigawa civilization lacked effective interception weapons, so the Justice World with a material printer began to manufacture the outer shell of the dark matter bomb, and Melo Heaven synthesized the core material of the dark matter bomb.

Soon the inventory of dark matter bombs was replenished, and the number doubled several times.

The border platforms and orbital defense bases also began to temporarily install dark matter bomb launchers to weaken the void energy field of the new Kamigawa civilization in the next war.

When the gap in the void is so lively, the Lieyang civilization of the Shenhe Tiandao galaxy is undergoing a comprehensive reform.

As the situation in the universe became more and more weird, Lie Yang felt a sense of crisis.

Because when the angels are solving the problem of the gap in the void, they are gradually integrating and joining their joint coalition civilization, and those civilizations are gradually getting used to obeying the orders of the angels without knowing it.

Of course, Angel didn't pay nothing, that is unprecedented resources and technical support, which is a feat that has never been done before.

But these support came with a series of requirements. Binghua began to request these civilizations in accordance with the joining world of the justice world. Under the gradual cycle, no objections were aroused.

The reason for this is that the conditions put forward by the world of justice are gradually allowing these civilizations to recover from the shadow of the Tiangong Group.

In order to fight against the alliance of civilizations that may be centered on angels in the future, Lieyang began to use the influence of Lieyang Tiandao to coordinate the power of civilization under his banner.

Civilizations such as Thunder Blade and Gulanth began to conduct frequent military exchanges with Lieyang, striving to increase the military power of Lieyang Tiandao to a level that can resist the angel coalition forces in the future.

Melo Heaven didn't care much about Lie Yang's behavior. Even if Lie Yang was given thousands of years to the opponent, it would be difficult to reach the level of being able to fight against the angels. The angels have this kind of confidence.

At the same time, the Mottled Blue Empire, which was pushed to its border by the known universe, finally gathered enough large groups to drive back the frontier troops of the known universe.

Of course, if there is a chance to mottle the Blue Empire, it doesn't mind occupying a part of the star field from the known universe as its own outpost. After all, the angel civilization has shown signs of decline recently and has not appeared on the battlefield for a long time.

This gave the Mottled Blue Empire an illusion that the angelic civilization was somewhat weak in succession and could no longer sustain the consumption of this war.

Therefore, the Mottled Blue Empire began to increase its investment in conquest of the known universe, trying to open up a future blue ocean for Mottled Blue, and increase the scope of the universe ruled by the Mottled Blue Empire.

Faced with the mottled blue's ferocious counterattack, the remaining coalition forces and one-step angels can only resist tenaciously, using weapons of mass destruction to prevent the large group of triangles from entering the known universe.

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