Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 119, Sudden contact

Chapter 119, Sudden contact
Seeing this, the corners of Binghua's mouth twitched slightly, wasn't he screaming and rushing very vigorously just now?Why did they run away in an instant, but Binghua was not going to let them go.

I can't say what kind of feeling it is, maybe it's just the unhappiness of watching the Cyclops slaughter a life similar to his own body!After all, in this world, appearance is justice, isn't it?

The long sword was reloaded on the catapult at the other end of the wormhole, and at the next moment more long swords were ejected from the micro wormhole than before.

The air is torn open to emit bark!Bark!With the sound, the Cyclops who turned and fled the next moment were shot into sieves by more than a dozen long swords flying forward, and then using them as a starting point, the street floor more than ten meters ahead was completely smashed, and dense cracks extended to Several stone houses were also collapsed in the surrounding area.

Originally, the indigenous civilians who wanted to escape because of the large number of Cyclops appearing behind Binghua had only one thought.

The gods, worthy of being gods, were so powerful that they defeated the gray-skinned one-eyed demons in an instant, which made them kneel down even more energetically, while constantly chanting words of praying for the protection of the gods.

"Ugh! It's so troublesome..."

Binghua, who had no experience in dealing with this kind of situation, just felt dizzy for a while. Of course, an inexplicable vanity arose in her heart. Now she missed the days when Angel Ran was by her side, and all these troubles could be left to her.


A one-eyed black demon descended from the sky, destroying cities and cities, killing people and slaughtering animals. However, the demons are invulnerable and cannot be defeated. When everything is in despair...

There are gods descending from the sky, with sacred wings on their backs, and they have the posture of overwhelming the world. They hold the armor of God and the sword of fire to kill demons and save the world...

"Report to the head of the army, all the cyclops on this planet have been wiped out."

"Okay, thanks for your hard work."

Binghua nodded, then looked at the gathered civilians, not knowing what to do, just as Binghua was about to lead his guardian angel to leave.

However, the aborigines rescued by Binghua during this period were retained, and a sacrificial ceremony full of ancient customs was held.

And Binghua and her guardian angel are the gods to be sacrificed, but the gods originally enshrined in this civilization are no longer cared about.

The surviving people shared the stored food and wine for everyone to drink freely. Although the city became dilapidated under the attack of the Cyclops, Binghua could see that there was no despair on the faces of the people here.

Then, for some reason, after the celebration, a grand competition ceremony was held. From Binghua's point of view, the fighters who participated in the competition were all very strong and not bad in appearance. Angel is far worse than that.

Among them were a few warriors whom Binghua had seen when rescuing the residents of the city. They fought with the ordinary Cyclops soldiers with their flesh and blood.

Although those Cyclops with guns were not the first generation of super fighters, those fighters still left an impression on Binghua.

However, it is clear that neither Binghua nor the guardian angel she brought is very interested in this ancient dueling method.

Although their combat skills in duels are better than ordinary angel fighters, they are still not enough to surprise the guardian angels.

Because the angel's combat method is all three-dimensional, sometimes it cannot be compensated by simple skills, which also involves space sensing and some calculation predictions.


In the end, of course, when Binghua led the guardian angels to leave, the king of this prosperous city-state still looked regretful.

In the past few days, Binghua has already seen the plan of this celebrity king. It is estimated that the duel last time was to attract the attention of the angels, to gain the favor of the guardian angels, and to leave behind one or two demigod bloodlines or something.

But the king made a wrong calculation. After all, the female angel beside Binghua lived under the rule of the god-making civilization since she was a child. She usually can't see it, but she has the arrogance of a higher civilization in her heart.

Unless there are special circumstances, Binghua can't think of any female angel who is willing to combine with a man on this planet.


Binghua was sitting on the throne of Tianren, because it was not a wartime, the guardian angels below gathered in twos and threes to whisper and talk about some of their own experiences.

Only the high platform where Binghua is located does not have any female angels staying here, because the classes in the Heavenly Sword Legion have been vaguely divided.

Binghua, who is revered and is the leader of the legion, naturally has the highest status, followed by Angel Ran and Angel Lan, the two powerful angels who accompany Binghua.

Then there are the guardian angels represented by the guardian angel group, and then there are ordinary angel combat teams.

Although there is no division by anyone, these three classes generally do not overlap. Ordinary angel squad fighters will not chat with guardian angels when they are resting.

The guardian angels will not take the initiative to chat with ordinary angel soldiers, unless it is a special case, such as a blood relationship, or a good sister who was a good sister before joining the Heavenly Sword Legion.

Binghua is powerless to change this phenomenon, which is the unspoken rule that all angel warriors in the Heavenly Sword Legion abide by by default.

Fortunately, Binghua designed a perfect promotion system at the beginning of rebuilding the Tianjian Legion, but there is no need to worry about someone secretly making small trips.

Until now, the Tianjian Legion's warehouse has accumulated enough resources for hundreds of angel fighters to be promoted to second-generation fighters, but for the sake of fairness, Binghua didn't take them out directly, but used them as a part of the battle against Mill Star. Valorous Angel Reward.

Just when Binghua was thinking about these things, Kaisha suddenly sent a dark communication request, and after Binghua agreed, a projection appeared.

"Kesha, what's the matter with you suddenly contacting me?"

"We haven't been in touch for a while. I've heard a lot of rumors about you recently. Your Heavenly Sword Legion seems to be developing very well."

In the projection, Kesha's long golden curly hair hangs over her shoulders, and on her beautiful face with a slight smile, there is a faint blue eye shadow around the corner of her eyes.

In Keisha's impression of Binghua, her face will naturally exude a kind of gentle and affectionate big sister temperament.

But now that there is a touch of blue eye shadow on the corners of Kesha's eyes, Binghua feels that Kesha's temperament has undergone a huge change, becoming majestic, domineering and aggressive.

It's like an innocent girl who has changed after a period of time and has become the deja vu of a monarch in charge of life and death in the world, but what has not changed is Kaisha's tone and voice.

"Kesha, you are joking. Now Hua Ye probably has listed your Skyblade Legion as the number one enemy and is on guard."

Binghua shook her head with a little envy and said that being vigilant means the strength of the Skyblade Legion, otherwise no one would take it to heart.

"Okay, let's stop bragging about hypocritically here. I contact you this time because I have something serious to discuss. Binghua, have you obtained any information about the battle between Hua Ye and the dispatched Wang Lianjun?"

Binghua wondered to herself if it wasn't you who started it first, but she still looked upright. During this period of time, she was busy attacking the Mir galaxy, the site of the former king of war, and she hadn't paid attention to the battlefield between Hua Ye and the king of expatriates for some time. .

"Did something happen?"

(End of this chapter)

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