Chapter 259 Fakes
After a while, the buzzing in Binghua's mind finally disappeared, and his mind became clear again. Binghua never wanted to experience the experience just now, because the feeling of being washed away was too uncomfortable. Fortunately, Gene The engine's protection kicked in, pulling her out of that state.

Standing up from the ground with the King Sword of Seven Kills, Binghua flew to the side of the broken star blade lying there, straightened it upright and went deep again.

On the way, no mechanical warriors came to stop him again, until Binghua pushed the Destruction Star Blade through a layer of metal with a thickness of hundreds of meters, and entered a huge empty manufacturing room.

The half-assembled battleships are arranged like an assembly line, and various metal parts are suspended on the metal arms hanging down on the side.

There are large-caliber energy forts with a diameter of several meters and a length of more than ten meters, as well as close-in defense energy cannons that combine several barrels to enhance their own firepower.

The Destroyer Star Blade, which had returned from the Destroyed Mode to the normal mode, fell from above and pierced into the floor without being able to pierce it at once, only sinking into a quarter of the blade.

"A production-type celestial fortress that integrates manufacturing and assembly. If the angelic civilization really confronts it head-on, it will definitely be a war that cannot be ended in a short time."

Binghua thought so in his heart, and became more determined to destroy this celestial fortress, and he must not miss the great opportunity to break into its interior at this moment.

Just as Binghua was observing the surroundings, there was a sound of crisp footsteps on the metal floor. Binghua turned her face and looked and her pupils shrank, because she never expected the appearance of the visitor.

She had long black shawl hair that was supple but with metallic reflections, a soft but indifferent face, and a pair of sharp eyes under the slender and slightly raised eyebrows, but there was no agility.

It is impressively wearing the same angel king armor as Binghua, and behind it is folded wings that look very wide.

Except for the wings on the back, godless pupils and metallic skin, the similarity between the comer and Binghua reached 90.00%, even the height.

After observing for a while, Binghua finally spoke, feeling a little speechless.

"Should I say that you have violated my portrait right?"

Serves couldn't hear the swearing in Binghua's words at all. As an intelligent life, it is still relatively straightforward.

"Although it is not [-]% complete, it is enough to be used for fighting.

King of Angels, the machine in front of you is made of the most cutting-edge technology collected by Sameiello over the years based on you as a template.

As I said last time when I self-destructed, the day we meet is the day you fall. "

Binghua looked down slightly and looked at the opposite mechanical warrior who was very similar to him, but he didn't feel any anger in his heart, after all, it was just a machine after all.

"Then let me see how long the puppet made with your technology can block me!"

Before Binghua finished speaking, he stepped backwards with his toes, and while rushing forward, the seven kills in his hand were a horizontal slash.

A silver sword light streaked across the body of the female mechanical warrior controlled by Seves, but failed to cut her in half.

A wide-edged sword similar in shape to Binghua's Chiyuan sword stood in front of him, blocking the king's sword that Binghua had just slashed out.

However, it can be seen with the naked eye that the edge of the toothed sword was knocked off by Binghua's Seven Kill King Sword, which made Sevis, who was remotely controlled, feel a little surprised. The shuttle-shaped parts separated, and at the same time, they shot out crimson beams, intersecting to form a large net to cover the glacier.

Binghua Duanping Wang Jian didn't choose to dodge the beam cutting net that rushed straight towards Gailai, but on the way, the silver feather emerged from the micro-wormhole, destroying all the shuttle-shaped parts that shot out of the beam net as if they were in the right place.

The beam cutting net disappeared into the air in an instant, and a silver cold light pointed directly at the chest of the female mechanical warrior.

Seves completed thousands of calculations in an instant, found several evasion methods, and automatically selected the best one to evade and counterattack.

He turned sideways in advance to avoid the tip of Binghua's stabbing sword, and at the same time swung the toothed sword in his hand and drew towards Binghua who was close to him.

Binghua's eyes had a panoramic view of all this, and he already had a countermeasure in his heart, and faint burning red particles emerged from the arms holding the sword.

Binghua suddenly let go of the right palm holding the sword, and grabbed the drawn tooth blade at once. The dark energy began to erode the material of the tooth blade along Binghua's palm and pulled it towards him. To the chest of the female mechanical warrior.

But the next moment, this lore was broken by Seves. The female mechanical warrior's legs bent unnaturally, and kicked Binghua away with a whip kick in a posture that was impossible for flesh and blood to solve the life-and-death crisis just now. .

Binghua staggered for two steps before stabilizing his figure. He didn't choose to talk nonsense and activated the dark energy drive. Immediately, the silver sword was stained with a layer of scorching red, and he turned around and swung the sword.

A thin elongated sword qi sliced ​​through the ground and flew forward, followed by Binghua, the king sword in his hand was ready to cut out at any time.

The female mechanical warrior with the computing power of Seves backed away quickly to distance herself from Binghua, and the toothed sword that Binghua had pinched a few finger prints in her hand was pulled out like a whip, and the sword energy that had been cut It turned into a sky full of energy debris.

Binghua found that her opponent, that is, the female mechanical warrior who looked very similar to her, was very similar to when she was holding the Chiyuan Sword.

This made Binghua feel a little funny. As a user, she is very clear about the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of whip sword.

Binghua's fingers caressed the body of the Seven Kills sword, and the scorching red halo immediately flourished, as if it might burst and burn everything around it at any time.

Seves also noticed the surge of energy intensity on the big sword in Binghua's hand, and immediately activated the special parts on the back of the female mechanical warrior.

Eight slender pentagonal devices ejected, four of them gathered together, and opened a rectangular black space hole in the air.

At this time, Binghua also completed the preparations for the flame bombing, raised the blade and slashed forward.

Red hot energy spewed out from the tip of the sword, eating away everything in front of it like a storm. Whether it was a metal floor or a semi-finished warship that had not been assembled, it melted into a flowing liquid metal solution under the scouring of energy, glowing orange. Heat rays.

Before the energy storm came, the female mechanical warrior flew upside down and escaped into the rectangular dark hole behind her.

After Binghua released the flame bombardment, his figure disappeared in a blur, leaving behind a realistic projection holding a sword and observing the surroundings.

Because of the raging flame bombardment energy, Seves also lost his observation of the manufacturing room for a short time, but he still calculated the fading time of the flame bombardment by calculation.

(End of this chapter)

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