Chapter 261, Core Area

Disconnecting the communication with Angel Ran, the situation of several other high-ranking angels is similar. They, together with the angel warriors under their command, were dragged in the middle layer by a large number of eternal sublimator machine troops, temporarily unable to enter the lower layer where Binghua is located. between.

Binghua fanned the wings on the back to travel quickly through the transportation track in Seves's body. If it encountered a transportation platform that was still in operation, it would of course destroy it all unceremoniously.

There was a loud bang, twisted metal was mixed with scattered fragments, and a transport platform fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Binghua fell outside the core layer from the transportation track broken by her violently. As for why Binghua knew that she was outside the core layer, it was because she had been calculating her depth from the beginning.

The Celestial Fortress of the Eternal Sublimator has a spherical shape as a whole. According to the collected data, its diameter is about 600 kilometers and its radius is about 800 kilometers.

At this moment, Binghua has penetrated to a depth of more than 600 kilometers, and to maintain such a huge celestial fortress war demand, its energy supply facilities will definitely not be small, so Binghua believes that he should be very close to the core area of ​​this celestial fortress at this moment .

Just when Binghua was thinking about this in his mind, the surrounding walls and ground suddenly opened up, and forts with long barrels rose up, slanting high-energy compressed shells towards Binghua, and following Binghua's movements, And move the muzzle.

The dense barrage almost covered the [-]-meter range where Binghua was located, and even an army would probably be wiped out.

But in reality, there is no army here, only a god-level warrior of angelic civilization, and his body is like lightning, walking through the dense barrage, which really explains what is only fast and not broken.

Binghua was not idle on the way to avoid the barrage, and kept slashing and destroying those forts with thin and elongated sword energy.

When the glacier fell to the ground again, it was surrounded by the wreckage of the distorted and exploded fort and the broken base section with electric sparks flashing.

But then the surrounding walls changed again, and a mechanical warrior with a feminine body and always with folded flying wings flew out from behind the rising wall and surrounded Binghua.

Binghua looked around and sighed: "I didn't expect there are so many mechanical warriors here. If the king is indecisive, I am afraid that next time he will have a big melee with dozens of the king's puppets."

Binghua could tell that these mechanical warriors were all semi-finished products, because the flying wings behind them were empty, without the various weapons and auxiliary equipment hung by the mechanical warrior who looked like him.

When Binghua closed his eyes slightly and waited to open them again, a cold light shone in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing an excited smile and speaking loudly.

"Since that's the case, I will let you unfinished dolls see how far you are from the existence you want to imitate!"

Hundreds of silver feathers emerged from the void and flew around Binghua like feathers. At the same time, the Seven Killing King Sword in Binghua's hand also separated into six handleless silver swords.

The next moment, the silver feathers shot out in a ring shape and turned into a series of silver light to attack those mechanical warriors.

The six handleless silver swords suspended on both sides of the ice flower also exerted their respective functions. The brilliance of the thunder flashed, and the thunder that spread like a dragon twisted its body frantically, taking everything it touched into itself within the scope of destruction.

Immediately afterwards, the pressure of the gravity field came, and the mechanical warriors who had finally survived the first two waves of Binghua's attacks were suddenly pressed from the midair to the ground.

Immediately after, what greeted them was the ruthless flame bombardment, the raging hot energy washed away and melted the metal parts on their bodies, leaving only mutilated limbs, unable to continue fighting at all.

After Binghua's four waves of large-scale attacks were used, the only thing left in the field was the half-melted wreckage of the mechanical warrior.

The Binghua mechanical warrior unit that had just appeared as Servez's last trump card was wiped out in less than 2 minutes.

Even if Binghua finished these big moves in one breath, he still felt that his energy reserves and computing power were a little bit overwhelmed, so he had to slow down for a while to restore his dark energy storage.

After a few minutes, the Binghua, which was almost relieved, continued to move forward. This time, before she could destroy the heavy metal gate in front, it automatically opened and rose upwards, as if welcoming the arrival of Binghua.

Passing through the gate, Binghua was attracted by the things above at the first sight. An orange-red sphere that burns like a star is wrapped in a golden metal sheet. A ten-meter-thick dense energy transmission line.

And at the bottom is an extremely large mechanical facility, which occupies almost the entire space except for the tiny stars above, and there are countless light flows surging inside it at a very high speed, like dense veins all over the inside of a living body.

Suddenly a projection appeared. In the picture was a blue face with only five senses but no body. The next moment it opened its mouth and made a sound, using Binghua's familiar angelic language.

"Welcome to visit here, Queen of Angels. I am the ruler and consciousness of this celestial fortress. You can call me Destroyer or Sevis."

The surrounding walls gradually lit up, illuminating the originally dark core area extremely brightly, which also allowed Binghua to see the whole picture of Seves.

It is a complex circular creation with countless tiny wires spreading out. Of course, this should only be the core component of Seves, because the entire Celestial Fortress is its body.

Binghua raised his sword and pointed at the projection of Seves, and said loudly: "You are the mastermind of the Eternal Ascendant? The mastermind behind the invasion of the Angel Nebula!"

"Queen of Angels, first of all, we don't mean to invade the Angel Nebula. Chaos virus has already infected your homeland. Only absolute and complete purification can completely eliminate them. For this reason, we will help your angel civilization to evolve at the level of life. You will Gain eternal life and incorruptible metal body..."

Binghua interrupted directly: "It's nonsense, don't think that this king doesn't know about you Eternal Ascendants who forcibly transformed the angel-affiliated civilization into robots!"

Just after Binghua finished talking about Seves, he started his defense.

"Queen of Angels, I want to correct some mistakes in your words. We did not transform the subordinate civilization of Angels, but gave them the opportunity to sublimate their own life level.

They will get rid of the limitations of their once fragile bodies and become eternal existences.This is what sublimation means for us Eternal Sublimators.So they just thank us. "

"So Angel King, we should not continue to fight, because it is meaningless. You should accept sublimation and join us to purify the chaos virus, a disaster that will destroy the entire ecological environment of the universe."

Binghua felt a little funny. The words of Seves, the mastermind of the Eternal Sublimator in front of him, were simply farting. The definitions of life and freedom on both sides were completely different. They regarded coercion as charity, and there was no need to waste any more words.

"Our way of thinking is very different, there is nothing to talk about at all, so goodbye to the mastermind of the eternal sublimator."

 Wishing everyone an early New Year in advance, and there is one more

(End of this chapter)

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