Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 271, Praying Mantis Catch Cicadas, The Oriole Follows

Chapter 271, Praying Mantis Catch Cicadas, The Oriole Follows
"Hua Ye, you have the ability to let me go! I don't accept it!"

Hua Yue began to struggle hard, even if he was pierced through the heart and chest by the silver blade, it was not enough to make him lose his resistance, but the two male angels behind him who restrained him severely suppressed it.

The ground creaked, and the high platform of unknown material under Huayue's body showed dense cracks under his struggle, which gradually expanded.

Hua Ye stepped directly on Hua Yue's back, a circle of air blasted, and the entire platform tilted slightly as if it was about to collapse.

And Huayue's body sank into the ground, feeling as heavy as a mountain pressing down on her back.

"Why are you dissatisfied! Do you think this king is doing charity?
Do you really want to cooperate with you?Told you there was no way you could succeed from the start. "

With one foot on Hua Yue's back, Hua Ye lowered his body and said to Hua Yue who was trying to raise his head:
"That little girl Binghua is not a character to get along with, she can let you take advantage of loopholes, you are dreaming.

Fortunately, I am smart, I knew that Binghua girl had backhands, and she didn't approach the Skool star system, otherwise, even I, the king, would be trapped there. "

While Hua Ye was having a heart-to-heart conversation with Hua Yue, all Hua Yue's confidantes below were disarmed by the Tiangong soldiers, and they were escorted to a centralized place for guarding.

Although the Tiangong soldiers under Hua Ye's command were defeated in the battle of the angry sea, they were the main force of the angel civilization army after all, and they had been chasing after Binghua for so long without being caught. Ordinary soldiers living under Huayue's command are naturally no problem.

As for the high-level angels under Huayue's command, they were also surrounded by fighters under Hua Ye's command, but Hua Ye did not order an attack, and those high-level angels did not act rashly.

At this moment, there was a loud shout, and Huayue's assistant officer, the old angel Kunming, jumped out.

"You still don't do it! Are you going to wait for Wang to be killed by Hua Ye?"

However, in Kunming's words, you still stood in place and did not move. At the same time as Kunming shouted, you rushed towards Hua Ye with a cross sword in your hands. The purpose was very simple to rescue Huayue at his feet.

On the way, he repelled several Tiangong soldiers who came to stop him, and Kunming's cross sword wound in his hand showed a faint orange-red color, and he went straight to Hua Ye's face.

Hua Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, and a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, before he raised his hand and grasped the stabbing blade.

Kun Ming showed shock, and the wings behind his back kept fanning to increase the strength of the cross sword in his hand, but the facts made Kun Ming despair.

Hua Ye's hand holding the blade was only cut with a tiny wound, which wasn't even considered a minor injury for a super soldier.

"You old bastard who doesn't know the current affairs, do you think there will still be angels standing by your king who was stepped under by this king?"

After speaking, Hua Ye pulled Kunming towards him with all his strength, stretched out his left hand precisely to strangle Kunming's neck, grabbed his sword with one palm, and then threw it back to pierce his chest.

Huayue on the ground was stunned to see this scene. Kunming was an old angel who had been by his side since his father's death. He diligently handled everything for him. It was the most intimate master-servant relationship.

At this moment, under the anger of Hua Yue in front of Kunming, he broke free from the two high-ranking Tiangong warriors who were restraining him from behind, and pushed Hua Ye's foot on his back away.

"Hua Ye! I want you to die!"

Regardless of the pain, Hua Yue broke free from the restraints, and the silver blade that pierced his body cut two long wounds on his body. However, with a generation of divine body, he would not die, and would only explode more violently under the urging of anger. Strong power.

Hua Ye was also a little caught off guard, but he reacted quickly. Looking at Hua Yue who was rushing towards him like a madman with blood splattered all over his body, he lifted the hand holding the cross sword, and the surging dark energy ignited on the blade like a flame. rise.


The sword blade wrapped in strong dark energy pierced Huayue's unhealed wound and easily penetrated her body.

The next moment, under Hua Ye's urging, the surging dark energy on the sword sank into Hua Yue's body like a whale sucking water.

Hua Yue's hand that had just grabbed Hua Ye's shoulder stopped moving, no matter how much his consciousness pushed him, he couldn't move any more. The endless stabbing pain in his chest made his eyes on Hua Ye's face start to move down.

Orange-red cracks like veins spread rapidly on his body, accompanied by pieces of skin that turned into ashes, leaving only burning black flesh tissue.

Hua Ye let go of the hilt of his sword and pushed Hua Yue away, and patted his chest, as if disgusted that it was stained with ashes.

After taking a few steps back, Hua Yue knelt down on the ground powerlessly. At that moment just now, the huge dark energy burned a large number of divine body cells in his body, and then the flame-level weapon played a pivotal role in restraining his divine body. The recovery ability, even if he has a generation of gods, he is still weak.

"I didn't expect things to end up like this..."

All his subordinates betrayed him, and his most loyal assistant, Kunming, died in front of him. In the end, even La Huaye couldn't even fall together. I really did what the Heavenly Sword King said...too naive.

Hua Ye looked at Hua Yue, who was half kneeling there with a cross sword stuck in his chest, and turned his head indifferently.

"Well, you have also seen that the king you served before was just a naive and cowardly person. It is impossible for him to lead you to rise, let alone become the king of angels, because he does not have that ability."

"So you should allegiance to me, and offer your allegiance to Hua Ye, the real king of male angels!"

Hua Ye's words echoed throughout the area, and there was nothing wrong with what he said.

Huayue's actions and a series of operations that suffocated the angels, such as fleeing before a fight, leaving half of the subordinates in Wangcheng, made his subordinates feel dissatisfied for a long time, and Hua Ye had long been dissatisfied. The reason why the olive branch was extended, the first angel to regroup appeared.

"I am willing to submit to the King of Tiangong and offer my loyalty here."

A high-ranking male angel first expressed his position and half-kneeled on the ground and bowed in the direction of Hua Ye. Seeing this, other high-ranking male angels who did not want to die here also followed suit.

The regiment commander surrendered, and the remaining ordinary angel fighters had no other choice but to put down the weapons confronting the Tiangong fighters and surrender to Hua Ye.

Listening to the words of surrender that sounded continuously, Hua Ye felt that the voice was so beautiful, even more so than being a female angel, so he couldn't stop, so he couldn't help showing a smug smile on his face.

Just as Hua Ye was immersed in the great joy of the white wolf with empty gloves and hundreds of thousands more angels, there was a sudden ear-shattering loud noise, accompanied by the violent tremor of the entire secret port.

"It's not good! Wang, Kai... Kai... Kesha is here!"

The joy on Hua Ye's face froze, he reached out and grabbed his subordinate's armor, and asked in disbelief

"Why did she come here? Isn't that stinky bitch suppressing the Skyfall King City?"

The male angel who was mentioned by Hua Ye quickly shook his head, indicating that he didn't know either.

(End of this chapter)

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