Chapter 281 Battle God

On the border of the Angel Nebula, on the outskirts of the Angel Station on the border, Heavenly Sword battleships are cruising around three huge spherical battleships. At the same time, on the upper deck of the Heavenly Sword, angel warriors are guarding with weapons.

At a hidden observation port on the battleship of the Kamigawa Fleet, a woman in a black close-fitting combat uniform of unknown material put down her hand and raised a sniper rifle nearly two meters long.

"Texas, I have observed that most of these angels have the level of a generation of fighters, and have the ability to fight in space.

Considering that they have flexible air combat capabilities, the average generation of fighters should not be able to compete with them. "

Hearing that the tall male figure standing behind the female figure touched his chin and sighed.

"The group of angels with wings on their backs doesn't look weak, but I just don't know how it feels when they are chopped off.

By the way, can Mo Ran collect information about their weapons and armor? "

The woman named Mo Ran didn't immediately answer the man named Texas's question, but sat against the wall beside her and began to adjust the large sniper rifle in her hand.

After a long while, Mo Ran raised his head and saw that Texas hadn't left yet, so he sighed helplessly.

"Texas, who told you that I can scan dark data? Please use your violent brain to think about it. Do you think that I, as an ordinary super soldier, will have such high-end scanning capabilities? "

After speaking, the female figure named Mo Ran ignored Texas and left on her own.

Texas scolded himself, how could he forget about this, hurriedly chased after Mo Ran's figure, and extended his hand to his back to apologize.

"Oh! No... Mo Ran, listen to my explanation! Don't go!"


Texas didn't make Moran pay attention to him until he followed Moran to the bridge.In the end, he had no choice but to give up talking, and stood there looking at the projection screen on the high platform.

At this moment, someone touched Texas on the shoulder, and when he lowered his head slightly, he saw a man and a woman beside him.

The man was slender and handsome, with short flowing black hair, a pair of sword-like eyebrows and dark red eyes.

The female has blond hair like a waterfall, and the facial features on her slightly thin face are just right. When looking at the male youth beside her, there will be a trace of undetectable hot emotion in the blue pupils.

Its body wrapped in silver light armor, although not hot, gives people the illusion of being very coordinated and full of explosive power.

"Hey, Texas, you won't fail again in hooking up with Mo Ran, right?"

Although it was a query, but when it came out of the young man's mouth, it carried a hint of ridicule.

Texas snorted lightly, and moved slightly away from the young man, the winner in life, but who knew that the other party posted it up relentlessly.

"Tell me, I'm curious if you, a straight man of steel, can embrace a beautiful woman!"

Although the two spoke in a low voice, they couldn't stand the fact that there were no ordinary people around them, so they turned to this side from the corner of their eyes, while Mo Ran, who was chased by Texas before, shook her head slightly, and moved forward into the crowd to stay away from here. According to her opinion The understanding of those two gods will soon turn this place into a place of right and wrong.

Sure enough, less than a minute after Mo Ran left, the sound of fighting came from behind, accompanied by Texas's unusually loud voice.

"I'll tell you, Linyuan boy, why don't you bring Sister Bixue around in front of me!"

"Hey, you won't get angry so easily, right? You just can't catch up with beautiful women? You don't need to take your anger out on me!"

In the middle of the crowd, Texas and a young man named Linyuan collided and intersected, surrounded by onlookers.

As for Buxue who was following Lin Yuan just now, she stood helplessly aside, not wanting to complain about this scene anymore.

"It's useful for you to tell me that! But in the end, she just ignored me!"

While talking, Texas raised his fist, which was a circle bigger than a sandbag, and slammed it at Linyuan, but he was easily dodged by the other party, and at the same time he replied leisurely:
"Hey, it's because people don't like you, you're out of luck buddy."

At this moment, someone shouted, "The teacher is here."

The people around suddenly stopped watching the farce, and started to look up to the back, hearing that Texas and Linyuan separated immediately.

The crowd gradually retreated to make way for a three-meter-wide passage. At the entrance of this hall was a figure wearing a dark blue silver-trimmed robe, followed by four figures of two women and two men wearing robes of different colors.

Passing over everyone present, only the person in the dark blue silver-trimmed robe stepped onto the platform where the projection was playing, and turned around to look down at the many qualified carriers of the new generation of Kamigawa super genes.

"Everyone be quiet."

As the hall became silent, the old man continued to speak.

"I gathered everyone because there is something that needs to be announced. Just now, the angel civilization has agreed for us to enter the angel nebula."

The old man's voice was very friendly, and he didn't feel superior. After hearing what the old man said, the many figures below began to whisper.

Someone also asked aloud, "Teacher Space, if we go in like this, will the angel civilization attack us?"

"That's right! And with the reputation of our Kamigawa civilization in the universe, the angels should take the initiative to welcome us."

There are those who are worried, and those who are arrogant, but these people only account for a small number, and most of them are the administrators of Kamigawa who followed this time.

As for the other people who did not speak, they were all accompanied by the Kamigawa civilization army, and they were soldiers who had experienced the test of the battlefield, so they would not participate in this kind of thing.

At this moment, the thundering voice of Texas sounded.

"What are you people talking about? If I am in the angelic civilization, if you dare to attack us, I will kill them with the battle ax in my hand, and let them know what is called the Kamigawa God of War."

Texas's strong figure of nearly two meters was very eye-catching in the crowd, and the people around him moved away after he spoke.

Dexas walked to the front of the crowd from the passage made aside by the crowd, accompanied by the young man Lin Yuan and the beautiful woman Bu Xue.

The few Kamigawa administrators who were still vocal before had shut up. They couldn’t keep their mouths shut. He was afraid that he would be chopped down with an ax from Texas.

The space standing on the high platform didn't care about these jumping clowns, but he still explained to the logistics, soldiers and scientific researchers who accompanied him this time.

"Angel civilization can be seen from their style and the information we have collected. Although they have strong military strength, they are a peace-loving civilization.

In addition, we are accompanied by three battle gods, so you don't have to worry about the safety of this trip. "

Most of the worries in the hearts of the logistics and scientific researchers who had chosen to remain silent due to the authority and prestige of space finally dissipated.

God is the strongest super soldier in the Kamigawa civilization. He is an existence that can fight alone and even wipe out the entire military strength of an aerospace-level civilization. With such an existence accompanying him, it is false to say that he is not at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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