Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 287, open the channel

Chapter 287, open the channel
As the sacred left wing, Binghua also serves as the military commander of the Angel civilization. She naturally became the leader of this large-scale expedition launched by the Angel civilization.

When the angel civilization is ready for war and the battle units of the Heavenly Blades are assembled, Binghua bids farewell to Kaisha, Hexi, and Liangbing, and boards his flagship of the Heavenly Blades to form a team with 25 Heavenly Blade combat units. The huge fleet is heading towards the galaxy where the Kamigawa civilization is located.

In the 600th year of the Angelic Calendar of the Merlot Heavenly Court, the holy left-wing Binghua of the angel civilization led a large number of angels and sky blades to launch a holy expedition. It took nearly ten years to open up the channel with the galaxy where the Kamigawa civilization is located and establish a safe interstellar route.

On the road, there is no one who dares to submit to the sky blade pressing down on the environment.

——Because all rebels have been wiped from the universe!

In the star field where the Kamigawa civilization is located, a very special fleet is already waiting here. To say it is special is because the composition of this fleet is a bit complicated.

Among them, there are three kinds of appearance styles, one is the spherical warship of the Kamigawa civilization, the other is the ancient ship-shaped warship, and the other is the black long box-shaped thick style warship.

"Texas, are you sure that the army of angel civilization will arrive in this time? We have been waiting for more than ten days.

You must know that the front that we Tiandao Stars are in charge of is very tight. "

A tall man wearing ancient armor and a silver crown on his head spoke.

Texas just stood on the deck of the battleship with his arms crossed, like a statue, and only heard him say lightly:
"Angel Civilization is an ally of our Kamigawa civilization. To show respect, I, as the God of War of Kamigawa, came to welcome me in person. Don't tell me you want to leave without authorization."

Texas's tone of voice at this moment is not as simple and honest as he once showed in Angel Nebula, but instead reveals a heart-pounding sense of oppression and the iron blood of a soldier.

It is said that this armored man with a crown stopped talking. Although the Kamigawa civilization is an alliance formed by many astronaut-level and god-level civilizations, the structure is a bit loose, but there are also upper and lower levels. The god of civilization is the absolute leader.

Most of these gods are descendants of the Kamigawa civilization. They have individual exaggerated force, and they can contend against the main battle fleet of an ordinary civilization by themselves.

The man who spoke just now was wearing ancient style armor and a silver crown, named Xuantian, a member of Shenhe Tiandao Star.

It was originally a subsidiary civilization of the ancient Kamigawa civilization. After the destruction of the Kamigawa civilization, the Kamigawa Tiandao Stars joined the new Kamigawa civilization created in space.

It is one of the relatively powerful primary god-making civilizations in the current Kamigawa civilization, but because of its conservative civilization philosophy, it has not been very gregarious, but this does not affect the combat capability of their army.

Texas stood there for a long time, and when he was about to leave the deck of the battleship and return to the cabin, a soldier suddenly came to report.

"Report, we scanned an unknown group of giant warships, and they are rapidly approaching our direction."

Texas was refreshed. If there were no accidents, it should be the fleet of Angel Civilization. However, as the leader of this fleet, Texas still issued an order to prepare for battle.

With the passage of time, a few twinkling dots suddenly appeared in the endless starry sky in the distance, and they became brighter and brighter, and there were more and more.

Almost in the blink of an eye, beams of blue light flowed into the cosmic space in front of Texas, and in the spreading blue energy particles, huge sky blades like upside-down sharp swords appeared one after another. .

For a while, apart from Texas, many of the soldiers in the Kamigawa civilization warship swallowed nervously.

This is not fear, but the heartfelt shock of a small thing when it sees a behemoth, not to mention the shape and style of the sky blade like an upside-down sword.

Dexus watched a group of angels flying from the sky blade, stepped forward with a smile on his serious face, and greeted Binghua who had just landed on the deck of the battleship.

"Miss Binghua, welcome to the new Shenhe galaxy."

Binghua put away the wings behind her back and responded with a faint smile.

"It's true that it's been a long time, and I've mentioned Texas many times, just call me Binghua."

After that, the two sides had no nonsense, and Binghua ordered his high-level angel battle group to command all the Skyblade warships under his command, follow the Texas fleet, and go to the center hub of the new Kamikawa civilization.

A large college located on a living planet, Binghua couldn't help complaining when he first came here.

Is the structure of the so-called New Kamigawa civilization so loose? The center of power is this large academy.

"Miss Binghua, judging by your appearance, I probably don't believe it.

As you can see, the high-level people who lead the entire Kamigawa civilization now live in this academy.

They are the leaders of the various civilizations that make up the Kamigawa civilization. They discuss and command the various armies of the Kamigawa civilization that are currently fighting with the beast body and the triangle body.

And it is a god like me who is responsible for leading the army to the battlefield. "

Binghua nodded, even if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she could still imagine the lively scene of the Shenhe civilization discussing strategies and other things.

However, these have little to do with the angelic civilization. The angels are not members of the Kamigawa civilization, but allies.

As soon as he arrived at the giant academy in the planet, Space led a group of old men in different costumes to greet him.

"Welcome Your Excellency the Holy Left Wing to lead the fleet to support us. On behalf of the Kamigawa civilization, I welcome the arrival of the angel civilization."

Binghua raised her hand slightly to indicate that you are welcome, and said in a formulaic manner.

"You're welcome, since the Queen of Angels has promised to form an ally with your Kamigawa civilization, we Angels will definitely fulfill their promise."

Then the space introduced Binghua to several old men in different costumes behind him, Binghua only remembered their names.

Among them, wearing a brocade robe with a golden crown, named Di Wuyao, and a strong man over two meters tall, with a large figure and a black coat with red lines and buckles, impressed Binghua the most.

Because compared to the other aging old men, the two of them exude an inexplicable power around them. This kind of power is very familiar to Binghua, and it is something that only a civilized and uncompromising king possesses.

After space, Texas and Binghua entered a spacious room in the academy together.

The furnishings of the room did not have any sense of technology, but instead resembled an ordinary study room in a pre-nuclear civilization. The bookshelves on the walls were filled with beautifully framed books.

Binghua and Space sat facing each other across the long red desk, while Texas stood quietly aside.

Space took the lead in breaking the silent atmosphere in the room.

"I don't know if Your Excellency the King of Angels is well recently."

(End of this chapter)

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