Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 299, Joint Operations

Chapter 299, Joint Operations

"This is the general situation we encountered on this trip. If there is nothing else, I will leave first, Queen."

He Zhui stood in Tianren's meeting hall, and said to Binghua who was sitting on the throne above, because she failed to protect Jingnan, she was not in the mood to argue with Binghua now.

Of course, Binghua could see that something was wrong with He Zhui's state, so he let her go.

He Zhui is probably still brooding about Jingnan's injury, but Binghua doesn't blame He Zhui, because the battlefield itself is a place full of surprises.

Binghua, on the other hand, carefully checked the evaluation of the combat effectiveness of ordinary animal civilizations in Hezhui's report in his mind.

Among them, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers of the Shima civilization, the soldiers of the Sabota civilization, and the Tianding people are not much different from the information given by Shenhe.

However, the fighting performance of the giant beast civilization exceeded Binghua's expectations, because of its huge size, even the sword energy wielded by the elite angels could bear it.

As for the special flame it spews out, Binghua reckons it should be a biofuel produced in the body of the giant beast. It will spontaneously ignite when it encounters gas, and the temperature is extremely high. The second generation of angel fighters is fine. Contamination is estimated to be life-threatening.

The other is the information about Texas, God of War of Kamigawa, which Binghua did not expect. Calculated from the power of Texas' last strike and the intensity of dark energy, he has the ability to destroy the angel's first generation god body with one blow. This result made Binghua feel a sense of urgency. Angel's divine body skills should be improved as soon as possible, otherwise Angel will definitely suffer heavy losses in this war.


After thinking deeply in Sky Blade, Binghua came to a very peculiar conclusion based on the performance of the Kamigawa civilization on Keza planet, that is, the Kamigawa civilization has a certain advantage in the middle and high-level combat effectiveness, but because of the number of reasons , this advantage is not obvious.

Because Texas, as a god, only brought [-] Kamigawa Warblades and [-] Kamigawa Snipers in the first battle of Texas Star, and the rest were ordinary Kamigawa soldiers.

Among them, most of the recruits in the Kamigawa Warblade Troop are pseudo-second-generation super fighters, who have the strength close to the second-generation super fighters, but do not have the anti-strike ability of the second-generation fighters.

Combined with the proposal in the last conversation that Texas was eager to join forces with the angelic civilization to cut off the vanguard of the animal body army and carry out encirclement and extermination, Binghua felt that Kamigawa was a little bit unable to hold on.

Thinking of this, Binghua felt extremely bad, because this meant that the defense line of the Kamigawa civilization was very likely to collapse.

If Shenhe's defense line really collapses, it will be countless times more troublesome than it is now if it wants to fight against the attack of the beast civilization.

Thinking of this, Binghua felt that it was necessary to talk about joint operations with space.


The conversation between Binghua and Space went smoothly, and Kamigawa is willing to form an elite coalition with Angel to break through the vanguard of the animal body civilization, enter its sphere of influence, and cut off its connection with the rear.

On the side of Angel, Binghua personally led the team, while on the side of Shenhe, he planned to send out two gods to be foolproof.

Because it is an offensive blockade, Kamigawa God of War Texas is of course indispensable, and the other is Kamigawa Spear Rexue, who are all old acquaintances of Binghua.

This time, Kamigawa also tightened its belt and mobilized [-] Kamigawa warblade elites, [-] Kamigawa snipers, and [-] Kamigawa dark blade troops to accompany them.

Then there are nearly 500 million ordinary Kamigawa warriors, and there are more than a thousand warships of various types aboard them.

On the side of the angel, except for one of the sky blades, all the other sky blades accompanied them.

Because Angel and Kamikawa had already reached an alliance, this joint attack on the animal body civilization was not widely publicized. After gathering the troops, they immediately moved towards the animal body front.

At this moment, the fronts of Kamigawa and Beast Body Civilization are like two colliding lakes. Either side wants to devour each other and turn it into a part of itself.

But because there is no qualitative difference in strength between the two sides, and the Kamigawa civilization still needs to deal with triangular creatures, the front of the beast civilization has been advancing at a very slow speed.

But now the combined force of the Angel Fleet Heshenhe Civilization led by Binghua has dug a hole in the offensive line where the beast bodies are connected.

Through this opening, Binghua led the Tianren battleship group and a large number of troops from the Kamigawa civilization into the sphere of influence of the beast civilization.

But after reaching the sphere of influence of the beast body, Binghua felt that he had underestimated the hostile attitude of the beast body civilization towards the Shenhe civilization.

Because everything he passed was scorched earth, and he couldn't see any Shenhe civilization, not even animal civilization.

Every planet where wars have taken place is devastated, and there are no intelligent creatures inhabited at all, not even traces of animal civilization.

In the joint battle meeting, Binghua looked at the various materials projected in his hand, frowning, and his face was no longer as indifferent as usual.

Sitting in the meeting room were Texas, Boxue, and Mo Ran, and other high-level officials of the Kamigawa civilization.

Binghua turned off the projection, closed her eyes and was silent for a while before speaking.

"Are all these things true? Why did the beast civilization do such a thing to exterminate the Shenhe civilization?"

Texas said indifferently, "Maybe it is because we are afraid that we will become the ancient Kamikawa civilization that drove them to a remote corner."

Dexas then immediately said: "We didn't know why the animal body civilization was so hostile to our Shenhe civilization at the beginning.

But no one will care about this kind of thing anymore, now we are the only ones who live and they die.

Or they live and we die.Both results.

The same is true for triangular creatures, so this war can only end if two of them get down completely. "


This meeting was just an episode of this joint operation, but it made Binghua realize one thing clearly, that is, there will be no mercy in this war.

The joint forces of the Angel and the Kamigawa civilization are like a virus that enters the body of the beast, attacking the beast civilization to support the frontline troops.

Originally, this task was a bit difficult, but with the help of angels with space combat capabilities, it became possible.

With the passage of time, Binghua, Texas and other coalition forces have become more and more destructive within the sphere of influence of the beast body, and the beast body army on the front line has gradually felt the pressure.

Due to the shortage of logistics and the supply of soldiers, the offensive of the animal body civilization was once stagnant.

Until the joint forces blocked the star field behind the beast body army, causing the front line beast body army to lose contact with the rear base camp, the beast body army finally showed its decline.

The Kamigawa civilization took the opportunity to launch a large-scale counterattack. In addition, the Angel Fleet and the Kamigawa army led by Texas surrounded and suppressed from the rear star field. In the end, the beast front was divided, surrounded and annihilated.

The Kamigawa civilization finally achieved a victory on a large scale.

(End of this chapter)

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