Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 302, Comprehensive Preparations

Chapter 302, Comprehensive Preparations

The news that the sacred left-wing Heavenly Sword King Binghua's sacred expedition is about to return spreads rapidly in the Merlot Heavenly Court.

When Binghua and his angel warriors set foot on the Tianting Square of Merlot again after nearly 20 years, they were warmly welcomed by the residents of Tiancheng.

After the welcome ceremony, Binghua, Kaisha, Liangbing, and Hexi, the four veterans of the Melo Heavenly Court, had a good gathering.

The passage of time and the difference in status did not deteriorate the sisterhood between them, but instead became a little closer.

Hexi and Liangbing were still a bit at odds. When they were finding fault with each other and bickering, Binghua and Kaisha were smiling and watching this harmonious scene.

Because it is a very enjoyable thing to watch the picture of Hexi, who is usually frosty, showing a smile because of the cold ice on his bickering lips.

It's almost time to see Keisha and Binghua persuaded together.

"Okay, you two should stop arguing, you are both old angels who are thousands of years old, and you are still arguing over such a trivial matter."

Liang Bing suddenly became unhappy. "Sister, you are biased! You didn't help me when He Xi said that to me just now!"

The corners of Hexi's mouth are slightly raised, and the voice line may be due to his innateness and the reason he has been in a high position these years. It has a faint taste of coolness, which will give a faint sense of oppression to angels who don't know him.

"I've never seen an angel before, but I can't help but look for my sister's angel. Are you still young?"

Liangbing immediately wanted to refute with foul language, but Binghua spoke first.

"Okay, sister Hexi, don't say any more.

Today is the day to celebrate my return, so stop fighting. "

He Xi smiled and stopped talking, and Liang Bing also calmed down under Kaisha's comfort.

After the slapstick session, the celebration party returned to normal. Keisha first praised:
"Binghua, this time you and Kamigawa's joint battle, you really made a splash for us angels.

When talking to space, they back off quite a bit because of this. "

Liang Bing also echoed. "My sister is right, those Kamigawa people have given us angels a lot of good things because of this."

He Xi was not an angel who talked a lot, so he just said something. "As expected of you, Binghua."

Binghua didn't feel embarrassed either, and accepted all these words with a smile, because there was no hypocrisy between them.


When the expedition fleet led by Binghua returned to the Heavenly Court of Melo for a period of time, the Angel Civilization held a meeting in the Heavenly Court of Melo.

The holy left and right wings of the angelic civilization gathered for the second time. Except for a few high-ranking angels who were unable to attend because they were in important positions, the rest were all present.

Kaisa, the king of angels, sits on a high throne with wings spread, overlooking all the angels below, her ethereal and majestic voice echoes throughout the conference hall.

"The Mello Heavenly Court meeting is called this time because I have something to announce.

But before that, I believe that the angels present have a certain understanding of the Kamigawa civilization.

The reason why they visited our angels more than 100 years ago and eagerly wanted to form an alliance with our angels was because of the threat of the surrounding beast civilization and triangular creatures.

You may not know much about these things. Let me first talk about this so-called beast body civilization.

But before figuring out the animal body civilization, we need to understand what is the Shenhe body biological civilization.

The word Shenhe in the Shenhe biological civilization originated from the ancient Shenhe civilization. They won the war with the beast civilization.

From then on, all civilizations similar to the Kamigawa people will be called the Kamigawa civilization by the beast body, and we angels are also classified into this range by the beast body.

The animal body civilization, as the name suggests, is an existence with a different shape from our angels, which can be simply understood as a civilization composed of intelligent beasts.

During the sacred left-wing expedition, he once conducted a coordinated operation with Shenhe, and penetrated deep into the sphere of influence of the animal body civilization.

And you would never guess what the Holy Left saw there?
The devastated planet, the collapsed ruins, and all traces of the existence of the Shenhe biological civilization have been wiped out, leaving only the brutal beast bodies that drink blood. "

After Kesha finished speaking, she stopped talking to give the angels present time to think. The high-ranking angels below looked at each other and talked with each other in the dark communication.

After a while, Keisha felt that it was almost done, and continued:
"This behavior of the animal body civilization is undoubtedly telling us all the Shenhe body biological civilizations that we cannot coexist peacefully, and we can only live and die.

As the king of angels, I have to think about the future of angels. I don't want our angels to be surrounded by animal civilization in the future and be accompanied by war every day.

At the same time, it is also for the descendants of angels not to have to live in war, but to pick up weapons and step into the battlefield in the good old days like us.

As the king of angels, I decided to fight against the arrogance of the animal body civilization with the Kamigawa civilization, and let them know that the biological civilization of the Kamigawa body is by no means extinct if they want to. "

When Keisha said the last sentence, her tone was very domineering. After she finished speaking, she looked around at the angels below and saw that they were all looking at her, so she spoke again.

"Angels, in the name of the King of Angels, I am ordering that the Angel civilization will enter a state of war from today onwards."

"Holy Left Wing!"

Binghua turned to Kaisha who was on the throne and raised her hand to her chest to salute. "I am here!"

"As the Holy Left and Angelic Military Commander, you are to prepare all the regular legions of the Angels today for long-term expeditions.

At the same time, conscription is launched on each planet in the Angel Nebula, and the number of conscription is unlimited. "

"It's Queen Keisha"

Binghua answered loudly, then turned around and faced the angel below again.

"Holy Right Wing!"

Hexi also turned back to face Kaisha and raised his hand to his chest to salute. "I am here"

"As the Holy Right, the Chief Scientific Officer of Angelic Civilization, the scientific research department you manage needs to increase the stockpile of weapons and the manufacture of sky blades, and increase the research and development of war technology. Now angels don't need too delicate things, just need A power capable of destroying the enemy."

"Yes, Queen!"

After Hexi finished speaking, he turned around, and at this moment, Keisha spoke again to all the angels present.

"There is no right or wrong in this battle, it is a physical battle. Only war is the only solution, and we angels have never been afraid of war."


After the Melo Heavenly Court meeting ended, the entire Angel civilization immediately became busy. First of all, the news of the Melo Heavenly Court's unlimited conscription swept the entire Angel Nebula within a short period of time.

Most of the female angels are very excited about this, because as early as the end of the war between male and female angels, the recruitment standards of Merlot Heaven became more and more strict, which caused the dreams of many female angels who wanted to enter the angel army to become soldiers to be shattered, but now the opportunity appeared again in front of them.

Most of the male angels looked on coldly, and lamented in their hearts, "Are the female angels planning to develop the angelic civilization into a war civilization? Don't you know the truth that wars will lead to death..."

(End of this chapter)

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