Chapter 307
In order to prove his conjecture, Binghua sent ten Skyblade combat units to investigate various star systems in the 01 galaxy.

Soon these sky blades sent back news that the situation in each star system was similar, and there was no trace of civilization, but some planets had a simple resource collection device built on them, and some Shima soldiers were stationed there.

When Tianren asked whether to destroy those resource collection facilities, Binghua thought it was feasible after thinking about it.

So a large-scale extermination operation began. Tianren began to investigate the existence of these resource-gathering planets in various star systems in the 01 galaxy, and then relied on the firepower of Tianren and the angel warriors on it to kill them on the spot. destroy.

This action has been maintained for several months, and the situation of galaxy 01 has changed.

It may be that the angel's behavior is too arrogant, and the animal body civilization gathered a fleet, which is why it came to trouble the angel.

But Binghua had no intention of conflicting with that fleet at all. After discovering the trace of this fleet, the Skyblade Fleet under Binghua directly broke into the star field separated from the No. 01 galaxy.

This time, the planet the fleet encountered was finally no longer an inaccessible resource-gathering planet, because just as the Sky Blade approached this star system, a small-scale fleet greeted it.

After a burst of shooting, the small fleet turned into cosmic fireworks, while the Skyblade fleet continued to move forward.

Outside the gray-blue planetary atmosphere, there are several space base stations floating, but their shapes are very simple, and they look like they are pieced together from square metal blocks.

After confirming that the civilization on this planet is not the Kamigawa biological civilization, and there are traces of Shima soldiers, Binghua directly issued an attack order without hesitation.

First, a round of long-range saturation bombing by Tianren destroyed all space base stations outside the atmosphere of the gray-blue planet in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, the Skyblade forcibly passed through the atmosphere and landed, and carried out a devastating bombing of the area around the landing.

Afterwards, the angel warriors came out to finish the battle, and wiped out those beast-body civilized soldiers who were still alive.

Only ten of the 35 Skyblade battleships were dispatched, and they landed on the planetary continent every few hundred kilometers, like ten sharp swords piercing the planet.

The glacier in outer space can clearly see the fire clouds rising around the sky blade on the surface of the planet.

This time, the angel is no longer a savior, but a ruthless destroyer, descending from the sky, raining down the world-destroying flames, harvesting lives, and burning cities.

Although the animal life on the planet organized a counterattack, it was of no use at all.

The guns and weapons in their hands did not pose much threat to the winged Kamikawa creatures in the sky.

After more than 20 hours......

Binghua set foot on the land of this planet, surrounded by crumbling ruins.

Judging from the wreckage, most of the houses here are simple box-type structures, and the height is not high.

The corpses that can be seen everywhere on the ground prove that the creatures living on this planet are animal creatures, and they are not the same as angels.

While Binghua was observing this doomsday wasteland, an angel trotted over to report.

"Queen, we have destroyed 90.00% of the cities on this planet. The remaining beast soldiers and civilians are hiding underground in the cities. Should we send angel squads to encircle and suppress them?"

Binghua raised her hand to signal no, and said. "You convey my order, all soldiers pack up the battlefield, and we leave this star system."

Following Binghua's order, the angel warriors who were planning to wipe out the beast soldiers and civilians hiding underground in the city began to collect the bodies of their dead companions, and after completely destroying the cities and manufacturing areas on the planet, they re-boarded the Sky Blade , and left this star system in just a few hours.

Just a few days after Binghua led the fleet out of this star system, a fleet full of animal body style emerged from the deep space of the universe, and gradually approached the planet that Angel had evacuated not long ago.

When his subordinates reported the damage to the planet, Tidal, the commander of the beast fleet, was extremely angry.

"Damn Kamigawa bastard, run away after killing my compatriots! If you have the ability to compete with my fleet!"

All the servants of animal body civilization below with different expressions dared not speak, and could only wait for Tidal's order.

Finally, after scolding for a while, Taidar finally let out the anger in his heart, looked at the silent subordinates below, and snorted coldly:
"What are you still doing in a daze, report the situation here, and chase me quickly!"


Unlike the beast body, the Skyblade Fleet, which had just conducted a space raid, did not rest, but continued to sail forward.

However, Binghua held a Tianren meeting on his flagship, and all Tianren captains under his command must attend.

Because Tianren is currently sailing, all Tianren captains use projection to participate in the meeting.

"This meeting is very simple, we have now entered the Scarlet Star Ring and destroyed an industrial manufacturing planet of animal body civilization.

But this kind of efficiency is too slow. I don't know when we will be able to defeat the animal body civilization here, so I decided to fight separately.

The angel listened to the order, and you led the three sky blades to leave the fleet to attack the star field on the left, defeating all animal body civilizations with manufacturing industries along the way.

Angel Crane chases you and leads three Sky Blades to attack the star field on the right. The task is the same as that of Angel Ran. You are not required to kill the vitality of the beast body, but you are only required to destroy their planets with manufacturing industries. "

Angel Ran and Angel Hezhui below saluted at the same time and accepted the order.

Afterwards, Binghua identified several veteran Skyblade captains, and also asked them to lead the three Skyblade ships to choose a star field to attack.

In the end, Binghua only left ten Skyblades, and the rest were sent out to attack the animal civilization planets that existed in this star field.

"Queen, send out all the blades, what if we encounter a large group of enemies?"

Regarding Jingnan's question, Binghua only smiled slightly, and at the same time said:
"It's okay, after this period of war, I found that the army of the beast civilization stationed in this star field is not strong.

Even if we are accidentally surrounded by their army, I have the confidence to break through.

But when you say that, I think it's time to get rid of the tail that follows us.

Otherwise, waiting for the combined fleet of affiliated civilizations to come to the Scarlet Star Ring, maybe it will be bad. "


The huge fleet group originally composed of 35 Skyblades gradually separated towards the surroundings, and finally only ten Skyblades were left sailing in the starry sky unhurriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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