Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 316 Titan Kingdom

Chapter 316 Titan Kingdom
The area behind the red star ring, the god domain in the heart of the animal body civilization, is in a special star domain called the Titan Kingdom.

A giant planet is slowly rotating. This planet is called the Titan Star by the beast civilization, the kingdom of God, the place where the gods live.

Half of the planet's area is covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder all the year round, and there are huge and magnificent temples on the uneven surface.

The environment here is extremely harsh, lightning storms, volcanic earthquakes can be seen everywhere, but for the special races living on this planet, these are trivial problems.

In a thousand-meter-high temple, the dome is simply decorated, giving people an extremely depressing feeling at the end of the hall.

A giant wearing a full-body silver armor with complex craftsmanship sat on a super-large throne. The layers of armor on his body gave people an indestructible feeling, and at the same time radiated a terrifying and oppressive atmosphere towards the surroundings.

At this moment in this hall, apart from the huge figure sitting on the throne, in the shadows on both sides of the aisle in the middle, there are ten figures in golden armor and holding giant guns standing on each side.

At this moment, half-kneeling in the aisle hundreds of meters wide was a Tianding star with a hideous scar on his face and an extremely complex and beautiful armor.

"Tedarel, how is the work of clearing the Shenhe civilization going?"

Accompanied by these words, Tedarel felt the air around him tremble, as if there were bursts of thunder in his ears.

"My God, we have completed more than half of the work of clearing the civilization of the Shenhe body, but we are stuck in the new Shenhe galaxy and cannot go any further.

Their new generation of God of War is too powerful. Our fighters are not opponents at all. In the past, we could rely on the bravery of our Tianding people to pile up their God of Battle.

But now those battle gods are too vigilant and don't give us a chance at all, so I implore the great god king to give me and my people a little help. "

Teddarel humbly finished speaking and bowed his head here. The nervous group in his heart, not to mention the Titan God King sitting on the throne, even the Titan warrior standing in the shadows can easily kill one if he pulls it out. he.

And Tedarel's request for support from the Titan God King just now will undoubtedly give His Majesty the God King an impression of incompetence.

The tragic image of the previous Tianding King being struck to death by Thunder because of his poor handling of affairs and his concealment and non-reporting behavior was playing back and forth in Tedarel's mind non-stop at this moment.

"This king knows!"

Tedarel, who was extremely nervous in his heart, waited for a while, and what he heard was the unsalty words of the Titan God King, without punishment, and without the expected scolding.

The Titan God King slowly opened his huge golden vertical pupils, opened his mouth and told the Titan warriors below: "Let the Titan gods come here to see this king."

Feeling the heavy footsteps of the Titan warriors walking, the Heavenly Cauldron King Teddarel, who felt his own insignificance, could only lower his head severely to reduce his sense of existence as much as possible.

The time in the temple passed slowly, and the melodious accompaniment of thunder and storm reached Tedarel's ears.

He couldn't help but began to miss his glorious life in the Tianding Starfield, where he was the king who said nothing.

All animal body civilizations must obey his orders, and whoever Tedarel tells him to die will disappear in the next moment.

At the same time, there are countless beauties who often accompany him, and the soldiers and generals under his command are constantly boasting of his bravery.

But only here in the Kingdom of Titan God, Tedarel will change from an indisputable king to a grandson who kneels on the ground and dare not speak out.

Because the Tianding star people have the right to control all animal body civilizations, which was bestowed by the Titan God King. If this right is lost, the days of the Tianding star people will definitely not be easy in the future.

Among them, the emperor of the Shima Empire and the Sabota Alliance will definitely take the opportunity to make trouble, because in recent decades, Tedarel has often used the reason of destroying the new Kamigawa civilization to send their troops and people to the front line as cannon fodder.

At this moment, several loud roars of beasts came, accompanied by thunder that increased a little bit, and six huge figures walked into the temple.

They are all a hundred meters tall, wearing gorgeous armor of different styles and colors, but they all vaguely reveal noble temperament.

"God King, what do you want to call us?"

Six tall figures walked to a position [-] meters behind Tedarel and did not move forward. One of them, a silver-armored titan wearing a ferocious triangular helmet with only eyes and mouth area exposed, asked Shen Shen.

The God King still sat motionless on the throne, but opened his eyes again, revealing the faintly glowing golden vertical pupils.

"There is a little obstacle in the elimination of the Kamigawa civilization. Is there any one of you who is willing to leave the God's Domain to meet the battle god of the Kamigawa civilization."

The Titans below looked at each other, and then two of the six Titans, one with black and one white armor, took a step forward and spoke almost simultaneously.

"God King, my brothers and I are responsible for guarding the Kingdom of Titan God, so we can't leave God's Domain."

Teddarel was afraid that he would be trampled to death by these titan gods, but he didn't dare to move, because this place was in front of the throne of the gods of the Titan God Realm.

Teddarel carefully raised his head slightly, observed for a few seconds and finally recognized the identity of the Titan God present.

The one in black armor is Ted Mons, the god of the night, and the one in white armor is his younger brother Tedred, who inherits the god of light.

The blue-armored titan that hasn't been listed yet is Leodes, the god of thunder, the gray armored one on the left is Leoched, the god of casting, followed by Tedmons, the god of war in silver armor, and finally the titan in red armor. Oaklek, the god of fire.

According to the information in Teddarel's memory, there are eight main gods on Titan, and three major Titan gods, that is, clans.

The successor of each Titan Lord God is not fixed, only the strongest of the three Titan gods can succeed to the god position, each family has two gods, only if there are talented people in the family line Get an extra god position.

However, the life cycle of a Titan is extremely long, and it will take nearly ten thousand years to grow up to the prime of life to inherit the position of God, and during this period, it must defeat other competitors for the position of God.

Titans who fail to compete for the position of the Lord God will be called God Titans, the weaker ones will be the High Titans, and then the ordinary Titan fighters will be called the Lower Titans.

Teddarel knew very well in his heart that these titan gods who claimed to be gods were just an extremely powerful cosmic race by nature, and the reason why the beast civilization believed in them was only because of their power comparable to natural disasters.

Just as Tedarel was thinking about this, Chi Kai's God of Fire, Aucred, stepped out of the queue.

"Dear God-King, Oakred is willing to meet the battle god of the new Kamigawa for a while."

The Titan King's gaze fell on Oakred, as if he was thinking about it, and after a while, he said unhurriedly:
"Then it's up to you. The Kamigawa civilization is rising very fast, and the new Kamikawa civilization must be wiped out as soon as possible."

Oakred half-kneeled on the ground, made a muffled sound, and at the same time raised his head to salute the God King, and then promised:
"It is the king of gods, and I will definitely destroy the new Kamikawa civilization as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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