Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 322 Kanter Galaxy Battle

Chapter 322 Kanter Galaxy Battle ([-])

Relying on this army that combines technology and barbarism, they conquered the stars, expanded their forces, and destroyed all the beast civilizations and Shenhe civilizations that did not submit to them in the star field.

A small number of animal body civilizations that surrendered to the Shima Empire were assimilated by them. As for the few Shenhe civilizations that surrendered, except for delaying their own demise and being enslaved by the Shima Empire for a period of time, they did not end any good. .

At the time when the prosperous Shima Empire was about to continue to expand its star map to the surroundings, the Titan Protoss, the actual ruler of the Scarlet Star Ring, approached them.

However, the emperor of the Shima Empire at that time was unwilling to surrender the huge empire to a group of giant orcs, so he fought a battle with the fleet of the Titan Protoss.

As a result, this war directly shattered Emperor Shima's self-confidence. The Shima Empire surrendered to the Titan Protoss and called them gods in awe.

This is the approximate history of the Shima Empire, and after thousands of years of development, the Shima Empire at this moment has become a behemoth with more than 150 conscription planets and 33 casting planets.

It is the civilization with the largest number of people among the affiliated Titans, and it is also the grassroots force in the war between the Titans and the new Kamigawa civilization.

Now the main force of the Shima Empire is in the New Kamigawa Galaxy and the Kamigawa Civilization is fighting hard. There are only standing troops left behind in the empire. Knowing this situation, Binghua plans to lead the United Fleet and the Skyblade Fleet to attack this place. Huge interstellar empire.

The Kanter star system, a star system for casting soldiers in the Shima Empire near the border star field, has a total of eight planets in this star system.

Kantor III is a conscription planet, and it is also a habitable planet for a moment, belonging to a temperate climate.

Kantor [-] is a foundry planet, a small planet rich in resources. The entire planet is covered with giant metal buildings and smelters connected together.

This planet can produce more than [-] medium-sized battleships and [-] small-scale warships at the same time, providing weapons and equipment for tens of millions of Shima soldiers.

There are space disrupting devices and a planetary fortress with a large barrier force field built on Kantor [-].

This large-scale force field defense system has the effect of deflecting energy attacks and delaying physical attacks. Coupled with the dense orbital fortifications erected on the planetary fortress, it can be called the nightmare of an aerospace-grade civilization.

But today this once peaceful star system ushered in the first invasion since his long and prosperous time.

As soon as the space disturbance device in the planetary fortress of Kantor [-] issued a shrill alarm, a large fleet jumped and sailed over the planetary fortress of Kantor [-].

Without any warning, an orbital bombardment was launched directly at the planetary fortress on Kantor [-].

Because this star system has never been baptized by war, the Shima orcs in the planetary fortress did not activate the barrier force field immediately.

The space disturbance facility was severely damaged during the orbital bombing, but fortunately, the garrison chief of the Shima Empire was not stupid. After a moment of panic, he activated the barrier force field facility, deflecting and dissipating all energy attacks from the orbital bombing.

Then the dense orbital fortifications in the planetary fortress of the Shima Empire began to counterattack. For a while, the United Fleet could not do anything to this barrier. The artillery fire of the orbital bombing was weakened by more than 70.00%, and the losses were still increasing.

Seeing that his orbital bombing fleet continued to suffer damage, while the fortress of the Shima Empire on the surface of the planet suffered little damage under the protection of a special force field, the Mora commander just wanted to yell, "This is shameless!"

But then Mora received an order from the angelic civilization, and the combat objective has been completed and it is time to retreat.

Almost at the moment when the Mora civilization retreated, the superluminal wake accompanied by the warping flight flashed.

The joint fleet of Kebri and McGrath broke into the outer atmosphere of Kantor [-] and began to attack the Shima beast body fleet parked in outer space.

Just when the two sides were fighting fiercely, two Skyblade warships sailed out of the giant space wormhole produced by the space jump.

When the giant Skyblade battleship appeared, the Kaibrise McGrath fleet, which had been defeated by the beast fleet relying on its numerical superiority, fought even more vigorously.

However, Tianren did not attack the beast body fleet together with the joint fleet, but poured all its firepower towards the surface of the planet.

A terrifying mushroom cloud immediately rose from the surface of Kantor [-], but it failed to destroy all the targets in the first place.

Because a layer of translucent barrier force field protects some large metal buildings, even the sky blade's light spear bombardment can resist it.

The founding planets and planetary fortresses of the Kantor star system have all been attacked, and Kantor III, one of the conscription planets, is naturally no exception.

Compared to the other two planets with extremely strong self-protection capabilities, Kantor [-] is very ordinary. There is no stand shield that can cover the entire city, and there are no patches of orbital fortifications.

It is the joint fleet of the rest of the angelic affiliated civilizations and the Sarkaz that is responsible for attacking the Kantor [-] planet. They have only one order, and that is to destroy the living forces on the Kantor [-] planet as much as possible.

While these three planets were burning with raging flames of war, Binghua's 25 Heavenly Blades and the remaining half of its joint fleet were quietly watching this scene in a star field around the Kantor star system.

A day later, the war in the Kantor star system entered the next stage. The combined fleet of Sarkaz and the rest of the civilizations had been orbiting the surface of Kantor III for more than fifteen hours.

Except for a few fortresses and solid refuge facilities in the central area of ​​the city, everything on the surface has been bombed to pieces.

In the past, when the angels carried out destruction operations, they would withdraw their troops after destroying the planets in the Shima Empire like this, but this time the combined fleet received the order to destroy all living forces on the planet.

So the United Fleet began to prepare for atmospheric and orbital airdrop operations, intending to land on the surface of the planet and completely destroy all the surviving Shima orcs on Kantor III.

Not far away, Kantor [-] is still undergoing orbital bombing by the Skyblade, Kembri, and the McGrath fleet. Even if their results are limited, they still enjoy it.

This gave the Shima orcs on Kantor [-] an illusion that the enemy attacking them was not strong, and they only needed to hold out until reinforcements arrived before they could launch a counterattack.

As a result, the battle situation in the Kantor galaxy was immediately sent to the administrative center of the Shima Empire by the orcs on the Kantor [-] star, and then handed over to Emperor Shima by the Imperial Military Council.

Emperor Shima was furious after receiving this news. It has been too long since no one has challenged the majesty of the Shima Empire. Of course, the big defeat in the frontier star field in the frontier time is not counted, it is a defeat.

But now I don't know where the cat and dog dared to sneak into the empire and attack the important casting planet. As the emperor of the Shima Empire, he would never allow the empire to be provoked like this.

(End of this chapter)

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