Chapter 334 Titan God

Following Tegrila's words, Binghua suddenly noticed a drastic change in the magnetic field in the area. The thunderclouds that had been tumbling in the sky suddenly burst into loud thunder, accompanied by a huge thunder.

Binghua suddenly thought of the battle with a golden-armored titan Leogood hundreds of years ago, during which he had shown the power to guide natural lightning to a certain extent.

Immediately, a bad premonition arose in his heart, and he didn't care about attacking Tigrila. Binghua immediately rushed into the sky and raised his king sword, and a blue thunder light appeared all over his body. force.

Tigrila stabbed heavily the gaping giant sword that was attached to Thunder towards the ground, and let out a powerful roar:
"I am the God of Thunder!"

At this moment, the sky and the earth were brightly illuminated by the light from the lightning, and the angel warriors and some titans on the battlefield couldn't help but close their eyes because of the light.

The moment they closed their eyes, it was as if the sound of thunder exploded into their minds through their eardrums at the same time.

Thick thunderbolts continuously fell from the thunderclouds, and the numerous angel warriors flying in midair became the first targets to be hit.

Countless angel warriors couldn't even utter a scream, so they fell to the ground covered in black smoke and white smoke.

For a moment, it was like a rain of white angel wings falling down in the air, dotted with countless white feathers falling slowly, the scene was beautiful but made other angels sad.

Binghua watched this scene, her heart seemed to have stopped beating, and her black pupils shrank to the size of needlepoints.

But Binghua reacted in the blink of an eye, suppressed the great grief in his heart, gritted his teeth, and tried his best to reduce the activity of lightning in the thunder cloud through the thunder drive.

After Tigrila roared "I am the God of Thunder", he watched the falling thunder and let out a loud laugh that made the air tremble.

But after a while, the thunder light falling from the thunder cloud became less and less. This is not a normal phenomenon, and it can't help but increase the catalysis and guidance of the lightning in the thunder cloud.

But it was still impossible to increase the number of thunderbolts that struck down, so when he moved his eyes, he immediately saw the glacier floating in the sky with lightning flashing around him.

Although he couldn't find the reason why the number of thunders under his guidance decreased, but Tigrila believed in his heart that it was Binghua's fault.

Tigrila learned the tricks this time, he didn't let out a habitual roar before attacking, he just rushed forward a few steps and raised his sword violently to jump and chop.

Binghua was trying his best to disperse and reduce the activity of the lightning, when his eyes suddenly went dark, and when he woke up, he saw that the blade of a huge sword was close at hand, and there was no time to dodge to dodge.

Although she couldn't dodge, Binghua's fighting awareness made her spontaneously make the best choice now, and she won less than a second by flapping her wings and flying backwards. Although it was short, it was enough for Binghua to carry some There was something, an angelic shield, inserted between her and the blade of the great sword.

The next moment, the edge of the huge sword in Tegrila's hand crushed Binghua and slashed on the thick armor of the Titan battleship, cutting a [-]-meter-long gap in the armor with the point of impact as the center.

Suddenly a strong force came from the giant sword, and Tigrila took advantage of the momentum to raise the giant sword and took two steps back to regroup his attacking stance.

In the gap in the armor plate that was cut by the sword, a figure shot high into the sky. It was Binghua, but at this moment her appearance was not as neat as before.

The angel armor on his body was a lot more worn, and the silver cloak was cut several times by some sharp weapon, hanging on his back like a rag.

Binghua's chest heaved rapidly, her eyes didn't stay on Taglila for too long, she moved back, and then closed her eyes gently.

Outside the battle circles of Binghua and Tegri, countless angel warriors were lying on the icy armor plates, most of them were scorched all over, apparently having been struck by lightning.

At this moment, the number of angels that can still fly in the sky has dropped by at least [-]% compared to before Tigrila's lightning strike, and has become much rarer.

When Binghua opened his eyes again, a flame called anger was burning in his pupils, but it unexpectedly gave people a feeling of indifference, which was very contradictory, and then only Binghua uttered a sentence as if to pronounce a sentence.

"Tigrila! This king swears at this time that he will kill you here!"

Tigrila sneered twice and didn't reply, but from his facial expression, it can be seen that he was very relieved, because he finally reported the bad breath that Binghua restrained him before.

The king sword in Binghua's hand was transported back to the arsenal, after all, it is not suitable to use the king sword against such a large target.

As a result, Binghua carried the Destroyer Star Blade out of the arsenal, and completed the assembly in a short while, turning into a terrifying giant blade that was thin at the front and nearly [-] meters wide at the back.

Dark clouds rolled over, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and there were terrifying explosions in the distance from time to time. Under such a doomsday scene, there were two figures, one big and one small, confronting each other.

The war between the angels and the Titans has come to an end. The angels have successfully wiped out hundreds of Titan warriors, but they have suffered heavy casualties.

In order to avoid the recurrence of the previous tragedy, during the confrontation between Binghua and Tigrila, the angel warriors are quickly withdrawing here, leaving space for the two confronting powerhouses.

Although some angels also proposed to support the queen and take down the titan who claimed to be a god, but Binghua sternly rejected it in the communication.

If you want to rely on numbers to kill a powerful titan like Tigrila, you need at least tens of thousands of angel lives.

As time passed, Tigrila finally lost his composure. Facing the annihilation of his subordinates and only himself surviving alone, he believed that only by killing the angel king who blocked his footsteps and winning this war, could he win the battle. Wash off the shame on yourself, so that when you go back, you won't let other titans who are also titan gods look down on you.

Binghua had already activated the special mode of the Destroying Star Blade during the confrontation just now. There were scorching red lines on the body of the sword, and a faint red light flowed on the edge of the blade.

Seeing Tigrila rushing towards him, Binghua murmured to himself in a low voice, "The final round begins", and then exerted force with both arms, and the nearly [-]-meter-long star blade slashed across the lower armor under the terrifying power of Binghua. Up and down.

The terrifying loud noise spread out along with the sound waves visible to the naked eye, and the two colliding giant soldiers bounced off each other immediately after touching.

Tigrila only retreated slightly, and the ice bloom in the air was sent flying more than ten meters by the reaction force, but this was much better than being directly smashed before.

"Come again!"

As soon as Binghua stopped, he shouted, flapped his wings and rushed out dragging the Shattering Star Blade in his hand.

Although Taglila was a little shocked by Binghua's power, as a Titan God, he had no reason to run away from the battle, so he raised his sword and attacked again.

For a moment, thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and the deafening sound of giant soldiers colliding with each other continued to sound from below. This kind of scene was like a tiny existence challenging the giant god, and the two sides were evenly matched.

(End of this chapter)

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