Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 338, Conventional Arms Enhancement Program

Chapter 338, Conventional Arms Enhancement Program

As the one who raised the question, Binghua first asked: "Sister Hexi, I don't know if you have read the Titan civilization battle data I sent back before."

He Xi raised his eyebrows, and replied briskly: "No, I'll take a look first."

As soon as Hexi finished speaking, he began to swipe his fingers to read the database of the angels, found the battle data sent back by Binghua, closed his eyes and began to read the information in it.

In less than a minute, Hexi opened his eyes again and said:
"I've already seen that our angel's conventional weapons are a bit difficult to deal with the Titan civilization, but don't worry, Tiancheng has made a lot of new scientific research results in recent years, I believe there will definitely be something you are satisfied with."

When Binghua heard the words, a gleam of joy appeared on her exquisite face, and she praised: "Sister Hexi, you have a solution, so I feel relieved when you say that."

At this time, Keisha chuckled and interjected: "I'm just talking about these things. You should seek professional consultation."

But Hexi interrupted at this moment to pour a basin of cold water on Kaisha and Binghua:
"Let me make a statement first, I didn't say that I can solve all the problems, I have a solution to the lack of firepower of the Heavenly Blade.

But I have nothing to do with the fact that conventional weapons are not powerful enough. Although I consider myself a genius, I am not an omniscient god who can get a kick out of everything.

The Flame Sword is your creation, Binghua, and subsequent improvements are all done by you.

Not to mention the flame bombing, Queen Keisha, you are the developer, but now I dare say that you are definitely not as familiar with this thing as Binghua. "

Keisha's face was a little embarrassed when she heard that. Although the flame bombing was developed by her, but in terms of the level and tricks of using this technology, Binghua can definitely beat her.

Now Kaisha's main weapon is the silver wing. As the king of angels, she has everything else, but the reserve of dark silver weapons is absolutely unique in the entire angelic civilization. Relying on the characteristics of the weapon itself, plus some skills Even Binghua wasn't necessarily her opponent, and gradually she didn't put much energy into the flame bombing.

Binghua didn't even need to ask, seeing Kaisha's uncomfortable appearance at the moment, she knew that what Hexi said must be true, so she sighed helplessly.

"I originally wanted to find you to solve the problem, but I didn't expect that I would have to do it myself in the end."

Hearing this, Kesha and Hexi couldn't help but focus on Binghua in the projection. Judging from what she said, it seemed that they had already found a solution to the lack of firepower of conventional weapons.

Binghua didn't have any ink marks, and directly expressed her thoughts:
"At the beginning of the design of the flame sword, I left a lot of room for modification. Hundreds of years ago, I added a built-in computing cloud and a special energy circuit to the flame sword so that it can perform more complex flame bombing calculations. .

But this is not the limit of the transformation of the flame sword. My idea is to enhance it based on the original energy circuit in the sword body.

The attack mode of flame bombing remains unchanged. My idea is to increase the proportion of stellar radiation energy in the attack, and add several new parts inside the sword body that can perform micro-nuclear fusion or store nuclear energy.

It is best that this part can accumulate nuclear energy at ordinary times, and it can be launched to fight against the enemy when it is time to fight. "

Hexi and Kaisha nodded subconsciously after hearing the words. The modification plan proposed by Binghua is indeed feasible, and the modification is not difficult.

Nuclear energy is a terrorist force that will be discovered and utilized after civilization develops to a certain extent, but because it is difficult to restrain itself, and it has strong radiation, most civilizations only use it as a basic energy source and seldom use it as a routine weapons to use.

Most of the energy of angels is transformed from the radiant energy of stars, and they are naturally very familiar with the application of this aspect.

In the final analysis, a star is just a super-large nuclear fusion, but because of the strong radiation energy it emits all the time, people sometimes forget its essence.

"Binghua, your idea is feasible, but we should also prevent the strong radiation of nuclear energy. A generation of angels can't ignore the strong radiation that comes with nuclear energy explosions. If they touch the body for a long time, I'm afraid it will be too much."

But Binghua didn't care and said: "This problem is easy to solve, we just need to add protection against this aspect to the angel's armor.

If it still doesn't work, then we can only treat angel warriors in this way after each war.

I'd rather have my warriors suffer a bit on the battlefield than let them risk their lives to challenge those titan warriors. "

In the final analysis, the reason for this situation is that a generation of soldiers cannot be immune to the radiation that comes with the use of nuclear energy.

For example, Binghua and the second generation of angels can ignore most of the hazards caused by nuclear energy, because the sun bombing itself is a mixture of two kinds of energy, one of which is stellar radiation, which will also radiate to the surroundings during the process of converging energy Huge heat energy and certain radiation.

Later, Binghua proposed that a one-time high-power consumable weapon could be manufactured and equipped for a generation of angel warriors to increase their combat effectiveness.

Binghua, Hexi, and Kaisha discussed the enhancement plan of Angel's conventional weapons for several hours, but there was still no result.

Binghua proposed various novel ideas for strengthening weapons, Hexi provided theoretical support, and criticized whether this method was feasible, and finally Kaisha made supplements, and considered from the perspective of the entire angelic civilization, whether this weapon can be greatly improved. Scale installed.

After several days of discussions, Liangbing was also found, but Liangbing soon withdrew, because the large-scale deployment of weapons did not require the space technology she was proficient in.

On the 15th day, the enhancement plan for conventional weapons was finally finalized. From manufacturing, usability, to power, it all met the standards of Angel civilization.

The first project is the Sword of Flame, which will add a powerful single-soldier attack method, by adding nuclear energy conversion cores, energy circuits, and energy storage bars inside the sword spine to realize nuclear energy. storage.

During the battle, you only need to issue an order to the flame sword to release the nuclear energy stored in the spine of the sword, and it will cause terrifying large-scale destruction.

When the nuclear energy in the Sword of Lieyang is exhausted, this function will enter a cooling period of several days. During this period, the sword of Lieyang will slowly absorb the ubiquitous light energy in the universe without affecting the surrounding environment. Radiation to restore spent nuclear energy.

After deliberation, this method of attack will be named after Heavenly Blade and Judgment, collectively called "Tianjian Judgment", and it will be the strongest conventional attack method for Angel individual soldiers in the future.

The second item, the enhancement plan of the standard weapon, was finalized as a consumable weapon, and the template was the battle spear commonly used by angels.

However, this battle spear is not the other battle spear. This kind of battle spear is less than one meter in length. Its interior is partly vacuum and has several built-in energy storage units. It can be thrown as a throwing weapon, causing great damage to small and medium-sized targets.

(End of this chapter)

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