Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 343 Kayo Decisive Battle

Chapter 343 Kayo Decisive Battle ([-])

As soon as Augules finished speaking, the temperature around him rose rapidly around his location, and within a few seconds, blue smoke began to rise from the ground.

The sparse vegetation began to turn yellow quickly, and then spontaneously ignited without fire. Those who felt the most empathy for this change were the soldiers wearing simple exoskeleton armor.

The originally icy metal on their bodies became as hot as iron due to the incoming heat, which made them scream in pain uncontrollably.

But soon their voices became hoarse, and they could no longer make a sound. The moisture in their bodies quickly evaporated under the terrifying high heat, and finally they fell to the ground like dried bacon and lost their voices.

Augules looked at this scene without the slightest sympathy in his heart, and vented his own strength to his heart's content.

Beneath it is a giant creature with wings on its back. It has a ferocious head like a lizard. Its body is covered with hard black armor like armor. Two pairs of vertical pupils are located on both sides of the head, one in front of the other, looking at the surroundings indifferently. scene.

In this high-temperature radiation field produced by Augustulla, as the temperature continued to rise, the steel products around Augustulla who was riding Maglula began to turn red and soften rapidly.

At this moment, several beams of light fell on August's body, and a violent explosion occurred, causing August's body riding the maglulla to fall back.

But Augustus dispersed the smoke rising from the energy explosion with a wave of his hand, and then his sight fell on a group of large tanks and heavy beam cannons a thousand meters away.

Augustus did not choose to attack in person, but lightly clamped his legs, pointed the giant gun in that direction, and ordered: "Destroy them!"

Maglula opened his huge mouth full of sharp teeth and let out a roar, then, as if he was inhaling, his head tilted back and the end of his neck swelled slightly, and a faint orange light could be seen inside it with the naked eye.

The next moment Maglula opened his mouth violently, and the orange-red stream of light spewed out, and the air was directly absorbed by the high temperature attached to the stream of light and burned a big hole.

As for the target of Maglulla's attack, the position of Kamigawa's heavy firepower was immediately plunged into a sea of ​​flames, and the ground was directly burned into a small lava lake by Maglula's breath.

The maglulla beast comes from the Tak star field of the red star ring, and there are several giant beast civilizations in that star field.

No one knows why the giant beast civilization came into being, but according to the records of the Titan Protoss, there are extremely few planets in the entire universe that can breed giant beast civilization.

Maglulamon was born on a semi-lava planet, and is one of several large creatures that live on that planet by absorbing heat.

Augules's mount, Maglula, was a powerful beast captured from that planet, and only the Titan God, the main god in the Titan civilization, could rely on power to suppress a terrifying monster of this level and use it as a mount to drive it.

Just when the combination of Ogules and Maglula, who played with fire, turned an area with a radius of tens of kilometers into a scorching purgatory.

An orbital airdrop pod slammed through the clouds in the sky, and hit the two main riders who were playing with fire below. Augustus saw that it was an airdrop pod, and didn't even have the intention of avoiding it.

Under the master's order, Maglula raised his head and opened his huge mouth to the airdrop pod, exhaling a scorching stream of light.

The airborne pod didn't last even a second, and was melted by Maglulla's breath, but the next moment, the orange-red breath was divided into two halves, left and right, in mid-air.

At the same time, there was a roar that echoed throughout the sky: "Augules! Take my axe!"

Holding the handle of the ax in one hand, Dexas pressed down on the ax with the other, cutting Maglulla's breath in half from top to bottom, and then smashed on his lizard-like head with undiminished force. superior.

Ogules and Maglula, who were cruising at a low altitude, overturned in the air and smashed towards the ground below, making a loud bang.

As for Texas, the falling speed was greatly reduced by the slash just now, and only two deep footprints were stepped on after landing.

Augustus, who landed in the distance, stood up, looked at the tiny Texas and snorted heavily, and pointed the huge gun in his hand in his direction.

There was a bloodstain on the side of the head, and the two pairs of eyes of the hot blooded Maglulla stared at Texas with anger. After receiving the master's order, the wings on the back stirred up a gust of hot wind, and then the hind legs landed on the ground. Pounced out like a moving mountain.

"It's quite big, so it's strong enough to chop like this!"

While Texas was speaking, a look of excitement appeared on his resolute and iron-blooded face. He held the handle of the black battle ax with both hands, and the muscles of his arms wrapped in armor bulged, and he slapped the ax blade horizontally. huge claws.

There was a huge difference in size between the two, but Maglula withdrew his claws as if being pricked by a needle, leaped over where Texas was, and immediately turned around, lying on the ground and letting out a loud growl .

Texas pushed aside the earth and rocks in front of him, took a few bites, and crawled out of the pit. Just now, he had a hard fight with the giant beast Maglula. Although he successfully cut off a few of its claws, due to the strength of both sides With the reaction force of the collision, Texas was directly shaken into the ground under his feet.

On the other side, Augules saw that his mount's forelegs and claws were broken, put away some contempt in his heart, and prepared to clean up the Kamigawa battle god with Maglula first.

As the master god of Titans who has experienced many battles, Augustus knows when to be arrogant and when to be cautious.

But before Augustus raised his favorite gun, several white rays fell from the sky and hit his back.

"who is it!"

Augustus turned around and raised his head, and saw a golden-haired Kamigawa woman suspended in mid-air with a pair of metal wings spread out from her back, aiming at him with the silver gun in her hand at an altitude of several thousand meters.

Dexas stopped paying attention to Augustus in the rear, and focused all his attention on the monster Maglula, who was lying down in front of him. He grinned slightly and said to himself:
"One-on-one is what a man should do."

After speaking, Texas lifted up the tomahawk with special symbols on it, opened his eyes slightly and pronounced the sentence to Maglula:
"Bastard! I will cut off your head with three axes!"

As soon as the words fell, Texas opened his legs and exploded at his maximum speed, rushing towards Maglula like a high-speed moving car.

The pain of severed finger just now is still fresh in his memory, Maglula closed his huge mouth, his throat swelled, and the scorching light flow spewed out from his opened upper and lower jaws for a second, sweeping the earth into a wide gap. The lava trench backs towards Texas.

Texas, who was charging at high speed, stomped on the ground with his right foot, moved laterally for a certain distance to the left, and then stomped on the ground again to shoot at Maglula, the speed was not affected much at all.

(End of this chapter)

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