Chapter 354 God to God

The Sword of the Seven Killers was raised above the head, and the dazzling red halo swelled to a limit in just two seconds, like a miniature star hanging outside the atmosphere of Aoya Star for a moment.

This is the first time Binghua has prepared for the flame bombing with the support of Tianren's computing power, and completed the energy collection and conversion in just two seconds.

Without any hesitation, Binghua slashed down the held Wangjian towards the atmosphere below. The terrifying energy that was originally like a cluster of stars was immediately elongated into an arc-shaped moon, like a giant slashing flame flying downward.

The atmosphere of Aoya star was instantly cut open, and then the scorching red flames flew towards the huge thundercloud without diminishing momentum.

Leodes naturally saw the scorching red slash falling from the sky, so he didn't foolishly choose to bear it, and directly steered the quadruped flying eagle under him to avoid it.

As a result, the thundercloud storm jointly created by Leodes and his mount was almost cut in half.

Ignoring the terrifying explosion rising from the ground, Leodes continued to climb towards the atmosphere, but at this moment a figure that was extremely small compared to him stood at the end of his flight path and looked down at him.

At this moment, Binghua felt that his condition was better than ever. Looking at the huge figure below and the thunder and lightning that were constantly flickering around him, Binghua spoke loudly.

'You will never be allowed to pass through this king's barrier, you have only one option to stop here'

Binghua's voice echoed in the sky, almost at the moment when his voice fell, the space around Binghua showed traces of distortion, and the next moment, a silver plain long sword was carried out and suspended in the air, The number of them exceeds one hundred.

With the lifting of the king sword in Binghua's right hand, all the long swords hanging in the air began to emit traces of scorching red halos.

The next moment, the long sword hanging in the air was like a laser beam, turning into dozens of scorching red light bands and pouring down.

Faced with such an attack, Leodes couldn't completely evade it, and dense explosions rose one after another on his body.

Leodes, who had just flown to an altitude of [-] meters, was directly pushed back by the explosion, and Binghua stopped attacking, and continued to carry the long sword as a carrier of dark energy and stellar energy, ready to continue bombing at any time.

Without existences like Binghua and Titan God who can disrupt the balance of the battlefield, the balance of victory in wars outside the atmosphere of Aoya planet is gradually tilting towards the angels.

"Notify all the angel fighters to speed up the attack, the queen is buying time for us, we must end the battle in the shortest possible time!"


As the flame bombardment continued to fall on his body, one of the two Titan gods finally couldn't hold on, and his huge body covered in potholes and huge burn marks fell to the deck of the Titan mothership under his feet.

This seemed to be the beginning, gold-armored titans and ordinary titan warriors fell in front of angel warriors who were more and more proficient in fighting giant units.

Although many angel warriors among them fell because of the war, everything was worth it, because more enemies were buried with them for their fall.

Relying on the two-horned Titan god on the top of the head to command the thunder, but no matter how many times he swung the giant sword in his hand, he could not hit the bright winged man in front of him. Even his biggest support, the lightning and thunder emitted by him, could not hit the winged man. A little effect.

Angel Ran kept in mind the Queen's order before the battle, and did not choose to fight the Titan God head-on, but just used his understanding of Thunder's tactics to invalidate the Titan God's long-range methods, and kept harassing him with attacks, killing him Firmly fixed on this battlefield, not letting his power affect the battle situation.

On the other hand, Binghua above the atmosphere of Aoya star used the computing power blessed by the sky blade to constantly predict the trajectory of Leodes below, and then used long-range bombing to prevent him from leaping into the atmosphere and entering the battlefield.

Although he didn't fight Leodes at close range, just looking at the terrifying thunder that filled his body, Binghua knew that if he wanted to fight him to the death, he was not sure of winning.

As for the killing blow of Leodes, just refer to the Titan God Tigrila in the Battle of Gram Star.

With a huge body with rough skin and thick flesh, coupled with a super-wide-range attack ability, facing this kind of existence that is like a mobile natural disaster, the large number of ordinary angels just go up to deliver food.

It is conservatively estimated that more than [-] ordinary angel warriors will besieged him in a planned way, exhausting his physical strength and spirit before killing him.

Leodes was extremely angry at the moment, the attack power of the winged man in the sky could not cause any effective damage to him, but the attack carried huge kinetic energy.

The four-legged flying eagle under Leodes was already under a lot of pressure to fly him, and after being blocked by the wingman's attack, he couldn't continue to climb.

However, after this situation lasted for half an hour, there was finally a change. A large group of very simple aircraft flew towards the area where Binghua was located, and Tianren immediately told Binghua the news.

"Queen, it has been detected that there are [-] flying units flying towards the area where you are. Because of the location problem, the Sky Blade cannot support you, Queen."

Binghua focused on Leodes who was looking for an opportunity to rush up from below, and at the same time glanced to the left from the corner of his eye.

I saw a large group of black spots swooping down from outside the atmosphere, flying straight to this airspace, like a flock of falcons seeing their prey.

"Create opportunities for Lord Leodes! As long as Lord Leodes enters the battlefield, we will win!"

The strong Sabota orc warrior sitting in the aircraft roared in the communication, and then roughly pulled the jet power lever to increase the speed of the aircraft below him to the maximum.

Seeing this, Leodes below also thought it was a good opportunity, and gave the quadruped flying eagle below him an order to climb up.

Seeing that the situation was in a dilemma, Binghua couldn't help smacking her lips, but it didn't mean she was helpless.

The space around him is distorted, and several angel-style shields are floating in the air, blocking all the energy light bullets that are lasing from a distance.

At the same time, the offensive against Leodes did not weaken at all, and he was beaten again.

When those Sabota's aircraft came around Binghua, the body locks shot out from the micro-wormholes, entangled with each other like chains and spears, forming a complex gun prison around Binghua.

Then, nearly half of the large group of Sabota aircraft that flew over had a tragic mid-air collision accident, crashing head-on into the gun prison formed by the bundle of gods.

As for the remaining half of the Sabota aircraft, they have enjoyed the treatment of Leodes just now, but they are versions without additional energy.

(End of this chapter)

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