Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 361 Titan Dominion

Chapter 361 Titan Dominion
The God-killing Tomahawk pulled out a tens of meters long ax in mid-air following Texas's downward chopping action, and cut into the left shoulder of Ted Mons, who was shifting to the right, like a giant guillotine falling down. .

The super-standard heavy armor on Ted Mengs' body that protected him from countless injuries was easily cut open by Texas's axe, and then hot blood sprayed out like a waterfall from the sky.

Ted Mengs groaned in pain, gushing blood from his left shoulder, instinctively fell backwards to reduce the damage he received, and fell to the ground with a bang.

The giant ax cut by Texas was due to the angle problem. It cut through Ted Mons's wound again, and flew to the distance without diminishing momentum, leaving an endless abyss on the ground. .

Dexas fell to the ground with weak hands and feet, holding a tomahawk and breathing heavily, relieving the fatigue of his body. He needs to slow down his excessive energy consumption, otherwise he may die suddenly on the spot. If so, he would be ashamed and thrown to his grandma .

Ted Mons covered the wound on his left shoulder that nearly split his upper body in half, gritted his teeth and stood up. His huge eyes were full of anger and shame, and he stared at Texas, Ace. After Cui De waited for a while, Ted Mons said slowly:
"I admit that I underestimated you, but this duel is not over yet, next time I will definitely let you know the power of the Titan God!"

Just as Ted Mengs finished his harsh words, a huge monster swooped down from the sky, spouting orange-red plasma streams from its mouth, a huge explosion and flames swept towards Dexus and the others, waiting for them to disperse the explosion After the black smoke was generated, Ted Mons had already mounted the giant beast and flew into the air.

Afterwards, another burst of orange-red plasma flow breathed down from the sky, Texas and the others were so suppressed that they couldn't pursue them at all.

In the end, only Xue Xue used the light of daybreak in his hand to snipe Ted Mons from a long distance, but unfortunately he failed to keep Ted Mons who escaped.

This time the god-killing battle was once again declared a failure, but luckily none of the gods of Kamigawa fell. Si and the others were all skin traumas, which could heal naturally in a short time.

This battle with the Gods of Kamigawa was initiated by Ted Mons, because he was unwilling to withdraw to the Scarlet Star Ring in such a desperate manner.

But Ted Mengs, who is seriously injured now, already knows that relying on himself alone can no longer reverse the current situation, so Ted Mengs, who returned to the Titan Fleet, dejectedly ordered to withdraw from the Kamigawa Galaxy and return to the Scarlet Star Ring The command.

Of course, Texas will not let go of this opportunity, leading Lin Yuan and others to chase after the retreating Titan Fleet and Sabota Alliance, and drive them out of the New Kamigawa Galaxy.

The scarlet star ring, the outskirts of the Titan Kingdom, the star field where the Skyblade Fleet is located.

Hearing footsteps, Binghua turned her face slightly and said.

"You're back."

Liang Bing replied listlessly: "Yes! Binghua, what are you doing?
As soon as I gained a firm foothold with the Tianding people, you called me back, do you know that this will discourage my enthusiasm for doing things! "

Listening to Liangbing's resentful words, Binghua directly opened his mouth to sell Kaisha, without any intention of taking the blame for her.

"Ha~! Is my sister's head broken? How could she make such a decision!"

Binghua turned around and continued to stare at the special star field ahead, and explained for Kesha:
"There have been some changes in the Angel Nebula, and the chaotic body has become active again. Even the triangular creatures that have been active on the side of the Kamigawa galaxy have recently begun to expand to the Angel Nebula, probably because they are on the side of the Kamigawa galaxy. The expansion encounters great resistance, and we plan to change the direction.

Your sister probably wants to end the war here as soon as possible, so as to free up troops to clean up the triangular creatures. "

After hearing this, Liang Bing was speechless for a while, and sighed and laughed at herself: "If you think about it this way, there are really many enemies of angels! It's hard for my sister.

Anyway, let me count how many potential enemies our angels have, such as chaotic bodies, eternal sublimators, titan protoss, triangular creatures, animal body civilization... Tsk~ I still don’t count, I suddenly feel that the future of angels is very good dark. "

Listening to Liang Bing's funny self-deprecating words, Binghua's originally heavy heart suddenly relaxed a little.

"Ling Bing, things are not as bad as you think. Whether the future of angels is dark or not depends not on the potential enemies of these angels, but on us as high-ranking angels.

As long as we eradicate all the existences that will threaten the angels in the future, I don't believe that this darkness cannot be dispelled. "

Liang Bing looked at Binghua's back, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. The situation seemed a bit too serious now, should he mention whether those two promises counted or not.

Just as the ice tray was messing with her hair, and hesitating whether to speak, Binghua, who was standing in front of her admiring the starry sky, frowned, raised her right hand to her ear, and Jingnan's voice sounded immediately.

"Queen, the Skyblade has detected multiple large battleships in the star field ahead, and we suspect that it is an organized Titan fleet.

Queen shall we move on? "

Binghua raised her eyebrows, thought for a moment and then made a decision.

"Go ahead, order the Heavenly Blades to prepare for battle, and form a battle formation. The second generation of Heavenly Blades is in front, and the first generation of Heavenly Blades is behind, covering each other and sailing forward."

Jing Nan nodded on the other side of the communication, "Queen, I will give orders."

Then the communication was automatically hung up, and when Liangbing was about to ask what happened to Binghua, the sky blade under his feet suddenly started to speed up, and some sky blades around him began to slow down and retreat.

The Heavenly Blade warships that were mixed together quickly transformed into a very special formation, the two Heavenly Blades one behind the other, like a city wall advancing forward in the starry sky.

It wasn't until then that Liang Bing asked what happened, and Binghua's answer made her feel terrified.

"I found the Titan fleet ahead, and I plan to fight with them, so that the new angel warriors can adapt to the battle with the Titan Protoss."

After saying these things, Binghua turned around and crossed the cold ice, and said again: "Let's go! The leisurely time is a thing of the past from now on, and the next thing is a war that will never stop until one side completely falls.

Finally, I would like to say something to you——Liangbing, welcome to join the body war. "


In the star field in front of the sailing Skyblade Fleet, giant black warships have already lined up and waited there, and several of the Titan motherships have brewed their own ultimate weapon, the Meteorite Cannon.

The same is true for Tianren. As early as when the Titan fleet was discovered, a Star Destroyer attack had already been brewing.

The atmosphere of war quietly enveloped this star field. Two super fleets belonging to different civilizations are ready to exchange fire. If any warship present is aimed at the space-level civilization, it will be a huge disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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