Chapter 365 Big Fish
Another Titan warship collided with the Skyblade, and in a short period of time at least three Titan warships collided with the Skyblade's hull, squeezing it in the middle, creating a space formed by several warships in the universe. Nearly [-] kilometers of ground battlefield.

Because the Angel Warriors and Titans were mixed together, the other Heavenly Blades could not continue to bomb as they wished. Slowly, the original fleet battle developed into a melee battle between the fighters of both sides.

A tall titan warrior surrounded by leaping thunder held a giant sword and leaped into the battlefield. The next moment, the blue thunder exploded around him, creating a field of thunder.

Some angels flying in the air were suddenly devastated, swallowed by the sudden thunder field, and continuously struck by lightning, floating there with faint blue smoke all over their bodies, not moving.

"It's Titan God! Sisters, spread out!"

The angels around Thunderfield shouted in the communication channel, because the Titan God is an irresistible enemy for ordinary angels.

The high-ranking angels who were hunting the golden-armored high-ranking Titans in the battlefield, after hearing the Titan God appearing on the battlefield through the communication channel, immediately abandoned their opponents in front of them and rushed towards the area where the Titan God appeared.

There is one of the combat rules created by the angels against the Titan gods. When the Titan gods appear on the battlefield, the three generations of angels must go to support them no matter what the situation is.

Soon, the few Titan gods who had just appeared on the battlefield and released a wave of ranged moves were entangled by high-ranking angels, and their impact on the battlefield was minimized.

There was even a Titan god who was judged by the sky blade and bombarded with several flames because of his carelessness, and fell on the spot.

Ted Mons has been paying attention to the battlefield. As the God of War, he didn't step into the battlefield immediately, because he stands here as a symbol, which is more meaningful than going off to participate in the battle in person.

But now Ted Mengs found that the situation on the battlefield was extremely unfavorable for his own side. The combat power of these intelligent creatures with wings of the Kamigawa body that suddenly appeared to ambush them exceeded his expectations, and they were even more difficult to deal with than the army of the Kamigawa people.

Watching a Titan God, one of his generals, being easily besieged to death by these Winged Men, Ted Mengs couldn't bear to watch any longer. He jumped onto a Titan frigate in front and followed the advancing Titan warriors to the sky. blade.

With heavy armor all over his body, a large shield in one hand and a sword in the other, Ted Mengs, who was a little taller than other Titan warriors around him, was extremely eye-catching.

According to the principle that the stronger the Titan Protoss, the more exaggerated the size, immediately a high-level angel rushed over, raised his hand and greeted them with a blast of flames.

Ted Mengs just raised his shield and smashed it, blasting the incoming flames into the void in front of him, and then walked out of the scorching red energy unscathed, and the terrifying pressure immediately permeated .

The two high-ranking angels looked at each other, and their hearts sank immediately. Perhaps being promoted to a high-ranking angel was enough to show that they were not afraid of the danger on the battlefield. Suppressing the fear quietly emerging in their hearts, they fanned their wings and swept towards Tedmond from two directions. s.

Ted Mengs narrowed his huge eyes slightly, stared at a high-ranking angel for a while, then swung the saber in his right hand fiercely in the air, and the front half of the saber turned into a chain knife and swept out.

Seeing a giant blade flying towards him, the high-level angel who was targeted by Ted Mengs was startled, and quickly changed the direction of flight, avoiding the giant chain knife with terrifying kinetic energy.

However, as Ted Mengs pulled the handle of the other section of the chain knife, the chain knife avoided by the high-ranking angel unexpectedly fell back on the high-ranking angel.

As if being hit by a moving mountain, the high-ranking angel grunted in pain, turning into a meteorite and smashing into the ground of the Heavenly Blade.

Ted Mengs used the shield in his left hand to force the other high-ranking angel to back away, and then jumped and hacked with the sword in his hand. The blade slashed straight at the place where the previous high-ranking angel fell, making a loud noise.

Some distance away from the battlefield, a female angel in the command room suddenly shouted loudly on the second-generation Skyblade, the flagship of this operation:
"The high-ranking angel Wutong's body is seriously damaged, and according to his judgment, he has already lost his combat effectiveness! And his vital signs are still declining!"

Mo Lanta, He Zhui's deputy, listened to the battle report, and glanced at Ted Mons who was killing all directions on the battlefield in the projection, and contacted He Zhui with a serious expression.

"Sister Chasing, I have some bad news to tell you now."

He Zhui, who was leading a large group of angel warriors to the central battlefield, raised his eyebrows and urged with a trace of impatience.

"If you have any bad news, tell me quickly, Mo Lanta, you know my character."

Mo Lanta pondered for a moment before speaking.

"Sister Chase, there may be a Titan God of the main god level in this army of beast bodies. I suggest contacting the queen immediately to ask for support, or we should retreat immediately to stop the loss."

He Zhui's face froze with impatience. After fighting the Titan God Clan for so long, He Zhui didn't know anything about the Titan God Clan.

After the battle of Aoya, Ran and Hezhui asked Binghua what hurt him so badly.

Binghua's answer at the time was 'Titan Lord Leodes'. According to Binghua's retelling later, 'She was just unprepared for a moment, and she was injured like this when Leodes grabbed her with his hands. If it wasn't for the final manipulation of Qikill Injured both of Leodes' eyes, he may not be able to return. '

He Zhui, who was flying towards the central battlefield, kept changing his expression, and finally gritted his teeth and said to Mo Lanta at the other end of the communication.

"Molanta, contact the Queen immediately, and tell us that we have a lonely Lord Titan God, and hope that the Queen can personally lead the army to come to support, and before that, the angel Hezhui will try his best to hold him back."

Mo Lanta couldn't help shouting worriedly, "Chasing sister!"

"Mo Lanta, you should know how much it will weaken and blow the Titan God Race if you can kill a Titan God here, so you don't need to persuade me anymore."

After He Zhui said this, he hung up the communication decisively, and in the pair of blue eyes under the silver hair on his forehead, a flash of determination flashed. A titan lord goes to hell together, or delays until the queen arrives.


Ted Mons used the shield in his left hand for defense, and swung a weapon that sometimes turned into a chain knife and sometimes turned into a war knife with his right hand, slaughtering the angel warriors crazily on the battlefield.

With both offense and defense, he made it impossible for the high-level angels who besieged him to attack him. Instead, Ted Mons found an opportunity to severely injure his two sisters.

"You guys are far worse than Kamigawa's battle god! If only this is the case, you can already consider leaving your last words!"

Ted Mengs, with many angel corpses floating in the surrounding airspace, declared in Kamikawa language. When a high-ranking angel blushed and was about to speak up to refute, a huge scorching red sword aura flew over, followed by There is also a resolute female voice.

"They can't be called gods yet, and now I, the god of angels, will meet you."

(End of this chapter)

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