Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 367 Angel Killing God Battle

Chapter 367 Angel Killing God Battle
When He Zhui saw Liang Bing appearing, she was not very surprised. If Liang Bing could sit like this, she, He Zhui, admitted that she was not as strong as her mentally.

Seeing Crane chasing him in a panic, Liang Bing joked with a smile:
"Hehe, He chased my sister, I can't beat this, why don't you come and call my sister.

Didn't my sister say that before?If you can't stop shouting, you can call my sister and me to help at any time. "

At this moment, the sound of the chains rubbing and tightening sounded, and Ted Mengs let out a roar, and he straightened his body against the chains that bound him.

Seeing this, Liang Bing glanced sideways, the smile on his face faded, his outstretched palm tightened like a grasp, and he said lightly.

"If you are told to bow your head, you will be arrested and bowed down by this king."

Ted Mengs, who had just straightened his body, was tightening, and under the pressure of the stronger chain, he bent down again and lowered his head.

Seeing this, Liang Bing put a smile on his face again: "See, I still need to take action to turn the tide of the battle."

Seeing this, He Zhui breathed a sigh of relief, ignored the snarling Liang Bing, and ignored her contacting the flagship's Mo Lanta.

"How is the battle situation in Mo Lanta now?"

Mo Lanta glanced at the projection and said: "Sister Chase, the battle is in our favour, two-thirds of the enemy ships have been wiped out, and now we are bombing the Titan Mothership.

In addition, after sister Chase, the queen is already on the way to support here after learning the news of the Titan Lord God here, and is expected to arrive at the battlefield in 10 minutes. "

When He Zhui heard the words, he calmed down a bit, "Mo Lanta, you can send a message to the queen, saying that we have controlled the Lord Titan, so she doesn't have to worry..."

He Zhui stopped before he finished speaking, because Ted Mengs broke the chains that bound him, reached out and jumped up to grab Liang Bing.

"Don't take what I just said, Molanta, seriously... We need the queen's reinforcements very much now."

After talking about Crane Zhui, he hung up the communication and flew towards Ted Mons.

Seeing a giant palm grabbing towards him, Liang Bing's complexion changed slightly, and several tiny wormholes appeared below, from which black chains shot out to block it.

When the giant palms were closed, Liang Bing had retreated into the calculated micro-wormhole behind him, and appeared hundreds of meters away.

"Damn, pure power tore off the chains of this king, this f*cking titan is too perverted!"

"You control, I will attack!"

Hearing the sound of passing cranes chasing, Liang Bing also put away his playfulness when he heard the words, gave a bah, clenched his hands, and then spoke confidently.

"I'm one of the four kings of angels, let me show you how powerful the king is!

If the crane chases you, just hit him! "

After getting serious, Liang Bing's eyes glowed with faint fluorescence, and various data on the battlefield were printed into his mind, and then he began to calculate the space wormhole.

At this moment, Ted Mengs' eyes were red and his face was ferocious, and his body was slightly raised, and the skin of his body wrapped in heavy armor began to turn slightly red.

Compared with before, the only difference is that Ted Mons's strength has been enhanced, and the chains transported by Liang Bing with micro-wormholes can no longer bind him as they did at the beginning, but can only affect his actions.

As time passed, Ted Mengs' sanity seemed to be affected. After realizing that he could not attack Hezhui and Liangbing, he began to ignore the attacks of the two and scurry around on the battlefield, slaughtering those ordinary angel warriors.

This made He Zhui and Liang Bing gnash their teeth, but there was no way to stop He, they could only do their best to limit Ted Mons's actions.

In such a difficult situation, the presence of Angels spent a difficult 10 minutes.

A huge wormhole suddenly appeared in the universe near the battlefield, and a Skyblade drove out of it.

The next moment, a streamer of light with a long blue tail entered the battlefield, stopped among several Titan warriors, and then several silver cold lights flashed.

Those titan warriors who were still attacking the angel just now fell to the ground limply spitting blood, and their vitality gradually weakened.

Binghua raised the king sword lightly in her hand, and several handleless silver swords sprang out from the bodies of those titans, and fit on the main sword in her hand, forming a complete seven-kill king sword.

"Hey Binghua, can you stop being so handsome and come help here! He and I can't stop him!"

Binghua's eyes moved to the direction of the sound, and Binghua asked Liangbing to transmit the battle data with Ted Mons to her on the way.

The current Binghua's understanding of Ted Mons is similar to that of Liangbing and Hezhui. The only difference is that Binghua has already made a plan for killing God before arriving here.

The wings spread out, and the tiny thunderbolt with the characteristics of the ice bloom continued to dance around the body, and the next moment it turned into a bolt of electric light and shot out.

On the way, Binghua contacted Liangbing and Hezhui, and shared with them the battle plan for killing gods that he had made.

"Can you do this? Why do I feel so unreliable?"

Facing Liang Bing's distrust, He Zhui's answer was much simpler.

"I trust the Queen."

Binghua looked at the roaring Ted Mons below, and waved him a wave of swords that would explode.

"Leng Bing, believe me, as long as you can keep up in time, you can definitely kill him who is irrational.

Here I have to say that you did a good job of irritating him before. "

In the end, Binghua praised Ted Mons. On the surface, Ted Mons has become stronger because of his strength, but in fact, he is much easier to deal with when his sanity is affected than when he calms down.

"Well, there is no other good way anyway, so let's try with yours."

Seeing that Liangbing finally agreed, Binghua smiled, and then turned serious, and said at the same time.

"The battle of killing gods has begun, and now the first stage begins!"

After the words fell, Binghua swooped down and hooked his fingers in front of Ted Mengs, who was devoured by anger.

This kind of behavior undoubtedly aroused Ted Mengs' anger even more vigorously, and he rushed towards Binghua with a roar.

Relying on his own extreme speed, coupled with Binghua's turning around to attack and provoke from time to time, he filled Ted Mons's hatred and led him around the battlefield.

When the news came from Liangbing that the preparations had been completed, Binghua turned around fiercely and threw out a huge flaming sword energy, flying backwards and receding towards an area while calculating something.

Ted Mengs shattered the sword energy with a single knife, and rushed towards the position of Binghua, but just when he was about to touch Binghua, a large number of black chains shot out from the void as before and bound him tightly. tied in place.

But Ted Mengs, who had greatly increased in strength, did not bend his back as he did last time, but took a step forward while pulling the chain.

"Binghua, you fucking hurry up! I can't last long!"

Liang Bing shouted anxiously there, but Binghua was not in a hurry, but stretched out his left hand to Ted Mons who was not far ahead and said calmly:
"Start the second phase of the God-killing battle!"

The silver chains of restraining gods appeared, with a more perfect restraint method than the black chains, which increased the force of suppression, making Ted Mengs unable to move, and could only be helpless and furious on the spot, and the sky blade trembled slightly under Zhen's feet.

At this time, a dazzling orange light appeared above Ted Mengs's head. He Zhui held up the flame sword that had completed the trial of the sky blade, and his eyes fell on the cracked left shoulder heavy armor of Ted Mengs, and then connected Binghua's words.

"I will execute the final stage of the God-killing battle."

After the words fell, the crane swooped down from the sky pushing the flame sword, and precisely pierced the flame sword brewing the Heavenly Blade Judgment into the crack in the heavy armor on Ted Mengs' left shoulder.

Orange-red light spewed out from the flaming sword and poured into Ted Mengs's heavy armor. The extremely high temperature began to burn his powerful body, first the hair and skin, then the flesh and bones.

And Ted Mengs, who was tightly restrained, could only scream in pain, but couldn't do anything else.

After a few breaths, He Zhui left Ted Mengs' red heavy armor, stared at the huge body in front of him with only the armor and charred bones left, and announced to all the angel warriors present in the communication:
"We have won this war."

 I wanted to break the chapter, but think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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