Chapter 375 Landing ([-])

In the past, the relatively large size of the Skyblade warship was like a small celestial satellite when parked outside the planetary atmosphere.

But now dozens of Skyblades and hundreds of warships belonging to Kamigawa are moored in the outer space of this huge planet that is suspected to be the mother star of Titan, but it doesn't look crowded at all.

The Tianren flagship where Binghua is located is temporarily used as the command center of Angel and Kamikawa. In a relatively spacious hall specially vacated, a long table and several seats are already full of Angels and Kamikawa. people.

Among them, Binghua and Texas are located on both sides of the long table, and on both sides are the more famous high-ranking angels on the angel side and the generals of Kamigawa, but the atmosphere in this hall is very serious now.

"Texas, now that the United Fleet has gone to the outer space of the Titan's parent star, how will you Kamigawa plan to launch the attack next?"

Binghua was sitting on the seat in an angel uniform at the moment, and the indifference on her face made it impossible to see her specific inner activities. In addition, it may be because of the atmosphere of the scene, there was a faint pressure all over her body, making Li The nearby general Kamikawa didn't dare to take a breath.

Texas on the other side was not affected by the atmosphere at all, and his voice was as usual, full of military iron blood and firmness.

"Your Excellency Binghua, our Kamikawa has already proven that the planet below us is several times the size of ordinary planets, even if our military strength is several times larger, we cannot launch a full-scale attack.

However, our dark information scanning has scanned the general environment and area of ​​the planet's surface. "

After Texas finished speaking, he gestured to the Kamigawa general on one side, and soon the Kamigawa general connected to the Kamigawa database, and a projected topographic map appeared in the eyes of everyone present.

On the unfolded blue topographic map, the ground is rough and full of rifts of different sizes. It is hard to believe that there will be intelligent life in this environment as a settlement, but in fact there are.

Large temple-like buildings are located in this harsh terrain, and the larger ones are comparable in size to the rolling mountains on the side.

"According to the projected architectural models, those buildings are not so much temples, but more like castles and fortresses formed by multiple large buildings."

Texas pointed to a part of the projected surface map and said:
"This is part of the surface conditions of Titan's parent star that we have discovered.

According to speculation, these buildings located on the vast land should be the base stations that maintain the inert energy field in the outer space of the planet under our feet, so if we want to give full play to the firepower advantage of the combined fleet, we must destroy these base stations. "

Binghua glanced over the projection, and asked aloud:
"If these buildings are really force field base stations established by the Titan Protoss, then it is indeed necessary to destroy them. I wonder if Kamigawa has any good solutions for this?"

Facing Binghua's inquiry, Texas immediately responded, obviously preparing a plan in advance.

"We at Kamigawa intend to send elite troops to orbit around these base stations, attack them and destroy them.

But because the climate and environment of this planet is extremely harsh, we cannot detect the detailed situation around these base stations, so we want to ask the angels to assist us and escort our orbital troops to ensure that we will not be threatened from the sky. "

Faced with this request from Texas, Binghua did not refuse. The two sides are allies, and the angels are very good at air combat, so the mere escort is not a big deal.

In the following meeting, the high-ranking angels under the banner were discussing the details of the joint orbital airborne operation with the generals of Kamigawa, mainly to allocate their respective responsibilities, so as to save chaos at that time.

Binghua just sat in her seat and watched all this quietly. In fact, when she was watching the projection of the planet's surface environment uploaded by Shenhe just now, she noticed an extremely huge and eye-catching temple.

But neither Binghua nor Texas had proposed the idea of ​​attacking the temple at that location, because the larger the target, the more proof that its defensive force is definitely not weak.

Now what is blocking the coalition's attack is the inert energy force field that permeates the planet's outer space. As long as this force field can be destroyed, under the huge fleet of the coalition, the Titan mother star will be a mud ball that can be crushed at any time.

The next day, after discussing the combat operations, the two sides began intensive combat preparations and decided to launch an offensive this morning.

This time, Kamigawa and Angel's goal is the thousands of base station temples located on the eastern hemisphere of the Titan's home planet. Nearly ten million Kamigawa troops and a large number of heavy weapons and super soldiers will be dispatched.

When all the troops participating in this attack of Kamigawa boarded the combat ships and began to make preparations before the orbital airborne, the vanguard troops of Angel, the combat reconnaissance unit, were planning to break into the atmosphere to check the situation first, and prepare for the upcoming Kamigawa. He was escorted by the River Airborne Forces.

Angel Ran once again took over the command of the Skyblade Fleet. As for Binghua, the Queen of Angels, she is the flagship. If any difficult enemies are encountered in the next battle, it will be the turn of this powerful queen of her own side to take action. up.

Following the orders from the Skyblade flagship, they have been scattered and parked on the Skyblade over the eastern hemisphere of Titan's home star, and an angel swoops down from the Skyblade to the surface of the planet below.

That layer of inert energy, which can interfere with the stability of most known energies, has no effect on the physical angel warriors. It was soon passed through by the elite angel warriors, and officially set foot on this earth-like planet that is suspected to be the mother star of Titan.

At this moment, in the area where the God King Palace of Titan's mother planet is located, as the black and white twin gods guarding Titan God's Domain, the elder brother, the God of Dark Night, finally spoke out.

"The offal of Kamigawa has already passed through the barrier and invaded the domain of God, brother, I will leave the air to you."

The God of Light in white armor nodded, turned around and left the temple neatly, preparing to lead his special forces to meet those Winged Men.

Yingge, this is a very old angel warrior, and now he is one of the few high-level battle angels.

The mission to enter the atmosphere of Titan's mother star should have been carried out by the second-generation angels, but Yingge, who had no combat mission for the time being, was finally captured by his immediate superior and assigned to the team in charge of this theater.

After passing through the thick black clouds, Yingge immediately felt the whistling wind blowing, accompanied by the open sand grains.

Even before the mission, Yingge knew from the information he had read that the environment of this planet was extremely harsh, but he did not expect it to be this bad.

Yingge led ten combat teams to cruise around the predetermined airspace and reported to the flagship after finding no danger.

"This is Angel Yingge. There are no hostile units in the air in the theater where I am, and nothing abnormal has happened, but the wind is a bit strong."

(End of this chapter)

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