Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 381 Chapter 80 Breakthrough Point

Chapter 381 Breakthrough Point
During the period of hesitation in Texas, Binghua had already used the Heavenly Blade to figure out some loopholes in the God-killing battle plan.

Binghua immediately made relevant preparations for this. The various special equipment needed for the operation were also rushed out by the scientific research angels working overtime and sent to Binghua's arsenal.

These special equipment will play a pivotal role in the battle of killing gods, making up for the gap in strength and size between the two sides.

No one is more clear about the advantages and disadvantages between Angel Warrior and Titan Protoss than Binghua, who has been dealing with them for so long.

The reason why she has always been at a disadvantage in the past is because she lacks understanding of Titans, but this time is different, Binghua has prepared in advance, and she believes in the power of technology more than her physical strength.

And in order to increase the success rate of the God-killing battle, Binghua also specially summoned Liang Bing and He Zhui, two angels who had been promoted to the god body, back from the battlefield.

The first target of the God Killing Battle was the God of Darkness who had fought against Texas. The Titan Air Cavalry led by him made Binghua quite afraid, and it was also the main culprit that caused the serious reduction of the Angel Legion during this period.

For the safety of the air space on the battlefield, Binghua felt that it was necessary to behead the commander of the Titan Air Cavalry, leaving them leaderless, and then wiped out the Titan's air power with a thunderbolt.

In fact, Angel and Kamikawa did not expect the war to reach this point. According to their expectations, the combined fleet with superior military strength should be invincible, easily able to break through all the defense lines of the Titan Protoss in front.

But in fact, the two sides lost a lot of troops on this giant terrestrial planet temporarily identified as the parent star of Titan. During the tug-of-war for more than half a month, tens of thousands of lives were paid every day.

Even with such heavy casualties, there are almost no desirable results. So far, no Kamigawa troop has been able to set foot on the super-large-scale temple complex with a range of more than [-] kilometers on the planet.

Kamigawa's tentative airdrop operation and the dozens of reconnaissance teams sent by the angels, as soon as they entered that area, there would be no news in just a few minutes.

Now apart from knowing that the temple complex is very grand, with a complex structure, and there are a large number of high-ranking Titan-level fighters stationed there, there is no other information.

Binghua had a hunch in his heart that this battle of killing gods would be the breakthrough point of this war. As long as the area outside the temple group was swept away, the attack could be launched from the ground and the air at the same time.

Texas on the surface of the Titan's home planet finally agreed to Angel's God-killing battle plan after thinking about it all night, gave up the original plan to return to the battleship to rest, and began to gather super fighters under his command who were still capable of fighting.

In the partially collapsed, battle-streaked hall of the temple, Texas stands on a fallen stone pillar.

"Soldiers of Kamigawa, the evacuation transport ship will land in ten minutes to pick up the injured brothers.

And I and some of you will continue to stay here to cooperate with the actions of the angelic allies. "

As soon as Texas finished speaking, the scene immediately fell into silence, and the slightly slack nerves of the Kamigawa super fighters present immediately lifted up again.

Texas looked at the super soldiers who were silent below, and was very satisfied with these soldiers who followed him.

"I don't hide it from you, the next battle will be extremely dangerous, and we may be buried in Yubi at any time, so I give you the right to choose.

Do you stay and fight those titan bastards with me, or leave here with the transport ship and return to the battleship.

Those who leave don't have to worry, you are still Kamigawa's super fighters, and today's battle will not be recorded in your resume. "

Texas's words were very direct, without any roundaboutness, and put two paths in front of these super fighters.

The super soldiers below looked at each other, vacillating between the two choices in their hearts, because the choice of living was too tempting, but the glory of being soldiers reminded them that such behavior was no different from desertion .

"I am willing to stay, those titan bastards have killed so many of my brothers, I want to avenge them.

Even if I am not their opponent, I still have to give them a knife before I die, so that they can see how powerful our Thunder Blade Stars are! "

A strong man with a height of nearly two meters, a four to five centimeter scar on his face, and a slightly bluish complexion pushed aside the others who stood in front of him and raised a black sword in his hand and said loudly.

His words were like a signal, and some people who originally wanted to stay and fight began to join in, just like a fast-spreading virus. In the end, all the super fighters present shouted loudly to make the Titans look good, because they won the Titans before. Ambush, thus revenge for the dead brothers.


As the transport spacecraft transporting the wounded left under the escort of several angels, Texas began to allocate defensive areas to the remaining hundreds of super fighters and thousands of elite Kamigawa fighters, intending to use this temple as a basis to build a A defensive position, even if it is acting, it can't be too obvious, can it?

The warships outside the atmosphere also airdropped part of the base turrets again to block and kill the Titan Protoss.

Soon the large decorations in some areas around the Titan Temple were removed, replaced by small energy forts pointing obliquely at the sky.

As for why there are no large and giant forts, I am sorry that the engineering volume of that thing is too large, and it only exists in dreams.

On the second day after Texas agreed to Angel's god-killing operation, the forces of the Titans finally pulled up a siege net.

The sky is occupied by air cavalry riding giant beasts, they are like goshawks hunting in the sky, they may swoop down at any time.

Following the simple position established by Kamigawa, its fort located in the middle and rear opened fire, and after a bang, it exploded.The war that took place on the ground finally happened.

"Brothers, fire on me! Let these titan bastards know that Zhanshenhe has never been afraid of anyone."

A series of eye-catching blue thick light beams shot across a distance of several thousand meters towards the Titan warriors who were heading towards the temple area.

But soon the Titan Protoss crossed the distance that could only be beaten, and came to the temple defended by Texas.

The Kamigawa fighters inside the line of defense immediately controlled their heavy weapons and started shooting, while those super fighters raised their weapons, crossed the front line and sneaked into the ruins ahead.

The God of Darkness, who led his army in pursuit, was delighted to see that Texas and his men did not leave with the transport ship.

"Titan warriors! Let Kamigawa feel the strength of our Titan race!"

(End of this chapter)

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