Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 393, Exchange Support

Chapter 393, Exchange Support

'No. 18 cutting experiments started! '

Following the sound of a scientific research angel, in the space ahead isolated by the energy barrier, a red-bladed blade began to slowly approach a metal block the size of a fingernail that was fixed there.

Accompanied by the piercing sound of metal cutting, bright sparks splashed everywhere, and after about two seconds, the blade separated from the metal.

After seeing the situation of the two clearly, the scientific research angels watching sighed, turned around and said to Binghua who was sitting behind.

"Queen, I'm sorry, conventional cutting techniques simply cannot cause too much damage to this metal in a short period of time, but the technique capable of cutting this metal cannot be weaponized in a short period of time."

Binghua's eyes stared at the small piece of metal fixed behind the energy barrier, and her fingers rubbing each other stopped abruptly.

This result did not meet Binghua's expectations, but she still asked the scientific research angels under her command to carry out this experiment, hoping that a miracle would happen.

This piece of silver metal the size of a fingernail is exactly the small piece that Binghua cut off from the sharp corner of the Titan God King's helmet.

As an existence among angels who has made great achievements in weapons and material science, Binghua immediately discovered the unusually familiar properties of this metal, which is the most cutting-edge weapon of angel civilization, the indestructible properties of dark silver weapons.

However, although the piece of armor obtained from the Titan God King has some characteristics of the dark silver weapon, it cannot be said that he is the dark silver weapon.

Dark silver ore is not a unique product of the Angel Nebula, it can be formed in the harsh cosmic environment of various nebulae and galaxies.

However, civilizations capable of smelting and displaying this kind of metal properties are very rare in the universe, so they have not been very famous in the universe.

The angel's dark silver alloy formula was also accidentally invented by the angel civilization in the experiment, and it has always been the top secret. If the female angel hadn't raided the Academy of Sciences in Tiancheng during the Huaye period in the early years, she would pack the high-tech information of the angel civilization Take it away, and later Binghua seized the physical dark silver weapon for comparison and analysis. It is impossible for the female angel to obtain this cutting-edge technology.

Thinking of this, Binghua lost the intention to stay here any longer, got up, greeted Jingnan who was next to him, and left.

"Queen, what shall we do next?"

Jing Nan, who was following at the side, asked softly.

"How's the situation over there at Kamigawa?"

Facing the queen's inquiry, Jingnan, who had previewed the information in advance, opened his mouth to tell the current situation on the Kamigawa side.

After Kamigawa's ground troops evacuated from Titan, their morale was bleak due to heavy casualties, and the fleet was already preparing for the evacuation.

Strictly speaking, both Kamigawa and Angel's high-level officials felt something was wrong in the Battle of the Titans, but none of them was willing to bring it up, because it was useless to raise it. Anyway, they had eliminated the main force of the Titans, the threat of the Titans. It no longer exists, and the Kamigawa side is not willing to make more troubles.

From their urgent proposal to destroy the Titan star, Binghua found that the Shenhe side wanted to end the expedition as soon as possible and withdraw troops from the Scarlet Star Ring.

As for Texas and other Gods of God who had fought against the Titan God King, they began to urgently repair their gods after returning to the fleet, and they have not yet come out of the repair warehouse.

Hearing this, Binghua knew in his heart that Kamikawa's side would be unreliable in the subsequent battle of killing gods, and that he could only rely on the angelic civilization to deal with the Titan God King.

But Binghua is not in a hurry, according to Tianren's detection, the Titan God King is staying quietly on the Titan star, and has no intention of escaping at all.

After entering his office, Binghua told Jingnan beside him:
"Jingnan, go and sort out the energy calculation data of the battle against the Titan King, I need to check it later."

Hearing this, Jing Nan understood, nodded slightly, turned and left.

Binghua was the only one left in the room. She came to the long table and sat on the white upholstered seat, pulled out a projection screen, and started calling Keisha.

After the communication was successfully connected, Binghua and Kaisha greeted each other, and then got to the point. Binghua recounted the story of the Titan God King to Kaisha, emphasizing that the Titan God King made the energy become inert, thus Special ability that ignores energy attacks.

"According to what you say, this ability is very precious."

Binghua nodded, and said with a very serious expression:
"According to Tianren's analysis, this mysterious energy comes from the Titan King's weapon.

If angels can obtain and apply this method of energy field, then the survival rate of our soldiers will be greatly improved in the future.

So I think it's worth it for us angels to take a risk for this technology. "

Keisha sighed, looked at Binghua with a firm face on the opposite side of the projection, and slowly comforted her.

"Binghua, as the king of angels, I admire you for a guy who is willing to take risks for the growth of angel civilization.

But as a sister, I still hope that your adventurous character can be changed a little bit.

If there is no technology, we can set up a research and development project.

If something goes wrong with you as the holy left wing, the Melo Heaven will be in great turmoil today, so listen to me and don't take risks.

Before you joined forces with Kamigawa, there was nothing he could do about it, so don’t act on your own, wait for me to talk about it in the past. "

Originally, Binghua lowered her head slightly, pretending to listen to the lecture with an open mind. This was the way she came up with in response to Hexi's lecture, but she raised her head in surprise because of Kaisha's last sentence.

"Sister Kaisha... you have to come over here!"

Seeing Binghua's surprised look, Kaisha thought it was very interesting and joked with a smile:
"Why can't I go? Or is there something on your side that I can't see? If this is the case, I will go even more."

"No, Sister Keisha, I'm just a little surprised. It's enough to have me and Liangbing here. You don't need to come here."

Keisha made a soft nasal sound, "There's no need to hide it, you suddenly contacted me, doesn't it just mean that you have no idea?
Without the help of the Kamigawa side, you alone can't deal with the Titan God King. "

Binghua heard the words and quickly explained: "Isn't there still Liangbing, and the cranes are chasing them!"

"I won't talk to you about these things, I just want to go there anyway.

As the king of angels, I have to experience the majesty of the guy who dared to call himself the king of gods. "

Binghua felt a little helpless in her heart. Facing Kaisha who was beginning to be unreasonable, she had no choice but to nod her head and agree.

Hanging up the communication with Binghua, Keisha leaned on the throne in a happy mood. The reason why she insisted on going to Titan was not because she wanted to help Binghua win the Titan King.

But during this period of time, Kaisha is almost moldy because she has just acquired the second-generation divine body technology. She is like a child who has a new toy, but there is no room for her to play in this war. moon.

And the communication Binghua sent just now gave Kesha a reason to make a move, so she ignored Binghua's protest and opposition, and planned to go to Titan to exercise her body.

(End of this chapter)

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