Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 398 Shenhe Academy

Chapter 398 Shenhe Academy
The new Kamigawa galaxy, the star system where the Shenhe Academy is located, as the collective power center of the new Kamigawa civilization, this star system has not been greatly developed because of the arrival of the descendants of Kamigawa.

Except for the life planets in the star system, which have a super-large-scale college and affiliated super-genetic engineering research institutions, there is not even a large-scale star defense belt built here.

Of course, Binghua will not underestimate the strength of Shenhe College because there is no star-level defense belt here, because no one knows what backhand the Shenhe civilization has.

Just like the base camp of the female angel, isn't the Melo Heavenly Court usually hidden in the cracks in space, and will only really appear in the Melo galaxy when needed.

The arrival of the angelic civilization has been warmly welcomed by the high-level officials of Kamigawa headed by Space. As a holy left wing, Binghua is not keen on political hypocrisy. She prefers to discuss things with iron-blooded soldiers like Texas.

Keisha also knew Binghua's character, so she didn't force her to participate in the negotiation with Kamigawa's senior management.

After Binghua settled the Skyblade Fleet, he visited Shenhe College as the entourage of the King of Angels.

As the sacred left wing of the angelic civilization, Binghua has a prominent position, and Space has specially sent one of its students to lead her to visit the academy.

"Your Excellency Binghua, this is the central library of Shenhe College. Many important knowledge of our Shenhe civilization are recorded in books specially stored for dark information, which can be borrowed by students of the college at any time."

Because of Binghua's special request, only the black-haired and purple-eyed woman in front led her to visit Shenhe College. Although she was wearing a looser purple robe with black borders, she could still see it from the swinging hem of her robe as she walked around. This woman named Kaisha has an unexpectedly good figure.

Binghua looked at the Kamigawa Library that Kaisha was talking about. It was a huge circular building full of floor-to-ceiling windows. It was full of Kamigawa's unique sense of technology and aesthetics, which made people used to the holy and luxurious architecture of Angels. Binghua couldn't help but look at it for a while.

Kaisha at the side asked with great insight: "Your Excellency Binghua, if you are curious, I can take you inside to have a look."

Binghua asked in surprise, "Is this okay? I'm not from Shenhe College?"

Kaisha just smiled and explained: "Teacher Space once said that knowledge is used to spread and discuss with each other. Only in this way can progress be made. Our Shenhe College opens the door to anyone who is willing to learn the knowledge of Shenhe civilization."

Binghua heard the words and sighed, "Your space teacher is quite generous, then okay, can you take me in to have a look."

Kaisha made a gesture of invitation, "I am willing to help you."

In fact, Binghua also knew in his heart that despite what Kaisha said so nicely, most of the books in the library were books on basic theories, which were specially designed to open to the outside world.

The truly cutting-edge core knowledge should all be in the confidential database of Shenhe College for the core members of Shenhe College to borrow.

Kaisha, who led her to visit, as a student of space, is undoubtedly one of the people who can borrow core knowledge.

After entering the library, as Binghua expected, most of the books he saw were books on basic theories.

If you are willing to settle down and study here, you may have good results, but now Binghua doesn't have that time, and in the end Binghua just borrowed a few books about force fields and gravity.

Kai'Sa, who just watched silently from the sidelines, was a little surprised. She knew the identity of this beautiful black-haired angel, the holy left wing of angelic civilization, and an extremely powerful battle god.

The reason why Kai'Sa was so surprised was all because of her impression of the battle gods of Kamigawa. Needless to say, Texas is a real man of iron and blood, who can only chop and chop with his real name ax.

Lin Yuan and the already fallen Kamigawa Blade are also the kind of people who only delve into the energy-driven technologies loaded with their own genetic engines, and they don't know how to learn common theoretical knowledge to enrich themselves.

"Your Excellency Binghua, are you interested in this knowledge?"

Binghua didn't answer Kai'Sa's question immediately, but reminded helplessly, "I told you not to keep calling me Your Excellency, Your Excellency."

After talking about this, Binghua also answered Kai'Sa's question, "I don't really like it, I just have some inspiration for fighting recently, so I just checked the relevant information, and I happened to see it just now."

Binghua did not hide anything, and generously confessed her purpose. Kaisha was a little disappointed when she heard that. She thought Binghua was a battle theologian.

After that, Kaisha led Binghua to visit many places in Shenhe College. With the increase of communication between the two and Binghua's special mention, Binghua got a lot of information from Kaisha's mouth.

It may be because of the great pressure as a space student, after Kaisha opened up the chatterbox, she shook out some information that did not need to be kept secret.

Kaisha is not actually from Kamigawa, but because of her talent in dark information computing cloud, she was accepted as a student by space, and her status has also jumped from an ordinary scholar to a core member of Kamigawa College .

According to Kaisha, there are a total of four students in the space, and she ranks third. There is a senior brother and sister on each of them, and a junior who has just become a teacher's student.

Among them, only Kaisha's senior sister, Lan Bing, is the same as the teacher, and is an orthodox descendant of the ancient Kamikawa. She, senior brother Saier, and the following junior brother Karl are all because of their talents, and they became his students because of their talents.

Among them, Saier likes to study energy drives, but Lan Bing is not sure, because she is a senior sister who is very withdrawn and doesn't like to communicate with other people.

As for Kaisha herself, she likes to study the computing cloud of the dark plane, while her junior brother Karl has a soft spot for all kinds of relatively unpopular knowledge, and likes to pursue the essence of some seemingly inconspicuous problems.

This is not to say that Karl's orthodox basic knowledge is not good, it's just a matter of his personal preferences, but because of this, space seems to like Karl, a new student, very much.


On the other hand, the negotiation between the Angel and the senior management of Shenhe did not seem to be as smooth as expected, because after Binghua returned to the flagship from Shenhe College, Kaisha's face was not happy, but she was frowning, as if something was bothering her generally.

The facts are similar to what Binghua thought. When Kesha was negotiating with the high-level officials of Kamigawa, she found that the decision-making level of Kamigawa civilization was a bit chaotic.

During the negotiation, Kamigawa's space has agreed to launch a counterattack against the triangular creatures, and pay a certain price to ask the angels to help.

Keisha was very satisfied with the price offered by the space, and agreed to the angel's dispatch of all expeditionary corps to conquer the Triangle.

However, because the benefits that space promised to the angels were too great, the heads of civilization in Kamigawa were very dissatisfied with this. They argued with each other on the issue of the coalition forces, frantically holding back the space, and the negotiations were not fully finalized in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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