Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 400 Pre-war reconnaissance

Chapter 400 Pre-war reconnaissance
In the New Kamigawa galaxy, the Ayton star system not far from the area occupied by the triangular creatures, the Skyblade Fleet led by Binghua has been here for half a month. During the period, after more than ten days of exploration and information collection, In the end, Binghua made up his mind to set the command center of the Angel Expeditionary Corps here.

Aton Star is a primitive terrestrial planet with a relatively primitive environment. The planet only contains trace amounts of oxygen and has a thin atmosphere.

Because of the extremely weak prototype of the atmosphere, the climate of Aton Star is very harsh, and the temperature difference between day and night can sometimes reach nearly [-] degrees.

On such a harsh planet, apart from a very small number of small underground organisms and special plants that can survive, there is no other life.

Maybe in tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of years, the ecology of this planet will become extremely prosperous.

However, the arrival of the angel broke the peace of Ayton star. In order to survive, the female angel carried out a large-scale transformation of the planet that day.

The first is to establish an artificial gas circulation device to speed up the accumulation of the atmosphere of Aton Star, so that the ecological evolution of tens to millions of years can be completed in just a few days.

After possessing the source of life, oxygen and other common gases, the angelic civilization set up a simple stellar energy collection device and began to build an automatic production line for engineering robots. After that, it used the intelligent system to allow the engineering robots to replicate themselves, and began to follow the pre-uploaded blueprints. Construction began on the surface of Aton Star.

This mode of angel civilization is also the practice of most advanced civilization wars in the universe today.

Choose a star system near the battlefield as your base camp, and then use mechanical technology to build a base and various defensive measures. Of course, for the female angel, the name of the base is not as good as the palace.

After completing the construction on the surface in a few days, a certain number of engineering robots have been accumulated to start building a giant starport outside the atmosphere of Aton star to park and maintain the sky blade.

After the infrastructure of the command center in the palace was completed, the Skyblade Fleet, which was originally distributed in the surrounding star field, began to gather towards Ayton Star.

At this moment, the triangular creatures in the star field near the Ayton star system do not know that the angel civilization expedition fleet that came to crusade against them has come nearby.

They are still looking for life planets suitable for their survival in the vast universe according to the orders of the upper class, and expanding their sphere of influence.


Above the blue ocean, a group of triangular creatures five meters away are cruising in their new territory.

60.00% of this unknown planet is covered by oceans, and the upper triangular creatures that flooded into this star field immediately took a fancy to this planet.

Immediately after the arrival, the upper triangular organisms began to erode and stimulate the genes of the marine organisms on this planet, accelerating their evolutionary speed.

In just one month, the size of marine organisms with evolutionary potential in the ocean has undergone tremendous changes. No matter what species they were before, their bodies uniformly began to grow rapidly, and their skin became dark and smooth.

When the size of these creatures increases to about five meters, these ordinary triangular creatures transformed from native creatures will unlock a certain amount of wisdom, rush out of the ocean and soar in the sky and the universe.

But before that, the triangular organisms who like water will first use their talents in microwaves to affect the climate and environment of the planet, increase the sea level, expand the ocean coverage, and submerge the land on the planet. Destruction and killing, these triangular creatures don't care.

Just when the triangular creature, under the command of the superior being, began to affect the planet's environment and was about to flood the continent, outside the planet's atmosphere, the space distorted for a while, and a moment later, He Zhui and dozens of angels rushed out of it.

As soon as he left the wormhole created by the sky blade, He Zhui quickly lifted his helmet visor and took a deep breath. Although the space here is a cosmic vacuum, it did not prevent He Zhui from relieving the powerlessness that came from all over his body.

The other angel warriors performed similarly. They were all not in good condition. They were scattered in the starry sky to rest and recover from the load on their bodies when they passed through the wormhole. Even so, they subconsciously formed a circular formation that could support each other.

"Sister Chasing, the long-distance wormhole travel technology invented by King Apocalypse is really beyond the reach of ordinary angels. I almost thought I was going to die in a wormhole just now!"

A female angel patted her chest and said in fear, another female angel beside her also answered:
"Me too. When I go back, I am determined not to use this thing to hurry. I would rather fly back slowly."

He Zhui did not participate in the discussion and complaints of the angels in the team. The reason why she and more than a dozen female angels beside her appeared here was to investigate the reality of this star suspected to be occupied by a triangle.

As for why she jumped out of the wormhole just now, it is because King Apocalypse moved the long-range micro-wormhole shuttle technology, one of her research results, to the Skyblade battleship. It can also be said to be another application of stargate technology. The main purpose It is to quickly complete the deployment of troops, raid the enemy's vulnerable positions, and so on.

However, this technology is not yet mature. Just now, when He Zhui and his subordinate angels were shuttling, they both experienced the pain and feeling of their bodies being torn apart and then put back together again.

Although the process was a bit unpleasant, this technology finally allowed the crane to chase their group of angels to their destination.

Seeing that the angels had almost rested, He Zhui interrupted them loudly and began to talk about the mission requirements this time.

As the commander of the angels, Binghua's idea is very simple, that is to first find a planet where triangular creatures are relatively rare, so that the angels under his command can get acquainted with the combat methods of triangular creatures first, so as to prevent them from appearing due to ignorance of the enemy. Huge casualties.

After all kinds of intelligence collection and Tianren's long-range scanning technology screening, among the many planets occupied by Triangle, I finally found a planet that meets the requirements of the ice bloom.

In order to ensure the safety of the investigation, Binghua also specially asked He Zhui to lead the team, which can be regarded as an added insurance for the investigation team.

Under the order of Crane Chui, the team was simply divided into two angels to carry out investigations for one team, while Crane Chui, as insurance, was on standby outside the atmosphere to support the team in danger at any time.

After He Zhui briefly and rudely described his thoughts, he asked the angel present: "Do you have any objections? If not, act immediately. I don't want to stay here for too long."

The female angels who finished the group wanted to say something bad, you have arranged everything, if we still have objections, wouldn't we be making ourselves uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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