Chapter 494

Hearing Binghua ask his name, Sai De youth answered quickly, his tone was very respectful and grateful.

"Master Angel, my name is Kebod."

Then Kebod began to talk about what happened on Seid in the near future. A few days ago, a group of aliens from nowhere attacked Seid.

They have extremely powerful combat capabilities, and the fighter planes and air force of the Saids were easily defeated by them, and then the aliens attacked the capital of the Saids, Ekdia.

All high-level government and military officials were shot, and then the aliens spread an unknown virus, and the Syds infected by that virus would mutate and distort into monsters like the Fallen.

This kind of distortion is not only physical but also spiritual. At the beginning, they are similar to normal Said people, but soon they will become violent, irritable, and finally have no taboos.

Many of Kebad's friends were killed during the initial riots of the fallen, and then those rioting fallen were integrated by those aliens who called themselves demons, arresting young and middle-aged people everywhere and saying that they would give them great gifts .

He also said to establish a country of absolute freedom, where everyone can live the life they want.

Binghua nodded, but he had a lot of thoughts and guesses in his mind. The term devil is not very friendly to angels. In the known universe, Binghua has not found the existence of a self-proclaimed devil.

But in Binghua's gradually blurred memory, he still vaguely remembers that demons seem to be the mortal enemies of angels. In this case, it is time to find out where these self-proclaimed demons come from.

It wasn't until this moment that Binghua set his sights on the fallen man being carried by Kebod. Before Binghua could speak, the fallen man who had already been shattered begged for mercy loudly in horror.

"I said, I can say everything, can you two not kill me!

I have no choice but to become like this when I wake up, other people are afraid of me, they want to kill me, I can't help but kill people, but I promise I never kill indiscriminately! "

Binghua raised his eyebrows and before he could speak, Kebad punched the fallen man in the face with his fist, and several fangs flew out of his mouth whirling with blood foam.

"If you answer, you may not necessarily die, but if you don't answer, you will definitely die. It's the kind of death that you'd rather die."

Kebad's tone was very cold, as if it was better not to answer, as if he could kill the killer in this way, and suddenly the fallen man ignored the terms and kept screaming for mercy.

"I said, I said, we are the product of the failure of the transformation ceremony. To the demon adults, we are cannon fodder and consumables.

Those demon lords asked us to capture the Said people in the city of Ekeda who were not affected by the transformation ceremony, saying that it would be useful for them.

He also said that as long as we do this well, we also have the opportunity to become real demons! "

"Master Angel, I have told you everything I know, please spare my life!"

Kebad looked at Binghua, and when he saw Binghua nodded, he let go of the hand holding the Fallen, and the Fallen fell to the ground and rolled down the collapsed ruins.

After that, neither Binghua nor Kebod paid attention to the fallen man whose limbs were pinched off. As for whether he can survive, only God knows.

"Cebod, I will call you that for the time being, because of some relationship, I am the only angel here in the city of Akdia.

Those fallen people don't pose much of a threat. I don't have time to deal with them one by one, so I'll leave them to you for the time being.

You can trust the armor on your body. If there is no accident, those fallen people will not be able to break this armor, so you can use it at will. "

When Kebod heard that the armor on his body could continue to be worn, he knelt on the ground excitedly and saluted.

"I will definitely wipe out all the fallen ones, and I will never let down the armor you gave me, Lord Angel."

Binghua smiled and waved his hands lightly, at the same time stood up and spoke out.

"You don't need to be so polite, you are the people who are protected by our angels. If anything dares to attack you, you must first weigh whether you can bear the anger of the angels."

Hearing that Kebod was somewhat convinced of the justice and order rumored among the Said people, even he, who was originally not interested in those angel believers, faintly regarded angels as his own gods, and secretly turned to the beautiful woman in front of him in his heart. The angel prayed, and wished that there would be no accidents in the next action to clean up the fallen.

After explaining what happened after he left, Binghua stood up, and the originally folded wings suddenly spread out, causing a gust of wind and waves.

When Kebad realized that the beautiful angel was no longer in front of him, he felt a sense of loss.

After Binghua left the area of ​​building ruins, it flew straight to the central area of ​​Ekeda City, dragging a long pale white tail in the air.

All the way, Binghua's gaze took a panoramic view of the tragedy below, but she didn't stop, because the most important thing now is to kill the chief culprit, even the group of demons that caused all these tragedies to happen.



The metal wine glass fell to the ground and rolled forward. A man with dark purple skin, orange eyes, and two shallow horns on his forehead slapped the waitress serving the wine to the ground.

"Go down, I'll be annoyed when I see your face."

The female waitress who fell to the ground trembling was as if she had been pardoned, and hurriedly trotted out with the plate in her hands.

"Khasa, don't be so rude, these will be part of the free country in the future."

The demon named Khazar who was sitting on the main seat snorted softly and said disdainfully.

"Based on these weak Saide people, they can't survive the transformation ceremony at all, and they will never be able to become our kind."

Below are a few demons sitting on both sides, with halberds and firearms placed beside them, which are somewhat similar to those of Khazar. They are wearing uniform black metal armor, and behind them are a pair of folded flesh wings.

Because the skin color tends to be purple-black, coupled with the cracked orange lines extending from the eye sockets and the horns on the forehead, the appearance of these demons is very hideous and terrifying in the eyes of normal Kamikawa bodies.

Therefore, even if this group of demons did not kill too much, it still made other people in this government building afraid. That's why the waiter serving the wine was shaking like that. The weakest person Cocoa dislikes the most is this kind of weak person, so That's why I'm upset.

As a noble demon, Khazar disdains to slaughter those defenseless mortals, but Khazar has to obey the orders from above.

That's why the Khazar group of demons transformed a large number of fallen people to work for them, searched for seeds on this planet that were qualified to become demons, brought them back to perform transformation rituals, and contributed to the free world.

As for the casualties caused by this, these demons don't care. As advocated by their queen, they believe in absolute freedom and do what they want, so as long as their goals are achieved, the process is not important.

So Khazar did all of this according to his own ideas, the reason is very simple, it's just that it's easier.

This is the cruel reality. High-ranked civilizations often suppress ordinary civilizations because of a random move by high-ranked civilizations, which will cause heavy losses and casualties to ordinary civilizations. Before the emergence of justice and order, this was the normal state in the universe.

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(End of this chapter)

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