Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 634, Battle of Layderd World Defense

Chapter 634, Battle of Layderd World Defense
The Badal team responsible for carrying out the mission quickly formulated a combat plan and tactical goals, and selected equipment suitable for this operation, including a large number of heat-melting and barrier-breaking equipment.

Then they entered the exclusive airdrop cabin without the slightest fear, even though they knew that this operation was just to verify an unfounded conjecture of the fleet commander.

But these Badal fighters who were selected for this mission knew in their hearts that if their battle plan was successful, then the world of justice would have an additional means of attack against the purification flagship of the Eternal Ascendant in the future.

Several cruisers equipped with Badal's team quickly approached the Purifier flagship, which was being besieged by multiple cruisers, first avoiding the sweeping purification beams, followed by the firepower network composed of purification light cannons.

Using the close-in firepower on the hull to block the approaching space battle-type Eliminator, even so the cruiser suffered considerable damage.

Finally, when it reached the projection distance of the airdrop pod, the cruiser immediately launched the airdrop pod carrying the Badal fighters towards the damaged surface of the Purifier's flagship.

After the conical airdrop pod left the cruiser, it was like a spurting cannonball with a long tail, smashing directly into the breach blasted by the cruiser on the surface of the Purifier's hull.

Everything went smoothly, the airdrop pod was successfully driven into the Purifier's flagship, and all the Badar fighters on board survived and immediately launched operations.

With the melta bombs and barrier-breaking equipment they carried, the Badal team blew up doors all the way, and had to blow up a way if there was no way out. They forcibly opened a road directly to the core area inside the Purifier flagship.

Following a violent explosion in the core area of ​​the Purifier flagship, all the weapons on the Purifier flagship began to misfire, and the automated factory used to manufacture the Eliminator also stopped production.

All the Eliminators commanded by the Purifier flagship in a nearby area also stopped for a moment. Although they restarted soon, they were seized by the cruiser and the elite army on the ground, and they were severely beaten. lost heavily.

After that, the United Fleet repeated the old trick. Although there were also failed raids, it was much better than the previous long-term attack. Every world has recorded this method of using elite legion squads to assault enemy ships and destroy them from the inside. Into the military textbooks of their respective worlds.

With the last Purifier flagship paralyzed, the battle to defend the world of Ryderd finally came to an end, and the remaining Eliminators on the ground were also destroyed by the heavenly justice from orbit.

Binghua's evaluation of the entire battle is not bad. Although it has suffered a lot of casualties, as a world of justice that has just stepped into the space civilization, it can defeat the fleet formed by several purification fleets, which is enough for these worlds to be proud of.

After the battle, the construction of the world of Laidel did not stop there, because her world coordinates had been exposed, and the Eternal Ascendant might visit again someday.

As a result, patches of orbital defense turrets sprung up on the surface of the world of Ryderd. With the support of materials and manpower from several nearby worlds, Ryderd once jumped to become the world with the most powerful defense construction in the entire justice world.

There are more than a dozen defensive firepower platforms located in the outer orbit alone, as well as interstellar fortresses built on the basis of satellites, which are generally equipped with space-time shield systems and store a large amount of solidified energy crystals.

Solidified energy crystals are developed by Binghua based on the energy crystals in the world of Cloris to artificially solidify energy and turn it from a particle state into a solid state, which can be called a special technology of black technology.

It is the pillar for the rapid development of various worlds to the present level, because they don't have to worry about energy, because this road has already been opened up by their goddesses.

Of course, the surface of the planet cannot be powered by pure solidified energy crystals, which would be too expensive, so a large positive and antimatter annihilation energy response team is used.

Binghua has a plan to establish an energy solidification conversion array in the world of Ryderd, so that it can get rid of relying on the transportation of other worlds, and it does not seek to be fully self-sufficient, at least it can alleviate part of the consumption.

Binghua left a part of the demigod legion and guards stationed in the world of Lederde and returned to the world of the throne of God, because unless the eternal sublimation sent the existence of the sequence destroyer, otherwise they wanted to break through the world of Lederde, which was armed to the teeth , it is necessary to grind slowly.

This gave Binghua and Justice World time to react, and they could respond calmly. Another reason why Binghua wanted to return to the world of God Throne was that in the Justice World, not just one Laedeld world was in crisis.

The expedition fleet of Fanshen World encountered the heavily infected area of ​​Chaos virus not long ago. Relying on the advantages of being a forging world and the size of the Starfleet that is not weak, it successfully broke out from the ocean of biological battleships.

However, because of this, the star field was also designated as a dangerous area by Fanshen World, and it does not plan to continue exploring in that direction for the time being. Other worlds have not encountered traces such as chaotic viruses and eternal sublimators for the time being.

At the same time, as the center of the world of justice, the God Throne World is also stepping up reverse research on the technology of the Eternal Sublimator, and at the same time carrying out targeted weapon development. Carried out with the world of Markra.

The result did not disappoint Binghua. The scientific research team of God Throne World soon had new results. By improving the warhead that penetrates the implosion bomb, it has a more powerful destructive effect on the alloy armor used by the eternal sublimator.

The world of Marka gave up on this path of improvement, and independently developed a plasma rifle. Through the energy converter built into the gun body, the powerful energy in the solidified energy crystal is converted into high-temperature plasma restrained by a force field and emitted. , causing terrible damage to the enemy.

Any conventional material will be evaporated into nothingness by the high-temperature plasma, even the outer armor of the Eternal Sublimator's ground troops. If it is used with energy-breaking ammunition, it will be a fatal threat to any army of technological civilization.

Its theory is not complicated, and it is completely a model of Lida Brick Flying. The difficulty of its processing and manufacturing is also solved by the material printer, so this plasma rifle has the possibility of being equipped with a righteous army.

Binghua directly decided on a two-pronged approach, whether it was the improvement of the penetrating implosion bomb or the plasma rifle, I wanted them all, so shortly after the Ryderd World Defense War, all worlds, whether it was the elite legion or the defense army, found that their weapon systems , There is an extra big killer.

This allowed the ordinary defense forces to have weapons that could kill the elite legionnaires in one blow, and it also made the soldiers of these troops feel that they had not been abandoned by the world of justice.

(End of this chapter)

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