Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 637, frequent accidents

Chapter 637, frequent accidents

When that person turned around, Number Five's expression froze instantly, because that was not a face that a person could have at all.

The facial features can no longer be distinguished and are completely distorted into a ball. A split from the forehead vertically down to the abdomen is split to both sides, and several wriggling tentacles are ejected from the ferocious mouth full of sharp teeth.

No. [-], who was the closest, had no time to react, and the tentacle pierced through the tough armed guard system on his body. Afterwards, his whole body and clothes were torn in half by the tentacles, and blood rained down.

No. [-] was stunned, and the reaction was fear and anger. Blue flames spewed out from the muzzle of the gun, and solid-core bullets dedicated to electromagnetic rifles flew towards the monster with flying tentacles a few meters away. .

The power of the weapon in his hand did not disappoint No. [-], blood burst out from the monster's body, and the bullet hit a blood hole from front to back.

But what made No. [-] desperate was that the monster didn't fall down but approached him. No. [-]'s already frightened heart couldn't keep him going any longer. He turned around and ran, and at the same time panicked towards the captain in the communication channel. shouted:

"There are monsters! The captain has monsters! Xiao Wu is dead!"

On the other side, the captain who teamed up with No. [-] to search in the other direction was shocked when he heard the busy tone from the communication, something happened.

But before the captain contacted the members of other groups to let them return to the assembly point, a black shadow suddenly rushed out of a house in front of him, rushing towards the captain's direction.

The vigilant No. [-] immediately moved his gun to point at the running figure, and the captain also raised his gun, and at the same time ordered the other team members to round at the starting point in the communication.

But at the next moment, the running figure let out a roar that humans could never make, and then jumped over in a leap.

When the figure approached, the captain noticed that the figure was covered in blood and the unhuman black skin under the tattered clothes, so he directly and decisively pulled the trigger.

The figure was directly shot down in the air, and there were several bullet holes bubbling with viscous liquid on the body, which was like a signal.

A series of figures rushed out from all over the village. Among them were villagers and missing rescuers, but now they rushed out from nowhere in a swarm, and their appearance changed dramatically.

The alienated and non-human arm, the tentacles that popped out of the body, and the rough blue-gray skin on the surface of the body, all of which represent extremely dangerous and terrifying upheavals that have taken place here.

The captain and No. [-] team members under his command quickly retreated while shooting to delay the alienated villagers and ambulance personnel, and at the same time contacted the assault vehicle parked at the entrance of the village.

"Number two, quickly activate the vehicle-mounted weapon system to meet us, we are in big trouble!"

No. [-], who was sitting leisurely in the driver's seat and chewing gum, quickly stuffed the unfinished chewing gum on his lap into his pocket, called out the captain's location, and replied in the communication.

"I'll be there, hold on for a while!"

But before No. [-] turned the assault vehicle around, the captain's urgent words came through the communication!
"Number two, get out of here quickly! Get out of here and go back to Char!


The captain's words were interrupted at this point, and only the weird roar from the communication and the painful muffled sound of the captain could be heard. No. [-] contacted several other groups of companions, but they all lost contact.

However, the words that came again from the captain's communication soon made No. [-]'s heart extremely shocked and frightened.


At this moment, the village captain's body was pierced by a sharp claw, and a muscular humanoid monster taller than his physique lifted him in midair.

"You little guys who call themselves humans are so funny.

I didn't expect so many people to gather in this remote place!
But soon you will all be part of me. "

Feeling the body gradually losing consciousness, the captain asked with difficulty.

"who are you?"

Hearing this, the hideous-looking monster seemed to grin.

"Well~ Let me think about it, if you call me our names, I am the chaotic body in your mouth."

Hearing that the captain's pupils contracted suddenly, the 'chaos body' is recorded in the textbook of the world of justice, and it is a moving natural disaster in the universe.

The mighty world of Cloris was almost swallowed by the Chaos Body. If it weren't for the help of some goddesses, it might have become a part of the Chaos Virus.

Therefore, all worlds are extremely vigilant and vigilant against the chaotic body. Even basic education has added that if a chaotic virus is found to infect the biological chaotic body, it must be reported to the government of the world immediately, otherwise it may cause major consequences of destroying the world.

"Not sure, the chaotic body, they are all irrational monsters, how can you have wisdom!"

"What you're seeing is some cannon fodder responsible for cleaning up trash to provide biomass and energy.

I am the master of the chaotic virus, the perfect creature at the apex of all chaotic bodies. "

After speaking, countless protrusions appeared on the arm where the chaotic body pierced the claws of the captain's body, and then countless tiny tentacles extended out to penetrate the captain's body, completely enveloping it.

A few seconds later, the group of black-red tentacles enveloping the captain reintegrated into the arm of the chaotic body, and more information about the planet under his feet flooded into the mind of this perfect creature who claimed to stand on top of the ordinary chaotic body .

"Char City... Defense Force... Claude's Blade... Really interesting place..."


After listening to the conversation between the leader of the communication squadron and the chaotic body who claimed to be a perfect creature, No. [-] already knew that all the members of his team might have been killed.

Turning on the in-vehicle communication, No. [-] was going to report this key information to the headquarters, but what annoyed No. [-] was that the signal was lost for some reason.

Regardless of continuing to contact the headquarters, No. [-] directly started the assault vehicle and galloped towards the direction it came from, planning to leave here first and talk.

As the village at the back gradually disappeared from sight, No. [-] finally breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to contact the headquarters again, black and red tentacles suddenly gushed out from the console of the chariot in front of him.

No. [-] uttered a terrified cry, and the next moment, the window of the assault vehicle driving on the road was stained with blood, and there were also anxious words from the recovered communication channel.

"Call, call, call the headquarters, what happened to you, why did you lose contact just now!

Please reply if you receive it, please reply if you receive it. "

The assault vehicle continued to drive on the road, but no one answered the communication from the headquarters, and the direction it was driving was Char City, a prosperous place with millions of people.

(End of this chapter)

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