Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 647, Interrogation

Chapter 647, Interrogation

After a while, there were more than a dozen huge ships in the outer space of Crowder World. After Tianjian's intelligent analysis and scanning, the fleet was divided into three and started to disinfect.

When hundreds of demigod soldiers comparable to Claude's Blade prototype Astrid and the formed God Guard landed, the Chaos army retreated steadily and was quickly divided and wiped out.

The numerical advantages they are proud of have no effect in front of the demigod army, and they are matched with the secondary artillery fire support of the destruction-class warships in the sky.

The chaotic virus that had ravaged Crowder's world was suppressed without the slightest ability to fight back, and it was only a matter of time before it was completely wiped out.

Compared with the so-called purification of the entire world by the Eternal Ascendant without mercy, the means of the righteous world are extremely gentle.

God's Fleet first scans the area infected by the Chaos virus for distress signals and survivors. If there is no one, it will carry out a carpet bombing first, burning the Chaos virus aggregate and everything on the surface to ashes.

Afterwards, special penetrating warheads will be fired to disinfect the underground. If any survivors are found, a mixed combat team composed of demigod warriors and divine guards will be air-dropped to rescue the survivors with the fire support of the Destroyer-class warships. .

Just like the original intention of God King Binghua to establish a just world, she is a shelter for the weak. As long as she joins this big family, the just world will never give up its people no matter what the situation.

The most loyal fighters of the God King believed in this as their own code of conduct, and carried it out without hesitation, even if it would harm their brothers and compatriots, they did not complain at all, but regarded it as an act of honor.

Binghua did not return to the world of God's Throne immediately, but came to one of the destruction-class battleships, intending to wait until the chaotic virus in Crowder's world was controlled before going back.

"Goddess, all legions have completed the landing, the infected area of ​​​​the Chaos virus has been isolated, and the disinfection plan has been successfully implemented.

At present, the infection area of ​​the Chaos virus is shrinking, and it is expected that the Chaos virus in the air will be reduced to below the safe value in half a month. "

A demigod warrior wearing a silver ornate metal armor and a red cloak that symbolizes the status of the legion commander half-kneeled on the ground and saluted Binghua sitting on the large metal seat, and made a summary report on the current battle situation .

"You have done a good job, continue to implement the disinfection plan, and assist Crowder's world to completely eliminate the threat of the chaotic virus.

I will soon return to the world of God Throne, and all matters here will be handed over to you to control. It is necessary to restore the wounds suffered by Crowder's world. If you have any difficulties, you can apply for support from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. "

Binghua first praised the legion commander, and then handed over the affairs of Crowder's world.

"I will definitely live up to your expectations, goddess."

The head of the demigod army stood up after finishing speaking. His height of nearly three meters made him full of pressure, but he still couldn't overshadow the inexplicable prestige on Binghua.


The world of God's Throne, God's Throne, with the heavy metal door opened to both sides, revealing an empty isolation room behind, Binghua stepped into it first, followed by a floating rectangular silver metal coffin nearly two meters high .

When the metal coffin entered this isolation room, it began to decompose from the top into countless smoky substances that rushed to the armor on Binghua's body, turning into ornaments and patterns on it.

And with the disintegration of the metal coffin, one of the dying figures with penetrating wounds all over his body and a pair of white wings was revealed. He was the Chaos Angel captured by Binghua in Crowder's World.

After the Chaos Angel was controlled by several metal spikes and floated above the circular structure in the center of the isolation room, a layer of transparent energy immediately controlled the Chaos Angel, allowing it to float in mid-air.

Apart from talking and blinking, the Angel of Chaos can no longer make any other actions. This force field is the strongest cage, and anything that has not been recorded and recognized cannot escape from its imprisonment.

Along the way, Binghua has used the eyes of insight to check the dark information of Chaos Angels, but unfortunately, most of them are useless things. At the same time, because of the particularity of Chaos virus aggregates, Binghua can only see the recent information of Chaos Angels. things.

"If you bring me to your base camp, aren't you afraid that I will turn this place into a hell like Crowder's World?"

The Chaos Angel raised his head slightly, and there was no pain on his face. As an aggregate of Chaos Virus, he would not perish due to physical damage.

Only by destroying his body can he be completely killed. Thinking of this Chaos Angel is a pang of regret. He shouldn't use this body to carry the main consciousness, so that he can rely on the cover of the planet to make a comeback.

But what the Chaos Angels don't know is that the Justice World has already developed an inhibitor for the Chaos Virus. As long as the content of the Chaos Virus in the air drops below the safe value, the air and soil can be completely killed by spreading the inhibitor. The hidden chaos virus.

"You can try it, the location of this isolation room is not in the world of the throne of God, but in a folded space, and outside is a star in its prime.

If you think you can swim in the stars, you are welcome to try to escape here. "

The corner of Binghua's mouth curled up a slight arc, looking at the Chaos Angel's face as if he had eaten Xiang, a long-lost joy appeared in his plain heart.

To be honest, few of Binghua’s enemies are truly irreconcilable life-and-death enemies. The enemies she faced in the past were not male angels of the same race, or beast civilizations with opposite bodies, or female angels who were once as close as sisters.

There are really few things that must be eliminated like the chaos virus, so Binghua's behavior style has become arbitrary.

Seeing that the Chaos Angel stopped talking, Binghua directly asked what he wanted to know the most.

"Where did you meet the original civilization of your body?"

"How do I know, this happened tens of thousands of years ago, who would remember it so clearly.

Regarding the civilization of the owner of this body, we only need to remember their genes, and nothing else is important to us. "

Binghua frowned slightly when she heard the words, the answer was as if she hadn't said anything.

"It seems that you are of the same race as them, but what makes me curious is that they are of the same race and they are completely different from you.

If they were all as powerful as you, they wouldn't be a genotype in our gene pool. "

Chaos virus is very strange about this, because Binghua's power is not comparable to that of the angels he has encountered, and it is not even a little bit stronger.

"Your chaotic viruses all have variants and non-variants, so why can't we angels be strong or weak.

Although they have broken away from the leadership of Melo Heaven, they are still members of the Angel civilization. "

(End of this chapter)

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