Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 656, different paths

Chapter 656, different paths
Facing Binghua's contemptuous mechanical warriors, they didn't respond, and regrouped and divided into several directions to attack at the same time, and they cooperated from far and near.

Seeing this, Binghua lost the interest to continue speaking, the white wings behind her quickly flapped, and her body pulled out an afterimage in the space, avoiding several blasting purification rays.

Then the flaming sword in his hand burst into dazzling fiery red, met the energy blade slashed by the mechanical warrior, and burst out a dazzling torrent of scattered energy.

After a moment of stalemate, as Binghua exerted force again, he directly shook the energy blade away, then turned around on the spot and kicked it away, and at the same time, he also floated backward due to the reaction force.

At this moment, a blazing beam of light passed in front of Binghua's body. Its intention is self-evident, that is to inflict trauma on Binghua when Binghua is entangled by his companions.

And Binghua didn't mean to stay where she was. In the cosmic space, her physical advantages were not obvious when there was gravity in the atmosphere, otherwise Binghua would have disassembled them into parts long ago.

However, after wandering in the universe for so long, it was hard to come across a few things that could fight her, and Binghua didn't plan to resolve the battle quickly, otherwise these mechanical warriors would be gone in one go.

A few minutes later, Binghua circled the terrestrial planet a few times with the tails behind him, then suddenly flipped backwards and rushed towards them.

The two sides passed by each other, and the fiery red flaming sword cut through the body of one of the mechanical soldiers, breaking through its surface armor, leaving a wound glowing red, almost splitting it in half.

At this time, there were still four mechanical warriors capable of fighting, and Binghua continued to circle around with them unscathed.

On the one hand, Binghua is not in a hurry to leave here, and on the other hand, Yigao is bold and wants to see if the Eternal Ascendant has any other cards. After she returns to the world of justice, she can target it deployment.

When half an hour passed, there was only one mechanical soldier following Binghua, and the other three were destroyed by Binghua unexpectedly during this period.

This further proves Binghua's idea that machines are machines after all, and combat AI has logic to follow. As long as you find its weak points, you can easily destroy them like a bug.

It is obvious that these purifier-level mechanical warriors do not have the personality that can learn independently, only the most basic calculation logic and intelligence.

And most importantly, Binghua already felt that he had left enough time for the Eternal Ascendants. Since they did not send reinforcements over, it meant that they had no combat troops nearby.

Since this is the case, Binghua didn't intend to waste any more time, turned around to face the last mechanical soldier following behind, and swung several blazing slashes with a length of several meters in an instant, sealing off all the space around him to avoid.

After that, they quickly faced the rushing mechanical warrior. The weapons in the hands of both sides collided in space, causing a wave of scattered energy.

After a moment of stalemate, the boost provided by Binghua's wings directly overwhelmed the thrust provided by the mechanical warrior's flying wings, pushing his body back and flying backwards for a short distance.

Binghua raised his leg and kicked at his chest, then accelerated to catch up twice, the flame sword thrust forward suddenly, the fiery red sword tip easily broke through the mechanical soldier's chest armor, and sank into the core components behind it.

After struggling twice, the halo on the mechanical warrior's face finally dimmed and stopped running.

Binghua pulled out the flame sword and retreated to clean up the battlefield. Binghua was quite interested in the remains of the mechanical warrior of the Eternal Ascendant.

There is a big difference between the Kamigawa technology system and the Eternal Ascendant. The two are not going in the same direction, but they both have one thing in common, that is, the application of energy and materials.

However, the mechanical engineering of the Eternal Ascendant is more advanced, and the Kamigawa system also has a more thorough study of dark energy, and it has made great progress all the way.

The development concepts of the two are also different. Compared with the Eternal Sublimator, which pays attention to the balance between production efficiency and performance, the Kamigawa system is on the road of its own great power, and it is out of control.

However, in recent thousands of years of continuous contact with the eternal sublimator, Binghua discovered that the eternal sublimator seems to have gradually embarked on this path.

The mechanical warriors I fought against before proved that these cold metal technological creations, apart from not being able to apply energy drive technology, their conventional performance is already comparable to the second and third generations of angel warriors.

Binghua collected the bodies of the mechanical warriors with the idea of ​​reverse research, and reversed the technology used by the eternal sublimators from the wreckage, so as to enhance the technical level of the justice world and angels' mechanical engineering.

It would be even better if the world of justice mastered the technology to mass produce mechanical warriors of this level.


After Binghua cleaned up the battlefield, nearly an hour later, a shuttle-shaped device suddenly appeared on the outskirts of this planetary system, and quickly flew towards the terrestrial planet where Binghua and the mechanical warriors fought.

After successfully reaching the battlefield, the shuttle-shaped device suddenly disintegrated into several small pieces of armor and broke apart, revealing a silver figure inside.

It was the Destroyer No. 102 experimental machine that was arranged by the host of Sameiello to support the mechanical warrior. Compared with the lower-level purifier-level mechanical warrior, he had a higher-order appearance that resembled a creature of the Kamigawa body.

Its face has two prism-shaped multifunctional information collection devices with orange light similar to eyes, and a smooth metal mask at the mouth and nose. The body is also slimmer, and the outer armor has become lighter.

The back adopts the mechanical flying wing design that is customary for mechanical warriors, and its shape is more inclined to the style of wings. When it is folded up, it looks like two giant swords hanging on the back.

'Scanning and analyzing the situation on the battlefield, and did not find the wreckage and information of the Purifier class number 19-234 and other six aircraft, requesting the host to provide the next step'

Destroyer 102 hovered there quietly, like a sculpture, waiting for the next command from Sameiello's host.

'Destroyer No. 102, the target has gone to the position of 156-374-254 on the star map, and now I have a pursuit mission for you.

Target: King of Angels

Race: Shenhe body creature

Combat Evaluation: Extremely Dangerous

Destroyer 101 finally stopped standing still like a sculpture after receiving the task from the Sameiello host.

Adjusting its body in the direction of the positioning information, the back of Destroyer 102 spread out slightly like the wings of two giant swords, and then imperceptible light blue energy gushed out from the tips of the wings, propelling it to fly forward at a constant speed. Speeding up, it turned into a small dot in the blink of an eye and disappeared into this planetary system.

(End of this chapter)

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