Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 661, Wandering Inquiry

Chapter 661, Wandering Inquiry

"Stop, where are you from?"

The miniature spaceship that Binghua was on was stopped by four male angels not long after leaving the leap, compared to the armored and fully armed appearance of the Tiangong era.

The male angel Binghua saw at the moment was wearing a very simple alloy armor, and the weapon in his hand was also the most common alloy material, without any sign of being equipped with a weapon engine.

While Binghua was looking at the four male angels, they were also looking at the spaceship they were forced to stop.

There is a special pattern printed on the silver-gray slender, sharp-edged ship, which looks like an emblem, but they have never seen it before.

At this moment, the hatch of the spaceship opened, and Binghua, Karina, and Labyna flew out of it.

The male angel was surprised by Binghua's beautiful face, and saw Karina the next moment, and hurriedly greeted her with an excited tone.

"Karina, it's great that you're alive!"

"Captain Kaza is leading everyone to search for traces of you. Now the captain can finally calm down."

The remaining two male angels also echoed one by one, but Binghua was ignored by them. They only regarded Karina's companions, but the gorgeous armor was a bit eye-catching.

Afterwards, things were easy. With the guarantee of Karina, who is an internal member of the settlement, Binghua smoothly entered the real meeting point, a large asteroid.

Its interior is completely hollowed out, and there are certain basic technological life support facilities. The most important thing is that Binghua saw the old-fashioned angel information shielding equipment.

There are probably nearly a thousand angels hiding in this meeting point inside, and the asteroid is camouflaged outside. If the asteroid is not destroyed, it is difficult to see that there is a universe inside.

"This is the transfer meeting point we established more than 100 years ago to prevent accidents. As long as those intelligent machines hide here, they will not be able to find us."

Karina led Binghua through the hall with many angel residents, preparing to take her to the more spacious combat angel rest area.

Along the way, Karina kept telling Binghua everything about this meeting point, her tone was full of pride, without the loss of before.

The change in her mood came when she learned that her brother Kaza was still alive, and it seemed that her brother was very important to her.

Binghua thought so, but she couldn't find much fault with this meeting point, Binghua, but the residents hiding here, after her observation, found that almost all of them were angel civilians and angel children who did not have combat effectiveness.

Among them, there are fewer male angels in the prime of life, and most of them are weaker female angels, and judging from their worried faces, it seems that their transfer this time is not smooth.

Before Binghua continued to observe, the leader of this group of angels, a male angel named Kaza, came back, followed by dozens of male angel warriors.

"Sister, it's great that you are alive, I thought I was going to lose you forever."

After seeing his sister, Kaza rushed forward a few steps and hugged Karina tightly. The fear and worry in his heart finally dissipated at this moment.

Karina also hugged her younger brother who was half a head taller than her, stroking his back, and said softly.

"Sister, how can I die so easily, I am also a fighter anyway."

After venting their emotions with each other, the siblings separated, and Karina remembered to introduce Binghua to Kaza who helped them.

Binghua also introduced himself, but Kaza's reaction was very strange. After being stunned for a while, he smiled and thanked Binghua for his help.

After introducing herself, Binghua didn't bother Kaza and Karina's reminiscing about the past, turned around and left the rest area, and walked towards the front hall.

Binghua observed the many angels in the lower hall, and finally found her target, a female angel sitting in a corner wearing a brown dress, with blond hair tied behind her head, and a haggard face.

"Hello, may I sit here?"

The haggard-faced female angel just looked up at Binghua, then lowered her head again, and said a word without any anger.

"Sit down if you want."

After getting the consent, Binghua no longer hesitated to sit beside him, and then asked softly.

"Sister Angel, can we have a chat?"

"I have nothing to talk to you about, go find another angel."

After speaking, he adjusted his sitting posture, with his back to Binghua, Binghua opened his mouth, but finally did not bother her.

Binghua got up depressed to find another target, but before she could find another target, a female angel holding a child took the initiative to talk to Binghua.

"Sigh~ Eloran wasn't like this before, she was a warm-hearted person before."

"Sister, why is she in this state now? I think her complexion is very bad?"

Binghua saw that an angel took the initiative to talk to him, so he took advantage of the opportunity to chat, and the female angel woman who talked to Binghua may have been suppressed by the silent atmosphere in the hall for a long time, and finally found a woman who was willing to talk to her. Angel,
"It's pitiful to say that her husband died in the Cartel Star Wars in order to cover the evacuation of the people in the settlement during the attack a few days ago.

Afterwards, the spaceship she was on was also destroyed by the light beam emitted by the intelligent machine. The only child died in the explosion of the spaceship, and she was the only one who was lucky to be rescued.

Afterwards, Eloran remained like that, probably because she felt guilty about the death of her child, and when they evacuated before, more or less relatives died in battle, so no one had the time to comfort her.

Sigh~ When will such a day end..."

As she spoke, the angel woman also sighed, it seems that her life is not smooth sailing, and when talking about Ai Luolan, the look of pity, it seems that she also bears a sad story .

Time passed in the chat between Binghua and the angel women and female angels in the hall, and several hours passed in the blink of an eye. During this period, Kaza led the angel team in and out from time to time.

However, every time Kaza passed the hall, he would look at Binghua who was chatting with other angels more than once.

And Binghua also got acquainted with the angels and civilians in the hall because of her own temperament and taking the initiative to talk, after the dictation of each angel.

Binghua finally had an idea of ​​the angelic social form that purifies the star field in his heart, and the result exceeded Binghua's overdue, compared with the Tiangong era where men were superior to women.

The angels here in the Purification Starfield, because of the cruel external environment and the pressure of survival, the status of female angels has gradually risen as a last resort.

In addition to taking care of children, female angels can also learn knowledge to become technical angels and even warriors. However, since the angels who purify the star field still master the relatively primitive super gene enhancement technology, there are not many female angels who can become warriors.

Angels that have also undergone super genetic enhancement are often more powerful than females, so most female angels will take up logistical positions.

Karina is a living example. She is responsible for the daily management of the settlement, and she is also a rare female angel warrior.

(End of this chapter)

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