Angel Binghua of the super seminary

Chapter 667, Professional Specialization

Chapter 667, Professional Specialization

"Is this a just world!"

After the rays of light enveloping the angels across endless time and space dissipated, Kaza murmured involuntarily, because the surrounding scene was too shocking for him.

On the top of the head is a circle of giant ring-shaped metal creations, which are interlocking and stand like a plane in the starry sky. There is a thicker ring around the outer periphery, and there is a standing edge at a certain distance. shaped structure.

And below this giant structure is the wide platform on which their angels stand, and these platforms are just one of countless platforms in this space.

And the stars in the distance opened the eyes of Kaza and the angels. The ring-shaped metal belt circled around the star, just like his ring.

The planets and satellites in the planetary system also have dots of light representing the existence of civilizations and creatures, and there are even man-made platform cities located in the orbits of planetary satellites.

This is the center of the world of justice, the God Throne World, which has the most sound industry and the most cutting-edge technology in the entire world of justice. It also houses millions of demigod warriors and hundreds of millions of divine guards. And several god fleets with the destruction-class mothership as the flagship.

The reason why Binghua concentrated so many elite forces of the Justice World in the God Throne World is because there is a time-space gate system here, which can be quickly deployed in the entire Justice World's sphere of influence, saving the long assembly time.

Fortunately, due to the planetary transformation technology, all the planets in the world of God Seat have been properly planned, and no confusion has been caused.

The only disadvantage is that most of the resources need to be transported from other worlds, and the output of the god seat world can only maintain a small part of its own consumption.

When Binghua came back, the officials of the God Throne who had been waiting outside the teleportation area of ​​the Gate of Time and Space flew over immediately by shuttle.

Facing the officials from the Ministry of Internal Affairs who saluted him, Binghua nodded in response, and then spoke.

"These are my kin, scattered within the sphere of influence of the Eternal Ascendant, I brought them back, you will arrange a suitable world for them later, remember not to go too far from here."

"Yes, Goddess, I will make proper arrangements."

Binghua turned to look at Kaza: "Later he will arrange suitable planets for you to live in, where you don't have to worry about foreign enemies anymore.

When you are settled, remember to say hello to me, I need you to do something for me later. "

"Understood Queen."

Kaza nodded without any objection, and was then led by the Ministry of Internal Affairs officials to the prepared Doom-class battleship, ready to go to the planetary world that had been arranged in advance.

Binghua went straight back to the world of the throne of God. After receiving the news, Chi had been waiting in the room of the throne of God. Seeing Binghua appearing from the wormhole, a smile appeared on his calm face.

"Sister Binghua, you are finally back."

Speaking of Chi stepped forward and spread his arms, Binghua also smiled and opened his arms to meet him, and gave Chi Lai a tight hug.

Binghua looked at Chi in his arms tenderly. Although the two have always been called sisters, their relationship is not much different from that of mother and daughter. Binghua has always regarded Chi as his daughter.

"Sister Binghua, you probably won't leave the world of righteousness when you come back this time, right?"

After expressing his thoughts, Chi and Binghua separated, came to the back of Binghua who was sitting on the throne, wrapped around Binghua's neck like a child, rested his cheek on his shoulder, and asked softly .

"I will leave here after a while. I have already found out the whereabouts of my fellow clansmen this time, and brought back some of my fellow clansmen.

But there are still more angels living under the threat of the Eternal Ascendant. They are precarious and have been facing the siege of the Eternal Ascendant. I need to take them away from there as soon as possible.

Otherwise, sooner or later, they will all fall into the hands of the Eternal Ascendant, and their arrival will also solve a hidden danger in the world of justice today.

Chi, as a leader of the world, you should be very aware that it is impossible for all the people under your command to be of the same mind as you, and some of them are unavoidable.

It is impossible for you and me to focus on dealing with these scum every day, but angels can, as my kind, they have super-calculating brains and powerful power, status, rights and the like are not for them Things that are too important, because they are at their fingertips.

If they are filled into the army, it will inevitably have a huge impact on the current military system of the justice world. If a legion is established alone, the number of angels is too scarce.

Therefore, I am going to let them take charge of the inspectorship of the justice world, which is specially used to judge and clean up the dirty things in the justice world. "

Binghua's idea is very simple, to form a separate line of angels from the normal political system of the justice world, which can be regarded as a sword of Damocles, saving some worlds from obedience.

Binghua can tolerate the objections of her subordinates. If she can point out what she did wrong and make things better, Binghua will be relieved, but the only thing that can't be forgiven is eating inside and outside.

Another thing is that the wreckage of the Destroyer 102 brought back by Binghua, Binghua has the most say in the combat effectiveness of the Destroyer 102, so after returning to the world of God, he immediately mobilized a lot of scientific research power to reverse engineer it .

Leaving other things aside, if the Destroyer's charging armor manufacturing technology, miniature purification reactor and many other technologies can be successfully cracked, it will definitely not improve the world of justice at all.

Although Angel's technology is powerful, many of them are not used by ordinary people who have not been strengthened by super soldiers. This is the difference in the technology system. Binghua intends to change, but it takes a lot of time and energy.

As the leader of the world of justice, the strongest, and still has his own research to do, Binghua has no skills to spare, so he can only temporarily learn from some technologies of the eternal sublimator to improve the technological level of the world of justice.

On the other side, after receiving the combat data transmitted from Destroyer 102 before losing contact, Samei Ailuo modified and optimized some shortcomings of the Destroyer's body after careful analysis and a large number of calculations, and then went online immediately Five new Destroyer production plans.

They are close-range fighting type 103, fire support type 104, ultra-long-range sniper type 105, concealed assassination type 106, and guerrilla investigation type 106.

These new types of Destroyer mechas are all specialized in one aspect, and have specially strengthened the combat capability in one aspect. The purpose is self-evident, and it is to target a certain angel king who always sabotages their actions.

(End of this chapter)

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